MICHIGAN DAILY cc L MI R Pageant Will Precede L.tern Ni 1ght Cerern ENT OU LEAD1 FUR ANNlUAL PROCESSION ON PALMER FIELD Semi-Final Matches to Be Played Today Have Ordered Will,'Meet Tonight. GUEST S ATTEND INFORMAL PARTY Jordan Hall Entertains Faculty; Hope Eddy Offers Program. Jordan hall held the first of a series of informal suppers for the faculty Sunday night. Margaret Mix, '1 president of the hall and Malvina Lemmle, grad., were in charge of the arrangements for the affair. Miss Inez V. Bozorth, director of Mosher Jordan halls, Miss Isabell W. Dudley and Miss 'Elizabeth De- Vol, assistant directors of Jordan hall, with the senior and graduate residents entertained the guests. 'he informal plate supper was served in the smaller of the twoJ dining rooms of the hall. The guests were seated at the stables in groups of six. Roses on all the tables and attractive place cards added to the Will Wear, in pt; aft 2 s tm auk a m 'Ps ti H " Y"Y 31 wk w t 4 v! * Ytit 91 Ii'°b M T _-. /r 9 In conjunction with the Lant- ern Night festivities, two semi- final tennis matches will be held at 4 o'clock today on the tennis courts at Pa mer Field. The first match, will be between Doris Clarke, '34M, and Sarah Bond, '32. The second match will be between Celine Smith, '32Ed, and Virginia Watson. : Teams, Individuals May Sign in Barbour Gymnasium \ Until Wednesday. An extension in time of entrance has been granted in the archery I tournament sponsored by W.A.A. to be held May 27. The names of entrants must be left on Miss Hart- wig's desk in Barbour gymnasium no later than Wednesday morning. 1 All organized houses may enter' a team of two as well as individual contestants. Though there is no limit to the number of individuals who can enter from any one house, there may be but one team com- peting. This contest is open to all members of dormitories, sororities, and league houses. The first round of the tourna- ment will be held from 3 to 6 o'clock tomorrow afternoon on the archery range at Palmer field. A Columbia .R o u n d, consisting of raaiions o uiversity of I ors, sopho- 1l gather at the Palmer itern NightI be at 7:30 a luncheon' ant. '. TWO TEAMS WIN RAQIRAI I GAMES festivity. Hope Bauer Eddy sang a group of songs which comprised the en- from tl ry stre are ask r..,, iors w we leaders ar so they ca i other men senio >wed the lanteri e tradition Maslen, rocession w the hill, wh rch straig forward lin nto two lin rward line ei IIUL U IlLL Ui11VI LU tertainment for the supper party. twenty-four arrows, shot at dis- ed Some fifty guests attended. tances of 30, 40, and 50 yards from a Betsy Barbour and Jordan Hall the target will be shot. There will ar Defeat Kappas and Martha be some arrows available for the nd ii contestants at Palmer Field HBoas, an .l gs" -gH L but the committee in charge recd- m- ,nimends that these who plan to Yesterday afternoon four teams shoot provide their own arrows, as participated in the elimination IIIVI [_AilVIIINIthe supply on hand is very limited. games of the intramural baseball, Five intramural points will be ors tournament. Kappa Kappa Gamma, .iven for each single entrant; ten by Betsy Barbour, Jordan Hall and Treasure Hunts, Special Rides points for a team. Winners of first n. Martha Cook were represented. for Members Featured place will gain 100 intramural ns, At 4:30 Martha Cook p a y e d During Year. points for their houses, while those ial against the Jordan 1 team. The lat- Drn er in second paewl.. eev 0 h '31, ter were victorious by a score of -place will receive 50. The vill 7 to 2. The pitching of Esther La The horse show and riding ex- bouse aring the greatest num- en Rowe, '32Ed, for the winning group hibition which is being planned by ber of points will receive a cup. ht was excellent. the Pegasus riding club is sched- Following the round Wednesday, ne. At 5 o'clock Kappa Kappa Gain- uled for Friday afternoon, May 27. there will be continuous shooting les ma played against Betsy Barbour. At this exhibition, stunt riding, from 3 to 6 o'clock for about two i:i The Kappas were defeated by a feature form riding exhibitons, and weeks, until the tourney is com- score of 7 to 4. Haddie Soupe, '32, various novelties will be presented. pleted, announced Miriam Carey, pitched a very fine game for Betsy The show is open to the public and '33, W.A.A. manager of archery. he Barbour. She struck