wmmmmmmwmomw Editorial Comment. during the University year -ions. torialAssociation. titled to the use for re- to it or not otherwise ublished herein. bor, Michigan, as second anted by Third Assistant $ 4.A0 aynard Street, Ann Arbor, iess', 21214. it ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Beach Conger, Jr. . Carl Forsythe .David M. Nichol .Sheldon C. Fullerton ...... .Margaret A. Thompson .........Bertram J. Askwith ............enton C. Kunze .Robert L. Pierce .William P. Pyper J. Culloeq Kennedy Jerry E. Rosenthal A. Stauter Charles A. S. Townsend SanfordI Brackley Shaw Parker Snyder Ford Spikerman Alfred Stresei-Reuter William Thal (lien Winters Charles Woolner Margaret O'Brien Eleanor Rairdon Marjorie Thomson Anne Tobin Alma Wadsworth Josephine Woodhams "CAB SIR?" (From the Minnesota Daily.) A CONDITION now existing in Minneapolis at the present time affects in no small degree the Uni- versity student quite as much as it does the Minne- apolis citizen. The reference is to the recent mini- mum rate law ratified by the city council. The mini- mum law, as is well known, set the minimum charge at a point which was almost twice the prevailing rate at the time the law was passed. Before the ordinance went into effect, it was possible for a student to ride from the city to the University, in a comfortable and well-kept taxicab, for seventy-five cents. The charge made by drivers of the same cab company for the same journey is now a dollar and a quarter. Obviously, there is no reason for such exorbitance. Independent cab companies who formerly provided service at lower, rates did not complain of insuffi- cient business. Patrons of these companies did not complain of insufficient service, or of unsatisfactory riding conditions. Where, then, was the occasion for the increase? The city council of Minneapolis has evidently lost sight of the fact that its first duty is to the citizenry, rather than to the corporate interests. If the council is able to see much farther than its collective nose, it should be able to see that the new minimum rate law will serve only to force smaller companies into bankruptcy. If, however, the city council feels itself unable to deal with the situation, there is always the ex- pedient of the other legislative body whose efforts\ could be centered on this problem. The state Legisla- ture,-if it so chose, could enact a statute which spe- cifically states that no municipal body in the state shal ratify a proposal having to do with minimum taxicab rates. And the Legislature ought not of right fear the passage of such legislation. What body do both the Legislature and the city council serve: the corporate interests, or the people themselves? 0 Music;and Drama I4 c AsED POLL RESURRtECTION Uncle Daniel isn't half as dead as that story the other morning might have led you all to expect and hope. H is right now in the process of being yanked unce r oniously from his bed by a lazy editorial director to write a lousy Rolls colun at 11:30 at night. if you are wise you will take a day off of this and re- sort to the edits. I am told they are interesting tonight. It seems that the boys are in 'kind of a turmoil over the lat- est administrative fiasco. If anyone had come and asked me, I could have told them that no good would ever come of a proposition that was put over the way that new Interfratern- ity Judiciary ,Committee was. They only had a majority of one after the slickest railroad- ing program the University has ever seen had cleared away. Not one man out of five among those who voted for it had any idea of how much power they were actually getting skined out of. * * * At that, the only thing that pre- vented complete and disastrous success of the plot was the fact that, they tried such a hairbrained proposal for their first official act. * * * DAILY POEM See the Campus Politicians Kicking, screaming as they fall Into "pits of their own digging. It's a fine world after all. S * * . r ,a. R STEPPING INTO i . ti:+ + ..g +. a \ , w , .. -. , i t ?, .... - ' 0 s are - ;, . -- " ' z, t I t r ' . { * '' ' , %' d s h> . ,;.- t, _ o: r 't t '4 itt, : ;spI yll* ..... ......... Business Manager . .. . . . . Assistant Manager artment Managers .... Vernon Bishop . . . . . . . . ..Ro b e rt B3 . C a lla h a n .William W. Davis ... . . . .. . . . .Bron C. Vedder .Wilarm T. Brown ... . . . .. . . . .Harry It. Begiey .