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May 30, 1931 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1931-05-30

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Vote on Party






Upper Class Advisory
System Acted on
by Directors.
New System Different
From Orientation
Action to inaugurate an upper
class advisory system, to provide
a means to assist freshmen in ac-
climating themselves to the Uni-
versity, was taken by the board of
directors of the Union, in a meet-
ing at 12 :30 o'clock yesterday, in
the Union.
Next week, a group of men will
be chosen from the junior and the
senior classes of next year by offi-
cers of the Union, each of whom
Swill actas advisor to five or six
freshmen assigned to them.
System is New.
The system will be entirely dis-
thict from the orientation week
procedure, managed by the Univer-
sity, in that it will be -run entirely
by students and w i11 continue


literary <
at a mee
was give
both the

Associated Press PhotQ
Herbert A. Miller,
Well known sociology professor,
who was recently dropped from the
faculty of Ohio State University: A
petition containing signatures of
3,000 students, a s k i n g reinstate-
,ment of Professor Miller, was filed
with Governor White.
, N

an advisor to contestants for
Illini Take Team Honors N
Total of 648; Michigan
One Stroke Behind.


Associated Press Photo
wnere Washington's ragged little army braved the
ill be the scene of President Hoover's address in
s soldier dead today. The ceremony will take place
quarters shown in, the above picture.

The Daily will suspend publi-
cation tomorrow in observance of
Memorial day. Publication will
be resumed with the regular
Tuesday morning issue.

Martin, Defe
Tie W1i


re will be a mecting

to neip ge t
women on

/ I ears.
Scott who,
was a prc
>artment at


, 7
Offering of Sil-Vara's Comedy
Will Open Monday Night at
Mendelssohn Theatre.


ears of
FIe re-

degree "Caprice," a recent New York
n 188, Theatre guild success by Sil-Vara,
a year will open Monday at the Lydia
id then Mendelssohn theatre for a week's
in Eng- run. Blanche Yurka, distinguish-
Lted an ed New York star, will play the
1901 he leading role as the sophisticated
served Madame Ilsa con Ilsen.
The original stars of the play
ro were Alfred Lunt, Lynn Fontanne,l

va a . riirnm i in'in t rri xr

.LL 1 W . ., im jJ lAlil1 ln1.iLAJ, J J.
a large number of collegiate organ-
izations. He wrote several books,
and was co-author of others, the
best known of which deal with aes-
thetics, rhetoric, and literature.
Professor Scott's wife and three
children, Harvey D a v i s, Richard
Cushman, and Mrs. Davis Lynd
Goodrich, survive him.
Investigation of Alleged Auto
Ban Violation Delayed.

> thej
at a ;


of the University, in re-'
he alleged auto ban viola-
riola Zingg, '32, who was
n an accident Thursday
; will 'be postponed until
ery, W. B. Rea, assistant
can of students, said last
ngg suffered a fracture of
and severe bruises. Fran-
ury, '33, and Eleanor Owen,
sustained bruises and the
ceived a cut on her right
Le three were taken to the
ph's Mercy hospital and
r removed to the Univer-
ital. According to deputy

and Ernest Cossart. The comedy
ran for a year in New York and for
another season on tour. Cossart,
Swho is now in Ann Arbor rehears-'
ing for his opening bill as Sir Wil-
ful Witwood in "The Way of the
World," has assisted in the direc-,
tion of "Caprice."
While Miss Yurka achieved her'
first success in high comedy, shej
has come to be associated with em-
otional parts. The last year, how-
ever, she returned again to comedy
as star of the New York production
of "Lysistrata." Previously she had
appeared in comedy 'productions
with David Belasco and as co-star'
with E. H. Sothern, Charlotte Walk-
er, and Jane Cowl.
Opposite Miss Yurka will appear
Reynolds Evans, leading man of the
Dramatic season, as Counselor von
Echardt, the role originally played
by Alfred Lunt.- r
Other members of the cast ' of
"Caprice" include Robert Hender-
son, Doris Dalton, Amy Loomis,
John Collins; and Dorothy Scott.
The final rehearsal of "Caprice,"
to be held at 8:15 o'clock Sunday
night in the Lydia Mendelssohn
theatre, will be open to students
and othei's who obtain special per-
mission, Robert Henderson said last

