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May 24, 1931 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1931-05-24

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Noted Pathologist
Passes Away Here

- m^_

'Council Refers Austro-German?
Customs Accord Problem
to World Courr.,

TOTL U5-00,Qj,
Report of Gifts Made at Third
Alumni Triennial Meeting
Is Announced.


Cornel's World Ware
Memorial Dedicated



European Commission Lays Plan
for Program to Relieve
Economic Crisis.



New Dormitories, Faculty Salary
Endowment Fund, Carillon
Are Planned..

>sors- -
Director'of the pathological lab-
30 oratories of the University, since
u 1902 and internationally famous in
that field, who succumbed here
ty- early yesterday morning to an acute

rity Prevails as Value
seta Drops; Vatican

GENEVA, May 23-(AP)-European
statesmen today concluded the
week of conferences which pro-
duced measures looking toward
economic relief and sent the diffi-
cult Austro-German customs ac-
cord problem to the World Court.
The council of the League of Na-
tions adjourned today while the
pan - European commission which
sought to work out the dream of
Foreign Minister Briand for a Euro-
pean union, adjourned Thursday.
Leading statesmen attended both
Plan Relief Program.
The council referred the proposed
Austro-German customs accord to
the World Court for an advisory
opinion as to its legality. The,
European commision laid plans-for
a practical program to relieve the
economic crisis. A convention pro-
viding for the organization of an
'inte national agricultural mortgage
credit company was the first
In acting upon the Austro-Ger-1
man project the council brought'
France and Germany face to face
in the most dangerous 'controversy-
yet developed within the League.
French Fear Union.
French fear of a Teutonic politi-
cal union as the ultimate result of
an economic merger were shared by
Czechoslovakia and other French.
allies in central and southeastern1
Europe. Their representatives con-
tended the union would violate thes
treaty of St. Germaine and the -1922j

(Special to The Daily)
CLEVELAND, May 23.-(P)-Gifts
to the University totaling $i,500,-
000 have been .undertaken by var-
ious alurini clubs throughout the
country, according to a report made
at the third alumni Triennial meet-
ing here today by Elmer J. Otta-
way, director of the alumni ten-
year program.
The University of Michigan club
of Detroit has undertaken to raise
$500,000 for new dormitories for the
University. $250,000 is the amount
which the New York club has
agreed to raise for a faculty salary
#fldowment f u n d. The classes
which were in college while Presi-
dent Marion L. Burton was in of-
fice have volunteered to raise $150,-
000 for the Burton Memorial Caril-
lon of Bells to be placed in the
Memorial campanile, the $200,000
project of the Ann Arbor club.
Will Aid Loan Fund.
The Toledo club has proposed to
raise $150,000 to be given to the
Student Loan fund. The new Uni-
versity Press building was recently
presented ley Dexter M. Ferry of
Many of the clubs have not yet1
selected their projects, but all those1
which have been informed of te
plan have chosen ten-year program
committees to determine the lift
they will make. The clubs in this
category include those of San Fran-
cisco, Los Angeles, Chicago, Bos-
ton, and St. Louis.
Huber Presides.

Hoover Ddivers Address Over
Radio From Virginia.
ITHAC'A, N. Y., May 23.-(lP)-
Cornell University's memorial to its
World War dead was dedicated here
today in a cold rain, President
Hoover, from his Virginia camp,
delivered the dedicatory address by
The memorial consists of Army
and Navy towers which connect in
cloisters and a hall adjoining each
tower. Massedabefore the structure
were the throngs who came to
honor the 264 men who offered to
die for their country in France,
Italy and Belgium.
The Cornell Sun, undergraduate
paper, had demanded that the
names of those university men who
died for Germany and her allies be
included in the memorial, but it
was explained that subscriptions
had been asked for a memorial to
those who fought for the United
States and the Allies and that to
include the names of the others'
would necessitate a complete change
in plans.