{... iehard Stratemeier ..Ann AV. Verner O.t of 25 telephone companies ...ON E SYSTEM ThomassRoberts eo t. A. Saltzstein Bernard E. Sehnacke Oraf ton, W. Sharp Cecil B.,Welch Good yer . Helen Olsen Marjorie Rough Mlary Is. Watts R-CULLEN KENNEDY V, MAY 28, 1931 Closed Party Question onflicting announcements regardihg 'nity matters were made yesterday vhich have caused no little discussion mpus, most of it in opposition to the en. The two stories were those re- he new fraternity "honor system," etion banning open parties. remedy exists for those houses that vor this latter action? That group in- arly every general fraternity on the Under the constitution of the Inter-, Council, five houses may call a meet- group. If this were done, expression n on this new action could be heard, :ussion could take place which would -easons for taking this step. Since the 1 houses are punished if outsiders uble at their parties, it remains with orbid their members to have outside if they cannot invite such persons as embroil their houses in trouble with rsity. A vote on the matter in plenary the Council !would override the ac- he comittee, according to the presi- tement. idiciary committee of the council, as implies, was intended to have juris- ver fraternity discipline, subject only vision of action by the Senate Com- a Student Affairs. Therefore, one ically assume that the Council alone power to make the regulations as g the conduct of the fraternities for ittee to enforce. Yet the "honor sys- )osal apparently comes from the Uni- Iministration. And it will, according diction of one student who expressed n the plan, make "90 per cent of the iars, and the other 10 per cent stool- Nothing is more repulsive to the tudent than to be required to report is of his fellow students. It is con- is code of honor. ears, however, that ihe above action :essary in view of the steps taken by ary Committee Tuesday night. The ion, evidently, for the honor pledges solve fraternities from the disciplin- n due to objectionable behavior of at their parties. But that the judi- mittee should take this action is sur- Legislative power belongs to the s a whole. The disciplinary power ranted to [he committee. Consequent- overstepped its bounds in making which has met with opposition in y all, the fraternity houses.- , it appears in both cases that limits etion have been overstepped by the * question. Because of, the intense to both plans, which became appar- 'day morning, the best move would five necessary houses to request the to call a meeting of the entire Coun- e, discussion of the matter would STRINDBERG'S "THE FATHER" A Preview. SOPHOCLES "saw life steadily and saw it whole." Strindberg was probably wholly mad. The juxta-,. position this week of "The Father" and "Electra" is a very bold, very interesting piece of program-making Naturalistic tragedy is rarely given such a test as it will be given this afternoon when the structure and tone of Greek tragedy will be so vivid in our minds The presentation of "The Father" should make an exciting second event in the Festival. The American theatre has hardly got the proper. perspective on Strindberg. To a great extent there g merely a rumor of a Swedish madman who hated all women ferociously, marrying three or four of the wretched -things and writing many violent plays about them to prove it. He is generally disimissed, I think, as depressing, extreme, very ugly. The position is wrong. Strindberg was mad; he had several obsessions which, so to speak, he plugged as dramatic material. But in his rich temperament certain elements from the spiritual ferment of the modern era were mingled with peculiar intensity. And though his art is nearly fifty years old, it still re- mains surprisingly vital and relevant. He kept faith with himself as an artist in a way that is peculiarly modern. He was an arch-subjectivist. His artistic method was autobiography. He insisted on revealing all the antimonies of his soul. Those were so violent that in his dramatic practice this strenuous, disson- ant spirit revolutionized some of the pet conceptions of the aesthetics of drama, and cracked most of the dramatic conventions. Principally, he was influential in creating a new type of tragedy. He found life static, oppressive. He saw in himself that the conflict between duty to the social compact and duty to oneself could seldom be so resolved as to allow the great noble gestures of the previous tragic traditions. "There are dishar- nionies in .modern life that cannot be resolved," he said.' To present this awful tightness in such a man- ner that an audience could see and understand was the only conceivable sense in which the modern tragedian couldp romise something approaching the Aristotelian purgation. His early play "The Father"-dated 1887-illus- trates all this. There is no liberating action in this play. It is definitely depressing. Life is pictured as a hideous struggle' in a setting of diabolical ferocity. He pictures the terible struggle of sex-with its cur- ious interplay