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Pubica in te ulti is c ructive notice to all members of
the Uiiivcrsit y. Copy receiVed at th1 oftee of the Assistant to the
President until 3:30, exceptiig Sundays. 11:30 a. m. Saturday.
Nursery Sectiou of Faculty Women's Club will meet at the Leaguej
at 3 p. in. Mrs. Letha Olds, of the Ypsilanti Normal College will speakj
on sight conservation and testing the eyes of the pre-school child. A
practical demonstration will be given. Everyone who is interested is
cordially invited.
Michiganensian Business Staff: There will be a meeting of the
entire business staff at 4:15 p. m. Everyone must be present to receive
instructions for the coming work.
Freshmen men who are interested in working on the Michigan-
ensian business staff report to the office at 4:15 p. m.
Gargoyle Business Staff and new Tryouts will meet at 4:15 in the
Press building.
Notice: Dr. James W. Clover will meet those interested in the Sup-
plemental Annuity plan 'C(en1ly proposed by the Regents, in Natural
Science Aud itoriumi at 4 p. mn., t oday.
Srrbert C. Watkins, assistant secretary.
All freshmen enrolJing in (he University for the first time are re-l
quired to k three cxaminations, and should report for these at 4
o'clock on Wednesday, February 25, and Thursday, February 26, in room
205 Mason hall. This room is directly above the Office of the Registrar.-
Content Examinations in 'alh atics and English will be given on
Wednesday and a Generni Psw hological Examination on Thursday.
The time required will be about ln hour and three quarters the first
day, and an hour and a euartar the 520ond day.
These examinations wi Iake precedence over all appointmentsx
including class work. It is .:rniai that you be there and that you
be on time. C. S. Yoakum, Vice-President.
Faculty, Schoo o1 ducati:: There will be a Faculty luncheon and
meeting at the Michigan Leaguc on Monday, March 2, at 12 o'clock.
University Lecture: M:. Richard J. Neutra, Architect, of Los Angeles.,
California, will lecture on the subject, "The New Architecture," Wednes-
day, February 25, at 4:15 p. in., in the Auditorium of the Architecture
building (room 102). The public is invited.
University Lecture: Mr. John Frederick, Editor of the MIDLAND,
will lecture on 'Creative Writing in College and Subsequent Publica-
tion," on Thursday, February 2 , at 4:15 p. m., in N. S. auditorium. The
public is cordially invited.
All students are welcome at any of these meetings and services.
Dr. Allyn K. Foster, Secretary of Baptist Board of Education will?
lead a discussion at 4:15 p. in., Baptist Guild House (Huron near State).
Rev. J. Walter Malone, student pastor of University of Illinois will
speak on the subject "Religion on the Campus" at the Presbyterian
Student Center (Washington south of So. University).
Dr. D. Stanley Coors, of Kalamazoo will talk to students following
6:00 o'clock supper at Wesley hall (State near Huron).
Rev. William F. Robison, S. J. of Loyola University, Chicago will
conduct a mission for students at St. Mary's Chapel (Williams and
Thompson). Masses 7:00 a. ra. and 8:00 a. m. and Rosary at 7:30 p. m.
Rev. Curtis W. Reese, of Chicago, Dean of Abraham Lincoln Centre
will talk to a group for townspoople on "Religion and Community Life"
at 7:30 in the Unitarian Church Library (State and Huron).
Bishop William P. Reming:-ton, of Eastern Oregon will be the cele-
brant at Holy Communion Service in the Chapel at Harris hall (State
and Huron), at 7:30 a. m., followed by breakfast. Informal discussion
at 4:00 p. in., at Harris hall. Ile will be the speaker at a special student
conducted service in St. Andrews Church (Division and Catherine),
at 7:30 p. m.
Rev. Harvey Colburn, of Ypsilanti will lead a discussion at the
Congregational Church (State and Williams), at 7:30 p. m.
Organ Recital by Palmer Christian, in Hill auditorium at 4:15 p. m.
Actuarial Examinations: The review class in Trigonometry will not
meet today.
Mechanical Engineering Seniers: Mr. R. L. Ripley and Mr. W. E.
East of the Fuller Lehigh and Babcock & Wilcox companies, will be in
room 221 West Engineering building for the purpose of interviewing
any men interested in employment with this company.
Mechanical Engineering Seniors: Mr. J. H. Burgess of Proctor and
Gamble company will be in the Chemical Engineering Seminar room
for the purpose of interviewing any men interested in employment with
this company. Please make appointments in the office of A. H. White.
