JESTABLISHED 1890 Y, AW 46 1,66. -A-.Aho .Ail t r t~Ul MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1931 PRICE FIVE CENTS VOL. XLI. No. 102 EIGHT PAGES COURT PROTEST MAY STOP SALE OF N.Y._'WORLD' 3,000 Employees Voice Protest Regarding Attempted Sale. CASE POSTPONED Paul Block Presents 'Better Offer' to Owners. Nordbye Proposed as Federal Judge ANDERSON AVSS T SPAKTHERE SPER VISORlS VOTE' PLAN FOR p ND L TO RETAIN LUICK, CONTRO L l' OF IQO*.MCALIN OFFC FOSTER DEATH BILL APPROVED BY HOUSE; LEADERS FEARFUL OF MINORITY I N VOTE TODAY (By AssociaIed IPress) I NEW YORK, Feb. 24.--Em- ployees of the New York World -3,000 of them, their spokesman said-raised a united protest in Associated Press Phog surrogate's court today againstl sale to the Scripps-Howard inter- Gunnar N. Nordbye, ests of the newspaper on which Who was nominated as federal they earn their livelihood. judge in Minnesota by Herbert So Paul Block, publisher of Hoover, won the selection only af- seven newspapers from Brooklyn ter a controversy with Senator to Los Angeles, made what he Thomas D. Schall, who fought for called "a better offer" than that t h e nomination of Earnest A. of Roy Howard and his group, and Michel.1 announced that if the three sons of Joseph Pulitzer would sell the New York World to him he would give the employees 45 days in which MIIT R S~~ to buy it from him at the same terms. H ,I Foley Defers Judgment. And Surrogate James A. Foley deferred until tomorrow morning or later his decision as to whether it is legally possible, under the rigid Pulitzer will, for the sons to dispose of the morning, evening, and Sunday World. What began late yesterday as aE perfunctory action to merge the World papers with the New York Telegram and supposedly to unite all in one evening newspaper to be called the World-Telegram, be- came today an impassioned, hear- ing at which the men who work on the World pleaded for a chance to continue on a co-operative basis a newspaper "with traditions worth preserving, the traditions of Jo- seph Pulitzer." Block Makes Offer.1 It culminated in a written offer by Mr. Block to Herbert, Joseph and Ralph Pulitzer, as trustees of their father's estate, in which he proposed that he buy the paper, pay cash for it, and give the em- ployees a month and a half to acquire it from him. Thebrothers may consider the offer if Judge Foley rules that the paper is saleable. State Bulleins (By A ssoiated Kress) February 25, 1931. GRAND RAPIDS-E L e v e n men and three women were arrested here today when 200 police and American Legion volunteers crush- ed a Communist demonstration at the city hall. Speakers were arrest- ed when they started their speeches. IU u111 IIUI UUILUJ Wickersham Committee Would Establish Bi-Partizan Commission. ADDRESSES MERCHANTS! Body Would Have Power to Fix Alcholic Content, Price of All Liquor. (Vv llssociuic Press>) WASHINGTON, Feb. 24.- Cal. Henry W. Anderson, member of the Wickersham law enforcement com- mission, explained his plan for gov- ernment liquor control to the New York Merchants Association today, enumerating five major points in its favor. It would, he contended, preserve the benefits of the present law in elimination of the saloon, would be readily adaptable to our system of government, would be flexible, would take the profit out of the liquor traffic, and would provide the government with revenue to devote to social welfare "to defeat crime at its source." Provides For Commission. .The plan, in brief, provides for a bi-partisan national commission with powers similar in scope to those vested in the interstate com- merce commission. The liquor commission w o u I d have the power to fix the alcoholic. content of all liquors, to fix the price and regulate every aspect. At the same time there would be one or more national corporations cre- ated by Congress with exclusive p o w e r to manufacture, import, transport in interstate commerce, and sell to similar state agencies all liquors of more than one-half of one per cent alcoholic content. States would have the option of continuing prohibition within their borders or adopting the system. Has Been Political Principle. "From the time of the American Revolution," he said, "the concep- tion cf natural and inherent rights of the individual as limitations up- on the powers of government and majorities, has been an acceptable principle of our political f a i t h. Whether it is sound it is useless to inquire, for its interests would exist as a stubborn fact which cannot be ignored either in legisla- tion or in the administration of the government." COMEDmY CLUB PLAY' 'WIL L OP EN TO iH T IStrait Jacket' Will Run for Three Nights in Lydia Mendelssohn. John Towner Frederick, 1 Editor of the Midland, literary magazine, who will lecture here this afternoon on "Creative Writing in College and Subsequent Publica- tion." Frederick founded the Mid- land in 1915 and has edited it con- tinuously since that time. F IEOER l'K TO lG IVE TALK HEIIRETODAY' Motion Passed, 17 to 12; John Lawson, York Township, Defends Members. REVIEW ROAD RECORDS Charges of Irregularity Made (by A. R. Bailey, Deposed Engineer-Manager. By a vote of 17 to 12, the