, I t r, UNION& -A Fain ..a t r 4A 0 J I EDITED AND-MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN EIGHT PAGES ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, MAY 29, 1931 PRICE AL ET it. JUDD WITHDRAWN SE | IIULU FROM CHINA POST LIIODC TO VODLU Bandits Force Removal of Last IUNION, Misionary in Fukien. UUL SHANGHAI, May 28.-(P-Be- lT cause of long-continued organized L banditry in northern Fukien prov- ,_ ince, the American Congregationall mission has terminated 50 yearsTal Henry to Play for Annual work in the district by withdrawing Ball in Union From its last repr sentative d 9 to 2 o'Clock. Mission officials here said con-'___ tinued lawlessness in northern Fu-A kien had endangered lives of mis- GRAND MARCH AT 11:30 sionaries, rendering their work im- possible. Don Loomis to Play at Oveiflow Dr. William Judd, youthful Amer- Dance at League; Flannels ican, was the last representative to AePrisbe withdraw, after having directed.the Are Permissib c. mission hospital at Shaowu since- 1925. Judd closed the hospital, Tonight, for they first time in the abandoned the property and came history of the University, two senior here en route to America, on or- parties will be held simultaneo sly, dens of:Boston headquarters. the Senior ball, from 9:30 to 2:301 For the past two years Judd alone o'clock at the Union, and the over- operated the hospital, ministering flow party, organized to accommo-1 to the suffering populace and date those unable to obtain tickets treating a stream of wounded sol- for the former affair, from 9 to 2 diers and bandits. o'clock, at the league. Several times Judd was near Plans for the Senior ball havel death as a result of maltreatment been entirely completed, according by bandits and soldiers, and from to Vinal O. Taylor, '31, chairman. attacks of malignant malaria. Tal Henry and his North Carolin- DRl. J ULI US KLELIN DEFENDBS UNITED STATES TARIFrFS Assistant Commerce Secretary Speaks Before Foreign Trade Meeting. DENOUNCES ALTRUISTS' Says He Would Decorate Those Wanting Retirement With "Yellow Streak.' ASH WILL START HOP OVER OCEAN American Aviator Will Fly. From Samushiro to Tacoma. TACHIKAWA, Japan, May 28.- ( P)-Flying alone, in a monoplane he considers cumbersome and diffi- cult to manipulate, Thomas Ash, jr., said tonight he would begin the perilous 4,400-mile non-stop flight to Tacoma, Wash., as scheduled at. 7 'a. ., Saturday (5 p. in. E. S. T. Friday). The start over the Pacific ocean will be made from Samushiro beach. Hondo Island, 380 miles north of Tokio. Ash, with a distinguished war record in the American flying force in France land four years of trick flying in Hollywood, Cal., expressed confidence he would land at Ta- coma, Wash., in from 40 to 50 hours. In a preliminary flight of 380 miles to Samushiro, Ash planned to leave the Tachikawa airdrome near Tokio tomorrow morning and reach Samushiro in four hours. JUD-II.iARYCOMMITTEE RU[ ON OPEN PARTIE[S TO BE V ON BY FRATERNITIES N Presidents of Houses Sign Petition Meeting at Union; Split in Vot Expected by Worden. In'aerniies will send representatives to a me Iltefratrnity council at 7:30 o'clock, Monday n Union to vote on the ruling passed by the Judiciar; which excludes guests from fraternity parties. Th being called as the result of petitions signed in oppe S STAR ( 4; i Confer- ship here ge crowd vorites in 0o It's team, d Ham- M ing title- lyman of 6-2, 6-4. the fav- in in the . the draw. a losing Argentine Ambassador Believes come the Country Must Protect Industries. ke. third en- NEW YORK, May 28.-(A')-Am- st to Rex- bassador Don Manuel E. Malbran, ding sin- of Argentina, today told the Na- Big Ten. tional Foreign Trade Convention oint with that his country might be forced to ook everyj embark on a high tariff policy in Sthe lop- defense against the tariff barriers o-1-f the United States and other quarter- countries. set. Erler Don Manuel emphasized that Ar- ians will furnish the music. Deco- rations will consist chiefly of spring flowers. There will be a large sign, made out of flowers, with "Senior Ball," in blue letters worked into a white background. Pendelton Library Open. The grand march, which will take place at 11:30 o'clock will be led by Taylor and Camilla Hubel, '30, off Highland Park. Committee mem- bers and their guests will precede the other couples in the march. The Union has co-operated in opening the Pendelton library, the tap room, the tower, and all loung- ing room for students attending the dance. Dress for the affair for men will consist of full dress suits,. tuxe- dos, or white flannels and dark coat; Taylor said. Quartet Will Sing. Don Loomis and his Union band will furnish the music for the over- flow party, Ralph T. Wills, '3Ed, chairman, announced. The orches- tra will also present several novel- ties. The Midnite Sons quartet will sing several selections of popular music. Back and wing hoofers will conplete the entertainment. Committee members for the par- ty were announced yesterday. They are: John Stark, '31A, music, Leo' Draveling, M'3Ed, decorations, and James Sinrall, '31, advertising. There will be a door sale of tick- ets Wills announced. A"MER ICANCITIZEN ORDREDEXECUTED NEW YORK, May 28.