Tryouts for the Michigan Technic: All men wishing to try out for
the Michigan Technic should be present in room 3036, East Engineering
building at 7:45 tonight. All staff members are requested to be present.
Fresh Frolic: There will 'be an important meeting of the Froshj
Frolic Committee in room 304 of the Union, at 3:45 p. m.
Finance Committee, Junior Girls' Play: It is essential that every
member of the comittee report to the W. A. A. office in the League build-
ing today as soon after 1 o'clock as possible, to send out mail order
blanks for the play.
'Varsity R.0 . T. C. Band: The concert band will rehearse tonight
promptly at 7:15.
Ccngregational Students; Rev. Harvey C. Colburn of Ypsilanti will
lead a student discussion at 7:30 p. in., in the church parlors. You are
urged to be present.
Hillel Foundation: Rabbi Bernard Heller announces two classes.
Tonight at 7:30 and every Wednesday thereafter at the same time he
will discuss "Judaism in the Light of Modern Thought." His topic this
evening is "The effect of the theory of evolution on Judaism." On
Friday evening at seven twenty and each Friday evening thereafter he
will conduct a class "Aspects of Rabbinic Thought." All students are
invited to be present.
Daily Tryquts: All tryouts for both the editorial and business de-I
partments of The Daily should report at the offices on Maynard Street
at 4:00 o'clock this afternoon. Tryouts for the Women's staff will meet
at 5:00 o'clock. No experience is necessary but eligibility rules will be
Lecture, Fine Arts: Mr. Wm. M. Hekking, Director of the Albright
Art Gallery in Buffalo, will lecture on "Modern Art Forms and their1
Relation to the Great Art Movements of Other Periods" (illustrated)
Tuesday, March 3, at 4:15 p. in., in the Natural Science auditorium. The
oublic is invited.
Mr. John Moody, President of Moody's Investors Service, will speak
on "Financial and Business Outlook for 1931," at 4:15 p. in., Friday,
February 27, in room 1025, Angell hall, under the auspices of the School
of Business Administration. All interested in hearing Mr. Moody are
invited to attend.
Accountants and Industrial Engineers: Arthur Anderson, C. P. A.,
of Chicago, will address the Detroit Chapter, National Association of
Cost Accountants on "The Major Problem Created by the Machine Age"
at 8 p. in., Thursday, February 26. The meeting will be held at the
Fort Shelby Hotel and will be preceded by a dinner at 6:30, price $1.50.
Students and faculty of the University will be welcome.
History 47; Make-up examination: Students absent from the final
examination with excuse will report for a make-up examination on
Saturday, February 28, at 2 p. in., at room 1011 E, in Angell hall.
Geological and Geographical Journal Club will meet Thursday, Feb.
26, in room 4056 N. S., at 8:00 p. m. Dr. M. W. Senstius will speak on
"Travel Impressions of Russia." (Illustrated).
SBromnage Advoca es Home Rule
- ;.: as Less Conpiica ted,
(Continued from 1'ge 1)
population is drawn into 35 coun-
ties in the southern portion. Tihe
remaining 15 per cent is spread
thinly over 43 counties in the
northern part of the lower penin-
sula and the upper peninsula.
Michigan has one block of nine ad-
jacent counties with atot1 popu
lation of 47,031. This .goup must
support nine county jails, nine
court houses, nine probate courts,
nine boards of su erviors, and
nine complete set. of county offi-
c ers. The burden becomes stagger-
h{} ing when other a gencies of local
government are considered. The
Associated P'ressPhoto nine counties are sub-divided into
President Hoover .ed the nation in observance sof Washingtons 93 townships, 14 villages and cities
birthday by attending services at Christ's Episcopal church, Alexandria, and several hundred school dis-
Va., where he sat in a pew once occupied by the first president. Left to tricts.
right, Dr. H. A. Latane, vestryman, Mrs. Hoover, Peggy Ann, grand- "No reasonable man in the auto-
daughter Mr. Hoover, and D. N. Rust, vestryman. obile age would map out the
present jungle of small counties
-and townships in Michigan. How
REESE OUTLINES Baptist students' open discussion at long must we be ruled by the doc-
4:15 o'clock at the guild house. Dr. trine that a county shall be of such
UNITARIAN AIMS D. Stanley Coors, of Kalamazoo, the size and its seat so located that a
farmer can drive to the courthouse
(Continued from Page 1) second speaker of the Methodist and back with horse and buggy
sion at 4:15 o'clock in Harris hall, program will talk to a group of between sunrise and sunset? One
He will also be speaker at a special students at a supper at 6 at Wesley of the most obvious needs of 1931
. hall. is the reorganization of county
student conducted service wt 17:30 The Presbyterian activities of Re- lines to coincide with regional units
o'clock in St. Andrews church. ligious Emphasis week get under of economic, social and political
Rev. William F. Robison will con- way at 7:15 o'clock tonight at the significance."
