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May 24, 1931 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1931-05-24

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tern,Michigan should be free of the
political maneuverings which fre-
sr- quently fend to detract from effi-
rol kient functioning of responsible or-
so- ganizations. The Oratorical Associa-
to tion deserves commendation for thel
es forward step it has taken in join-
ing the ranks of the merit system
hi- organizations.

- I - -






Screen Reflections


ant r"ostmas"er
by mail, $4.50.
iding, Maynard
lusiness, 21214.I

, i lo-I



Editorial Comment


f f

p -j

lal Board

ER, City Editor
....Gurney Williams
...Walter W. Wilds
... Harold 0. Warren
.... Joseph A. Russell
.... Mary L. Behmyer
....Win. J. Gorman
...Bertram J. Askwith
.... CharlesIt . Sprowi
..... George A. Stauter
....Wmn. E. Pyper

Charles R. Sprowl
Richard L. Tobin
Harold 0. Warren

J. Culien Kennedy
A. Sanford

Robert L. Pierce
Richard Racine
Karl Seiffert
JerrysE. Rosenthal
George A. Stauter
John W. Thomas
John S. Townsend

Mary McCall
Cile Miller
Margaret O'Brien
Eleanor Rairdon
Anne Margaret Tobin
Margaret Thompson
Claire Trussell
phone 21214
ABLEY, Business Manager
VER SON, Assistant Manager
tment Managers
...harles T. Rline
.Thomas M. Davis
....William NV. Warboys
... .Norris J. Johnson
.Robert W. Williamson
.....Marvin S. Kobackerl
......Thomas S. Muir,
.......Mary J. Kenan

(The Daily Kansan)
Among the great University tra-
ditions is the administrative re-
quirement which demands that all
students in the college of Liberal
Arts and Sciences must, in the
course of four years, amass ten
hours of credit in what is elegantly
termed "Exercise." This must be
done in order to secure the coveted
For many years the college stu-
dents of Kansas have suffered un-
der. this requirement. It has been
the sore spot in the heart of many
a senior who deemed it worth while
to spend his time in other enter-
prises, rather than caress leather
horses, throw medicine balls, or go
back to nature through spishantics
on bars, bars, and more bars.
It is argued that gym work is
fundamental. It prepares tle fresh-
man and sophomore for the hectic
life of the upperclassman. It gives
the youthful student an insight in-
to physical concepts which hence-
forth will do away with the old
"front porch" and the double chin.
Stick to this training and you will
never be reading advertisements
about how to regain lost youth, so
they say.
The fallacy of this project is
apparent. Most students of the
University, if normal, -will get
enough exercise on their own hook
or in the course of regular events;
perhaps with the exception of book-
worms. But the worst flaw in the
system is that the present program
of physical education is so incon-
sistent that it merits consideration
It is a notable fact that the
school of business and the school
of medicine do not require credits
in exercise. And we ask why? Are
not the boys of today's School of
Business the magnates of tomor-
row. Are they riot the ones who
will sit in stuffy directors' confer-
ence rooms, heavy with the smoke
of those good two-bit cigars? Why,
then, should not these men learr
I how to keep physically fit?
On the other hand, consider the
College students. They, poor souls
will be condemned to such effemi-
nate pastimes as loading cement,
sacking groceries, or other menial
tasks. Then consider the poor re-
porter from the department o:
journalism. Of course, he 'won't
ever have to walk much.
The University should be consist-
ent. If we are to become slaves tc
MacFaddenism, let the whole stu-
dent body join hands in the move-
ment. Let us take ten hours of gyn
every'year, and look forward to the
day when K. U. will have more
champion wrestlers than any othel
school in the Big Six.

Reviewed by Bert Askwith
Breaking all precedent and des-
pite the ballyhoo ~which accom-
panied his first starring feature,"
Mrs. Montgomery's little boy Robert
clicks in great style in an amusing
comedy titled "Shipmates" at the
Majestic. There's only a faint touch
of tpe old cocky-youth-makes-good
plot-even that being overlooked in
the general hilarity.
Montgomery is extremely likeable
in his role of an enlisted sailor in
a navy oil tank-
er unfortunate
}*-*.::, r ...- }enough to fall in
love-right you
dare-shewas the
$- admiral's daugh-
r iter. But even the
Sdiscoverythat he
"was only a gob
instead of a big
oil man from
B r a z i l couldn't
I}sink the gal's ro-
Smance. r
More important than the story,
which isn't trite on the whole, are
the extremely humorous situations
and lines which manage to insert
themselves in every hundred feet
or so of film. Between Robert and
his none-too-brilliant pal Cliff Ed-
wards they caused a more or less
continuous 'stream of laughter in
the Maynard Street cinema palace
last night. A few of the gags were
rather shady, but nobody was seer
walking out on the show.
Dorothy Jordan, as charming a
little brunette as the talking screer
has et to see, or hear, devastat-
ingl demonstrates how well ar
admiral's daughter can know he]
ropes. Joan Marsh, a platinumr
blonde, breaks into a few sizzling
scenes, but Montgomery didn't gc
wrong in picking the raven-haired
. one. Ernest Torrence gives an ex-
cellent characterization in a mino:
L role.
S ""Shipmates" rates a B+

