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May 27, 1931 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1931-05-27

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ar to That
st Year,

une given uur-
was announced
Abbot, director
oadcasting spa-
rnoon program
eranged by the
and will be di-
t-Teacher con-
wi.ll not includet
and a resumef
.es on the cam-t
r each.r
ts, talks will be
ives of the bu-
tions conform-
in alumni edu-

Old Members Asked to Return
for Commencement Week
Invitations have been sent out
for a first annual reunion of the
Varsity Glee club, according to an
announcement yesterday at the
Alumni association office.
All old members of the glee club
have been asled to return to a gen-
eral reunion, the first of its kind,
on Commencement weekend, June
19 to 23.
The idea has evolved as the re-
sponse to an article in the Michi-
gan Alumnus of Jan. 31, by Earl
Peters, entitled "The Glee Club
Goes A'Journeying." Many reminis.-
cent letters from old glee club
members were evoked by this arti- i
cle, and the reunion was suggested.
It is planned to have a banquet
at which old quartets will sing, and
then have the old glee clubs aid in
the general alumni sing Friday
night on. the steps of Angell hall.
Among the glee club graduates
who have already signed up for the
reunion are Judge Robert Thomp-
son, Rossiter Cole, Jack Hibbard,
John A. Jameson, George J. Wag-
goner, H. P. Dodge, and John B.
About 47,000 school children are
transported to and from schools in
Iowa at public cost at an average
expense of $4.22 per pupil per

Lydia Mendelssohn -'B 1 a n ch e
Yurka and Martha . Graham in'
Michigan -Wallace Beery, Lewis
Stone, John Mack Brown, Jean
"Electra," at 3:15 and 8:15 o'clock.
Harlow, Marjorie Rambeau in "Thee
Secret Six."
MV ajesti --Elissa Landi, Charles
Farrell, Humphrey gart, and
Myrna Loy in "Body and Soul."
Wuertlh-John Mack Brown, Ele-
anor Boardman, Lucille La Verne,
Anita Louise, anrl Gavin Gordon in
"The Great Meadow."
Lecture --"The Quinoidation of
Some Organic Compounds" by M. B.
Geiger, 4 o'clock, room 300, Chemis-
try building.
Physicists Contribute
to Scientific Review
Two members of the faculty of
the physics department have col-I
laborated on an article for the May
issue of the Physical Review, it was
announced yesterday.
Prof. Samuel A. Gaudsmit and
Russel A. Fisher have written an
article for the magazine entitled
"Hyperfine Structure in Ionized
Bismuth," after a careful study in
the laboratories here.
The 21-foot, 8,000-line concave
grating, mounted in the third base-
ment of the laboratory was used in
determining data used in the arti-
cle. A method which facilitates the
analysis of partially resolved line
patterns is also described by Fisher
and Professor Gaudsinit.

Delay in Construction of Sister j Atlantic was the Savannah, 350
Ships of Leviathan Lowers tons, built at New York city. She
left Savannah, Ga., on May 24, 1819
United States' Chances. and reached Liverpool in 26 dlays.
The quickest passage of a sailing
WASHINGTON, May 26.-(Ar)-hship across the Atlantic was made
The next battle for the blue ribbon by the clipper Dreadnought, from
Sof the North Atlantic probably will New York to Queenstown, Ireland,
be fought out by Germany and in 9 days and 17 hours,
Great Britain, with the United ____y__d_7_____
States apparently out of the run-
ning for transoceanic speed hon- Forester Dedicates
ors in the next few years. I Community Projects
American prospects of winning ____
the trans-Atlantic crown haye been.
retrde owng o te dlayin on-j dProf. E. V. Jotter of the Forestry
_retarded owing to the delay in con- department' has recently returned
struction of two super-liners, si- e tethsreetyrtre
tehipsof theLevipet-han.r, -from Michigan's northern penin-
-ii sula where he took part in the ded-
Meanwhile the Cunard line, for- ication of one of the community
mer possessor of the speed trophy, forest projects being sponsored by
has started building the first of two several of the townships in this
giant ocean greyhounds designed to district.
bring.back to Britain her supremacy These projects, states Professor
of the seas. Jotter, consist of the development
These ships will have a tonnage and care of forests by public school
of 73,000 tons each, as compared pupils on lands donated to the
with the 59,000 tons of the Levia- schools by the townships in which
than and the 51,000 tons of the they are located. Young trees are
reigning speedqueen, the German furnished free of charge or at cost,
Europa. The new Cunarders will be by the Conservation commission,
more than 1;000 feet long and these are planted and cared
The Europa wrested the crown .for by the pupils who pledge them-
from her sister ship, the Bremen, seives to this work.
in March, 1930, when she mnade the Each tract of land donated by a
3,100-mile crossing from Cherbourg township for this forestration pi'o-
to New York in 4 days, 17 hours and gram consists of many acres, and it
6 minutes. is usually developed piece by piece,
The Cunard Mauretania, still one he, said.
of the fastest Atlantic liners, long1
held the speed record. * UNIVERSITY OF INDIANA-A
In July, 1840, the Britannia, first course in parent education has
of the Cunard liners came from been proposed at he University of
Liverpool to New York in 14 days Indiana, 'either to be offered as a,
and 8 hours, which was considered correspondence course of the ex-
no mean achievement in those days. tension division, or as a regular
The first steamship to cross the course of the university curriculum.