out three peo- will be. given in the empty field be- These archery contests have been he ple) in a row in the first inning. hind the women's League building held each spring and fall for the Eby,.'33Ed, of the same team played on Twelfth street. past two years and have been very, il very well also. The horse show, which is spon- successful. als This afternoon at 5 o'clock Delta sored by Pegasus will give some --- Gamma will play against League II idea of the work which is done in PARIS-(IPP)--Parisian women are in the tournament at Palmer field. the club. Throughout, the year carrying real fiowers in their hand- The winner;- of this game and Betsy there have been treasure hunts, and bags this spring. The fiowers are rs Barbour and Jordan I, the winners -special rides for the members be- tucked into one end of an envcl- en of the games played last night will sides the regular rides for instruc- ope bag. They match .the lining of . meet for the semi-finals and finals tion. the bag and the costume acces- Ln sometime this week or next Mon- Membrs of the club have been sories. day so that the tournament can be training for the exhibition for some----_ .er completed be Ere the banquet next weeks. The last rehearsal for the n Tuesday. show will be at 6:45 'WednesdayAP nt The tournamecnt has been under ,evening. a R wo the direction of Miss Hassinger, in-f g- structor of physical education, and TYPEWRITER is conveniently packed in cases ofs of Marian Gimmy, '31, W.A.A. baseball REPAIRING 5-gallon bottles 'o manager. The games have all beenAlmaeofacis.'H NFO vn umpired byhmajor students inthe makes of machine PHONE 8270 FOR h_ Our equipment and per. physical education department. . o n n'e 1aare A aW aV w amngth bsti th State. The resultn a PARIS H AS LONG CO A FINE ART; fHEN Deigners kollon' Trenid of Art; Keep Their Creations in Symp athy. "Since the ixteenth century, when Catherine de Medici dressed dolls for amusement and sent them throughout lr op as representa- tiv:'s of thenmode°s of her court, Paris has set the dress styles of the world," states Mr. Francis Dickie in a recent article in the Windsor Magazine on "Thwarting Sty 1e Thieves." "l.ior than 200 years later Cath-! erine's idea was adopted more prac- tically. Dolls magnificently dressec by the most noted designers were i sent to Rome, London, and St. Pet- ersburg, and the ladies of the Court of St. James and in the Czar's pal- ace ordered their costumes from1 seeing these inanimate wearers. Tom day live mannequins are at times sent by aeroplane from Paris," he continues. Paris Always Leads. "Paris has always led in this great art industry because every modeliste worthy of the name has a wide knowledge of painting, sculpture, and the theatre. They keep in touch with the trends in all arts, and possess as well a wide knowledge of the past. They are' constantly going back through the ages for old ideas to mingle with the new," Mr. Dickie affirms. Certail unscruplous people are always attempting to steal the out- lines of completed masterpices Sometimes they are successful. However a careful watch is kept. If the cheap copies of unique styles do go on sale before the legitimate, buyer can place his reproductions on the maket a great dhal of money is lost. First Showing is Event. "When a dress collection is ready for its first showing the event is as. important as the first night of a Only certain members of the press 1 T"" ,, KILLINS GRAVEL COMPANY Tfelephone 7112 six 2-quart bottles for home use and S for office use. QUICK SERVICE chemically pure distilled water. NSJDE RED DRESS ICE ITS SUPREMACY and various notabilities and per- sonal friends of the house are in- vitad. Invitation cards are careful- ly scrutinized upon entering," he. says. "The mannequins -begin their' parade. Just before their entrance each guest is presented with a large card and a small pencil. The name of each dress is printed on the card, with a small blank space opposite for notes, and upon which request, may be made for latter illustra- tions. No one is allowed to bring out any notebook or to use any paer but the card supplied," Mr. Dikestates. Collection open to Buyers. "On the following day the col- lections are open to the view of the buyers who come from all over the world. Individual clients are rare-f ly admitted until the orders of the trade buyers have been completed," he asserts. "Dress