THE MICHIGAN DAILY FICIAL BULLETIN tin is constructive notice to all members received at the office of the Assistant to excepting Sundays. '11:30 a., m. Saturday. HO0OVER APPROV ES $38,0OOOUOOO0DROP III POqTAIf iv~riiqrI NEW YORKER ~ at.Large MAY 26, 1931 NO. 170 NOTICES E! SENIORS AND GRADUATE STUDENTS! e day remains for the payment of diploma fees. There on beyond 4 p. m, Wednesday, May 27. The Treasur. d Satuaday afternoon. Shirley W. Smith, Vice-President -and Secretary. liege of Litcrature, Science, and the Arts, School of :hool of Musc: Advance classification will close Friday Ludents who expect to return will find it more conven- w than to do so next fall; there is also a better choice 1ow. At the rate sections are closing, many more will 'idai night. leges of Eng'neering and Architecture: All students in o are taking courses other than Chemistry and Physics Literature, Science, and the Arts are requested to call s Office, 263 West Engineering building, to give the istructors in those courses in order that grades may iptly at the close of the semester. Please take care of' a four o'clock on Thursday afternoon, May 25. Louis A. Hopkins, secretary. arships: Attention is called to the notices posted. Can- sted to consult Professor Cross, 1011 Angell hall, Tues- y at 10 a. in., Friday 9 a. m., or Monday at 2 p. m. reau of Appointments and Occupational Information: received notice of an opening for stenographic work ie inter sted may call at the office, 201 Mason hall.' hl will hold office hours Tuesday and Wednesday, May to 5, in room 107, School of Music for consultation on, all session. igineers: Junior jackets are now ready for distribution :nginecring Seniors: Diploma Fees must be paid by 27, 4 p. in. A list of names of those who have not paid i. board in the south corridor. Please see that your ers: The Announcements and Invitations have arrived. r distribution. This distribution will take place every eek, and Tuesday and Thursday mornings. Delivery upon payment for same. Psi: This is the last week for try-outs. Those inter- n touch with the Intramural office at once. zeta: Initiates or old members who have not their pins 1 at 1608 University Elementary building. mts: The trip of the Chinese students to the home of Webber on Saturday, May 30, will start promptly at 9 rth University entrance of the Women's League build- oceed directly to the Detroit Zoo, where the party will ugh the park. Luncheon will be served at Mrs. Web- i I U I InL L ILINUL NW By Mark Barron NEW YORK-The New York eqiv- War and Interior Departments alent of the Paris gigolo is a hard working fellow. Usually he gets Agree to Reductions in only entertainment and very little Their Expenditures. , monetary gain, except g;ood will in a business way. EFFICIENCY INCREASED In Paris a matron desiring to be accompanied by a personable young Postoffice Receipts Estimated man hires a gigolo. He is attentive to her, accompanies her to din- $58,000,000 Lower Than ner, the theater and cabarets and Original Figures. - dances with her. In return he gets a salary and his expenses paid. WASHINGTON, May 25-(P)-The There are a few of this type in governmert's economy campaign local salons, but New York has a' has not lost its momentum although distinctive type of gigolo (althoughf tentative savings of considerably that name really shouldn't be ap- more than $75,000,000 already have plied to him) of its own. He is dif- been agreed upon. ferent in the first place because Presidential approval Sunday of he actually works at some sort of plans to save about $38,000,000 this minor but honorable job, usually in year in the postoffice department Wall Street. was the latest step in the pruning He is well educated, flaunts 'an campaign. The war and interior excellent wardrobe, speaks interest- departments have agreed to sav- ingly on any topic, dances well, ings; treasury and justice have always knows the right thing to do been instructed to see how they at the right time, is acquainted can cut expenses and report to the with the right sort of people and president. has his work so arranged that he Includes Expense Increase. can have leisure at practically any In his third week-end especially time he wishes. devoted to the problem, President Squires for Dames. Hoover learned at his Rapidan, Vir- Such a yonganis much in de- ginia, camp that postoffice econo- mandn especially in the more ex- mies initiated last summer will mnsecilly in there c- save nearly $38,000,000 out of an clusive ces of scie. $843,000,000 appropriation for the ceptable men are scarce. present fiscal year ending next Society women, it seems, move June30Inthenextfinancal yearabout and do much more than the June 30. In the next financial year, men. They are engaged during the $15,000,000 net is to be saved, day with charity bazaars, br dge An official announcement on the teas, luncheons, sports events or conference said the latter figure musicales. In the evening there is took into consideration a $13,000,- the opera, theater, dances and din- 000 increase in expenses that would ners. result from enforcement of the 44- To attend these events they must hour work week law passed by the last congress. Economies in the next year are expected to reach i $28,000,000, leaving the net of $15,- 000,000.