Associated Prss Photo '
Eugene O'Neill,
Noted playwright, who returned
to Unitea States, recently for his
first visit in three years. The pie-
ture was taken after he landed in
New York.


Socialist and Rou
to Give Coml
in Unity

Liberal Students union
club, and Round Table
give a . combined dance
o'clock next Friday nigl
sial hall of the Unita4a
it was announced yesterda
fred Sellars, Leonard Kix
and Charles Orr, - Sped
three clubs, and Eugene,
house chairman.
The dance is open to. a
that they are interested
alism of one variety or a
was said. A three piece
has been secured. Refr
and, card and chess game
"It is expected," says
nouncemnent, "that, as a.
the acquaintances mad
dancee, thle variouse libheragl
of the campus and tle-
tions themselves will be
for better co-operation in
spective tasks. The:pri
immediate object is. tohip
time. The officers of' th
clubs beieve that this i
propriate close to a year
Tickets may be securedf
. In a move to stamp: o
dogs, 1,729 acres of low
Indian reservation in So
ta were covered with bai

n will ar-
n of each
ven in the

talks given by
are as follows:
e, Science,and
,es of Engineer-
ire-6; depart-
ig research-4;
Law school-i;
-1; School of
,ol of Business
School of For-
tion-2; exten-
reau of alumni'
ks will be print-
here are others
however, which
due to a Uni-
bulletins must
hose of 1930. If,
great enough,'
of such talks

Geologists to Make Survey
Rocks Brought Back
by Gould.


., -

Df talks given by the
rtments, which will not
s as follows: College of
science, and the Arts-
eek-4; German week
i week-4; Colleges of
and Architecture-8;
research-7; medical
School of Education-7;
orestry and Conserva-
ool of Music-1.
now being formulated
semble groups from the
usic which will present
musical program upon

Duncan Stewart, graduate stu-
dent of geology and mineralogy, will
make a study of the rock speci-
mens brought back from the vicin-
ity of the south pole by Prof. Law-
rence Gould, geologist and second
in command of the Byrd Antarctic
expedition, it was announced yes-
terday by Prof' W. F. Hunt, of the
division.of petrography.
. Stewart was one of the student
.geologists who accompanied Prof.
W. H. Hobbs on his Greenland ex-
pedition in 1928, and was one of
the two men to rescue Hassel and
Cramer, the American aviators who
were forced down on the inland ice
of the region.
Brougit 74 Trays of Rock.
Gould brought back 74 trays of
spemimens from the Rockefeller
and Queen Maud mountains. The
Queen Maud mountains are about
300 miles from the pole, and the
Rockefeller range is on the north-
east side of the Bay of Whales
where the expedition base was lo-
cated. Gould made the trip to
Queen Maud mountainsi by dog-
sled, and the trip to the Rockefel-
ler range by airplane.
Most of the rocks are varieties of
granite, sandstone, diabase and
pegmatites. Each specimen will be
e x a m i n e d -;icroscopically and
chemically, their nature considered
in comparision with Gould's field
notes, and also with the previous
descriptions of the geology of the
region as published by Shackel-
ton, Scot and Nordenskjold.
To Study Relationship.
The specimens will also be com-
pared, if possible, with types of
rocks from South America and Aus-
tralia. In this way it is hoped to
discover if the different parts of the
Antarctic continent are similar be-
neath the thick sheet of ice that
covers. all but the mountain tops.
Local Man Arrested
for Restaurant Fight
Pleading guilty to charges of his
being drunk and disorderly, Frank
R. Wilson, 802 State street, was fin-
ed $25 and $9.70 costs, when he
appeared before Judge Bert E. Fry
yesterday. Wilson was arrested
Sunday during a fight in Dunn's
lunch room, 804 State street, where
he is a waiter. The man with whom
Wilson was fighting was forced to
leave town Monday.





Traffic Proportion
in Cities Is Higher;
Workers Are Cause
CAMBRIDGE, Mass., May 26.-(A?)
No wonder it's hard to find park-







Albert Russell Erskine bur-
or street traffic research at
rd university finds that the
'tion of wdrkers entering the
ss districts of American cities
utomobile each morning is
r than generally realized.
percentage of persons enter-
ie business districts by pri-
automobiles or taxicabs, the
z finds, ranges as high as 551
nt in Washington, which'







ds the list.
i kansas.City the percentage
:1 per cent, while Chicago sets
w mark with 18 per cent. San
ncigco and Boston run midway
reen these two marks, and in
Francisco 30 per cent enter
leave the business district on













This, Year'


men BANK here-
That IS a factor in a
business mans |ife,/

hynot join them?

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