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May 27, 1931 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1931-05-27

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.. ., ..MIIY BE [(AMI!IIE

-...'r E

Association of Professors
Be Called Upon to


Sphinx Initiates 10
at Spring Ceremony
Sphinx, junior literary honor-
a r y society, held its annual
"spring mummification" yester-
day afternoon. Ten men were
takcn into the organization fol-
lowing the public initiation cere-
monies held on the campus.
Prof. Waldo Abbot, of the Eng-
lish department, gave the prin-
cipal talk at the banquet held
at the Union. John Reindel, '32,
S. Cadiwell Swanson, °31,KMay-
nard Morrison, '32, and Kasper
Halverson, '31, spoke to the neo-
phytes. Noel D. Turner, one of
the initiates, responded.
Those admitted were: Robert
Callahan, Charles E. DeBaker,
H a wle y Egleston, Charles M.
Rush, John Schrneiler, Carl Seif-
fert, Noel D. Turner, Ivan B.
Williamson, and K e n n e t h L.
Yourd and Ben McFate.


Stand Taken Bef

tore Consultin


Sociologist R e c e n t ly Notified
of His Dismissal at
End of Year.
COLUMBUS, o., May 26.-(AP)-
The American Association of Uni-
versity Professors may. be called
upon to investigate the dismissal of
Prof. Herbert A. Miller from the
faculty of Ohio State university,
Prof. Charles B. Morrey,- president
of the local chapter of the asso-
ciation, said today.
This decisionwas reached by
four members of the Columbus
branch after Professor Miller had
issued a statement claiming "an in-
expert board of trustees" for his
' President George W. Rightmire,
Carl Stees, business manager of the
university a d J li.A St h fnnJ.rl.ir

Organizations; Campus
Oppose Decision.



Michigan fraternities will no longer be per
dances or parties, as the result of action taker
Judiciary committee of the Inter-fraternity coun<
in the office of Joseph A. Bursley, dean of studer
siders have been responsible for much of the c
order at parties on the campus prompted the


1 1.1

Vinal 0. Taylor, chairman of the Senior Ball, which is to be held
Friday night at the Union, wil bring -as his guest Camilla Hubel, '30.
Miss Hubel is a resident of Highland Park. Taylor has been in charge
of arrangements for the annual dance.


ay con
is wit



n- Vulcans Hold Spring
th p e
Ceremony;_Admit i1.
g- Vulcans, honorary senior engi-,
)d neering society held their spring
v- initiation yesterday afternoon
e. followed by a banquet at the Un-
m ion last night.
1. . Those initiated were Jack S.
n Beechler, Frederic S. Buchan,
I- Stanley E. Chase, Robert S. Davis,
id Allison B. Evans, Rice G. Fitzpat-
st rick, David M. Hannah, J. Rob-
ert Jones, Robert B. Ladd, Jack'
e- I L. Spencer.


Cover Is Take-off on
Numerous Features


Ural dE
if it r

e- :

r' .nr


_~~ U11t:1y,n Ul dUs on1iile, clialr-
man of the board of trustees, were1
Noted Engineer to Address Tung in conference late this afternoonl
Oil Banquet Tonight; Crown and announced that a statementI
would be issued shortly, giving the
Will Be Awarded. university's side of the question.
Miller, internationally known so-
The Tung Oil banquet, annual ciologist on race problems, was not-
honors celebration of Sigma Rho ified several days ago by President
Tau, engineering debating society, Rightmire that the board of trust-
will be held in the Union at 6:30 n ad e t toH s
o'clock tonight. The speaker of the oactwfs nt year. His dismis-
eveingwil beAIansn P Brshsal was not caused by his active
evening will be Allanson P. Brush support of Gandhi in India in hisI
whose subject is "The Lid is Off." non-restrictive campaign againstI
Brush, who is now a consulting the British, nor his part in the
engineer in Detroit, has been asso- recent campaign of students toI
ciated with engineering as an in- have compulsory military training
ventor, as a member of thektt d tthu rsity made optional.
motive industry, and as a consult- The reais; isu t mtheuniversity,"
ing engineer. Miller said, "is not so much my
case, for which I invite any investi-
The presentation of the Cooloy gation by understanding people,
Cane will be made to the most out- but the situation in which inexpert
standing senior in the organization board of trustees undertake to
and awards from the Associated dominate the educational policy
Technical Societies of Detroik will and thought of a great university."