-(AP)-A thorough going defense of the Uni- ted States administration's tariff policies was presented to the Na- tional Foreign Trade convention to- night by Dr. Julius Klein, assistant secretary of commerce. It came after a variety of attacks on the tariff, including demands I for a special Congress session to cut duties; charges that America had started an international tariff war; accusations that the United States had discriminated against Argentina-and in the face of per- sistent reports of impending rises of Canada's tariffs. Denies Decline of .Export. The assistant secretary vigorously denounced th o s e who advocate American retirement from the for- eign field, a n d suggested "We f might decorate these noble-hearted altruists with the grand order of the yellow streak."N He denied United States exports had declined more than is normal in a depression, citing 18 per cent- as representing the fall in exports both in 1930 and 1921, the country's last depression. Earlier today Ambassador Man- uel E. Malbran of Argentina, had courteously suggested his country might be forced to embark on a policy of high tariffs to build inter- nally, as a result of America's bar- riers to its exports. He said Ameri- ca had discriminated against Ar- gentine products. Montague,.Kemmerer Speak. Gilbert " . 'Montaue, New York lawyer, after praising the Webb- Pornerene act, which permits cer- t a i n co-operative efforts among export traders, urged that similar legislation be enacted to permit in- ternal co-operation. Dr. Edwin Kemmerer, Princeton university economist, and financial advisor to 20 countries, in gen- eral analysis of the Latin-Ameri- can situation, emphasized that it is important to bear in mind "that for a number of years preceding the p r e s e n t crisis, Latin-American countries borrowed very heavily, in American markets," and that 'the money "was spent easily in many cases and very wastefully." "In 19 representative countries all over the world, comprising most{ of our leadirg customers," he said, "our share in their import totals last year was almost exactly 29 per cent. Our proportion in the trade. of the same markets during 1924- 1927 averaged 20.7 per cent. Pre- liminary figures for 1931 show al- most exactly the same trend as that indicated for 1930." D U CE INTERVE [0N5HTNS Mussolini Prevents Further Riots by Curbing Outbreaks of Fascist Body. tpon all nis reserve inally beat Ries by ourt shots in the :ed this type of ten- ver chop stroke just d Places Two. / drew a bye in the surprised the huge rwhelming win over 3 seeded ace, 6-2, ful match broughtJ o their feet severalI fought volleys and ;o placed two men, izius, in the final gles play. Rexinger1 yner of Illinois, Riel n, and Dennis of nplete the list of r and Ryan in the Michigan advanced e-tournament dope m's tennis strength n the whole teamI luals. Coach John- i after the matches irely satisfied with mentioned the ex- Ryan when he de- tures (I speak. of the remote fu- ture), but in exchange you would gain our gratitude for having; taught us to make use of high tar- iffs." American exports to Argentina in 1929 represented more than 40 per cent of our total South American exports, the ambassador said, and the exports of the first three months of 1931 have decreased about 60 per cent from 1930, which in turn was 39 per cent under 1929. Don Manuel called the United States tariff prohibitive rather than protective, citing that in the case of linseed the tariff had been changed upward 20 times-and that nevertheless the United States pro- duces less linseed today than she did in 1901 when the tariff was one-third as high., The ambassador said the presi- dent, working under the "flexible clause," could change rates when so advised by the tariff commission, adding that "the truth is that Ar- gentine petitions to the commis- sion have not met with the same good fortune In regard to celerity of procedure as petitions regarding items coming from other countries. But in spite of all this, I still have faith." Diesel Motored Plane Returns Non-refueling Record to America. . JACKSONVILLE' BEACH, Fla., May 28. - (AP) - Walter Lees and Frederic Brossy, Detroit aviators, today made good their third at- tempt to bring back to America the world's non-refueling flight record. Flying a Diesel motored mono- plane, they attained a new official record of 76 hours and 23 minutes at 11:10 a. m., but did not land, preferring to stay aloft as long as their fuel held out. At 6:47 p. m., they had passed 84 hours contin- uous flight and weregoing strong. The new record will supplant the mark of 75 hours, 23 minutes set by Lucien Brossourot and Emil Rossi, French fliers, in Algeria, R SSIANINDUSTRY MEETS OBSTACLE1S Unsatisfactory Conditions Found in Machinery From Large Factory at Rostov. MOSCOW, May 28.