THE MICHICAN DAILY FIELD III II NS BIG TEN TITLE 10 Points for Wolverines as' 100, 220 Yard Dashes; lps Set New Record. STON, ord). 220 yard low hurdles-Won by of nKeller (Ohio): Sentman (Ill.) sec- lerun o Egeston (Mich.) third: Cave (Ill) fourth: Hafield (Ind.)fifth: PtAY FORTITLES, Conference Golf Championships Will Be Played Over New University Course. Two of Michigan's spring sports will be brought to a close with Western Conference championship meets this week-end. The Wolver-I ine golf team will be host to the other Big Ten squads, while the LAS SIFIEJ ADVERTISING NOTICE HOME LAUNDRY - Student and family finished work neatly done for less money. Phone 8736. 1360 IMPORTANT-Will pay $7.00 for SENIOR-BALL Ticket Immedi.. ately. Phone 8249 at any time. NOTICE--6% long term mortgage loans on new Ann Arbor homes j without bonus or service charge. Clyde M. Smith. Call 4356. 246C. USED CLOTHES bought and sold. Call 4310. 215 East Washington. H. Benjamin. 246C BEST PRICES paid for second hand clothing, shoes, also old gold. Phone 23851. 56 MEN--171 offices in the U. S. to place you. Work-healthful, edu- cational, and profitable. Must be Tom Evans. 518 East William. satisfied with $35 per week plus- bonus. Write box No. 170, Mich. TEACHER lsbes two or three pas- Daily. 6-5C sengers to California. Address Box 173, Michigan Daily. C TYPING--Theses a specialty. Fair FOR RENT rates. M. V. Hartsuff. Dial 9087. _________________________ cal_ C ROOMS-For summer students, call TYPEWRITING AND M I M E D - 5 So. s . Gr aph ing. Moderate Rates_. 54 ST JEFFERSON-Near cam- Prompt Service. 0. D. Morrill. 51pus, two furnished rooms, light _314 . State St. cooking priviliges. Phone 4593. Peasonable rent. Physician's office. Office is rent. Excellent opportunity young physician to begin prat Write Mrs. M. Downing, 50 Main St. Milan, Mich. , ishing with ime :23.5 tennis team will journey to Colum- y of Illinois Pole vault--Won by W a r n e bus to defend its title. Ray Fisher's1 e Wolverine (Northwestern): Beecher (I n d.) baseball nine will meet two Con- inners time' and McDermott (Ill.) tied for sec- ference opponents, Ohio State and, ond: Lovshin (Wis.) fourth: Len- Wisconsin, both of which have been stance&star nigton (Ill.) Pottle (Mich.) and showing up exceedingly well on the trough With antz(Ohio) tied for fifth; Height diamond in recent engagements. lash, cover- ft. 9 11-12 iches. The new University golf course 48.7 seconds Runming highl jump-Shaw (Wis.) will be the scene of action in the t the begin- and Hackle (Minn.) tied for first: Conference championships. Golfers finish line Gordon (Iowa) t h i r d: Russell representing every Big Ten school over David- (Ohio) and Corp (Wis) tied for will tee off Friday for the first Glading of fifth: distance' 6 ft. 2 inches. day's play. The tournament will alance and 'Uunningb road jump-Won by' continue through Saturday, with ark and did Gordon (Iowa): Hoiston (Ohio) 36 holes being played on both days. second: Bertelsn an (Ill,) third;' Illinois Favored. ISentman (Ill.) fourth: Behr (Wis.) Illinois stands the favorite to re- prnts. fifth. Distance 24 ft. 1 1-2 inches. tain its title, having its entire 1930 rine sy - Dnuss throw-Won by Kabat team back in competition. The Illi- b - (Wis.): Purma (Ill.) s e c o n d: ni aggregation is composed of Mar- sprinters to Youngerman (Iowa) third: Sim- tin, Lyon, Crowe, and Alpert. Last ind 220 yard mops (Wis.) fourth: Behr (Wis.) year's total for the Illini was 1,247. e 100 yard fifth. Distance 150 ft. 10 1-2 inches. Martin was the individual winner ecord. John gan (Eknovich, DeBaker, Glading Michigan, with a team card of a n d Russell): Indiana second: 1,258, annexed the runner-upj posi- shed second, Northwestern third: Ohio State tion last year. Three members of the winer fourth: Wisconsin fifth. Time 3:18.