Wash- tenaw county board of supervisors late yesterday pased a motion re- taining in office the two road com- missioners who, since the dismissal of A. R. Bailey, engineer-manager of the commission, have been a target of criticism. The motion, introduced by John! Lawson, York township supervisor, i culminated a two-day session in which the two commissioners, Geo. W. MeCalla, chairman of the board, and Otto D. Luick, second ranking member, appeared before the super- visors to answer charges of "irregu- larities." Motion a Surprise. The motion came as a surprise. It was made after the York township supervisor had commented on thei honesty and integrity of the two officials. Those who voted to retain the, commissioners were: John Lawson, Don Comstock, Fred Blumhardt, and George Beckwith, all members' of the investigating committee; C. Fred Staebler, Elmer Sanderson, Edwin Scheible, George Cahill, Ar- thur Heininger, Charles Walz, Leigh Beach, James Howlett, George Al- ber, Albert Trinkle, Carl Mast, El- mer Mowrer, and Edward Foster, chairman of the board of super- visors. Voting against the motion were: Harry Raschbacher, E. J.1 i-sjs -vst ^u.- - - V" - at your name?" asked Ted Madden, federal naturalization examiner, 3f t h e prospective candidate for citizenship. "My nickname," the candidate replied, "is Vazil Ferencsik." ' "But your full name will have to go into the official records," Madden explained. "Alright," Vazil said with a sigh. "My real name is Vazil Ras- ko Serarrazoceincmooceuigear- mociccour. I'll spell it for you." I iirnn T by Vazil's Name DT1RO'TT TPoh 925J-What, i~ ..V.J.LA 4 't 4J.~ Founder of Midland, Periodical, to Di Creative Writin Literary scuss .g. E t f i S i z Grave Doubt That Capital Punishment Bill Will Pass With Two-Thirds Majority Voiced by Endorsers of Law. LANSING, Feb. 25.-The Foster capital punishment bill was whipped through a heavy gauntlet of debate in the house today to approval but with grave doubt that a final vote tomorrow will favor a referendum at the spring election, April 6. A target for the jibes of veteran opponents of the death prin- ciple, the bill was endorsed with the referendum intact but gener- ally scarred and bruised from its deluge of sharp words, ridicule Officer Troubled and criticism. Foster Says Science Gives ClueI to Existence, Meaning of Religion. How science in its recent advanc- ed state of development can give a clue to the existence and mean- ing of God was the main theme of a talk last night by Dr. Allyn K. Foster, well-known Baptist church- man and lecturer. D r. F o s t e r brought out ther wonder and di- vine significance of the a t om ic emphasised t h e point that as the' atom draws i t s energy from some vast reservoir of physical power, so Lthe human spirit -an get in touch Dr. Foster with an immeasurable source of di- vine power. The speaker showed that regardless of creed, or religion we must all admit the presence of some non-material, all-enveloping, spiritual substance that pervades the universe, and which can be con- sidered as God. Dr. Foster is a graduate of Balti- more City college and has attended Johns Hopkins, Yale university and Brown university. During the war, he was Y. M. C. A. secretary in France and Germany and has been actingpastor of churches in Brook- lyn and Worcester, Mass. SDean Rea Says Permits Must be Secured TodayI John Towner Frederick of Chi- cago, editor of the Midland, literary magazine, will speak in a University lecture at 4:15 o'clock today in the Natural Science auditorium. The subject of his address will be "Cre- ative Writing in College and Sub- sequent Publication." Frederick founded the Midland in 1915 and has edited it continu- ously since that time. It has at- tained a high standing among dis- cerning readers throughout the country and is recognized today as the chief organ for the discovery and presentation of young writers of literary promise. It is also re- garded by critics as the one Amer- ican magazine which is wholly free from commercial standardization and the formula which usually marks publications of that kind. The magazine is noted for its dis- covery and introduction of a large number of writers. Fredericks is also the author of numerous novels and English text- baoks. i-ie was professor of English at the University of Iowa for a number of years previous to hisl founding the Midland in 1915. The offices of the magazine were moved from Iowa City to Chicago last year. The editor is now offering a course of lectures at Notre Dame, and is a lecturer on the staff of the Medill' school of journalism of Northwest- ern. I F 5 ALUMNII[ILL IGHT MILL TAXCTTN i IILRU5 IU UUNMIDLB lAX MIll FFFFPflI. Eibler, -Charles Pardon, Herman! Ehnis, J. C. Herrick, William Pom- merening, James W. Galbraith, Gil- Ruthven, Smith Visit Lansing bert Madden, M. J. Grosshans, Har-, to Confer With Governor ry Atchison, Austin Robinson, and Brucker. Emmett Gibb.B Activities Checked. I The activities of the commiskion- Dr. Alexander G. Ruthven, presi- Tehe atibesenfutercutissince dent of the University, and Shirley ers had been under scrutiny steW. Smith, vice-president and busi- Bailey's dismissal. The ousted engi- ness