BLISHED 18901 i. Lw i1w I atl33 r I MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS I It No I EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN _ _ , No. 175. i EIGHT PAGE5 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, JUNE 2, 1931. PRICE FIVE CENTS TER ITIES ETQ 0 PE Pi RT Bi _ _ _ _ - ttee Announces Winners of' Hopwood Awards A DING SYSTEM A9NGE OPPOSED ic FACUTY ME nmittee's Report on larking Approved at Meeting. TE UNANIMOUS ny Suggestions for Revision Offered; All Rejected. 'ext of Report on Page 8) e report of the committee on rading system, which, in a and concise summary, went cord as oposing any change marking system now in use e lit'erary college, was ap- d yesterday at a meeting of culty, dispelling-for a time, ast-any possible hope for Michigan First University to Adopt Marking System Now in General UseAmongColleges I Was Novel When Adopted by Faculty at .eeting in 1912. The use of honor points in the marking system, adopted in 1912 by the faculty of the literary college, appears to have been a novelty, if not an innovation, Dean Walter R. Humphreys said yesterday. Since that time, the point system has been adopted g e n e r a l lyJ throughout the country, he said, adding that an editorial notice in the Harvard Bulletin, written soon afterward, explained the system and praised it. Until 1912, instructors in the lit- erary college reported students as Passed, Conditioned, or Not Passed. On February 14, 1912, the faculty adopted a system of grades and honor points which, with minor changes, is the one used at present. The minutes of the faculty show that adoption of the new system was recommended by the adminis- trative board, which at that time was composed of Dean Read, chair- man, Professors F. M. Taylor, Max Winkler, J. L. Markley, A. G. Hall, E. H. Krauss, J. P. Reeves, A. L. Cross, C Bonner,E C. Case, T. E. Rankin, and C. P. Wagner.' A few years later, Dean Humph- reys said, the minimum require- ment of 120 hours and 135 points was changed to one of 120 hours and 120 points. Still later, the min- imum requirement was changed to read, 120 hours and at least as. many points as hours, thus pre- venting a student from graduating with, say, 130 hours and 120 points, that is, with less than a C average. The latest change to be made was the deduction of one honor point for each hour of E grade. Without this deduction, it was found, Dean Humphreys said, that students with certain counts of hours and points would be damaged more by D than by E grades. This was later correct- ed. EDU CATOR SOE TEACHINGMETHODS Hutchins Criticizes Educational System for Economic Depression. COMMON COUNCIL1 APPROVES B0UYIG Of MARHKET SITE Municipal Trading Center Will Take Vendors From Streets Near County Building. AMOUNTS REVISED IN MA9JO RFILDlS: STHREE WIN SI 500 I. Injured in Crash Boillotat, Bonner, Gorman First Places for High . Excellence. Get i SALARY OPINION GIVEN EIGHT MINORS SELECTED Laird Shows That City Officers Should Not Benefit From' Services Rendered. Purchase of a site for the muni- cipal market in order to remove it from streets near the court house was approved by the Common council last night, and an opinion was received from city attorney William M. Laird painting out the illegality of city officers' receiving payment from the city for services' or goods. The aldermen decided not to ap- No Specific Fields Mentioned;t Wide Variety of Writing Is Submitted. vote, Dean John R. Effin- d, was unanimous. Only a iscussion following submit- the report by Dean W. R. reys, chairman of the com- on File. ommendation ~te "was, that s be collected e committee much to im- our examina- taken on the In drawing up the report the committee, the membership ofM which included Dean Humphreys, and Professors Peter Field, of the mathematics department; J. N. Lin- coln, of the Romance languages department; I. L. Sharfman, of the economics department; and A. E. Woodhead, of the zoology depart- ment, consulted with the heads of various schools, faculty members, and students. A study of the find- ings made by Registrar Ira M. Smith was also made by the committee. Many proposals for revision were considered by the committee, the report stated, but its failure to rec- ommend any of them was due to m a j o r i t y opinion against any change. No Sure Cure Found. "The committee has not found in any of the proposals, however, a sure cure for the ills which afflict the body academic," the report stated. If it had, it would champion that plan . . . The committee has not found in any other system even an assurance that it would yield more advantage or involve less dis- advantage than our present system.1 The committee can only recom- mend, therefore, that our present system be retained." Included among the changes pro- posed was that involving the addi- tion of more grades, a system used (Continued on Page 8) State Dulletins F Bri Asswctad Press) F Friday, May 29, 1931 PONTIAC - Gerald F. Grandon, former teller, was sentenced to from 25 to 40 years and Adam Mor- gan and Lewis Kish to from 20 to 40 years in Michigan State prison by Circuit Judge -Frank L. Doty upon their pleas of guilty to rob- bing a bank of $13,000 a week and' a half ago. LANSING --The supreme court ruled today that Justice E. J. Mill- ington, of Cadillac, had no author- ity to hold Frank Harrand, a young farmer, in jail because the judge did not believe Harrand's BTI O0 10IN BUSINESS SHOWN Monthly Report by Department of Commerce Indicates Improvements. WASHINGTON, May 31.