PAGE TH F.MICH1IGAN DAILY WEDN~DAY Ft~E~1iU LY 25, 1931? " --- -- . ___.. Published every morning except Monday during the University year by the Board in Control of Student Publications. Member of Western Conference Editorial Association. The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dis- patches credited to it or not otherwise credited In this paper and the local news published ,herein. Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate of postage granted by Third Assistant Post- ma:2ter General. Subscription by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.5.0 Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, Maynard Street. Phones: Editorial, 4925; Busness, 21214. EDITORIAL STAFF Telephone 4923 MANAGING EDITOR Chairman Editorial Board HENRY MERRY FRANK E. CoOPER, City Editor News Editor ...............Gurney Williams Editorial Director ..........Walter W. Wilds Sports Editor ..............Joseph A. Russell Women's Editor...........Mary L. Behymer Music, Drama, Books.........Wm. J. Gorman Assistant City Editor.......Harold 0. Warren Assistant News Editor.....Charles R. Sprowl Telegraph Editor ..........George A. Stauter Copy Editor ..................Wm. F. Pypet NIGHT EDITORS S. Beach Conger John D. Reindel Carl S. Forsythe Charles R. Sprowl David M. Nichol Richard L. Tobin Harold O. Warren SPORTs ASSISTANTS Sheldon C. Fuller ton r. Cullen Kennedy Robert Townsend RLEPORTERS Campus Opinion Contributors are asked to be brief, confining themcseles to less that. 300 words if possible. Anonymous com- S nunications will be sregarded. The names of communicants will, howver, be regarded as confidential, upon re- quest. Letters published should not be construed as expressing the editorial opinion of The Daily. ( About Books MUSI ^NDRAMA THE CONCEPTIONS OF --- -- BAUDELAIRE MAY FESTIVAL ANNOUNCEMENT GARDENER OF EVIL: A Portrait President Charles A. Sink, presi- of Baudelaire and His Times: by dent of the School of Music, seems Pierre Loving: Brewer and War- dstined to surpass himself in im- ren: Price $Z.50: Review co~ pressaric "scoops" for this year's courtesy of Slater's Book Store. Ma Festival. The announcement Paul Valery recently w r 0 t e. of the unexpected extension of Padurewaki's Ameieanlyppeorence "Baudelaire est au comble de la Paderewskis American appearances gloire." And it is this very degree to include the Friday night con- of attention given him that is caus- cert of that notable week is follow- YOU C A N DO . . . I i i} n , '' , .., t v., /l ; y , , . v-, ..,! a-. Y '3j -, six ~.E. Bush homas M. Cooler Mt -ton Frank Saul Friedberg Frank B. Gilbretk ack Goldsmith oland Goodman Morton Helper axes Inglis ames johnson ryan Jones. Denton C. Kunz Powers Moulton Wilbur]j. Meyers BrainardW.Ries Robert L. Pierce Richard Racine Jerry R. Rosenthal" Charles A. Sanford Karl Seiffert George A. Stauter Tohn W. Thomas loln S. Townsend Titeen Blunt Nanette Dembitz Elsie Feldman Ruth Gallmeyer Emily G. Grimes )ean Levy Dorotnv Magee Susan Manchester Mary McCall Cile Miller Margaret O'Brien Eleanor Rairdon Anne Margaret Tobin Margaret Thompson Claire Trussell BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 21214 T. HOLLISTER MABLEY, Business Manage KASwa J. HALVERSON, Assistant Manage DEPARTMENT MANAERS Advertising.................Charles T. Kine Advertising ................." hoas M. Davis Advertising " .. ."..".".....William W. Warboys Service..........Norris J. ohnson Publication ............Robert W. Williamson Circulation..............Marvin S. Kobacket Accounts...........hoas S. Muit Business Secretary...........Mary J. Kenas Assistants Harry R. Beglev Erle Kightlinger Vernon Bishop Don W. Lyon William Brown William Morgan Robert Callahan- Richard Stratemelert William W. Davis Keith Tyler Richard H. Hiller Noel D. Turner Miles Hoisington Byron C. Vedder Ann W. Verner Sylvia Miller Marian Atran Helen Olsen Helen Bailey Mildred Postal J osephine Conviiei Marjorie Rough axine Fishgrund Mary E. Watt Dorothy Le4ire' Johanna Wies Dorothy Laylin WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 1931 Night Editor-JOHN D. REINDEL WHERE RELIGIOUS EMPHASIS BELONGS Religious Emphasis Week, now in progress on the campus, may pro- duce doubtful results in bolstering up church attendance among stu- dents or in the general field of mis- sionary work; but it stands to make several contributions along equally important lines. The concerted effort of all creeds will doubtless ,tend tomake sectarian lines dim- mer; the topics under discussion should stimulate those already re- ligiously minded but, grown some- what enervated by Ann Arbor's regular religious fare. The elimination of strong de- nominational tendencies would be of inestimable value to this univer- sity community. Narrow sectarian views . naturally become transpar- ent in the brighter and clearer light of a liberal college atmosphere; but at the present time, they are more formidable in representing an an- tagonistic element in any move- ment for a University chapel, the acquisition of which would not only be a boon to the religosity of Michigan's students, but would b more harmonious with their desires and needs in religion than existing agencies. The type and temper of the dis- cussions offered are obviously de- signed to stimulate interest in th problems of religion and ethics ir- modern society, as well as to pu the churches' best foot forward Both of these factors will un- questionably increase the current interest in religious affairs with the aid of exceptional men in each oi the denominations. This in itseli is meritorious; the lack of interest which the administration of th( University has in religious studies as witnessed by the paucity o courses in even related fields, tc say nothing of the lack of so muel as a chair of theology, is a disgrac to this institution. Hence, even th efforts of somewhat extra-mural organizations is to be commended. Perhaps there will be few world- beating achievements of this first Religious Emphasis Week other than a closer welding of the present - A REPLY TO R. W. L.'S RESOLUTIONS To the Editor: R. W. L.'s letter in The Daily of February 20 has attracted my at- tention because of the fact that the writer cannot agree with some of his statements. In the first place, his "nasty crack" at the "worthy Senate com- mittee and dean's office," which he fails to substantiate in any way or form, reflects rather poor taste. The writer fails to see any great degree of consistency in his first resolution when it is followed by the fourth resolution. The writer has been a student on two other mid-western campuses before en- rolling at Michigan and must take issue with his statement that "Michigan is probably as dry as any university in the country." As a matter of fact, Michigan has the reputation of being one of the wet- test campuses in the country and personal observations here tend to substantiate the reputation. True, "much unfavorable publici- ty has been visited upon our col- lege," but do you think the impres- sion would be any better if the whole thing were now hushed up and the public allowed to go on thinking that such practices were tolerated here, rather than punish the offenders that all may know the real attitude of the university au- thorities, and to try to clear us in the eyes of the parents, taxpayers and public at large? A black smudge has been attached to the name of our school which can be removed only by proper action by the university authorities; punish- ment of those they know to be vio- lators of the university regulations. One should remember that it was not the university that 'instigated these raids, but that the action of the university was taken on the basis of evidence furnished by civil authorities. Therefore the school officials cannot be accused of un- derhand tactics or snooping into the affairs of social groups on the campus. "Unfair discrimination" cannot be logically charged either, because the action of the police was based on evidence given by a "squealer," one of the lowest forms of humanity it is true, himself a violator of the law. In legal circles such evidence is usually deemed sufficient to permit issuance of war- rants for the arrest and seizure of witnesses and evidence. The fact that no charges are lodged against any of the fraternity members is sufficient proof of the good faith of the police department in the pursu- ance of its duty. Recent activities f the prosecuting attorney in dealing with cases in which university stu- dents were involved do not bear out the statement that "the officers o the law ... have more to fear from any action taken than have the stu- dents themselves." One might just as logically sa ,hat the police have no right to ar- :est and punish one gangster o "murderer because others are still a large, as to say that the raids or these fraternities were unjustified 'ecause other fraternities also