niversity year Music and Drama 9 at AssociaUon. led to the use for re- 4 it or not otherwise ished herein. ., Mfichigan, as second ed by Third Assistant 4.50 ard Street, Ann Arbor, ss, 21214. MARTHA GRAHAM A Review ............Beach Conger, Jr. .Carl Forsythe .David M. Nichol . .....Sheldon C. Fullerton targaret M. Thompson ....Bertram J. Askwith ........Denton C. Kunze ............. .Robert L. Pierce W.William F. Pyper J. Cullen Kennedy Jerry E. Rosenthal rge A. Stauter Charles A. >wnsend Sanford ]irackley shaw Parker Snyder Ford Spikerman Alfred Stresn-Reuter William Thal Glen Winters Charles Woolner Margaret O'Brien Eleanor Rairdon Aarjorie Thomson Anne Tobin Alma Wadsworth Josephinxe Woodharns ............Business Manager -.--..-..--........Assistant Manager artment Managers . ernon Bishop ...... ....Robert 1B. Callahan William W. Davis .... Byron C. Vedder ...........William T. ]Brown .Harry I. Begley ...........Richard Stratemneier ....... nn W. Verner Assistants ard Freehling Thomas Roberts ert Greenstone R. A. Saltzstein iKeyser Bernard E. Schnacke ur 1. Kohn Grafton . Sharp ard H. Good Cecil E. Wech Y7ESTERDAY afternoon-without her group, which h I understand is integral with her major concep- o tions-Martha Graham proved herself with simple s effectiveness an excellent artist. a The startling thing about Miss Graham as and artist is her clarity and directness. She is clear, for t example, about the things she dislikes. The feeling f of dislike, taken in itself, is probably not ever very t clear. Miss Graham has studied the things she had n a feeling of dislike about. She studied them untild she has actually absorbed them into herself. She reaches the point of knowing just what the feeling t of dislike implied. She is then able to validate her t feeling of dislike by reference to the objects of it.o That is a very full artistic process, I think. Miss t Graham completed it seemingly at least six times t yesterday. We all dislike the Four Insincerities (Pet- I ulance, Remorse, Politeness, Vivacity) and the simi- lar insincere- simplifications (Optimism and Pessi- mism). But few of us have explored that dislike so Iwell. Few of us are as clear as she as to the mannerX in which people are insincere. Consequently, those. four dances were very iliYminating and valuable ex-1 periences. I don't believe those four dances were caricature (they have been called that). She has merely brought into bodily terms all the implications of those four emotions pettily felt. They are in no sense sarcastid. Understanding is away beyond 'sar-< casm. There is no need to be witheringly sarcastic I when you, can represent so fully. In fact, they weren't1 even satire if indignation is necessary to satire. There may originally have been indignation when particu- lar (women) were observed; but that disappeared in1 process of understanding the general emotion. I am trying to suggest that these dances-too easily dis- missed as ingenious, clever-really reveal a quite full; artistic process, as thorough a vindication of the7 Dance as an art as any dances seen locally. Again, Miss Graham is very clear about\ the thingsy r she herself feels, the-things deep in her nature which she feels to be valuable to us. She has a deep, mature feminine sympathy for Adolescence-for its "divine awkwardness," its feeling. for what-is-to-come. She knows the restlessness of Adolescence-the restless- ness which in moments becomes subdued into an ecstasy like no other ecstasy-the ecstasy of the bud. Miss Graham's sensitivity to the qualities of that complex state of mind is deep and clear. She artic- ulates her sensitivity in precise forms which evoke in us a sympathy and understanding of -it that ctuld be given only by very great words or very great music. It probably couldn't be done in painting. Her explorations into primitive religion promise to be illuminating. They were not very clear for me in the first experience. Anthropology tells us that the primitive hypostatised the things he feared, then worshipped those hypostatizations and thus reduced e his fear. It is extremely questionable whether many Y of us can understand that. Such a dancer as Miss d Graham can illuminate things like that. For she , has a sensitive body. And the body probably hasn'tI c changed. The body is probably alone capable of un- derstanding "Primitive Mysteries." And we, if we t become trained observers of the art of dance, can. become sensitive in our bodies to dancers. Miss Graham's recital vindicated the opinion of g the importance of the Dance which she expressed 9 in these columns some time ago. W. J. G. Helen Olsen Marjorie Rough Mary E. Watts RY ROSENTHAL 29, 1931 1 Offices volumes of the Michigan ist three years reveals the political appointments by amounted to 753, 846, an ol years 1928-'29, 1929-'30 vely. These students wer , and 174 committees. ties cannot be carried ou ry assistance of this larg emen is indeed amazing lay lament the increasiing es and political appoint >y the national legislature re doubt seriously whether amount of work they d cople they represent, Con ndle to the Michigan stu T SMD ROLL SPRING HERE - Ie seems a shame that all