-(')-Leaders of Soviet Russia were confronted with evidence of several hitches in their industrial program. Moscow newspapers pubshed accounts of instances in which the industrial machinery had failed to function smoothly. The newspaper Za Industrializa- cia published a disclosure of "unsat- isfactory" conditions in the farm machinery factory at Rostov, one of the largest in the world, and asserted the poor work done in as- sembling machines amounted to a "catastrophe." Had Given False Figures The paper said the superintend- ent of the assembling department had been discharged because he gave out false production figures. He claimed 438 machines w e r e ready for shipment, whereas inves- tgation showed there were only 20. On May 25, for example, investi- gators at the plant found not a single mowing machine or binder had been turned out, though the program called for 100 mowers and 110 binders. There has also been a serious drop in the production of other machines. Some of the trouble is attributed to sabotnage, but it is generally ad- mitted that unskilled workers are to blame. Individual parts of ma- chines can be manufactured with- out much trouble, but most Russian workers show their lack of experi.- ence and training when it comes to the j b of assembling. Za Industrializacla is the organ of' Assert Factories Lagging. the Supreme Economic Council, and is generally considered the inter- preter of the five-year plan. Moscow papers also assert that production in various other plants and factories is lagging, and point especially to the failure of the transportation system to fulfill its program for the latter part of 1930 and the first quarter of 1931. Trans- portation authorities blame the fac- tories for failure to supply mater- ials, while the factories blame the railways for failing to bring them fuel and other necessities. taIn connection with the transpor- tation difficulties, the superintend- ent of the Red October metallurgi- cal plant, at Stalingrad, is charged with failure to carry out urgent orders for the railways. He will, be; tried soon by the Transport Court in Moscow.- Houseowners Can File Empty Rooms at Union Houseowners who wish to rent rooms to people coming to Ann Ar- bor for commencement week mayl file their names with the roomingy bureau at the Union, Hugh Conk- lin, '32E, president, announced yes-E terday. They may do this by calling the operator at the Union.R DePaul Graduate Dean Comes for Conference Alexander P. Schorsch, dean of' the Graduate school of DePaul uni- versity, Chicago, arrived in Ann Arbor last nioht fir ui.cit+ +hni, Pegasus Will Hold Horse Show Today Sixteen women of the women's riding society, Pegasus, will ride, in a parade and drill this after- noon. The parade, which will go down State St. at about 3 o'clock, will proceed around the campus on South, East, and North Uni- versity avenues as far as Twelfth street where the horse show will take place at 3:30, in an empty lot opposite the League building. Drills, hurdling, form riding, musical chair, and egg races will feature the exhibition. 'PROGRAM- REV 'ISION GOES ,TOREGENTS Opinion Indicates President and Board Will Approve New 'Michigan Plan.' The "New Michigan Plan" provid- ing for a division of tle four-year program of the literary college in- to two parts, will be placed before the Regents at their meeting today. Since given official sanction at a meeting of the literary college fac- ulty, May 6, opinion has indicated that President Alexander G. Ruth- ven and the Regents will not op- pose the 'plan to re-organize the curriculum. Under the new plan, which, if passed, would become effective next fall, freshmen entering the Univer- sity will be faced with the problemI of considering courses which com- ply with the general and degree programs outlined in the plan. Up- perclassmen, however, Will not be affected. At the same time, formal ac- knowledgement will be given the new University council by the Re- gents, consideration of which had originally been set.for today. A re- quest by President Ruthven follo.w- ing adoption of the plan by the University Senate that it be imme- diately approved resulted in unani-I mous passage by mail vote the earlier part of the week. Radicals Oppose Government But Approve Minister's Geneva Actions. plain, by preside ties on the counc TIe petitions M culated all day with immediate the students. Ho den, '32, president and chairman o: committee, said tha passed had the una of the committee. being called, he s information of "a fraternities, some f and some against i Is Defined in Article seven of nity council consti ing the duties of committee states shall have the ri conditions under ternity shall give one of the article R "With the excep matters relating to nities shall be refer