--(IP)- The commerce department report- ed today that business conditions generally showed continued and in some instances, marked improve- ment during April. Greater than seasonal improve-l ment was shown by manufactures of f o o d products, automobiles, leather and shoe products, cement and tobacco, but iron and steel and non-ferrous metal products manu- factures were smaller than in March. "April was the third consecutive month," the department said, "in which the volume of business in the United States, after allowing for normal seasonal trends, showed further expansion from the low levels established in January, while the seasonal decline occurring in early May has been slightly larger than usual." BEREA, Ky., June 1.-()- The prove further paving in the city present economic situation was until at least July 1, wk hen the city's blamed on an educational system accounts will be balanced, by refus- that teaches men and women facts ing to rescind a ruliig passed last but not how to use them by Dr.I year when the city's finances were, Robert Maynard Hutchins, presi- strained. dent 'of the University of ChicagoTotal Price $21,000. who s teUesiofhi o' The new market site consists of day. spoe at Berca college here to- the Luick and Feldkamp properties Prior to receiving from his father, in the 400 block of Fourth street Dr. William J. Hutchins, president and will be purchased at a total' of Berea, an honorary degree of price of $21,000. $10,000 will be paid doctor of laws,, the Chicago univer- r rtxitder in sity president delivered the com- yearly installments of $500, includ- mencement address closing the ing principal and interest. seventy-fifth anniversary of the A bill to prevent outsiders from mountain college. He termed It selling on the market produce they one of the few educational institu- had not raised themselves was giv- tions that would be missed if it en its second reading. should disappear. Attorney Laird, in presenting his The elder Hutchins, 69, in adding opinion on payments to city offi- to the honorary degrees of his son, cers, pointed out that the law, sup-. was the first college president- j ported by judicial action, prohibits father so to honor his own son, a stockholders of corporations doing college president. business with the citycfibm holding Sir. Wilfred Thomason Grenfell, office. He indicated that the council medical missionary of Labrador, re- could do as it chose in obcying this ceived a similar honorary degree. law. ______________Will Ignore Statue. It became apparent immediately BOOTH FELLOWS IPfthat they preferred to ignore it in its more technical applications when they accepted the bid for custody of city funds of the Farm- ersand Mechanics bank, in which Alderman William A. Paton and C. C. Freeman are stockholders. Architectural Student Awarded A special open hearing on the i ht Annual prize proposed municipal court will be held tonight in the council cham- in Competition. ber, Alderman Walter C. Feldkamp announced. Wednesday night a Judges in the George G. Booth public hearing on street closings Traveling Fellowship c o m p e t i o n will be followed by a meeting of the have awarded the eighth annual ordinance committee to consider prize to Lorne E. Marshall, '31A, of dust-laying on unpaved streets. Strathmore, Quebec. Marshall has The regular council session was a distinguishing record as an ar- adjourned to next Monday night.1 chitectural student and is a mem- ber of Tau Sigma Delta, national fl honorary architectural society. The jury awarding the fellow- ship consisted of B. V. Gamber, president of the Detroit chapter of the American Institute of Archi-T tects; Amedeo Leone, of Smith Hinchman and Grylls, Architects and engineers of Detroit; Herbert Proposal Prompted by Desire G. Wenzell, of George D. Mason to Avoid Drastic Action and Company; Raymond Carey, architect; Claire W. Ditchy, archi- tect of Detroit representing the r.1 .ThT nf at iI~1 ~1 J J l Names of the winners of $13,000 I in major and minor Avery Hopwood .and Jule Hopwood literary awards for 1931 were announced yesterday by the committee in charge, togeth- er with changes in amounts of the . prizes., Instead of flive major prizes of $2,500 each, confined to separate fields, three of $1,500, six of $1,000, and one of $500 were given for gen- eral excellence, since most contest- ants submitted work in several fields. Eight minor prizes of $250 Senator K. D. Kellar each were also given.J Gorman Wins $1,500. MEMPHIS, Tenn., May 31.