THE MICHIGAN DAILY tanu ilk I every morning except Monday during the University year d in Control of Student Publications. of the Western Conference Editorial Association. ociated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for re- of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise this paper and the local new.s published herein. at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second Special rate of postage granted by Third Assistant Generale ion by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50 Ann Arbor Press Building, Maynard Street, Ann Arbor, Phones: Editorial, 4925; Business, 21214. EDITORIAL STAFF Telephone 4925 MANAGING EDITOR RICHARD L. TOBIN cctor ..............................Beach Conger, Jr. ...............Carl Forsythe ............ .. .......David M. Nichol r ......... S.Sheldon C. Fullerton itor........ ............Margaret M. Thompson ctiols ....... . ..... ........Bertram J. 'Askwith ty Editor......... . ..... .... .....Denton C. Kunze ws Editor........... ..............Robert L. Pierce ........................ .....William F. Pyper NIGHT EDITORS conceived it. For the Greeks, abnormal psychology and disproportion of emotion were matters of no con- cern to tragedy. Our reviewer is not the first to try to make melo- dramas of the tragedies of Sophocles. Nor is he the first to hide his vagueness behind such impressionistic will-o-the-wisps as "sensitive experience," "emotional tone," "plastic rhythm," "fine meaningful curves of tonal beauty," "nervosities," "the tempo of things," and "broader rhythms of the production." I respect- fully submit that such terms sound more pregnant than they really are, even to their authors. To be honest, I must say that they mean almost nothing to me. They represent a confusion of dramatic criti- cism with criticism of music and art. I am inclined to suspect that if Mr. Gorman or anybody else dis- covers a connection which was really intended be- tween the dance and the action, he has received a hint from the performers. The dance is not an in- tegral part of the play, and adds nothing valuable to it. We need less discussion of the purely personal impressions of the reviewer and more of the funda- mental objective considerations of action and charac- ter. The apostle of impressionism or sensationalism, whether he be an actor or reviewer, will do well to ignore classical drama, for he can never interpret it truly. Mr. Gorman has admirably interpreted Mr. Henderson, Miss Yurka, and Miss Graham, but in doing so, has missed Sophocles. Irving Goldman. OIL DEAR ME Here we have been edtiting this column scarcely a week and already someone is offended: At least that's the impression we got from the let- ter printed below: (appropriately censured) Mister Smiley that ------ You have got a lot of ---- and thinking you are funny when you make fun like that of our little High-School "news-bee" in your column. We may not be quite as smart as you ------- are, Mister Smiley, but you don't have to make us look like bums your riot so awful hot. In spite of the fact that even if you did try to conceal the identity of the newspaper you were "-------" in your column the other day you can't make cracks about the "-" Club and get away with it we don't like it at all. Some time you will be sorry, Mister --- -- -------, and go too far you wait. We hope that nothing like that, which has given us quite a lot of embarrassment, and no little anger and we're mad, will ever creep into the columns of you're column again. Hoping you are------- PATRICK HENRY. cth sciffert Denton C. Kunze George J. Cullen Kennedy Jerry E. Rosenthal A. kStautikr t Arn agley E. Sports Assistants sWilber J. Myers John W. Thomas John REPORTERS' heim James Krotozyner Y JRobert 1Merritt Becker Henry Meyer nnellan Marion Milezewski ooper Albert Newman Harrison Jerome Pettit per John Pritchard man Joseph Renihan rt Elsie Feldman t Prudence Foster ockman Georgia Geisman )flins Barbara Hall idall Martha Littleton nmings Susan Manchester CileIfiller Charles A. S. Townsend Sanford nof 1reha BrackleysShaw Parker Snyder Ford Spikerman Alfred Stresen.Reuter William Thal Glen Winters Charles Woolner Margaret O'Brien Eleanor Rairdon Marjorie Thomson Anne Tobin Alma Wadsworth Jocephine Woodhams a 4 Music and Drama III I BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 21214 S T. KLINE...........................Business Manager P. JOHNSON.........................Assistant Manager Department Managers g ......................Vernon Bishop g ...........Robert B. Callahan ig .................................William W. Davis ..... ...............Byron C. Vedder ns....... ... .....,.............William '. Brown on ..................Harry R. Begley ... ".... ..Richard Stratenieer Secretary........................ ......Ann W. Verner Assistants nsen Willard Freehling Thomas Roberts Bursley Herbert Greenstone R. A. Saltxstcin A. Combs loha Keyser Bernard E. Schnacke ark Arthur F. Kohn Grafton W. Sharp Dalberg BernardL. Good Cecil E. Welch .Finn James Lowe Bayless Ann Gallmeyer Helen Olsen ecker Ann Harsha Marjorie Rough Field Rathryn Jaekson Mary E. Watts Fischgrund D~orothy Laylin hrynI nna Be ievieve 'ilic F NIGHT EDITOR-DENTON KUNZE TUESDAY, JUNE 2, 1931 ur Prohibitionists isit France. MERICANS have come to resent the general European attitude toward them. They insist y are not boors, that they have as high a cultureI the average Frenchman or Englishman. It is, course, impossible to settle this controversy. But r side has been considerably weakened by the :ions of one of the z8 mayors of leading cities o are guests of the French people at the present A IEis a somewhat dextrous, fairly amus- ing comedy of the squabble of two women- one dull, prosy woman, the other a brilliantly mali- cious woman of the world-for a man. It is, on the whole, a trivial play. Its real merit lies in the fact it gives two actors with comic sense and style a plausibly motivated opportunity to talk at one an- other with bright hardness and delicious antagonism. In the production given this week the two actors are Blanche Yurka and Reynolds Evans. Just as appears to have been the case when the Theatre Guild did it with Alfred Lunt and Lynne Fontanne, the actors are distinctly the thing. The fete galante atmosphere is one of the thea- tre's unique contributions. Of course it appears in the other Arts. But in the theatre there is a crys- tallised form for it-the comedy of manners. The excellent artificiality which this form insists on is enjoyable release from the more prevailing senti- mentality of life and literature. These artificial peo- ple do, as Ilse says, give Life, which is too simple, "nuance." That is comedy's fine reversal of the truth tragedy insists on, that life is so complex that its nuances torture even the hreoic. As Ilse also says, you can spot the people all over the world who believe in the comic truth by the tips of their tongues. Their talk is a coruscation of epi- grams. To play one of these people requires real style, real ease, real certainty in an actor. To main- tain this artificial attitude is a, terrific strain. The actor must conceal that strain. The actor must manage to constantly convey the impression that he is really enjoying creating "Nuances." To thus de- lineate the cynic's hard-won, hard-maintained joie de vivre is one of the hardest tasks the theatre can set an actor. Miss Yurka, then, displays real vir- tuosity in going from Electra to Ilse von Ilsen. She plays this role with grace and irrisistible guile. Rey- nolds Evans similarly plays von Eckhardt very amus- ingly. They play excellently to one another (though it is possible they could play more rapidly, less lan- guidly). They both have joy which is the mark of good comedy style. In their manner there is a sug- gestion of savouring the part they are playing and' the way they are playing it. This joy in technique coincides with the character's joy in creating "nu- ances"; and thus are the characters made real and vivid. It is a pleasure to watch Miss Yurka and Mr. Evans. "Caprice" is perhaps most interesting as a prediction of what can be expected next week when, these same actors will have the, real thing-the best of all comedy of manners-to work with: when they will play Mirabel and Millaman. W. J. G. The outstanding example of stupidity came at Havre, when Mayor John C. Porter of Los An- geles, the town that has produced Aimee Semple MacPherson, walked out on a dinner when a toast to the presidents of France and the United States was proposed in champagne. Even though the wine was of a respectable age and vintage, Mr. Porter's principles would not allow him to show a lack of respect to the American constitution. Since we do not know how near the next elec- tion is in Los Angeles, we must admit that Mr. Porter's principles may have some sincere founda- tion. It is possible, with a little effort, to swallow the statement even of a mayor of Los Angeles. But the main point is not altered. Stupid mor- ality, long a deadweight on American mental pro- gress, is manifested in many ways. Such dunder- headed overriding of the niceties is typical. It seems that the ways of a gentleman and the ways of a politician are divergent in more than one way. But we say this with charity in our souls, for we' realize Mr. Porter is only a type, acting typically. The article signed '32," which ran Saturday morning under the heading of "Editorial Com- ment," by mistake, should have been headed "Cam- pus Opinion.