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May 30, 1931 - Image 8

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1931-05-30

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>tice to all members
of the Assistant to
1:30 a. m. Saturday.


NO. 174


The r

ar June
be held

in room1

will be considered
Effinger, dean.

will be a faculty meeting and
:day, June 1, at 12 o'clock.
Jackson, acting secretary.

niontown, Pa., and Mar-
ts of Arthur Hackett of
ram at their joint grad-.
evening, June 2, at 8:15

Naturalized Citizen of Country
Shot for Attempt on
Dictator's Life.
ROME, May 29.-()---Convicted
of plotting the assassination of
Premier Benito Mussolini, Michele
J Schirru, an American by natural-
ization, was executed at dawn to-
1tday by a firing squad.
He was led to the interior court
of Fort Braschi and seated astride
a chair with his back to the marks-
men. A battalion of blackshirt
militiamen formed three sides of
a hollow square around him and
directed a volley of shot into his
The special tribunal for defense
of the state, composed of seven
militia officers, witnessed the exe-
cution. The official bulletin read
as follows:
"This morning at the hour of
4:27 in the interior court of Fort
Braschi was carried out the execu-
tion by. means of a volley in the
back the sentence pronounced byl
the special tribunal for defense of
the state against the terrorist
Michele Schirru."
Iowa farms are paying an aver-
age per acre tax of 1.13 for sup-
port of consolidated schools.
Iowa has about 80,000 pupils en-
rolled in grade schools and high
schools in consolidated districts.
The Chicago lying-in hospital,
founded in 1895, has dedicated a
new $1,900,000 building.

tLY JI F . V ,JL y.11 LIInA
Belief That Horned Toads Live ov
in Rocks Is False; Hoop ar
Snake Is Imaginary. ly
f le:
Many of the false conceptions of
nature held by the average person ce
were disclosed and refuted in an
interview yesterday with various ax
staff members of the University
One of the most common beliefs, g
particularly in the Southwest, is br
that horned toads can live for years rc
at a time sealed in rocks. This is
absolutely false, they said. While it
is the truth that certain snails live
in a dormant state for about five
years at a time, this is due to the
low metabolic process of the mol- t
lusks. Frogs could not live in a rock it
more than a week at the utmost. ti
It is interesting to note, however,'f
that the belief that horned toads t
can squart blood through their
eyes is true and has been seen by bE
many scientists.
That ostriches stick their heads ac
in the sand in order to avoid the di
enemy is another false conception.
Should this be the case, the bird
would have become extinct by now,
as such an action is obviously not
a protection to it.
Snakes are commonly supposed
to swallow their young. This is not
the case, not even for protetction.
If the snake did swallow the young,
which is not impossible physically, w'
the young would be digested and di
could not get out. cl
Other misbeliefs about snakes in-
elude that of the imaginary. hoop at
snake, which is supposed to take its y-
tail in its mouth and roll down a vi
hilI, and the supposed blowing ad- Hi
der, a snake whose breath is des- lu
tined to make one turn black allh

Claire de Lune; Debussy: Green;
aiick); Horsman: The Bird of the
dess; Cyril Scott: The Black Bird's
immel: Ecstasy (Marjorie McClung);
from "Louise" (Miss McCormick);
'o" from "Gianni Schichi"; Sibella:
Massenet: Ouvre tes yeux bleus;
,Clung); Lie: The soft footed snow;
r: The Palanquin bearers; Thomson:
ilanelle (Miss McCormick); Wagner:
nnhauser" (Miss McClung). Accom-
in Loon; Accompanist for Miss Mc-

oks drawn from the Uni-
are' due Monday, June 1,
rtain books between June
period by applying to the
une 1.
:t cleared their records at
to the Recorder's Office,
p until such time as said
egulations of the Regents.
W. Bishop, librarian.
)ccupational Information:
he following Civil Service