this raternity party excitement should ceur right in the midst of a hot pell like this. We're so confused bout the whole business that we; lon't know whether we're going o cast our influence for Bursley, or the Interfraternity Council, for he Judiciary Committee, or what- tot. We are seriously thinking of levoting all our time and power1 n supporting a resolution to keep he Varsity swimming team out of he Intramural Pool for the rest Af the year. We are told, though, hat the recent action against fra- ernity open parties is, among oth- er things, an infringement of pow- er, detrimental to student morale, unconstitutional, and contrary to he law of hot pursuit. Its all very vrague and wonderful and it will keep the Alumni away from the house parties. Maybe its not such a bad law after all. We are personally conducting a campus-wide inquiry a b o u t the mysterious set of pipe railing along the curb on East William St. next to the Congregational Church. Some say that the railings are to protect the g ass, but there isn't any grass. Others inform us that people who wait for the bus on that corner are supposed to stand between the two pipe railings. Frankly this is not' being done. As far as fan discover the rails are being utilized only by the school-children as play-ground equipment. A number of intricate gymnastic stunts can be performed on these pipes, such as hanging by two hands from one pipe, hanging from two pipes with two hands, and hanging from either one or two pipes with only one hand. Some of the younger generation practice these exercises so diligently that they have to wash their knees nearly every night. * * * CAMPUS CHATTER (After reading a High School newspaper). * ** * Suggestions for the Senior memorial have been varied and profused. Willy Zorn points out that a gallon of nitro-glycerin f and a match would be useful. Ho, Ho! Oh you willie! * * 0 While seaking to a friend, Lucy Purkiss remarked that she worked all day Saturday morning! What a day! That surely is putting in the time, Lucy! What could be more excit- ing on a hot dtay than to be in a crowd when one of the boys smack a home run, and while enthusiastically j u mp i n g up and down, your foot go through the bleachers? * * * While speaking of Eugene Mand- nerscudd on a hot day last week, Leo Mitzner announced that he was a she! Ahhhhhh Lo! What we know! Everyone is wondering just who it is that Miss Sturm is so anxious to see just at one o'clock every day, in the second corridor, just back of the stair- way near room 304. We wonder what Mr. Sylvester is blushing at? * * * Irving Bloomstein: "Put a caret before the 'and' to show that it is z compound sentence." ,Archy Heppenstahl. "Why not pout a cucumber?" LET'S ALL THANK THE "W" BOYS It certainly did not look like hard times around here on Wednesday, May 5. The spring dance was a gay affair and lots of those present commented on the enjoyable time they had. Everybody should thank, the "W" club for their fine work in sponsoring this all-school af- fair! Please, "W" club, keep it up, and can't we have some more?" SMILEY. ae goes on his knees) quite so ab- ject. And then, a very bad error of the director's, none of his lines from the couch in the last sene were audible. Miss Loomis played the last scene in which she hypno- tizes the Captain with reminis- cence very well. In matters of tempo and interplaying, the whole produc- tion is at present very rough. Some director some day ought to take this -play, strip it of its pre- tence at realism and produce it ex- pressionistically. Produce it, that is, AI* ARBOR TRUST MM@- 1st FLOOR ON THE HURON RIVER Open till 12 p. m. SWEEPINGREDUN AL BEFORE COLLEGE CLOSES we must greatly re- duce our large stock of Men's and Women's Fine Shoes and the New Cut Prices that we have put on our entire stock (Florsheims included), starting May 28th, ought SICOWN-CESS t} Comnpany rlass: {, INVESTMENT SECURITIES Orders executed ena ex. -uong*& Accounts carred e1 cunservtive margin. " + + .. . " ,,,.Y..'.'"I', Enjoy aFP Evening on the to interest you. Buy two or three pairs. SPORT SHOES GOLF SHOES DRESS SHOES STREET SR 304 S. STATE CAMPUS BOOTERY 304 S. Telephore 23271 Mnadam! A Man Is Coming to You-Has Good News, Watch for him! See too! S AUNDER'S CANOE. LIVERY N O more soiling of hands. No more inhaling of dust. No more cleaning inconvenience at all! Ever heard of the Sani Em-Tor? No? Well, our men are glemonstrating it now. It's simply the best household cleaning device man ever fashioned. It does things that have always been done by hand before. It disinfects as it cleans. It washes and purifies. But you must see it. You must try it. It is so new, se ,different, so much better that only a demonstration will do. -I u FOR 7 C ANI So, when your doorbell Sani E1m-Tor man," let prise he has! rings and you him conic righti hear, "P, in. What - e. , U' - ' Calkins4Fletcher Drug C 324 South State Street THE FATHER' ical offices have been limited in num- mly essential ones recently at the Uni- 5 of Minnesota and Wisconsin. This vas taken in an effort to clean out what idents termed a "vicious" political sys- ich undermined the campus. That the n system is "vicious" is a questionable but it unldoubtedly is somevhat inister et. Interest in ,lections is lim'ited to number of students who hold member- one of the political factions, which 'ship is rewarded after victory by one love "committee" appoin tments. lbstantial reductio in the number of tees would lperhaps evoke a more ex- expression of student opinion in cam.