of love and hatred, its awful intensity. The care and training of their daughter becomes the problem over which the Captain and his wife, Laura, rant. The Captain is intensely moral; he feels his mission of paternity to be an important one and most of his motives in the struggle are honorable. Laura is amoral; she constantly smashes at the Captain's integrity of character. Failing, she undermines the ,one thing he is clinging to. By poisonous suggestion she implants in the Captain's mind some doubt as to whether he is really the father of the child. She plays cruelly on his nerves until this doubt becomes an idee fixe. The Captain becomes a maniac. The woman has tortured him unfairly. It is a horrible, powerful play. In certain of its aspects it leaps from its naturalistic context and predicts the methods of expressionism. Strindberg wrote of it in the famous Preface to "Miss Julia": "Not long ago they reproached The Father with being too sad-just as if they wanted merry trage- dies. Everybody is clamoring arrogantly for "the joy. of life." I find the only joy of life in its violent and HIGH SCHOOL BULLETIN The latest development at the treat Michigan Grade School Uni- iersity For Backward Children ap- dears in the form of a noble at- ;empt on the part of the Campus Fraternities to rectify the wrong they did when they listened to rec- artendations from the great facul- ty-politician combine that did them dirt. And let that stand as the les- son for the day-Always read over a new constitution before swallowing. * * * Which gives a wonderful oppor- tunity to start another campaign, tamely-DOWN WITH THE IN- ERFRATERNITY COUNCIL! People have led me to believe that the mystery about LITTLE YVONNE FAGAN is as deep as ever. This scarcely seems pos- sible. It must be that my suc- cessors are just terribly-terribly negligent and that's that. * * * DOWN WITH THE FRATERNITY COUNCIL! * * *~ Rolls has, after much solititation by the solicitor general and others of his kidriey, decided to come out with a brand new feature in the form of a real service for its pat- rons. It has been brought to our attention that good blotters are verry verry scarce indeed these days and that this is causing serious in- convenience to many of our read- ers. Realizing" as we do that there is nothing Worse than no blotter, we are now making an attempt to remeely'the situation~ by providing something that is. The result of our machinations is the following radical invention. A ROLLS BLOT- TER! Just cut out and use, that's all there is to it, and very handy it should prove to be too. - -- Greater ability to serve the public is the rea- son for the Bell System - made up of the Amei-ican Telephone and Telegraph Compa- ny aild its 24 associated telephone companies. The Bell System is operated by these 24 associated companies, each attuned to the area it serves. Each enjoys the services of the staff of the American Company, which is continually developing better methods. Each, benefits from the work of the Bell Telephone Laboratories and Western Electric - scien- tific research and manufacturing branches of the System. Bound together by common policies and ideals' of service the Bell System companies work as one. In helping to administer this $4,000,000,000 property, men find real business adventure. 7Xe &ppruniy is t/zre! BELL SYSTEM 4 '. q Arh4' A NATION-'WIDE SYSTEM OF INTER-CONNECTING TELEP H FR i Cigarette r JUST as the proof of the pud- ding is the eating, so is the proof of a cigarette in the smoking. And millions of men and,wom- en are now discovering a brand new enjoyment since Camels adopted the new Humidor Pack. The mildness and the flavor of, fine tobacco vanish when scorch- ing or evaporation steals the na- tural moisture out of a cigarette. Now, thanks to the new Humi- dor Pack, which keeps the dust and germs out and keeps the flavor in, Camels, wherever you find them, are always factory-fresh and in perfect mild condition. Air-sealed in Camel's moisture- proof Cellophane is all the good- ness of finest Turkish and mel- low Domestic tobacco expertly blended. No harsh, dried tobacco to burn the throat. No peppery dust to sting delicate membrane - just the cool mild aroma of fine to- bacco, properly conditioned. Camel smokers have already discovered that their favorite cigarette is better now than ever before. If you haven't smoked a Camel recently, switch over for just-one day, then quit them, if you can. ROLLS BLOTTER And, before closing, may I mere- ly mention the fact that I HATE Newberry Auditorium. * * Then, after mentioning That, (Namely: I HATE NEWBERRY AUD?) I feel justified in closing and returning to the yearning iC o t Cn .z o _ _ - 1'7, i i n i r ' M ' ' ' 1