AN DAILY Music and Drama the University year Association. to the use for re- t or not otherwiSe dI herein. dichigan, as second. by Third Assistant Strect, Ann Arbor, NOTES ON "ELECTRA" By Helen Watier Rowe. OASTED ROLL EXTRA! EXTRA! EXTRA! All the world, including Ann Ar- bor, was startled Sunday morning to read in a well-known Ann Arbor morning paper this headline: SHRDLU SLCE I TOIDIT GAR~mGOYLE II SCHOOL OF MUSIC CONCERTS-, No Admission Charge ..00-1-" Unexcelled Baldwin Pianos Victor Micro-Synchronous Radio Victor and Brunswick Records Music Teacher's Supplies Popular Music Complete Line of Everything Musical ..............C* S K~ ........David M. Nichol .Sheldon C. Fullerton ............ Margaret M. Thompson .............. Bertram J. Askwith ................Denton C. Kunze ................. Robegt L Pierce ................ William F. Pyper ~DT08 J. Cullen Kennedy C. Kunze Jerry E. Rosenthal George A. Stauter Assistants . Myers Chrles A. Sanford John S. Townsend RTERS ozyner Brackley Shaw rritt Parker Snyder er Ford Spikermnan ozewaki Alfred Stresen-Reuter ,man William Thai tit Glen winters ard Charles Woolner han nan Margaret O'Brien roster 1.ieanor Rairdou ismnau Marjorie Thomson ail Anne Tobin leton Alma Wadsworth hester Josephine Woodhams S STAFF s 21214 .............Business Manager ...............Assistant Manager t Managers .................ernn Bishop ............... Robert B3. Callahan ................ William W. Davis ............... .Byron C. .'Adder ...............William T. Brown ................Harry R. Begley ............... Richard Strateeieer ............ nn W. Verner stants eehing Thomas Roberts :eenstonc 11. A. Saltzstein r Bernard s. Shelnacke Kohn Grafton W. Sharp Good Cecil E. Welch EDITOR'S NOTE: The following notes by Mrs. Rowe who I witnessed "Electra" in Boston were sent as an advance report on the produjtion in a letter which did not arrive previous to the pro- duction. Her remarks on the Boston reception, which has b'een reprinted in the New York Times, should be of interest: "All the Boston reviewing was colored by the previous experience this season of the German-romantic adaptation of "Electra" by Von Hoffsman- thal . . . with the exception of HN. T. Parker of the Transcript, whose estimates were governed by the ideas of classical production prior to the excavations of the 1890's." T HE direction of Electra shows careful, conserva.- tive understanding work on the part of Mr. Henderson. The play achieves strength by unob- trusiveness of production elements.. The audience is distracted neither by questions of accuracy raised by attempt at antiquarian reproduction, or by unassim- ilated modern experiments. To one who saw the Antigone of last year an evolution is apparent. On the whole it is a successful and original adaptation of the classical drama to the exigencies of a small company in the modern theatre.' The telescoping of the setting to meet the limited space of the modern stage, in contrast to the wide Greekstage, was skillfully accomplished. The funeral mound of Agamemnon is assumed off stage to the right, with complete consciousness on the part of the audience. An adjunct of the dance serves as the altar which takes the place of the temple. The steps to the palace, serve to make the audience aware of the view in the distance, as experienced by the dramatis personae when mounted upon them, and an opening in the stone wall beneath the palace steps is used for the entrance of Electra, with intensifica- tion of the miserable state and abusive treatment which that character is receiving at the hands of Olytemnestra-1a matter needing visualization to the modern audience. Certainly the most notable achievement of the production is accomplished through the use of the dances of Martha Graham . . . an innovation which seems to me to be likely to make history in modern methods of production of classical drama. Lacking the large and elaborately trained dancing and sing- ing choruses of the original Greek production, the use of one accomplished dancer to interpret the spirit of the tragedy is a feasible and altogether ade- quate substitute. The world would have been startl- ed a lot worse if it had been gen- erally known that Shrdlu was none other than Dan Baxter, the famous columnist, and until today, editor 'of this very column. The news came as a distinct surprise to Baxter and his friends who were playing con- tract at a twentieth of a cent an hour at the time the announcement was made. When informed of his good fortune Cooley is said to have raised to his full height. His lonely brown eyes were glazed with a far- away look, as he spat into his beard, and great tears came gushing down his seamed checks like ripe plums. No one dared take a breath the moment was so intense. After a while a smile rippled over his rip- pling lips and the crowd relaxed, and it was about time too because they were all nearly dead from lack of breath. Its things like that that sort of get a man. Wednesday, May 27, 4:15, VELMA WACHLIN, Organist, in Graduation Recital, Hill