-The Editor. Campus Opinion Contributors are asked to be brief, confining themselves to less than 300 words if possible. Anonymous communications will be disregarded. The names of communicants will, however, be regarded as confidential, upon request. Letters published should not be construed as expressing the editorial opinion of The Daily. To the Editor: N OW that the last performance of "Electra" is ' history, the temptation to review the review of the production ,is irresistible. Mr. Gorman seems to have the ordinary modern obsession against every- thing traditional. If we could call tradition by some other name, it would seem that any artist might profit at least as much by what the best men of all ages have thought as he could by his own whims, or even his own reason. The aversion to all tradi- tion, which is more blind than the most tyrannical tradition, has apparently led our critic to suppose that if modern audiences can find anything worth while in the play, it must be something new which modern producers and actors have discovered. Mr. Gorman is fair enough to stipulate that new styles of production should not convey "anything WHAT ABOUT THE MICHIGANENSIAN? The recent Michiganensian has been criticised pretty freely lately, the main tenor of the criticism be- ing that the book has gone to the dogs. (Especially to white ones with black spots). A comparison of the present Michiganensian with the publication might prove to be en- lightening. (Note: This column is not trying to vindicate Mr. Dusen- birdy). The 1910 volume begins something like this: "There are times when a traveler toiling up a mountain suddenly reaches a warm sheltered peak whence he can survey the valley far below him. He lays aside his burden, wipes the sweat from his eyes and views the landscape. Grad- ually, insensibly, his tired muscles relax. He forgets the lofty, ice-clad peaks he still must scale and lets his fancy wander back to the lowly valley whence he came. So shall we today, from our sheltered coign of vantage, look, back over the path this great 'intitution of ours has . travelled, and from the difficulties which have been surmounted in the past, take renewed courage to meet the trials of the future and renewed appreciation of this beautiful home of ours." The 1931 volume, scorning liter- ary preludes, opens with this sent- ence: "The present day campus is not the logical product of the mod- ern University and student temper." Editor Jas. S. Lawshe, in 1910, says: "Here where life is untram- meled and things are new, liberty in its broadest sense has found a dwelling place, liberty which eter- nally battles against caste and un- just discrimination. Editor Dusenbirdy, in 1931, says: "Aside from creating absurd stu- dent inhibitions and lending a de- plorable provinciality to Ann Arbor life, the parental policy of the Uni- versity is detrimental as to its own i interests. The continuous abortive exposal and discipline of student life before gleeful reporters has built up a press bread line that is responsible for the public metamor- phosis of our glorified boarding school into a debauched Valhalla for high school rakes." In 1910 the Michiganensian stated that: "The Student Council during the past year has vindicated itself in the estimation of its critics .... By its failure to cope with the Star Theatre situation a year ago last fall, the Council had been severely criticised and it is particularly for- tunate that its members have this year so adequately demonstrated the efficiency of the Council in dealing with great Campus prob- lems." Editor Dusenbirdy, on the other hand turns out these choice bits: "If the Student council should cease floundering after the Senate Committee will 'o the wisp, the stu- dents could more clearly see . . etc." And again: "The long overdue removal of the Student Council from the university scene would be only another step in the rational- ization of the Campus." Editor Lawshe, '10, looks forward and says "To you, Michigan, we pre- dict a future worthy of such a grand institution." Editor Dusen- birdy, '31, looks backward and draws a "contrast to the sterile autonomy of the old campus." Some tell us that the old policy ilk L111 1 , III 0 STUDENT RECITAL R UTH McCORMICK and Marjorie McClung, voice students of Prof. Arthur Hackett of the School of Music, will give a joint graduation recital at the School of Music tonight at 8:15. Piano accompani- ments for Miss McCormick will be played by Ava i Comin Case, of the Piano faculty and for Miss Mc- Clung by Helen Van Loon, a piano student. Both students have made splendid reputations in their numerous student appearances. Their joint program will be as follows: Clair de Lune . ............Faure Papillons .................... Chausson Green .............................Debussy Barcarolle ..........................Gounod Ruth McCormick The Bird of the Wilderness ........ Horsman The Shepardess ...................Horsman The Black Bird's Song ........... Cyril Scott Moon Marketing ....................Weaver Ecstasy ...........................Rummel Marjorie McClung' Air "Depuis le Jour" from "Louise" ...............................Charpentier Ruth McCormick Aria "0 mio babbino caro" from Gianni Schichi ...........................Puccini Girometta ...........................Sibellat Stornello ............................Cimara Ouvre tes yeux bleus ............. Massenat I Hymne au soleil .....................Georges Marajorie McClung The Soft Footed Snow ...................Lie 17 I ^ 1- -- - - W - a i