- A comprehensive program to in- crease efficiencies was formulated in the conference between Post- .l master General Brown with the four assistant postmasters general Parliament Drafting Decree to with the president. In the tentative schedule agreed upon, neither de- Confirm Her Exclusion; creased personnel nor salary cuts Passage Expected. were included. Receipts $58,000,000. ' BUCHAREST, Rumanian, May 25. The official announcement said -(/P)-Queen Helen, estranged wife postoffice receipts this year proba- of King Carol and mother of Crown bly would be $58,000,000 below ori- Prince Michael, has been expelled ginal estimates. Postmaster General from the royal family. Brown has estimated the depart- The newspaper Patria, official or- ment would have a $150,000,00. gan of the Zaranist party, reveals deficit this year. that a decree is being drafted for The interior department intends submittance to the new parliament to save $17,000,000 to $19,000,000,c'onfirming her exclusion and stat- while the army consolidation cam- ing she is no longer entitled to the paign, involving the disposal of 53I rights and honors accorded royalty. military posts, will add to the econ- War Minister Stephanescu al- omies. ready has issued to the army an always have a young man to squire them about, and as there are so many events on their program it is necessary for them to have several escorts during one day. In comes, the New York type of gigolo, as described above. He does- n't receive any pay, but he always is on a party where all bills are R~aid by the host or hostess. There- fore he gets in on all the good times for fio more expenditure than his time and the cost of keeping up his wardrobe. Besides the pleasant life he lives, he profits in another way. In serv- ing as knight gallant to socially prominent dames and debutantes' he meets people important to him that he couldn't meet otherwise. Pleasure Plus Business. If he is in Wall street, his social wanderings may put him in touch with customers. If he is an artist, author or musician, he may find a Lord Chesterfield who will sponsor him in his career. He really isn't a gigolo, but his business and social careers are so interlocked that he could never tell where one ends and the other be- gins. There was a time when society delegated all such hortors of the escort only to titled adventurers. For a few years Park avenue was practically a bread line for lords, dukes, princes, earls, caliphs, shahs ,and their brother nobility. It was a grand circus until a few suspicious investigators discovered that a large majority of the titles were bogus. The revelation brought considerable embarrassment to more than one member of the So- cial Register who had been dining titled guests. Since then titles have been worth a dime a dozen. Society has gone back to home-grown products for' escorts. VISITORS TO HEAD TEACHINGSTUDIES Will Direct Courses in Summer+ Session 'Tour Week Plan.' CRITICIZES PLANS TO LOWER T AXES IH H n: .. 7TO SPANISHV - Provisional Governme Women to boId F IWithout Votir MADRID, May 25.-(A' women cannot vote in will for the first time n M . forelection in June as " . the new constituent ass The provisional repu ernment has decreed t :h . .and priests may also b the assembly. The male -. has been lowered fror years. This adds a c element to the Republic for the youth of Spal for the new order. Many observers thinK be given the vote, soon but there is some oppc among the Republican among the Socialists ai nists. This is because extreme Lefts fear t Spanish women might i James Couzens, instead of for Republica Michigan Senator, who yesterday being swayed by conse attacked Secretary Mellon's recent pulses more than Sp, discussion of taxes. "Nothing can are." stand in the way of tax increase," Many women are ch he said, "except playing politics the republic and it is with the treasury department." numerous priests voted ent Of ng. Michigan Senator Hits Mellon Discussion; Favors Tax Law Revision. WASHINGTON, May 25.- P)- Secretary Mellon's discussion of taxes was described today by Sena- tor Couzens as "an obvious attempt to sustain the evident intention of the Administration not to have a tax increase at the next session of Congress." , "Nothing can stand in the way of the tax increase in the next in the April munb which caused the c monarch. The national asse will be the second has had in eight y fore the Primo de I ship which began in assembly will be Sp liament since befor ship and in many more important tha body the country ha The first thing th do will be to make republican governr tional. It has the a people as expresses nicipal elections. E it will not be diree by the people unti assembly writes such - -IT IS Ha vishing to go, who have not yet signed up, oefore Friday, May 29. Wai P. Lei, pres. ig me ": The audience is respectfully requested to be in their seats erformance of "Electra" begins, as the play has only a single 1 and late comers can be seated only with difficulty. The eve- mances begin at 8:15, and the Wednesday and Saturday 3:15. Robert Henderson, director. an Pageant Women: Everybody must be in costume at 6 imer Field House. LECTURE TODAY ty Lecture: 4:15 p. rm., room 1041 East Physics building. Dr. r, of Goettingen, Germany; "Quantum Theory and Electron- in Polyatomic Molecules." Public invited. MEETINGS TODAY . taties Staff-Literary College: A meeting for those members ematics staff teaching first-year courses in the Literary Col- d for 4:30 p. m., 3010 A. H. - Members: Annual banquet at the