- the team, Royston, Lenfesty, and .thnrdaind 5. (New Conference record). Howard, are entered again. With igan gained. Michigan's wealth of new material and a third Javelin throw-Won by Weldon which has been playing an excell- (Iowa): Robinson (Ill.) second: ent brand of golf and the fact that r d i e r and Curry (Purdue) third: Nowotny the Wolverine team tied a dual n the cen- (Wis.) fourth: Nelson (Iowa) fifth. meet with Illinois, the Maize and of strength Distance 191 ft. 4 1-4 inches. Blue chances for a championship had to be Hairnner throiw-Won by Hills are running high. in the next (Ill.): Frisch (Wis.) second: Bid- Play Gophers, Tuesday. igh hurdles. dinger (Ind.) third: Cox (Mich.) Most of the rem'aining teams eaking pace fourth: Youngerman (Iowa) fifth. have at least two members of their the existing Distance 153 ft. 2 1-4 inches. scuads who competed in the chain- a well as One mile-Won by Leas (Ind.) pionships a year ago. The golfers ff the West- Kirk (Wis.) second: Woolsey (Ill.) will meet Minnesota here on Tues- d made by third; Wolfe (Mich.) fourth Golds- day in the last 'dual meet of the te in 1925.' worthy, (Wis.) fifth.- Time 4;.8.6. year.- ,rting blocks 440 yard dash-Won by Russell Coach John Johnstone's tennis t his record (Mich.): Davidson (Wis.) second: team will encounter the Gophers Heyne (Northwestern): third Lag- here on Monday in the final dual d1, Fourth. erquist (Iowa) fourth: McCauliffe match of thelseason. The Confer- an placed (Northwestern) fifth. Time :41.7. ence tournament will take place at high hurd- 100 yard daas-Won by Tolan Columbus on Thursday, Friday, and eld of Ilndi- (Mich.): J. Hass (Minn.) second: Saturday. Captain Brace, Hammer, in the 220 Fazekas ,(Ohio) third: Campbell Ryan, Reindel, Clarke, Sherman, rst in :23.5 (Mich.) fourth: Keller (Ohio) fifth. and Ranck will uphold the honor of d . Egleston Time :9.6. . the Maize and Blue in the titular e of Illinois 120 yard hith hurdles--Won b affair. TYPEWRITERS-All makes sold,I rented, exchanged, repaired. 0. D. Morrill, 314 S. State St. Phone 6615. CALLING CARDS-100 with en- graved . copper plate $2.59 up 100 printed from old plate $1.75.' Best quality workmanship. 0. D. Morrill, 314 S. State St. WANTED ONE STUDENT-To help drive to Los Angeles and share expense. 4 ROOM APARTMENT-Nicely fur- nished, vapor steam heat, near U Golf Course. Phone '403. 1339 S. State. 456 UPPER DUPLEX FIVE ROOMS, bath, sleeping porch, electric re- lrigeration, garage. 905 Forest. Phone 6137. 56,1 FOR SALe FOR SALE-Entire equipment of WANT ADS PAY A ON& s-end Y .do -A nth the Swigs - that RED ARROW MERCHANTS Are Sharing Profits With RED ARROW With the RED ARROW PROGRAM Its Auctions and Contests Its Red Arrow Money and Prizes Are for the benefit of Customers of RED ARROW PLAICES Studen t s Franitie s Sororities Organi'zatioons You will be interested to know that according to all present predictions the Red Arrow Clubs of Ann'Arbor it's Cleanable WE Clean it. LADIES APPAREL FINE LACE SHAWLS SPORT SWEATERS FROCKS & GOWNS EVENING WRAPS STR EET SUITS SILK DRESSES SPORT SUITS SPORT COATS SPORT HATS DRESSES KIMONOS\ SCARFS GLOVES COATS FURS MEN'S APPAREL DRESS & FANCY VESJS SMOKING JACKETS LOUNGING ROBES BUSINESS SUITS SWEATER VESTS DRESS CLOTHES BATH ROBES OVERCOATS KNICKERS TOPCOATS SWEATERS SCARFS GLOVES SPATS HATS TIES HOME FURNISHINGS CASEMENT CURTAINS LACE CURTAINS PILLOW COVERS LAMP SHADES FINE LACES COMFORTERS BED COVERS DRAPERIES FURNITURE BLANKETS TAPESTRY CARPETS PILLOWS SHADES RUGS IF WILL CONTINUE. Now is the time to choose your Red Arrow Chairman for 1931-1932. You can buy at Red ba a >n avf of Indiana, Sentman (Ill.): Keller (Ohio) sec- ond: Hafield (Ind.) third: Egles- i Letts of Chi- ton (M i c h.) fourth: Scheifley its champion-Mirdr.)rfiftd. (TNew4.4: (Equals Z 1:54.4, with worlds