manager, left yesterday for neer-manager immediately coun- Lansing where they will discuss itered with charges of irregularity, with Gov. Wilbur M. Brucker the' city specific mstances in which ac- results of the proposed mill tax cut tions of the commission were al- and its effect upon the 1931-32' leged to be illegal, _budget for Michigan. The governor's wishes for such a SENI[ Nmeeting were made known to the' officials of the University by a tele- phone call after protests against such a cut and its subsequent effect upon the University had been voiced by persons from all parts of ! the state. Annual Crease Party to be Held Although the meeting of the di- Mar. 27 According to Plans rectors of the General Alumni as- sociation with President Ruthven Given Out by Baer. last Sunday was not called for the specific purpose of discussing the The twenty-seventh annual Crease I cut, it is understood that the dis- dance, premier social function of 1 cussion did enter into the meeting the senior Law class, will be held and many influential members of Friday night, March 27, in the the alumni groups have indicated Lawyers club according to plans their intentions of entering a cam- announced yesterday by Theodore paign to keep the University out of C. Baer, '31L, general chairman of politics and free from the disas- the committee in charge of ar- ! trous results of the mill tax cut. rangements. I At least two meetings of the Tickets for the dance will go on alumni have already taken place. sale today, the sale being open to No definite plans for action have senior law students only. The num- been made as yet but it is under- ber of bids will be limited to 120, stood that the entire alumni or- Baer said. At the time of the pur- ganization in the state is preparing chase of dance tickets, invitations to aid in this work. will be distributed. These invita-E tions are in the form of summons1 to the- "°Su reme Crease Court in ' rI IID IPr At the end of the debate, lead- ers professed doubt in private conferences that the bill will be able to muster the necessary two- thirds margin tomorrow to give it immediate effect. The vote is neces- sary if the measure is to be placed on the spring ballot. Rules Suspended. The bill was fought out on the floor after the house judiciary com- mittee had rushed it there without :ecommendation as to its passage end without amendment earlier in the day. Rules were suspended and the measure was given immediate ,onsideration under a warning that quick action was needed to place it on the spring ballot. As the measure proceeded along its rough channel, proponents lis- tened to a charge of "passing the buck to the people" time after time. Opponents of the referendum ral- lied together enough strength to bring concern to leaders who desire an early settlement by the people of the biennial issue. Three Amendments Added.' Three important amendments were attached to the measure be- fore it had completed its journey on general order,. Representative Wiles W. Callaghan, of Reed City, who vainly fought to delay consid- .ration, was the author of two. T'he house adopted his amendments to include murder of an officer while transported to prison as one of the offenses for the death penalty. It also inserted his amendments to make the state instead of the coun- ties pay for the legal fees of de- fendants too poor to hire a private counsel. The murderer would be sent to Jackson prison after his conviction by the lower court and pending a, review of his case by the supreme court. 75 U DERHCLASSMEN TRYIOUT FOR 0DAI A crowd numbering several thou- Students wishing auto permits3 sand, which had assembled to wit- must secure them not later than1 ness the demonstration, an out- today in the office of the dean of' growth of the "International Un- students, W. B. Rea, assistant to employment Day" handled several the dean, announced yesterday. men roughly. State license plates must be pur-1 ~chased by March 1, and violations' DETROIT-Whether the Wyan- I of the auto ban through failure to dotte municipal electric lighting apply for 1931 tags will be prose- plant is to be sold to the Detroit ( cuted under the automobile regula- Edison Co. for $2,000,000 will be de- tion. cided upon by the voters of that A minimum of five days is re- suburb April 6. The Wyandotte quired for applications for Uni- plant, which was opened 30 years versity permits to reach Jackson,' ago, last year had a net profit of be made up, and returned to the $205,000. office of the dean.f CADILLAC-City Attorney Wil- .. liam H. Yearnd, announced today Television Preser that the city is looking for some- body to arrest in order to have a for Inventive L test case on municipal law requir- ing a license for radio receiving -- sets. Clarence V. Snazel, secretary OR anyone who has had an of the Michigan Municipal League, idea on new words-perhaps has requested that a test of the I has coined a word which he or she law be started. would like to see in use-here's the "Strait-Jacket," by Prof. John L., Brumm, of the journalism depart- went, will open at 8:15 o'clock to- night at the Lydia Mendelssohn theatre, presented by Comedy Club. Two more performances