THE MICHIGAN DATT2Y' es 1 u0, f ~tI [!1t#ON ElOS IIBED AS AID1 S W ik eieves New Statutes f decl dImprovement i Proedute. kUS PASSE RECENTLY ~if ~o Nqw&stem for R~eout~ ~lL, and Better local; election boards, de- esed,.election expenses, and gen- ov nt nthe ;elec~ton se ill Abe the result ohan es rovided for in the three bill~ s- A,: dJ~i~te ichigan legislature at 4 ' sio, Prof. ,James K. Po -. : of the political science depart- ket said yesterday in an inter- Pro °fessor .PolIock was .a embr f the commissionr which recom- iencled the passing of the bills. ;~~e r mea t Mn of the ~mission w n ot c_ptad by the ,gisltr.fThe "is4im to stand- Mize and iipiify the methods of rnducting elections -in 'the state. "Among the changes provided in wse bills," said Professor Pollck, si ~ tely new sstem =for oon- acotingr1ecounts. All recounts, un- er thex~wpzo~s~s~wili 4e con- iicted- in the locality where the ispute occurs but under the-super- L . of the state board of canvas- eaS . Vie'composition of local ,rd £ has been changed so that he iburd of ;county -election corn- O skn~rs will now act as the >ad of coiunty oanvassers. SAd .lane amef t 4n the state re - WIT; saute provdes' that ,M soon . ~y man is recalled from office ie must leave that office and i not Li'ble, to-run in the succeeding ctuKo.= The provisions were also kengt ened o require signatories " Yftall petitions to be registered .-:in order that they mnight be hbecle.. "The; power of the secretary of gate has beeny greatly increased in 'fier t6 nmake hime in fact as well . "n ae the chief supervisor of Iectjn C Under the new system; es"V4ile power of regulating ele- 10~ Sto the extent of promoting Mic ey and unifority, anid pro-, ding for, better ioal boards. One Bill lDefeated. "LThe, repea* of the preferentialI ofs&denial primary law and the r cticaI, elimination of the cau- us hre the remaining items of im- Ortanoce which were advocated by 4,e -ommission and passed by the Mal~ture; the chaanges in the cor- .P ractices act being in the bill bich was defeated in the judici- 0y committee of the house of rep- eseentatives. The defeated bill was sported out unanimously by the .cti'n s"committee and discussed acommitee of the whoe before . 0.Detat the hands of the se- "lofthese changes have. been