From the two excellent evenings
of entertainment afforded by stu-
dent playwrights, judges, Thomas
H. Dickinson, Paul Osborn, and
Thomas W. Stevens, chose "Swamp
Mud" by Harold Courlander and
"The Well" by Richard Humphriesj
for first and second prizes respec-
tively. The decision made is entirely
happy. The two were clearly the
best of the four and just as clearly
they are about the best two student
plays in the last three or four years.
"The Blue Anchor" by Richard
Humphries which was produced
last night was also an excellent
play. Mr. Humphries has profited
by Shaw's proof that witty manipu-
lation of the historical perspective

General Motors

Copy on request

Telephone 7112
Our Weekly Financial
Letter Contains
Analysis of



can yield very entertaining, very
lively theatre. He has conceived
quite a broad frame for this kind
of drama. If he hasn't filled that
frame abundantly it may be be-
cause this particular type of drama
-since it is something of a tour de
force anyway-requires the abund-
ant inventiveness and sustained
writing of a virtuoso. In manipu-
lating the historical perspective,
nearly all types of drama - the
drama of intrigue, high comedy
and low comedy-are called into
play. It is no little feat to success-
fully practice these styles in the
same play let alone to fuse them
into a swiftly moving drama in
which the entertaining qualities
disguise the artificiality, perhaps
triviality, of this type of drama.
Mr. Humphries' drama is slow, oc-
casionally somewhat tedious. But in
general, its excellences confirmed
the impression of unusually good
craftsmanship established by Mr.
Humphrey's prize - winning play
"The Well." Mr. Humphries showed
distinct promise in various styles.
The intrigue was ingeniously con-
ceived andhandled with some fa-
cility. The valet-maid theme yield-
ed some very good low-comedy
funning. In the conception of
Colonel Drake as an English gen-
tleman, aristocrat and rake there
was considerable good discursive
'writing in very good comedy of
manner and style.

Complete Line of Everything Musical

Daily Market Letter
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tors to the Campus
olumn "are reminded
wunications should be
less than 300 words if
therwise, letters may
shortened in order to

-The Editor.


years Michigan
r offices, one by


ss from the system of
chinery to the merit
i the annouIncement
torical Association has
this step leaves virtu-
ment offices except the
icil posts on the former


ive basis.
chigan, as one of the leading
'ersities of the United States,'
always been among the first
hange from the old to the new,
,rdless of the bonds of tradi-
which usually hampered such
ncements. And in the field of
ent offices, it has led the way.
re other colleges still permit the
tion of their athletic managers,
ications. editors, and other offi-
to reinain on a purely elective
, to be chosen by the student
at large instead of a smaller
p, more qualified to judge the
ifications of the various candi-
s, Michigan today choses ath-
managers, editors, and organ-
:n officers by the merit sys-
The most recent converts to
scheme have been the Union.
Student Christian Association,
)ratorical Association, and the
:fraternity Council.
order that the students may
some voice in this choice, how-
they elect members of the
>us boards. But the nomina-
of these members is taken care
i such a manner that they are
ly well acquainted with the
of work on which they are to
'o other Big Ten universities
also reduced to some measure
number of elective offices. At
onsin the campus was cleared
gureheads by cutting 13 offices
the political roll. Minnesota
itly eliminated all class offices
nt tn +-of red' a,3&a,-

(The Daily Iowan.)i
On a cprtain corner in Iowa City
are four sorority houses. Their
backyards adjoin and their back
doors are not more than a stone's
throw from each other. Yet al-
though the girls in these chapters
lived in such close proximity, they
weren't neighbors-at least not un-°
til a few days ago. They didn't
know each other and they rarely
spoke to each other.
Not long ago girls from two of
these groups, walking home to-
gether, fell to talking about what a
shame it was that they didn't know
each other better. "You know in
the various fraternity magazines
you read about how chapters on
other- campuses go together for
parties and picnics, but it never
happens here."
The results of this conversation
was that a picnic was arranged for
the four groups. The event was a
success - everyone met everyone
else, and they danced together and
ate together and had an all-round
good time.
This is what fraternity life should
mean in the broadest sense of the
word. There should be co-operation
outside the group as well as vithin.
The very fact that each chapter is
bound together as a unit by the
bonds of brotherhood should fur-
nish a strong connecting link be-
tween various fraternities.
Fraternities are supposed theo-
retically to broaden one and to
promote friendship. Too often they
are more apt to narrow one to a
single outlook on life and mold one'
into a type rather than an individ-
,, al 1"(n-n +0 of-chaf ~irnnn har ,c.nrP