will be giv- en, tomorrow and Saturday night. The play was written for the Na- tional Drama league contest, and placed second. Among the mem- bers of the cast are Mildred Todd, '32, Stanley Donner, '32, Kathryn Kratz, '32, Janet Woodmansee, '32, Palmer Bollinger, '31, Harold Hu- bert, '33, and Richard Humphreys, '31. Comedy Club will present the play in its original form. Profes- sional production was conditioned upon a change of the tragic de- nouement of the play, a change which Professor Brumm refused to sanction. Tickets may be obtained at the Lydia Mendelssohn box of- fice. Next be Alumnus Editorial Says Will be Brought to on Politicians. Meetings of Staffs Will Held This Afternoon in Press Building. Pressure Bear nts Opportunity an guage Experts factory. All are too awkward, illogi- cal, or badly derivated. "Televi- sion," a combination of Latin and Greek root, offers no end of possi- bilities for a perfectly good word. The New York Times, by conduc- ting this symposium mong educa- tors, hopes to find a word which may be used with perfect ease and which will not be too awkward or too far from the original root. Dr. Ruthven needs suggestions, and anyone with an idea may perhaps Pressure will be brought to bear by University alumni on politicians at Lansing who aim to cut the Uni- versity's Mill tax, is the predictior of an editorial in the current issue of the Alumnus. Speaking of the conference lasi Sunday between President Alexan- der G. Ruthven and alumni offices the Alumnus says: "Out of that conference will come an alumni activity calculated tp bring forcibly to the attention o: Michigan's governor and those leg- islators who are now favoring the cut in the University's Mill tax, a sense of the power of the alumni and certainly of their opinions. "If ever there was an opportun- ity for every last alumnus of the University of Michigan living in the state to do something for the Uni- versity," the editorial continues; "it is here right now. And if some- thing isn't done right now, twc years later it will have to be done and then for a UnUiversity which will be a much different Michigai than it is now-and the differencE won't be for the better." a t e and for the County of Ecstacy, State of Crease" and will be mailed to women guests. An established feature of the Crease dance will again be repeated, this year with the annual publica- tion of the Crease paper, a tabloid scandal and razz sheet presenting I all the latest gossip among the _. _ Three Prizes Will be Offered to Winners of Current I~ ~ nt~rr Cntest, faculty and students of the Law I Porto Ricans Tonght school. Kenneth Stone, '31L, will I The annual New York Times cur- - edit this year's edition of the The University of Michigan-Uni- Crease paper. rent events contest will be held at versity of Porto Rico debate, which Negotiations with several nation- 2 o'clock Tuesday afternoon in is to be held at 8 o'clock tonight in ally known orchestras are now room 2219, Angell hall, it was an- Hill auditorium, will be presided under way, Baer said, stating that nounced yesterday by Prof. Everett over by Prof. Jesse Reeves, of the announcement of the band selected Brown, of the political science political science department, it was will be made soon. announced yesterday. Members of the committee are department, who is in charge of The visiting team debated last Baer, chairman; Stone, editor of the contest, which is open to all night at the University of Toronto, the Crease paper; Margaret Henc- graduate students. and will meet Notre Dame tomor- kel, '31'L; Albert Hass, '31L; Addi- I Three prizes are offered. The first row night at South Bend. son Connor, '31L; William Coultrap, prize is $150, the second, which is) '31; and James Rood, '31L. awarded only to an underclassman, Pr consists of $75, and the third prizeg oosedAmendment T. D. Weldon Inspects is $25. The winning paper will be Goes to Conference sent to New York for competition Campus in Tour of U.S. in the intercollegiate contest, where (P' sociated Press) - n ,. ;1 . ;- W A S N -T NT 0 vN pi-A More than 75 sophomores and second semester freshmen reported at the Press building yesterday afternon to tryout for The Daily e-itorial and business staffs. There will be another meeting at 4:30 o'clock this afternon in the offices for the men who reported yester- day and for any others who wish to tryout today. A large group of women students also signed up as tryouts for the women's editorial and business staffs. The freshmen will be divided into three groups to learn the essen- tials of news story writing, proof- reading and exchange writing. Debaters Will Meet chance of a lifetime. Yesterday af- GRAND RAPIDS-A chance for ternoon, President Ruthven receiv- revenge will be given the Grand ed a letter from The New York Rapids Y. M. C. A. swimming team Times' radio editor, Orrin E. Dun-I when they meet the University of lop, asking him to be one of a group Michigan swimmers here March 4. of educators who will choose an The University mermen defeated 'English word for people who see the local team earlier this year at and hear television. It seems that Ann Arbor. there is no such word now in cor- r