duct a mission for Catholic stu- Presbyterian student center. R1ev,
dents at St. Mary's Chapel. There J .Walter Malone, student pastor a-t
will be a Rosary at 7:30 o'clock to- the University of Illinois will talk
night. on the subject, "Religion on the
Dr. Allyn K. Foster will lead a Campus."
- - ------- -- -
day, February 26, at 2:30 p. m., in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre.
Entertainment in charge of the Music and Drama Sections will include
a short play under the direction of Miss Amy Loomis. Tea will be served
in the Ethel Fountain Hussey room. Unpaid dues can be paid at this
meeting or sent to Mrs. J. H. Hodges, 722 Whaley Court.
Socialists-Men and Women: There will be an organization meet-
ing of the Michigan Socialist League Thursday, Feb. 26, at 7:30, room
304 Michigan Union. All socialists are invited to attend.
The officers and directors behind
this institution are men in whom you
would unquestionably place your con-
Any business transacted by this
bank is carefully supervised by them.
This Is a safeguard which you can-
not afford to miss.
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Forestry Club Meeting Feb. 26, 7:30 p. m.,
Science building. William H. Long will show
Animals at Home and Elsewhere." There will1
by Dr. Ned Dearborn.
in room 2039, Natural
some films of "Large
be a brief introduction
Union Tryouts: Meeting of second-semester Freshmen and Sopho-
mores who wish to try out for Union positions Thursday at four in the
Seniors in Engineering and Chemistry: Mr. J. H. Burgess, Jr., of Student Offices on the main floor of the Union.
Proctor and Gamble company Ivorydale, Ohio, will be at the University _
today to interview seniors ,nd graduate students who may be inter- r Wrestling Squad: The 'Ensian picture will be taken at Rentschler's
ested in their work. He esoecially desires students who have majored in studio tomorrow at 12:15 noon. Be there promptly. It will not be
Chemical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering or Chemistry, and who, necessary to bring tights.
have scholastic records which are above the average. He will interview
students in other departments of engineering who are especially desir- Senior Ball Committee: An important meeting will be held in room
ous of employment by his firm. Please make appointments with Miss 306 of the Michigan Union, Thursday, Feb. 26, at 7:30 p. m
McKim in room 2023 East Engineering building, phone 454.30
Sr R
The value
of the finest
foods served
at regular
hours is vital
to everyone.
You owe it
to yourself to
eat at the
Parrot, where
special fifty
cent luncheons
and dinners
await you,
It is more
than a
pleasuire to
eat at the
Parro t
Faculty Women's Club: The February meeting will be held Thurs-
Romance Languages Journal Club meets in room 408 Romance Lan-
guages building at 4:10 p. in. The following papers will be presented:
"Notes on the French-Canadian Language" by Prof. Anthony J. Jobin;
"A Review of Fidao-Justiniani's in Qu'est-ce qu'un classique?" by Mr.
J ue J E(nA errand,
A. S. C. .: Regular mn,'etit at 7:15, in room 1213 East Engineering
Chemical Enginm n Scm iar: Dr. Lars Thomassen will address
the Seminar today at 4 o'cltk in room 3201 East Engineering building
on the subject, "X-Ray Radiography, Theoretical and Practical."
Seniors, School of Education: Class dues will be collected Thursday,
and Friday in U-hall, and in U. high, from 9-12:30. Men may place.
their orders for caps and gowns now, at Geo. J. Moe's. An official re-
ceipt for class dues will be necessary before orders are taken.
Union Executive Council: Meets at 5:00 o'clock.
The'sophy: Reglar meeting in the Michigan League at 8 p. m.
Mr'. Gill will speak on What can India teach us?
Theta Sigma Phi meets at 8:15 tonight in the League building.
Miohawk Valley Club: There will be a meeting of the Mohawk Valley
Club Wednesday, February 25, at 8 o'clock in room 302, Michigan Union.
All persons living in or neai Utica are invited to attend.
5 up
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custoln -lrailor f
Liberty at State
CheCk Colds with
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