Michigan Union, at 6:15 e will be a real program. Tickets are now being sold by .bers and in room 274, West Eng., bldg., at $1 each. Short meeting at the Union at 3:30. Club: Importaft meeting at 4 p. m., in room 203 University' mberative that all the new menbers, those taken in follow- play, attend. All those planning to attend the picnic, May a., must be present to sign' up. The Picnic fee will be col- s time. Every members is urged to be present at this meet- e Business Staff and Tryouts: Meeting of entire staff at 4. n office at 3 for mailing out. ,n Science Organization meets at 8 p. im., in the chapel of the ague building. R. 0. T. C. Band: meet tonight at Morris hall at 7, to play for ht exercises. Please be there promptly in full uniform. House pf Repnesentatives will meet at 7:30 tonight in the m on the fourth floor of Angell hall, for an open forum dis- e announced. All who are interested are invited to attend. s for next semester will be held in .the closed session, and all e asked to be on' hand. The election will take place next COMING EVENTS Chemistry Colloquium will meet in room 300 Chemistry building on' Wednesday, May 27, at 4 p. m. Mr. M. B. Geiger will speak on "The Quinoidation of Some Organic Compounds." Romance Languages Journal Club will meet on Wednesday, May 27, at 4:10 p. m., in room 408, Romance Language building. Cercle Francais: Last meeting of this year on Thursday, at 7:45, in the circle meeting room, Romance Language building. Prof. Rene Tala- mon will speak. Refreshments. Elec- tions of officers.- Athena: No meeting tonight be- cause of Lantern night. Tomorrow evening (Wednesday, May 27), a picnic will be held at the Island. All who desire to attend will meet at the east' entrance of Natural Science building at 5:30 p. m. Pi Lambda Theta final meeting of, the year on Thursday, May 28, at 7:30 p. m., in the Women's Athletic building. Dean Alice Lloyd will be the speaker. The scholarship will be awarded. Attendance required. Social Dancing Classes are to be p ostponed until Wednesday eve- ning. Beginning class meets at 7:30 and advanced meets at 8:30. A. S. C. E.: Dinner meeting at the Union, Wednesday, 6:15 p. m. CROSLEY AMRAD BOSCH SHOP WE SELL WE RENT a WE SERVICE Tel. 2-2813 615 E. Williams 41 -I order authorized by Premier Jorga,I forbidding observance of the queen's saint day next Thursday. Parliament is expected to adopt. the measure as soon as it assem- bles and Queen Helen will leave the country permanently, soon thereafter, terminating her uncer- tain marital status of more than two years. Former Premier George Miro- nescu had been content to let the matter lay dormant during his term. Four visiting teachers from other session," said Senator Couzens, who colleges will conduct "four week is a member of the Senate Finance plan" courses in the summer session Committee, "except playing politics of the Educational School, accord- with the Treasury Department." ing to a bulletin issued by Prof. Thomas Diamond, of the School of "Onea of the criticisms America Education; has had of other nations is that they did not balance their budgets," Dean Wilford Loin Coffey, of the he added. "If we are to be con- College of the City of Detroit, previ- sistent, we should balance our bud- ously mentioned as Hobart R. Cof-se fey, will give a course in planning of school buildings. Dean Lydia I. Sepator Couzens has advocated Jones, dean of women at Michigan revival of the gift tax and an in- State Normal college, will instruct' crease in the estate tax as the first in the teaching of literature in ele- steps in revision of the tax law. HeI mentary schools. Nila B. Smith, also has proposed that the gradua- supervisor of research in the De- tion in-the surtaxes be continued to trQit public schools erroneously higher scales on incomes above mentioned as Margaret I. Smith, $100,000. will conduct a course in the teach- ing of literature in elementary schools. Prof. Harvey L. Turner of Michigan State Normal college, pre- Lydia ENDEL viously given as Arthur R. Turner, will teach current studies and cur- rent literature relating to the rural education. A. T.,C( for in Shoe Repa 1109 South SSOHN M v li 4 . = - E Matinee T oOW and Saeat NI IL LABORATORY SUPPLIES CHEMICALS DRUG SPECIALTIES SUNDRIES ERBACH AND ROBERT HENDERSON HAS THE PRESENT eLA NCHE in SO 1 - E PH HONOR TO ESTABLISHED 1843, With FAMOUS DANCEF MARTHA GRAHAMSOK..A SN EW-YORK-CAM Heroic-Thrilling-Breath Taking 200-202 E. LIBERTY ST. . ___... Boston, rinceton, Grand Rapids,Detroit-and now Ann rbor hail a great i I Quality Far Beyond the Price The first consider- ation of a Dey por- trait-the quality- the part that makes a portrait valuable. Make an appoint- ment now. star i a great play , "An audience of all ages filled the hall to the doors and s before the unfolding of a tremendous-drama. One and all paid of breatheless interest."-The Boston Herald. "Blanche Yurka thrilled the audience and gave one of the i performances of her career."-The Boston American. "The 'Electra' proved a superb performance with Blanche Yi ing the audience to tremendous enthusiasm."-The Grand Rapids .... "A deep impression was made by the Electra.' The players we back again and again at the close by applause. . Miss Graham is her appearance striking, her ability assured."-The Detroit Free Salle MICHIGAN BANNERS, BLANKETS, PENNANTS and PILLOWS- _ Thurs. Mat., May 28, 3:15-Ma of' f ,