creation is an art just as much as painting, books, sculpture, or music. The fashion creators can only keep up their reputation by the originality of their models," Mr. Dickie concludes. Basketball Throw, and High Jump, Dash Are Ev Music Group Pledges T wo Freshmen Women Sigma Alpha Iota musical soror- ity ahnounces the pledging of Helen Carol Clarke, '34SM, of Zeeland, MVichad Sarah Place, '34SM, of RESHMAN CL INkS TRACK I Freshmer' proved to be torious class today in ti meet which the major sc Physical Education held y morning at Palmer field. The sophomores placed juniors, third and the senic in fourth. + There were only four eve High jump, progressive bro the basket ball throw, anc yard dash. Average time class on the dash was: Sop: 7.5 seconds; freshmen, 7.62 juniors, 7.9 seconds; and1 iors, 8.1 second. Individual scores were ta in the dash. The three bes were: Grace Meyers, '34, w pleted,it in 6.8 seconds; Je ford, '33, with a time of 6.9 and Elizabeth Cooper who exactly 8 seconds. Although the freshmen v torious, the sophomores closely with only .7 of a p ference in the final scoro. I.. F RENCH SUMMER SCHOOL Residential Summer School { o-educational) in the heart r o f French Canada. OIL Country French staff. Only French spoken. Elementary, ntermediate. Advanced. Cer- tificate or College credit, French entertainments, sight S"eig,.sports, etc. Fee $140, Board and Tui- tion. June 25-- J u 1.y 30. Wr ite for circular to Secre- tary, French Piummer School. McGILL UNIVERSITY Montreal - - Canada h n EN AVANT A ^n n Pr ''rm Burr, Patterson & Aul . u Ia ctu n fr a e l a e r nf y J Detroit, Michigan & Walkrerville, A For your convenience A Ann Arbor Sta A 603 Church St. FRANK OAKES ow t at t left .en w' agona ]I I rt iC pair WASHINGTON SHOP LAST 4 DAY OF THIS BIG 107 East Libefty Expert Shoe Repairing es leaving their' and continuing to form the "V" Formed. gain the seniors again separating ight and left ge of the fresh- >re lines. They ide of the double 11 pass their lan- WISCONSIN--Young women at Wisconsin are much interested in dancing. Wisconsin has the distinc- tion of being the only university which awards a degree for a course of study centered about the dance. " a a ase ae considered among the best in the Mtate. The result ,f twenty years' careful building. 0. D. MORRILL IA wV e ca~n azso suptply y tz by lemac process We Call for and Deliver Phone 7373 ARBOR SPRINGS WATER CO. 416 West Huron Phone 8270 SELLING OL 2, 3, 4, dollars worth of r disc selling for the price dollar. Every thing, must 114 South State St. Phone 6615 Elm k. w. A --Ail les again the back ors will about face their lanterns out- homore and fresh- front. At the same Lae lines of fresh- face and complete, a the ceremony will atil Wednesdatv ae time. GREPA RI N-G u m HALLER 'S Stote Street jewelers SPE CIA LS a t ANN STREET DRUG CO. 1117 East Ann Street 40c P. b. & Co. Shaving Cream . ... $1.00 Gem Micromatic Razor and Blades . . . . . 25c West Tooth Paste, 2 tubes for... 25c Colgates' Tooth Paste, 3 tubes for 25c 85c 25c 50C 75c Three Flowers Face Powder . 3Boxes I otex . . . . . . ..60C $1.00 i b , a ,. ' . t , t' - , i f E c" Decoration Day and After Smart Frocks L a dies' Silk Hosiery, guar- anteed $2.0 values go at . . -A '' '%o =- ( Corsets, Corselttes, Brassieres at prices heard of before. Kleinerts Dress Shields, 50c values, pair .. q AT I l 1 k A JI t Quality Portraits "Yes," Michigan students you still have time to have that Portrait made at Mack & Co., before school closes. U Ladies' Blouses ..... Silk. Parasols ...... All Notions C French Panties and Step-ins go at.......... All wear 'z $1 V ":; 11 You need come in. no appointment. Just Wherever you go on the can be~smartly dressed for the A SOCIAL STUDY TOUR IN THE SOVIET UNION 26 DAYS in die U. S. S. R. educational and instructive-t-visiting the cultural and indus- trial centers-special emphasis on social life of the people. INCLUDING; LENINGRAD MOSCOW KHARKOV KIEV THE LARGE 11x14 SIZE ... $1.00 BEAUTIFUL OIL PAINTING $1.00, ALSO THE MOST POPULAR SIZE 8x10, 3for . . . . . $2.00 Come in this week and you tor will be surprised at the quality we make. Decoration Day outing you occasion in these new wash shades, embroidery trimmed Ladies' Aprons, 50c values.... silk frocks. White and pastel. jackets in corresponding shades ALL SIZES Ladies' Sc 50c to $: Values up to Lynd < <.