har. >oured liquor caches. It seems to th( vriter that the law is its own justi- ication for such raids when evi- dence is at hand to show that ther ias been violation of the law. We ire tempted to ask: what could b nore unethical than R. W. L.'s im- >ied sanction of wholesale disre- ;ard of the laws of our countr vhen steps toward repeal rathe han disobedience are the o n 1 ionorable methods of propagating i change of existing affairs. It seems doubtful to the write .hat the penalty prescribed for the Alve fraternities by the Senate com :nittee is "out of proportion . . and) a bso1u tely preposterous. Does anyone doubt for a moment 'hat the members of these and oth- 7r groups were ignorant that they vere violating university regula- tions and further that they would be liable to severe and drastic ac- tion if discovered? It seems to bE i student characteristic to expect to escape punishment if a suffi- _ient "howl" can be agitated. R. W. L. has shown the same il- logical reasoning that characterize: a certain portion of the student body. Yet he has the nerve to say that "the whole affair has demon. strated that the students should have at least equal representatioi in the Senate committee and that '(« __Io r t ki ing a fascinating complex of di- ed closely by the announcement vergent interpretations, that arrangements have been made Inevitably provocative, T. S. Eliot, for the appearance here of Lily in an essay "Baudelaire In Our Pons, the sensational French so- Times" and in his recent introduc- prano who made her Metropolitan tion to the Random House edition debut about two months ago and of Baudelaire's "Intimate Journals," has since created a lively body of presents the thesis that: admirers in five important roles. "the important fact about All the critics seem to have a- Baudelaire is that he was essen- greed that Mme. Pons is the long- tially a Christian born out of his awaited and much needed fresh due time . . . he was a soul that and bold coloratura in both the was naturally Christian; and be- operatic and recital field. The Vic- :ing the kind of Christian he was, tor Company has already given her born when he was, he had to voice cardboard for two arias and discover Christianity for himself. there she seems to have a vivacity, In this pursuit he was alone in magnificent ease, a n d sustained the solitude which is known only bravura that justify the excited to saints . . . To him the notion predictions that have been made of of Original Sin came spontane- her career. ously ... In an age of progessive Paderewski at the close, and Mme. degradation, Baudelaire perceived Par at the cloaMie. tha wht rall mater i .Si Pons at the beginning, of a great thawhad R eptymattrcareer make two very glamorous ar- and Redemption." tists for Ann Arbor's great musical Evidence to make this thesis at event. least plausible is plentiful. OneI thinks at least of: his resolute de- A NOTE ON ELIHU VEDDER sire to get a deep understanding of sin, his firm insistence on the magic Elihu Vedder (1836-1923), whose of prayer, the beautiful humility of artistry is quite fairly represented some of his own prayers (the one in the memorial exhibition of his that closes "Mon coeur mis a nu" work being sponsored all this week for example), his incessant battle in Alumnae Hall by the Ann Arbor against a strange paralysis of the Art Association, is one of those will, and even his Dandyism which nineteenth century Americans who was essentially a conscious social brought American art into a new; symbol for his stern ascetic con- dignity by establishing a deeper re- tempt for the world (and for that lationship with European art. particular Louis-Philippe w o r 1 d Vedder studied a while in Paris in characterized by Guizot's "Enrich- the early 60's where he somewhat essez-vous" and anatomized by Bal- disappointingly managed to escape zac). Baudelaire, then, as a Chris- the new wonders of Courbet and tian, a curiously inverted Catholic Manet and even the established art ascetic? of Ingres and Delacroix. But soon Yet the "creative biographers" of in his journey to Italy he passed the day (last year Francois Porche into a richer background-that of and now Pierre Loving) give a vivid the Italian Golden Age. He satu- and distressing picture of a will- rated himself in the tradition of less neurotic whose defiant Satan- the Florentine designers. His as- ism is traceable to his love for his similation of the principles involv- young