record). (New Conference Negro. e run ahead of in which ly on Aus- Wolverines Shot put-Won by Munn (Minn.): Behr (Wis.) second: Kabat (Wis.) third Purma (Ill.) fourth: Biddin- ger (Ind.) fifth. Distance 48 ft. 8 1-2 inch~es. Half mile run-Won by Letts (Chicago): Turner (Mich.) second: Brown (Ohio) third: Skowbo (Iowa) fourth: Iindall (Ill.) fifth. ' Time 1:54.4. Nine Plays Two Games. Michigan will engage two fast moving ball teams this week when it meets Ohio State at Columbus on Tuesday and plays Wisconsin on Ferry field on Saturday. Both Wol- verine opponents have taken the mgieasure of championship favorites in the last week, Ohio having down- ed Illinois, 10 to 5, and the Cardi- nals smothering Northwestern 13 to 2. The initial game with the Buck- eyes this spring was rained out when less than two innings had been played. Two weeks ago the Wolverines defeated Wisconsin, but1 the Badgers have shown vast im- provement since then while Michi- gan's work at the plate has dropped off. Eddie Tolan will be Michigan's lone representative in the national intercollegiate meet at Philadelphia on Friday and Saturday. Tolan will be entered in both dashes, compet- ing against Frank Wykoff of South- Arrow places a host of articles need and use daily. Baked Goods i, you tpped back ion to How- finally fin- chile Howell crossed the of Wiscon- in 9:21.9, to ark. Bi'ock- Endiana fin- Battery Service Coal Clothing Carpets Cleaning Drugs Dry Goods Dry Cleaning Energine Cleaning Foods Fruits Garage Service Gasoline Hardware Jewelry Lawn Supplies Latndry Meats Plumbing, Pressing Repairing Shoes Sport Goods Typewriters Tires l ' SPORTS CALENDAR Monday Tennis-linesotA '....Here Tuesday Basebad-Ohio State .....There Golf-Minnesota ......Here Thursdayr 'Tennis-Big Ten Meet .Columbus Fridg wved the Badgers shot put, .row. Al- Furniture AUTOMOBILES SEAT COVERS TOP COVERS UPHOLSTERY FLOOR MATS CURTAINS ROBES. ng of titles six onsin star placed teammate Kabat, [ i .p !ac~es Fourth. took a first in the Simmons and Behr, onsin, taking fourth risch of the Badgers in the hammer with >is winning the event of 153 feet 2 and 1-3 [ t t )xJ rthwestern took the 1 a jump of 13 ft. with Mcbermott of second and Pottle a three way tie for adgers and Hackle ied for first in the ft. 2 inches. a repeated his per- year on th whLroad the event with1 a 1 '! 5 1 : I l , .r ay ern California and other outstand- Tennis-Big Ten Meet .Columbus ing stars of the country. Golf-Big Ten Meet .......Here Saturday Baseball records show that 102 Golf-Big Ten Meet........Here big league pitchers have succeeded Baseball-Wisconsin.......Here in twirling 111 no-hit, no-run games. Featuring VARSITY STATIONERYa Single and Folded Sheets With or Without Seal -- 7 111l South University Avenue SI R RB A CH'S 6RM RESTAURAN RERMAN AMERICAN 512 EAST WILLIAM Sunday Specials in Steaks and Salads Roast Chicken with Dressing ......... . ..... . 50c Breast of Veal with Mashed Potatoes or Potato Salad .... 40c, Round Beef Roast with Vegetable............ .. 40c Roast Pork with Apple Sauce .... ..................40c Let :-a c1s 40c Pressing 0 Dry Cleaning the Way Phony 4191 START NOW Garden Equipment Golf Equipment, * Let us clean your Curtains, Tapestries, Upohlstered Furniture. We are headquarters: for the Enoz Moth Proof Service. Your winter clothing placed in Moth Proof bags and' Stored Free for the summer-just pay us for having them cleansed. ,: t. 1 1-2 inches. s one mile relay team he Conference title and Big Ten mark of 3:18.5, e old record by :1.4 see- SUMMARIES d dZashr2sWon by Fazekas (Ohio). (Mich.) third: >urth: J. Hass e :20.9. Tolan second: Conway (Minn.) r"' '1 1119 So. Univ. 'The lHome of E ner~iine2 I 7O5Q No. Univ. n-Won by Wright rith (Ind.) second: third: Cortwright CHAS. SCHROEN ERWIN SCHROEN %--A l r 1V" U4di 117. .,~i.:e i. t - - -