Hubel, Mirriam Keller,
zel Carton Among
Those Invited..

I i


Michigan Wins, 7-3
on Buckeye Errors
COLUMBUS, May 26. - (o) -
Coach Ray Fisher's Wolverine
baseball players sat back and
bided their time out at the Ohio
Stadium today, and when Ohio
State had completed an after-
noon of misplays, the University-
of Michigan had walked off with
a 7-3 victory. The Buckeyes bun-
gled each of the chances that
they had.
Michigan . .010 311 010-7 7 1
Ohio State. .030 000. 000-3 7 8
Batteries - Kiegner and Dif-
fley; Kermode, Wrigley, and
Furry, Weisheimer.
(Complete Sports on Pages 6 and 7)

fraternity coun
of all general
campus, was nc
the action was
as a completes
ternities this m
Members of t
mittee expressE
night that the :
prove of the act
they were not
proval of partiE
Howard T. Wor
and Howard G
and treasurer c
new ruling goes
diately. Fratern
ready been gra
hold dances wi
given the same



. cabi-
his of-

e cabinet offi-I
shortly after


-George Ferris'
loos, of Muske-
ry late Tuesday
e did a. nose dive
of a house here,
the dining room
tail protruding
ate college chap-I
Theta, national
anounced h e r e
pter was aban-
astatement cere-
ace next fall.

Committee members and their
guests for the Senior ball, to be
held on Friday night, in the Union,
were announced last night by Vinal
0. Taylor, '31, chairman.
Taylor's guest will be Camilla,
Hubel, '30. Miss Hubel, a graduate
of Michigan, is a resident of High-
land Park.-
J. Palmer Crawford, '31, in charge
of music, will bring Hazel Carton,
of Flint. Albert J. Klick, '31, treas-
urer, will be accompanied by Helen
Rowe, of Detroit.
Millard B. Deutsch,.'31, in charge
of tickets, will have as his guest
Cora L. Freed, of Stanford, Conn.
Keith F. Bennett, '31, programs, will
bring Corinne W~nry, of Steuben-
ville, 0. Charles W. Cory, '31, invi-
tations, will escort Miriam Keller, of
MansfIeld, O.
Robert M. Scoville, '31E, publicity,
will be accompanied by Irene Fin-
negan, of Detroit. Robert M. Young,'
'31E, decorations, will bring Ruth
Kelsey, of Ann Arbor. George J.
Weyl, '31E, will bring Katherine
Funkhouser, of Dayton, 0. Jean M.
Boswell, '31, will be escorted by Ray
C. Blocher, '33,
Ticket number 77 has been lost,
Taylor announced,. and its bearer
will be refused admittance.;
Slosson and BradshaW
Appointed to Council
The remaining two literary col-
lege representatives to the new Uni-
versity council were announced yes-
terday by Dean John R. Effinger.
They are Professors J. W. Brad-
shaw, of the mathematics depart-
ment, who is on leave of absence
at the present time, and Preston
W. Slosson, of the history depart-
According to the plan worked out
by the delegates, five members were
named for three year terms, five
for two years, and four for one
year. At the expiration of the one-
year terms, four will be elected for
three years, while the two-year
terms will be made three years in
1933. By such a system, Dean Ef-