Badgers Score 46 Points, Illini 39, to N
Wolverines With 38; Strength in
Events Deciding Factor.

By J. Cullen Keznedy.
DYCH E STADIUM, Evanston, Ill., May 23.-
clads evened the count against Michigan here tod
at the hands of the Wolverines in the indoor titl
by scoring heavily in the field events to topple the
ence champions from their throne. The Badgen
4() points to take the title, while Illinois placed s
- I -r.

NEW YORK, May 23. - (/) -
With but a single crack-up
America unleashed her aerial
war forces against a theoretical
enemy over New York late today
and emerged in triumph. The
single accident was not fatal, one
plane plunging into the Hudson
river. Teh occupants, A..L. Jew-
ett of Texas, the pilot, and
Edward Dowling, a passenger,
escaped with slight injuries.
Held in check at five air fields
most of the day by unsettled wea-
war hawks into action from Long
ther, the Army air corps sent 597
Island field in a battle array 10
miles long across Weschester
down the Hudson river and over
the residential borough of Brook-
lyn. Several million persons wit-
nessed the demonstration and.
many of them saw the Jewett
plane drop into the river.

points andi m
38 1-3 points.
Coupled wit
Wisconsin po
events in whit
qualified only t
failure of Pete
place in the two
the Badgers ga
Eddie Tolan,
Sentman, of Illi
Ohio State, we
scorers with 101
won the sprints
and Sentman b
hurdles, each ga
other events als

- 23.-

Board in Control of Publications
Asks Strict Enforcement of
Eligibility Rules.
Thomas M. Cooley, '32, was yes-
terday named managing editor of
Gargoyle for the coming year at a
special meeting of the Board in
Control of Student Publications. At
the same time, the Board took ac-
tion to demand strict observance
of University eligibility rules by the
heads of the publication staffs.
During the last two years, Cooley
has been a frequent contributor to
the magazine. For two and-half
years he has been a member of the

was tne p
the 120-y,
he broke
tie the v


on the



e Re
ee ti


,e in gas.
chose, when he
al degree here in
without abate-

De. D.-

Meanwhile, President Alcala Za-
mora is continuing his conferences
with the Papal Uuncio Tedeschini,
concerning the Vatican note to
Madrid on the recent demonstra-
In the province of Catalonia
preparations were going forward for
the, election tomorriw of its own
free state assemblies. Advices from
Barcelona say that while Monarch-
ists, Communists and Labor Syn-
dicalists have reiterated their in-
tention of abstaining from the polls,
Republicans there who want a
Federal Spanish Republic are pre-
pared to celebrate tomorrow's bal-I


received his master's
year later the degree
nedicine.' In 1893 the
for of philosophy was
n him. He also held
the Cincinnati Con-
Mvusic. Following his
e went to Europe to
ued on Page 3)
lssociatfd Press)
y, May 23, 1931
ENS - Approximately
of the Knights of
n all parts of Michi-
ted here Sunday for
vcntion of the order.
cker is to be one of
1-County Treasur
er today announced
tax roll of $820,000,
larger than any pre-
nt roll in the history
wo officer r o m
today in Toronto to
) young bank robbers
sted as they stepped
Toronto last night.

Brief Contends Confirmation of
Nomination Was Final
and Binding.
WASHINGTON, May 23.-(AP)-The
reply of Chairman George Otisl
Smith of the power commission to
the Senate's effort to 6ust him was
filed today in the District of Co-
lumbia Supreme Court.
A brief prepared by former Sen-
ator George Wharton Pepper con-
tended that "as interpreted 'by es~
talilished practice" the original
confirmation of Smith's nomina-
tion had been final and binding.
He argued that the later recon-
sideration and rejection of the
nomination by the Senate was "ir-
relevant and immaterial."
Although Pepper admitted the
existence of Senate rules which
providenfor reconsideration of ap-
proved nominations within two days
he contended that the long estab-
lished system of notifying the Pres-
ident upoA the day of confirmation
made that action irrevocable.
June Gargoyle Issue
to AmDear Wednesdayw