mother. Thwarted in that ed-particularly the principle that love at the death of his father the human body designed in the (forty years older than his wife) large is not only inherently beauti- by the appearance of a step-father ful but an adequate focus for the the utterly respectable and stupid great commonplaces of noble sym- General Aupick, he plunged into bolism-was to show itself later in self-torture. He worshipped wildly the famous set of illustrations for at the black body of the great- the "Rubaiyat" and in the monu- haunched negress Jeanne Duval mental murals by which he is and sought false relief from the largely known. horror of the worship in whiskey Meanwhile, however, he amused and laudanum. These and all the himself by reviving the "little" _ other material facts of Baudelaire's i - . - - painting-the cassone manner of rl ,!Ohm- A M E R I C A N G AS AS SO CI ATl ON 420 Lexington Avn uec, New York 4 r ti f 1 t t .7 e e e life support Loving in his version of Baudelaire, which produces a figure very like those delightedly dissolute Englishmen of the "nine- ties." As I see it, the only way to re- austere visionary and a fine im- solve these for the most part in- aginative designer that he made compatible conceptions of Baude- his brilliant American debut dur- laire is through the assertion that is brii Ar.cThebut dur- ing the Civil War. These small can- the production of a classical poetry vasses have a gravity and fine sim- should be considered a moral disci- L y plicity; technically they are not- pline. In spite of his drunkenness, able for emphatic lineararythms. his drugs, and his satyriasis, Baude- laire is conceded to be the greatest They are also interesting for their force for clarity, discipline and limitations: the dull flatness of the hard finality of utterance in French ! colors, their complete lack of the intimate and particular graces of poetry since Racine. It seems, then, pting and avicome g sce that however complete the surren- paiting which have came in since der to external degradations, Bau-' he"science' of the early impres- delaire was always c o n s c i o u s sionists. enough to watch and understand The present exhibition also con- the process. For his poetry is any- tains the preliminary drawings for thing but a thin series of lyrical the Huntingdon murals, which re- cries de coeur. Involved in it is a veal a considerable Renaissance terrific spiritual and literary disci- t a 1 e n t for surrounding massive plJine, a tremendous effort to attain gracious forms, lending themselves the highly concentrated crystallisa- easily to interpretation as noble tion of the firm, intricate poetic abstractions, with intricate winding line: the sort of line in w h i c h patterns of arabesques and small every word is "necessary." To slight- caryatids. ly modify a statement of Yvor- Winters': Baudelaire can say "C'est himself all over Paris in all possible affreux, mon ame" and prove it vices, he actually remained "one" within the poem. (Swinburne, or (his best friend Gautier confessed Dowson, or Verlaine were never able to knowing nothing of the man and to do that; they had no souls; sin certainly Jeanne Duval was unable was a game.) to). He remained one and "prosti- "Ennui et spleen" were not senti- tuted himself in a particular way" ments which Baudelaire's poetry ex- -the way of Poetry. His way of pressed. They were highly complex asserting his integrity was through attitudes, the intensity, meaning Poetry. Are there better ways? At and justification of which his least we should be infinitely grate- poems entirely establish. And this ful for the personal sacrifice in- poetic confrontation of his exper- volved in Baudelaire's determina- ience I take to be a considerably tion (in his own words) : "to give more difficult and more significant one's self to Satan"; and to answer moral discipline than, let us say, his own question "What does that the exercise of the "inner check" mean?" in poetry. (which was so eminent in his step- If this theory, of the actual poetic father). process as a respectable moral dis- Baudelaire's "Journal" has a cipline and integral with the Man. the Italian Renaissance. And it was with a collection of these small canvasses-which m a k e up the larger portion of the present ex- hibition-revealing- his nower as an \-'ip_- -7-,i- IN NX A. C V, s m an The iP Reports the World Parade for You .Day and Night! i This is an A F . .. I'Iewspaper E