Audi- torium. Thursday, May 28, 8:15, JAMES HAMILTON'S students in selections from "Aida" and ,"Il Rigoletto." Tuesday, June 2, 8:15, MAR- JORIE McCLUNG and RUTH M c C O R M I C K, Sopranos, in Graduation Recital. Thursday, June 4, 8:15, MIL- DRED DRINKAUS, Soprano, in Graduation Recital. Sunday, June 7, 4.:15, Concerto and Aria program: Misses Mc- Cormick, McClung, Field, So- p r a n o s ; Miss Peck, Pianist; Messers. Poinar and Hamilton, Violinists; the University Sym- phony Orchestra; E A R L V. MOORE, Conductor, Hill Audi- torium. Monday, June 8, 8:15, RUTH PARDEE, in Piano Recital. Tuesday, June 9, 8:15, ELEAN- OR WHITMAN, in Piano Re- cital. Thursday, June 11, 8:15, NELL B. STOCKWELL'S students in Pi- ano Recital. *In School of Music unless otherwise announced. 601 Bast William w UNIVERSITY MUSIC HOUSE William Wade Hinshaw Devoted to Music Amn1h etada Among the Best and at Reasonable Prices FREEMAN'S DINING Phone ROOM Lunches 40c, Dinners 60c Sunday Dinner 75c ONLY ONE BLOCK NORTH FROM HILL AUDITOR Helen Olsen Marjorie Rough Mary E. Watts i 3T EDITOR-FRANK GILBRETH WEDNESDAY, MAY 27, 1931 Writing on The Wall JT questionnaire distributed at the i State University to students asking not they could study comfortably ouses brought a decidedly strong aswer from most of the fraternity y men and women on the campus. 1 noise," "too many distractions," g the answers given in this survey. ities will, in the near future, un- be prove a reason for their or else gradually become extinct., pity movement started in the East. of the Eastern colleges, fraternities ne mere clubs for upperclassmen. novement may spread to the west, e original system did,,constitutes a er to fraternities, especially in con- e' recent educational developments A at Chicago and Michigan. Though istant in the future, the menace i I >n'ly answer which the system will be iake to the demand that it die out wiTl tify its existence. In general, fraterni- first founded as literary groups, re- xercises and papers. In the late '90's a gradual transition took place, and ame more or less social organizations. iture, there exists the possibility that become mere traditions. V face of this development, many of >s have already started to prepare for ng struggle, aLthough perhaps not con- that impending conflict. At Lafayette, ter has introduced, as an experiment, .sl tutorial system, employing a grad- nother chapter, who is taking advanc- to supervise the house, and assist the d niembers in their scholastic work. group has commenced Uw installation 1 central organizations which are to ouch with the chapters in certain dis- well as the University authorities in, ig to build up a group that will be to the student and to the University. fraternities are absolutely essential to rn University is a question. That they' e abolished is most impractical, and,- e, impossible. Nevertheless, unless i to be transformed into eating clubs f maintaining their present character individuals molded into a compact writing on the wall appears, only too Miss Graham's performance lent immeasurably to the communication of the spirit of Sophocles,..f though the dances j themselves were in a manner which is entirely modern. The break in the pre- sentation of a Sophoclean tragedy was mucht regret- ted, but the summary dance of Miss Graham, which opened the second part, regained the continuity. Summary in scope, the dance was carved in severely stylized forms which conveyed to the onlooker the impression that he was.witnessing an emotional pat- tern which had been reduced to these terms that the anguish, the frenzy, the soul-torture might be bear- able to witness. One was almost afraid to watch the dancer, as the emotion of the piece mounted, so connotative was she of reserve capacities, lest the furies should burst forth in a display too terrible to view. The chorus, which is again broken down into in- dividualized characters, as was Mr. Henderson's chorus of Antigone, is refined in movement under the direction of Miss Graham. AltAough this individual- ization of "a group of Argive maidens" in costume and in line has the advantage of less remoteness for the mpdern audience than the unified chorus, the intense isolation and the moral teaching, particularly in Electra, the emphasis on moderation, of the Soph- oclean tragedy is sacrificed by the method. - Near the end, the play moves at some distance, I believe, from the original Greek intent. When Aegis- thus has fallen into the' trap set for him by Orestes, Pylades, and Electra, and drawn back the veil from the face of his murdered wife, he is stricken with fear. The fear is not alone the fear of two mortal men, evidently to him by now intent upon his de- struction, but the Greek fear of doom . . . predes- tined by an adverse God. Under Mr. Henderson's direction, "I then am lost, woe's me!" follows upon a physical combat in which Aegisthus has lost his sword (and .during which Orestes, Mr. Henderson, has executed a spectacular leap from the high palace steps to the floor of the stage). "Go thou within