Oe made to distinguished me oers
of the organization by Prof. H. H.
Higbie of the electrical engineering
Dean Herbert C. Sadler of the
colleges of architecture and engi-
neering will give an address and
Prof. A. D. Moore of the electrical
engineering department will act as,
A Tung Oil crown will be award-
ed to the best speaker of the eve-
ning, the speakers being allowed
but five minutes to display their
oratorical talents.
Members of the Adelphi House
of Representatives were addressed
last night in the Adelphi. room by
Dean Ray K. Immel of the school
of speech of the University of Sou-
thern California in Los Angeles. The
subject of the speech was "Talking
At the .closed meeting which fol-
lowed Dean Immel's talk, nomina-
tions were made for officers of the
society for next semester. J. E.
Glavin, jr., '32, and E. Jerome Pettit,
spec., were nominated for the office
of speaker; E. Jerome Pettit and
Robert N. Sawyer, '33, were named
for the office of clerk. Nominees for
treasurer were Gilbert Bursley, '34;
Samuel Ellis, '33; and Hyman -T.-
Mass, '34.
For sergeant-at-arms, Lester C.
Houck, '33, and Gayle E. Richard-
son, '32, were selected; for delegate
to the Oratorical association, Edgar
C. Hornik, '33; Victor Rabinowitz,
'31; and Gayle E. Richardson were
nominated. Elections will be held at
the final meeting of the society
which will be held next week.
Ruling on Automobile
Ban WillBe Altered
Students will be allowed to drive
cars after they have completed all
of their final examinations W. B.
Rea, assistant to the dean of stu-
A10"f annniio ,, V .Ct. , i.

Would Require House Presidents
to Report Violations of
Rules to Dean.
The Univers ty authorities will
attempt to regulate fraternities
and drinking by means of an "honors
system," it was learned today.
Dean Joseph A. Bursley said that
"one or two have taken means of
regulation,", bu.t insisted that it
was not a general policy beingI
adopted. Several fraternities have
been approached relative to the1
adoption of a plan, although it is
understood that as yet they have
not responded.
Members of the fraternities ob-
jected since it would require that
the house presidents report all in-
fractions of the pledge to the dean
of students, although disciplinary
action would be taken by the fra-
ternity organizations, it was learn-
ed. Objection was raised to the plan,
because it would require the frater-
nities signing the pledge to give
information concerning the actions
of out-siders who might visit the.
houses, as well as their own mem-
James R. Hoeffer, '32, the former
House president. of Sigma Chi fra-
ternity, one of the houses which has
signed a pledge, said last night that
he favored the action, although he
did not believe it would meet with
favor by most of the 'fraternities.
It is understood that the fraterni-
ties signing pledges did it on their
own initiative.
Michigan ensian Sale
Continues; Stubs Good
A number of 1931 Michiganensi-
ans may still be bought, George
Squibb, '32, sales manager of the

f Numerous features, both by stu-
dents and contributors of note, are
included in the June issue of Gar-
goyle which goes on sale today.
This number of the magazine will
be the final one of the year.
Tom Powers, a member of Rob-
ert Henderson's cast for the Dra-
matic season has written an article
on the theatre, and Fontaine Fox,
internationally -known cartoonist
has drawn a special full page of
comics for the issue.
IOf the student articles which are
appearing in today's Gargoyle, Wit-
field Hillyer's "Person's to be Avoid-
ed--if Possible" is featured. Anoth-
er full page of "Poetics" by Denton
Kunze, '33, is also included.
Paul Showers, '31, retiring man-
aging editor of the magazine, fin-
ishes his career with Gargoyle with
a discourse on master's degrees.
The contents of this article have
not been disclosed. Tom Cooley, '32,
newly-appointed managing editor,1
and Gurney Williams, '31, have also;
written for the final issue.
Another attraction of the maga-
zine for this month is a full-page
picture of Violet Heming done es-
pecially for Gargoyle. Other con-
tributions by regular members of
the staff "and student contributors
are also included.
The cover of the magazine is a
take-off on the 1931 Michiganen-
Performance by Martha Graham
to Be Only One of Kind
in Drama Season.
Preceeding the' first performance
of Strindberg's "The Father" at
3:15 o'clock tomorrow afternoon in
the Lydia Mendelssohn theatre,.
Martha Graham, famous dancer,
will make her only solo appearance
of the Dramatic Season, in a pro-
gram of dances which have arous-
ed great critical enthusiasm this
winter in New York and other east-
ern cities.
Miss Graham's program will in-
clude nine numbers, among them
the Primitive Canticles and the
Primitive Dolorosa from her dance
suite, t h e "Primitive Mysteries,"
with music by Villa-Lobos.
The "Primitive' Mysteries" was
called the "outstanding dance crea-
tion of the last six seasons" by John
Martin, dance critic for the New
York Times.
Accompanying Miss Graham will
be Louis Horst, pianist, and Hugo
Burgomasco, flautist, both of New
York. Horst composed all, of the
(Contiiiued on Page Two)
Engineering Society
Will Hold Banquet