"The Secret Six"
Riding in on the crest of a wave
(note the: navy's influence) bf
gangster epics, "The Secret Six" is
good entertainment of its type,,
presenting a fast moving story of
crook rule and municipal corrup-
tion. The. plot and dialogue are,
the work of Frances Marion, one of
the more capable Hollywoodamsels.
Outstanding in the cast is Wal-
lace Beery, thor-
; . -- oughly despicable
. but none the less
humorous as
squint-eyed Scor-
r pio, king of d'-
.. gangsters. Like-
. ~ wise noteworthy
' are the perfor-
mances of Lewis
Stoneas the un-
scrupulous jury-
fixing lawyer,
John Mack Brown.
V4 t as a reporter, and
Jean Harlow in a fairly sympathe-
tic role for a change. Clark Gable,
the gang leader of "Dance Fools,
Dance," proves both personable and
versatile in a new type character.
Chicago's experience with crime
is recognizable in several of the
plot situations, which revolve about
the rise of a powerful gang rule and
the inability of ordinary police
measures to cope with the situa-
tion. Nothing abo t "The Secret
Six" recommends ias a great pro-
duction in any; sense, but it does
merit a visit to the Michigan as an
absorbing film which succeeds in
holding audience interest through-
out. .
Another B+ for this melodrama.
"Remote Control" Uis the Owl
show feature tomorrow night at the
Michigan. This is one of the better
William Haines comedies of a wise-
cracking radio announcer who be-
comes involved with a band of
bank-robbers. Seems as if the Lib-
erty Street theatre were celebrat-
ing National Crime Week.
Eastward Bound
Besides the Hon. John Barry-
more and Mari- .
lyn (Ma r ian) . -"
Marsh in "Sven-
gali" at the Para-
m o u n t, DetroitY
o if e r s Glorious
Gloria of the
Swanson famil y
in "In discreet"
with Ben of the
Lyons, Arthur of
the Lakes, and -.. .
Barbara of .the .. (N
Kents, no less, at .
the United 'Ar- MARILYN MARSH'
tists. 'Tis a comedy, presumably
of the sanme tvne as~ "What A Wi-


k w,

Tomorrow night in the Mendels-
sohn Theatre the second season of
professional plays and players will
open with the production under the
direction of Robert Henderson of
Sophocles' "Electra." The produc-
tion has been given in Boston,
Princeton and Detroit and will be
given a final rehearsal tomorrow
afternodn (which will be open to
those possessing tickets for the
production and special permission).
Outstanding in the production
will be the appearance of Blanche
Yurka in the title part. Miss Yurka
is one of the foremost actresses of
America and with her work in Ib-
serf, one of the most interesting di-
rectors. This will be her first ap-
pearance in Greek drama and ac-
cording to reports from Boston and
Detroit, is has been a magnificent
The other notable feature of the
production will be the appearance
of Martha Graham, orte of the fore-
most 4.merican danseuses in several
solo interludes and as director of
the chorus. Mr. Henderson has said
of this in part: "The dance is being
used as a force in a theatric pro-
duction-perhaps for the first time
in America '. . . Rarely has an out-
standing dancer and dance-creator
been engaged to supervise and
mould the entire action, of all the
course of the play. When the danc-
er is such a true and vivid artist
as Miss Graham this influence be-
comes doubly significant."
Of the principal intentions in-
volved in his interpretation, Mr.
Henderson. has said: 'If there is
any dominant quality in the pre-
sent "Electra" it is the peasant
flavour, the aroma of the earth, the
simply primitive. This humble-and
we feel "True"-quality of the play,
pervades the stark simplicity of
Martha Graham, the virile timbre
of Miss Yurka, and the stalwart
music that has been especially com-
posed by Louis Horst. And if the
word "humble" frightens you into
believing the production lacks ,no-
bility you are under a misapprehen-
sion, for in the hands of such cre-
ative artists such simplicity mounts
.to the highest heroism, if only be-
cause it gives the author's sheer
linesc frPrm nnrncihrao ciii, n rustd

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