can advise treshmen in certain
matters, better than can members
of the faculty, because they are
more closely in contact with under-
graduate problems which may pre-
sent themselves.
Fraternities Less Effective.
The duties of the advisors, as out-
lined by Hugh Conklin, '32E, presi-
dent of the Union, will be to see
the freshmen who have been as-
signed to them every week and see
how they are getting along, to get
their group together, so that they
may become acquainted, to explain
to them the meanings of various
college traditions, to urge them
(Continued on, Page Two)
Eddie Tolan Quali r s
at Philadelphia Meet
PHILADELPHIA, May 29. -(P)--
Eddie Tolan, bespectacled sprinter
of the University of Michigan and
sole Wolverine entry, won all his.
heats t6 qualify in the 100-yard
and 220-yard dashes in the I.C.A.A.
A.A. championships today.
He qualified for the semi-finalsl
in the 100-yard dash in 9.9 seconds,
defeating Leslie Hables, Stanford,
and Isadore Fogel, of New York,
In the semi-finals, he did the
distance in 9.8 to win his heat over.
Miller, of Williams, and Boyd, ofl
In the 220, he did the distance in
22.5 seconds, defeating Monroe
Sheinberg, City College of New
York, and Spencer Sparks, of Cali-
Southern California, led by Frank
Wykoff, who set a new record of
9.6 in the 100, and Stanford,led.
by Ben Eastman, who qualified eas-
ily in the 440- and 880-yard runs,
Seniors' Annual Ball
Heldl in Union, Lguge
Two senior parties were held on
the campus last night, the Senior,
ball, at the Union and the over-
flow party at the League.
Tal Henry and his North Caro-
linians furnished the music for 200
couples at the ball. The tower, the;
Pendelton library, the tap room and
lounging rooms were open for the
use of students attending the affair.
More than 250 couples attended
the overflow party. Don Loomis and
his Union orchestra furnished the
mn i '.4 n i v p nnnn nn 1 n nr a - ne.' nirn,

tent showers that drenched the
courts. They will meet today in the
final round.
In the feature match of the day
Ed Hammer, veteran Wolverine net
star, was defeated by Dennison in
a hotly contested match, 6-4, 4-6,
6-4. It was the last match in which
Hammer will take a part for Michi-
gan. The Maize and Blue veteran,
after dropping the first set to Den-i
nison, was trailing 4 to 1 in the se-c-
ond before he rallied to win out
and even up the match at one set,
apiece. The sensational play of the
I Buckeye sophomore, however, was
too much for the Wolverine in the
third se't.
Colby Ryan, Michigan's second'
player to reach the quarter finals,
was eliminated by Riel of Nbrth-
western in straight sets, 7-5, 8-6.
Riel, however, was no match for
Rexinger in the semi-finals, and
the Wildcat captain bowed to the
champion in three consecutive sets,
No further play was possible in.
the doubles competition, with rain
preventing any attempts to con-
tinue the matches. Ohio State,
Northwestern, and Minnesota are
the teams that are favored to bat-
tle the championship Chicago team.
for the title.
With the fall of Hammer and Ry-
an any chances that Michigan
might have for individual' titles
went by the board, inasmuch as
Bob Clarke, the thi-rd Wolverine en-
try, lost to Rexinger in the first
round Thursday.
Kraus to Give Dinner
for Faculty, Seniors

to take the leadhat the e
holes o~f play. The big W
chances for individual ho
a big drop when he sta
afternoon round with a s
seven on the first two l
with the exception of a ba
the fifth, the remainder of
was all that could be desir
The feature of the day's
Royston's eagle three on
enth hole in the afterno
booming a 300-yard brassi
within ten feet of the g
big Wolverine leader, after
scanning the line, calmly
50 foot chip squarely into
Michigan's chances of .
tie for team honors wer
away on the home gre
Johnny Howard suffered
collapse and took four pu
his ball resting a scant s
from the hole, he careles
with the back of his pu
s Martin Totals 15
Dirk Martin de~fnr d f



COLUMB.US, Ohio, May 29, 1931-
Scott Rexinger of Chicago, defeni-
ing titleholder, and Carl Dennison,
brilliant Ohio' State sophomore, ad-
vanced to the. finals of the West-
ern Conference tennis champion-
ships here today, but were unable
to engage in the playoff match for
the title because of the intermit-

Conference Title Match to
Played by Rexinger,
TDennison Today.
(Spccial to Thc Daily)

Pf i1' Ai NiA I

UaL1 li en er m V1U°-
ual honors, put an 80 and "a 76 to-
gether for a total of 156, good
enough to gain him a tie for third
place with Boistad of Minnesota.
Bolstad carded the second lowest
18-hole score of the day with a 38-
37-75, in the afternoon.
The Wisconsin contingent after
making an excellent showing in the

36-hole total of 154.
Be tle Buckeye, after a
in the morning, c
i_- -,,_ . -. - ., - -_



Page was the only one
maintain the pace set in t
ing when he added a 7
morning 78 for a total of
Ohio State, mainly thr
efforts of Florio, still pi
possible threat. Last ni
were resting in fourth pl

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