ciary committee for cisions of the Judi( shall be final unles committee on stud the action of the mplete Sports on Wages 6 & 7. State' Dulle in . (RV Associated Press) Thursday, May 28, 1931 ETROIT-Suburban ._Royal Oak ,y purchased a portion of the adoned Eastern Michigan Rail- s electric line and secured an :ement from the Detroit Street ways to extend service to the ge. _ [DLAND-The body of Edmund ards,- Negro, who disappeared 21, was found today in the abawasee river. Officers said he er had committed suicide or n into the water at about the of his disappearance. [INT-Ivan Buschlen, 23, Frank 31, 21, and Miss Patricia Kiley, were killed today when their mobile struck a Pere Marquette r near here. Miss Mary Irene Shirru Condemned by Mussolini to Be Shot for Attempt at Assassination. ROME, May 28. -(IP)-Michele' Schirru, naturalized American citi- zen, was convicted today of plotting the assassination of Premier Mus- solini- and sentenced to death by shooting in the back. Schirru, who was tried before a' special tribunal for the defense of the state, maintained an attitude of bravado until the trial was nearly ended. He broke down, however, during the final summation of the prosecutor, who described him as "a man without morals." At this point Schirru bowed his head and began to weep. The defense attorney concluded his pleas by addressing the judges, "Your.sentence will be heard by the world, let it therefore be merciful." Schirru was charged on seven, counts, including the possession of bombs, the wounding of three de- tectives and membership in an an- archist party. He is the first Amer- icani to be prosecuted for such an offense in Italy's highestcourt. Police said that Schirru, 32 years old and a former resident of New York, had confessed to coming to Rome early this year with the in- tention of killing Mussolini. He was arrested in February after a gun battle with police and explosives were said to, have been found in his room. Ohio State Students Plead for Professor COLUMBUS, 0., May 28.-(iP)-A petition, containing signatures of 3,000 students of Ohio State uni- (a) Any group, des tion as a general fr obtain the approval o committee before pre tition to the senate student affairs. (b) The Judiciar shall set the schola to be met by gener and impose penalties meet such standards (c) It shall enfor f or rushing, pledging ing by general (rate hereinafter provided. (d) It shall set t tions under which fr be granted permiss. functions, and may r pend absolutely, the leges of any particu or fraternities. (e) Matters relati forcement of recomn orders of the Unive inspector, may or m ferred to the Judicia the decision as to th: the dean of students. (f) Questions rel financial conditions i may or may not be r Judiciary committee, to this being left up students. Article nine, of th describes the method action of the Judicia may be overruled. Sec lows: "A decision of the J imittee shall be bi ,when upon the appi members of five frat cial meeting is Balled lar ineeting'9, said de( disapproved by Jhree fraternities in the co Tau Beta Pi C Anderson ROME, May 28.--(P)-Premier Mussolini intervened today to pre-, vent further violence in the heated controversy between Fascist zealots and Catholic organizations, it was understood on excellent authority. From sources close to the govern- ment it was learned the Duce had come to the conclusion that viol- ence of the young Fascists against members of the Catholic Action or- ganization and property of Catho- lic groups had gone too far. This was especially true of the disorders of last night, when a portrait of Pope Pius XI was trampled on the pavement and Catholic papers and books were burned in a Fascist at- tack upon a Catholic publishing house. The premier was understood to have passed the word down that the students responsible for such disorders must be curbed. In Vatican circles tonight'it was PARIS, May 28.-(,P)-The peace' policies of Aristide Briand and Pre- mier Pierre Laval's government, as a whole received a new endorse- ment in the Chamber of Deputies tonight when a cabinet-sponsored motion of approval was carried, 298 to 263. The real test, however, came earlier in the evening when Laval asked the Chamber not to grant priority to the powerful radical group's resolution, which, while ap-' proving the foreign minister's ac- tion at Geneva and elsewhere, den- ied the same approval to the gov- ernment as a whole. In this the house upheld the pre- which have niade him famous, Bri- and said that while, he had been "dragged in the mud" by his. ad- vesaries, he had received many en- couragements todpersevere, notably' from foreign soldiers. Two Seniors Elected to Beta Gamma Sis ma at Tau Beta Pi, honor ing society, held its e ficers for the comin meeting at the Union T he new officers 1931-32 are Marshall A president, Jack S. B vice-president, Alliso '32E, recording secret Goldsmith, '32E, corre loger. Ch helm um, e ,_