quickly" refers in the text to within a second room, to the chamber where Agamemnon had been mur- dered by Aegisthus. As presented, the "within" refers to the palace itself. There is no suggestion in the text of physical combat or of flight by Aegisthus until the ,line "Lead thou," whep we might expect that the crafty and able Aegisthus entertained some fleeting hope of escape. The heigtened action of this scene, as it is presented, lends undue emphasis to the physical means for the murder of Aegisthus, and detracts from the Sophoclean emphasis on causation, a divine doom for transgression. Device and struggle of a physical nature, by rule of the Greek stage, were reduced to complete subordination . . . murder neces- sarily taking place off stage. The noise and clatter of the contention of the armed men came as a dis- turbing note after the beautifully intoned lines of Blanche Yurka. Members of the Ro'ls editor- ial staff are making prepara- tions for a gala day of celebra- tion, beginning tomorrow and probably lasting the rest of the week. (You know how those things are.) There will be a parade thisiafternoon toshon- or the occasion. The lines will form at 2:15 in front of Angerl Hall and by 4:15 everything ought to, be ready to get under way. The line of march will be from the front of Angell Hall due west to the Romance lang- uage Bu'ding thence South a r o u n d President Ruthven'sk tennis court to see the Scotch terrier, thence straight across the brass to the New Law Li- brary, where the parade will disband, if it hasn't already., The student Council and the Senate Committee will be on hand to see that there is no dis- orderly conduct. We don't want to get that Scotch terrier ex- cited. LIFE STORY OF BAXTER Baxter was born in Detroit and its environs exactly eight years, three months and twenty three daysbefore ThenAllies signed the Peace Treaty with Germany. His early years were checkered and eventful in the extreme. At an early age he was known to have hurled ten-pen- ny nails from the housetops at passers-by.. The next y e a r he 4 w a s hu rlin g twelve - penny nails, and the y e a r following he was using railroad spikes. By an assiduous application to his tal- ents Baxter has developed into a boy marvel. He can draw pictures of horses without tails, horses with tails. He can sing "Yes, sir, That's My Baby" with guitar accompani- ment in either A, E, or F. He swings a mean. He can take apart any known variety of typewriter with ease and dexterity and can execute plain and fancy parlor tricks with grace and abandon. * * *, Where Are You 1 . . 1I,: ', " f " I ' ' F. : r ,. r fi . k .: i «. I f 1 f i ,. / E i' rj f i f ,. This 'Holiday? Tatsall we need to know Are you going to play golf? going to dance in the city ort try? Or are you going to be ested spectator from the Whatever you do, the College provide grand clothes for it.A cost .... glance over this page. that anything' is possible in in a shop of fashion! Are you the coun- Light Weight Wool If You Play Games $1050 Be smart in a one-piece frock of light weight wool crepe. Natural, eggshell and white. Shantung, If You Merely Watch They are so very charming along the sidelines, and equally smart in action. Sleeveless or short sleeved frocks with contrasting jackets. Goin Organdy Any Evening, Any Place $19.50 After the sun goes down, be feminine and charm- ing in a crisp organdy. Some are embroidered in all-over designs. Pastels and white. Washable Fabric Gloves No Matter Where You Are, $1.00- You may wear them with everything. They are four button length . . . eggshell, white and pastels. D '.r - . . ,4, ( Ir is gone! .5 .1 ' - 0 Publicity Flying E open season for flying is on. Newspa- 'ers are being deluged with pictures of ors being nonchalant in front of planes iich they hope to fly from Berlin to Bag-, in a new record time, or to accomplish other such publicity-acquiring feat. has been repeated many times that little Miss Yurka's characterization of Electra was superb. The contrast to Miss Anglin's statuesque, masklike acting of Antigone convinces one of the possibilities of variety in distinguished acting of Greek tragedy. Miss turka presented a volatile, now brooding, now unleashed Electra whose whole intent in life is revenge for the wrong done her father, but capable of the tenderest human ,emotions for the brother and sister who suffer with her. With exact Well, what of it, now that Bax- ter is out of the way maybe I can make something out of this column. What this paper needs is some good dramatic criticism and a few short stories. We goI to be cultural above all things else, because that's what we're here for, to get refined and cultured. Culture is 0. K. and I'm all for it, so my policy is going 1'o be culture more than anything; I'm even contemplating changing the name of the column from "Toasted Rolls" to "Browned Rolls, Buttered," because it sounds so much more refined. White combined with bright and dark colors is smart with your sports or daytime things. Don't Forget Your Jewelry $10 Goodyear's I College Shop