-(IP)- The $1,500 awards were made to Senator K. D. McKellar, of Tennes- Dorothy Boillotat, '31Ed, Sue Grun- see, suffered fracture of four ribs dy Bonner, grad., and William J. and cuts and bruises, and A. H. Gorman, '31. Gorman has been the Lawo, Memphis business man, also music, drama, and literary critic of was cut and bruised as their auto- The Daily and The Sunmmer Daily mobile ran off a highway near Co- for two years. vington, Tenn., late today and over-' Lorna D Chambers, Helen For- ed. The accident was Senator tune, grad., Jean Gilman, grad., McKellar second within a few Vivian Hopkins, Frances Jennings, months. '31, and Elizabeth W. Smith, spec., were given the $1,000 prizes. Rich- li ard Humphreys, '31, won the $500 major award, in addition to one of U T 5N $250 in minor drama. Original Prizes Split. The committee in charge of the LOOMS, IN AMERICA competition announced that the _ _ major prizes were split because Dispute Between Church, State there were many entries of nearly equal caliber and it was felt "it was Threatens to Extend to impossible to award the full amount United States. of $2,500 to any single person with- ---_ out doing injustice to others equal- ROME, May 31.--(P)-The pos- ly deserving." sibility that the United States may The original plan provided for be drawn into the dispute between the five full prizes in the fields of the Catholic church and the Fas- fiction, essay, poetry, and drama. cist government appeared tonight No specific fields were mentioned, when- Papal Count Edward Hearn, the committee said, because most head of the Knights of Columbus, competitors submitted work of wide announced that he would file a variety. protest tomorrow against the clos- UNANIMOUS VOTE CSTOHIKJUDiIARY'01S ACT Council Rejects Ruling After Half-Hour of Discussion. OPPOSITION FIRM Worden Gives Reasons for Passing of Act by Committee. Veto of the open party ban was the unanimous vote of 45 fraterni- ties assembled at 7:30 o'clock last night in the Inter-fraternity rooms at the union. Only 13 members of the council failed'to appear at the session which was one of the most exciting in the history of the or- ganization. Action was taken in less than a half hour after discussion was opened by Howard T. Worden, '32, president of the council and chir- man of the judiciary committee. Worden outlined the reasons for adopting the measure, "The plan was taken as a means to an end in order that the judi- ciary committee would not have t take action against houses," he said. The party ban, it was believed by the committee, w ou l d alleviate drinking at fraternity dances. Strong Opposition Evident. - - Strong opposit9o:r tt'e 'plan Was evident from the opening of the meeting, with spokesmen point- ing out that such an action would not necessarily take disciplinary burdens from the shoulders of the committee. Such a ban would de- stroy the social life of the campus, as well as place further undesirable restrictions on the individual fra- ternities, it was pointed out. "Fraternities should h a v e the right to make such decisions for themselves. They are the ones to be responsible for guests, and it is ridiculous to exclude out-of-town guests, alumni, not to speak of friends on the campus from the fraternity homes, merely because certain individuals are said to have been intoxicated at dances," one member stated. Campus Termed Dry, Belief that conditions on the campus do not necessitate such an action, was expressed by another member whor pointed out that Michigan is probably one of the driest schools in the country. "If such an action had been proposed four or five years ago when there was probably a necessity for it, the present plan might have met with approval. But, at present, there is no necessity what-so-ever for so strict a ban being placed on fra- ternity rights," he said. Nine fraternities are now on virt- ual probation, it was revealed be- fore the meeting. This action has been taken during the year by the office of the dean of students, be- (Continued on Page 8) TREASURY TO ISSUE. RETIRBEMENT BNS Long Term Securities Totalling $800,000,000 to Be Sold on June5. WASHINGTON, May 31.