- ctions. The senior class, with all its s, is in need of committees, but it cer- not Incessary to create identical con- ill each school of the UnLiversity. The junior class set a record last year with >ointments, whjle the present senior is close behind with Ill. A limitation littee appointments to those absolutely I, which are few in nunber, would go learing up the politiwal complexion of A Review. S TRINDBERG'S horrible Dream of Unfair Women suffered terribly, of course, by comparison with "Electra." It is horribly imperfect art. The process which produced it was too violent. From the many available facts about his domestic life, it is clear that "The Father"-as nearly all of his plays-is merely frantic self-dramatization. Women made Strind-' berg bleed. He screamed. "The, Father" is just one continuous scream of pain. And for some, it may be unendurable and repelling. But the scream has, I think, both rythm and meaning. That is, it is effective theatre (its crescendo is engrossing even though we could predict all the content of it); and Strindberg puts his point of viev with terrific force. We are held by the play's over- emphasis, dragw by the fury of Strindberg's sex-' obsessioi; and intellectually rewarded by flashes of piercing, hate-directed insight into an eternal topic. But the problem.of expressing Strindberg's agon in three dimensions is peculiarly difficult. The diffi- ulyarises partly from the fact that under the in- fluence of the currentdramatic practice ofdthetime- which had been stamped by Ibsen's realistic innova- tions-Strindberg forced his dark visions into natur- alistic forms. The method was perverse. Strindberg had anything but the temper of a naturalist. He had the poet's vigour of immediate apprehension. He ex- pressed those apprehensions over-emphatically, fur- iously. He was just affirming himself. He never hac attained to the calculating, discriminating calm of the naturalist. He never had the talent for arranging the prosaic, the normal, the verifiable that Ibsen had But he used Ibsen's method. And difficulties in pro- ducing him arose out of that. Laura in "The Father' is not a woman; 'she is just a scream, Strandberg': projection of all he feared and hated in women: their relentless cunning, their fiendishness, and their colossal lack of scruple.. Miss Rich, trying yesterday to make Laura "real" (as she was more or less forced to do since the drama pretends to naturalism) dis- torted Strindberg's meaning, I think. She credited Laura with a contriving intellect; Strindberg meant her to have only ferocious instincts. Strindberg meant Laura, I think, to be more involved in the battle, gloating at each blow. Miss Rich mnade her cool and more or less withdrawn, manipulating the battle. Apart from this point of interpretation, Miss Rich was excellent. Her disdainful intonations, in particular, were admirable. , State and Packard Streets South and East Electrical Dept., 611 Church Street University 0 s I - - AN ATHLETE 0 _--0o The Auto Ban Experiment EIII recent step taken by the Dean's office in permitting students to drive cars as soon their final examinations are over is a step; the right direction in the spirit of the auto 1. Although. announced by Mr. REA as an >eriment, it has already been heralded by usands of students as an indication 'of fu- e relaxation. If this be' the pr.evailing opinion, the stu- tts are taking[ the wrong attitude. Instead A relaxation, a new privilege has been grant- Ihem, which vwill perhaps be accorded them manently if they observe the regulations Crning the driving of cars at this time. merly students were not permitted to drive s freely until after all examinations had' The most popular ready-to eat cereals served in the dining-rooms of American colleges, eating clubs and fra- ternities are made by Kellogg in Battle Creek, They include Kellogg's Corn Flakes, PEP Bran Flakes, Rice Krispies, Wheat Krumbles, and Kel- logg's WHOLE WHEAT Biscuit. Also Kellogg's Kaffee Hag, Coffee-the coffee that lets you sleep. ALMOST a fraternity man. Almost a class leader. And on the tough college corses, he almost made the grade. What was wrong? Loss of energy, listlessness, lack of appe. tite are signs of constipation. Personalities are clouded. Class and campus life are seriously handicapped. But you can banish constipation so-easily. Just eat a delicious cereal. Kellogg's ALLJ BRAN. Two tablespoonfuls daily are guaran. teed to give relief. Ask that it be served at your fraternity house or campus restaurant. You'll enjoy Kellogg's Slumber Music, broadcast over WJZ and associated stations of the N.B. C. every Sunday evening at 10.30 E. D. S. T. Also KFI Los Angeles, KOMO Seattle at 10.00, and KOA Denver. at 10.30. " - r.. i I l ; ;,, ' RELIEVES CONSTIPATION ALL-BRAN top I ALL-BRAN