American Paintings, West Gallery, Alumni Memorial hall; open daily
from 9 to 5.
All Senior Engineers: Collect your drawing plates at room 414 West
Engineering building as soon as possible.
Gcrmai Department: The ordinary monthly meeting will take placel
on Tucsday, June 2, at 4:15 p. m., in room 201 University hall.
Mathematics Instructors in Engineering College will meet Tuesday,
June 2, at 7:15 p. m., in room 317 West Engineering building, for the
consideration of textbooks for next year.
Students in Automotive Engineering & Factory Management: Those
interested may see a moving picture film showing the operation .of the'
A. O. Smith Frame Plant. This is a completely automatic plant. The'
pictures will be shown in room 203 Engineering Annex at 9 a. m., June 1.1
Intcrfraternity Council: There will be a special meeting of the
Interfraternity Council at 7:30 o'clock, Monday night, in the Council
offices on the third floor of the Union.
Tau Beta Pi Dinner meeting Tuesday at 6:15 o'clock.
Phi Delta Kappa: Business meeting of the Fraternity on Tuesday,
at 4 p. m., June 2, in room 4009, University High School. A full attend-
ance is desired.
Beta Kappa Rho will hold their Annual Picnic Supper at Cavanaugh
Lake on Sunday, May 31.
Wesleyan Guild: The annual "Sepior Meeting" will be held Sunday
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Earhart on Geddes Road. Mr. Jack
Luther will be the speaker. Transportation will be furnished, leaving
Wesley hall between 5:30 and 6 o'clock. Everyone invited.
Liberal Student's Union: Sunday at 7:30, Miss Sally Loomis of Pine
Mountain, Kentucky, will speak on "Attitudes of the Southern Moun-
taineer." Unitarian Church.
The "Upper Room" Forum will meet at 9:30 Sunday morning.
History 92: Final examination Tuesday, June 16, 9 to 12. All sections
meet in West Physics Lecture hall.
Episcopal and Baptist students: Sunday, 5:30 to 7:30. Episcopal stu-
dents will be guests of the Baptist students at the Guild House, 503 East
Huron, for social hour and refreshments. Professor. Bennett Weaver of

Harris Hall: The group has been invited to take supper Sunday eve-
ning with the Baptist Guild and to hear Professor Weaver afterwards.
Will meet at the Baptist Guild House, 503 East Huron, at 5:45.

Lutheran Students: Annual Banquet for Lutheran Seniors an
uatc students who are leaving the University this year, at 5:30
evening, Zion Parish hall. The address wil be delivered by Prof.


by Radio. (2) Educationl
an School Systems. (2)

Michigan Dames: The closing meeting of the year wil
Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock in the League Building. Me
gently requested to attend. Business of importance will be

e held

0-Q) Fruit Diseases. (2) Stor-

201 Mason hall.

nts intending to elect
sult a representative of
ring town. There seems
(in their own interest)
nger to take first year
ty. Applications made
erence. Notices will be
or admission have been

We invite your inspection of our
The superior quality and the reasonable


y Science Department will be in room
except Saturdays, from 'May 29, until
Wm W Rih TX? libra.rionv


VVM. W . oilp, iW al lal.
st be handed in by Friday,
ry examinations is as follows:
y; 3-5, exam. on minerals.
y; 3-5, examination on rocks.
study; 3-5, examination on

the English Department will address the joint group at 6:30 p. M.

fingerle operated res


ry open for study, 3-5, examination on geo-
I dues (fifty cents) will be collected at the
notice will be given.
tudents and others who have obtained per-
ndt and who pre ent a ticket for "Caprice"
final rehearsal of Sil-Vara's "Caprice" with
o'clock in the Lydia Mendelssohn theatre.
Robert Henderson, director.
e: Anyone interested in attending the Nine-
aculty conference to be held at Lake Geneva,
up hal i !1

Last Time
Tonight at 8:15
-_ __ "E ectra"
Ann Arbor Hails A Superb Performance
"The most thrilling and splendid performance Ann Arbor,
has ever witnessed."
Opening Monday at 8:15
"As sparkling as wine; sensuous always, a gay and game
some evening with the Vienese temperment that is irresis.
table."-N. Y. Times.
jBlanche Turka as C omediene!
in the New York Theatre Guild Hit
Sil-Vara's dashing continental comedy
SLLL OUT PRICES: Nights 75c, $1.00, and $1.50. Matinee 50c,
75c, and $1.00. Season Tickets, all six plays: $4.00 and $5.50.
Always :200 good seats at 75c for all performances.

-mfor your

dray dinner - try

V114+ AA" A1 111'


There Is Romance
of Far Places
and Long Journeys
In a Chinese Rug

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Hand interwoven with symbols
that bring happiness, good luck,
health, and wealth.
What more delightful gift for
the Graduate or the Bride!
Merrick Heirloom Rugs prices
from $5.40 for an exquisite small
mat up to $350.00 for the most
intricate large rug.

tI uI


at 9:30 a. m..
is hall. Full
ng folios are

928 Church Street








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