-(#)- The first move by the treasury to replace its huge short term securi- ty issues with long term bonds was announced tonight by Secretary Mellon. He said an issue of 18 year 3 1-8 per cent bonds totalling $800,000,000 would be sold to the'public on June 15. The bonds will be used to re- tire $589,000,000 of certificates of STATUTE REVOKED BY, JUDICIAL BODY Supreme Court Calls Minnesota Law Unconstitutional in Decision. WASHINGTON, June 1.-(A)- A broad view of the freedom of the press was taken by the Supreme Court today in a 5 to 4 decision which held unconstitutional t h e Minnesota law under which the Saturday Press, Minneapolis week- ly, was suppressed. Chief Justice Hughes delivered the majority opinion and Justices Holmes, Brandies, Stone and Rob- erts agreed. Justice Butler read the dissenting opinion in which Jus- tices -McReynolds, V a n d e Vanter and Sutherland joined. The decision was the same as in the opinion upholding Indiana's chair store tax. The Minnesota statute, passed in 1925, provides for the supression of a publication held to be malicious, scandalous or defamatory. The Saturday Press in 1927 pub- lished a series of articles on vice conditions in Minneapolis and Hen- nepin county in which it assailed r A s C j 71 J i 1 r t A[ i Minor Awards Made. Minor awards of $250 in poetryt were made to Ruth Duhme, '34, and William V. Mulroney, '32; in fiction to Florence Musser, and JosephineE H. Stern, '32; in the essay to Evelyn L. Bull, '32Ed., and Harold Court-J lander, '31; and in drama to Court- lander and Humphreys. The minor drama awards were made two weeks ago after Play Production had presented the out- standing works for final selection{ by the judges. More manuscripts, and ones of better quality than had been antic- ipated were submitted, though deft- nite figures are lacking, Prof. Roy W. Cowden, one of the members of the English departmentmcommittee in charge, said yesterday. "The winning manuscripts were fine, finished pieces of work, and the entries in general were of " good quality," Professor Cowden said. ' Next year the contests will prob-I ably be started earlier, he contin- ued, because the judges were rushedf too much in making their decisionsa this year. It is expected that the entries will (Continued on Page 8) Union Tryouts Asked to Register This Week Freshmen wishing to try out for positions on committees of the Un- ion should register between 3 and 5 o'clock on any day this week, at the student offices in the Union, Hugh Conklin, '32E, president, an- ing of playgrounds and clubhouses of his organization. The breach between the Italian government and, the Vatican wid- ened today with the receipt of in- formation that four bombs were ex- ploded near Catholic property at Bologna, with Premier Mussolim continuing to close Catholic Action clubs throughout Italy and with Pope Pius XI denouncing Fascist education as "given to hate, irrev- erence and to violence." In an address before a group of ecclesiastic at the Vatican, the Pope announced he would appeal to the Vatican treaty and the con- cordat as a basis for a solution of the difficulties. He said the Cat.h- olic Action society "had been and is most precious" to him. A brigadier of the carabinieri pa- trol was killed, by the bomb at Bologna and another soldier and a civilian were injured. Thirty per- sons were arrested, the prisoners all young Fascists. C. C. Teague Resigns Farm Board Position WASHINGTON, May 31.--(P)- Charles C. Teague resigneed today as vice-chairman of the farm board with the conviction that "during the last two years more progress has been made in co-operative marketing thandhas been made in any previous 10-year period." He told President Hoover so in a letter of resignation made public today, in which he set forth the de- velopment of co-operatives as the board'.s most important work. alumni; and five members of the architectural faculty. The problem in the competition was a memorial building, to house an auditorium and offices for pat- riotic organizations such as the American Legion, the Sons and the Daughters of the American Revolu- tion, and the Red Cross. There was also included in the project a small museum and library. Bennett Announces Revision of Tariffs OTTAWA, June 1.-(AP)--Premier R. B.'Bennett, in his annual budget .speech to the house, today an- nounced extensive changes in Can- ada's tariff, most of them upward Chancellor Bruening and Foreign Minister Curtius propose a mora- torium of German war debt pay- ments at the Anglo-German con- ference at Chequers this week, it is safe to say that the proposal will be prompted only by a desire to avoid a reaction at home which they believe might oust the presentj German cabinet and p ossibly threaten therepublic itself. The moratorium, it is learned, should it be proposed to Prime Minister MacDonald or Foreign Minister Henderson of Great Brit- ain, will be asked on the ground that other avenues of ameliorating Germany's economic distress are closed and that unless alleviation) ,