% 1a1 9 I 0 AW alter W ilds, '31,
ial director of The .
Williams, Kunze and Moulton he believed the Jud
Named Editors; First Issue tee had the interes
June 22. ternities in mind wl
_was taken, but that
Appointments to the 1931 staff i nitting fraternity
of the Summer Daily were an- campus were, on t
nounced yesterday by Harold O. and .the organizatio
Warren, jr., '31, managing editor of to cope with .the s
the publication. Preliminary plans he said, is not the ca
for the publishing of the paper ed the belief that t
were also made known. do much to uestroy
Gurney Williams, jr., '31, was of the campus
named as editorial chairmart. Wil- Merry-Voices
liams served as Henry Merry, '31,
managing editor of The Daily, said t
of the publication reason why fraterni
hold open dances.
also news edi to bring about a fr:
on the Daily. He ship among frater
has also been one most houses are a
of the contribu- their guests, I see
tors to Gargoyle. the majority must
Music and Dra- a few are lax," hes
Paul Showers, Merton J. Bell, pi
'31, managing ed-
itor of the Gar- Student Council, sai
goyle, wilt super- ter of having closec
vise the Toasted- be left up to the in
Williams Rolls column. nities to decide.
Denton Kunze, '33, and Powers Members of the
Moulton, '33, were appointed co- imittee of the counc
city editors by Warren, and C. H. seph A. Bursley, P
Beukema, '32, was named sports Scott, of the geolo
editor. Both Kunze and Moulton Prof. Robert G. R
are night editors on the Daily staff business administra
and Beukerna is the Ann Arbor cor- Cullen Kennedy, '3
respondent for the Detroit Frce Houck, '32, Melvin
Press. Van Gribbin '32, I
Eleanor Rairdon, '33, was ap- den, '32, and How
pointed Women's editor and Lyle The alumni memb
R. Chubb was named for the posi- C o n n a b 1 e, Robe
tion of telegraph editor. The night Charles W. Graham
editors will be W illiams, M oulton ._andKunze,
and Kunze, i
All those wishing to serve as re-il
porters on The Daily are asked to
report to Warren, Previous, experi-
ence on publications is not neces- 1
sary, he said.
The first issue of the paper willU O
come out the morning of June 22
as a special number for Commence- 1ance to Be Hel
ment. Regular publication will be-
gin June 30. Una e to G
for Senior
Varsity Band to Give To accommodate
Spring Concert Today have been unable t
for the Senior ball,
The Varsity band will give one of flow party has bee
its annual spring concerts on the take place from 9 t
campus at 7:30 o'clock tonight at day night, at the Le
thp ha r,,i.foavr1 if, .1 . - 4

ed unemn-
were en-
ht at the
from De-

elief appropria-
1 M. Brucker to-
Michigan man-
vill meet here
-ov. Wilber M.
Is of the Mich-
make plans for
large industrial
ir's event.

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