Arthur Henderson, British for-
eign secretary, said that the coun-
cil m e e t i n g demonstrated the
League's value in the maintenance
of friendly relations between na-
tions in dispute. He was elected
chairrman of the next general dis-
armament conference to be. -held
next February.
Says Government Income Varies
With 'Fluctuations of
Business Cycle,
WASHINGTON, May 23.-(iP)-
Revision of the tax system to pro-
vide a r6gular flow of revenue was.
suggested tonight by Andrew W.
Mellon, Secretary of the Treasury.
In an address over the Washing-
ton Star radio forum, Secretary
Mellon pointed out that under the
present system the Government's
income fluctuates with the upward
or downward swing of business.
This is due, he added, "to the
fact that we rely for two-thirds of
our tax revenue on the income tax,
which is subject to sweeping varia-
"The situation in which we find
ourselves at present, with a serious
deficit facing us at the end of the
year," he said, "{raises the question
as to whether we have yet develop-
ed a sufficiently well-balanced sys-
tem to provide the revenues on
which the Government must be
able to count from year to year."
Secretary Mellon said the pros-
pective deficit, estimated at $800,-
000,000 for the end of the fiscal
year, was being met through bor-
rowing. He added, however, that
was "only a temporary expedient."
Hartwig Urges Immediate Filing
of Applications.
Lawrence Hartwig, '31, president,
of the Oratorical association, yes-
terday urged students interested in

The program is now entering the
second period, or "The Trienniuh-
of Expansion, Elaboration, and be.
velopment." This is to be followed
by the period of actual work on
the project, or "The Trienniai of
The sessions of the present Trien-
nial meeting which were held this
morning were presided over by Pres-
ident G. Carl Huber, of the Alum-
ni association.
In addition to the gifts already
named are four scholarship and
fellowship funds of $25,000 apiece
to be raised by thd' clubs of Pitts-
burgh and Columbus, and the class-
es of 1899 and 1894. There are also
two scholarship funds of $10,000,
which will be given by the 1,900 lit-
erary class, and the Battle Creek
Alumni club.,
Problem of 'Taking the Profit
Out of War' Studied by
Its Members.
WASHINGTON, May 23.-(iP)-A
variety of plans for "taking the
profit out of war" faced members
of the war policies commission to-
day as they began to study the
testimony taken during extended
hearings, preparatory to reporting
to Congress in December. The com-
mission is composed of cabinet
members and representatives of the
House and Senate.
, The most comprehensive plan
was the proposal from Bernard M.
Baruch, chairman of the war in-
dustries board during the last cpn-
flict, for governmental control of
industry through an agency similar
to the one he headed.
The plan calls for peace-time
iegislation- to give the president
power at the outbreak of a war, to
freeze all prices, subject to later
modification by a price fixing co-
Student Leaders Hit
Collegiate Athletics.
TUCSON, Ariz., May 23.-(P)--
Expressing belief intercollegiate

ed Rolls column.
T h e appointment of Gargoyle
managing editor was delayed one
week as a result of the finding by
the Board of the ineligibility of the
two leading candidates for the pos-
ition. During that time five lower
and non-staff members had sub-
mitted applications to the Boaild.
Gargoyle salaries for the year
1931-1932 as set by the Board yes-
terday are: managing editor, $500;,
assistant managing editor (to be
named by the new editor), $200;
and a fund of $200 plus the sums
received from College Humor for
exchanges, to be paid to the mem-
bers of the upper editorial staff as
the managing editor may direct.
By action of the Board, the man-
aging editor and business manager
of. the Student Directory for, 1931-
1932 will receive $25 each..
The following resolution w a s
passed by the Board:
"Resolved, that all eligibility re-
quirements set by the University
shall be strictly complied with.
Within two weeks after the begin-
ning of each semester, eligibility
slips must be filed in the office of
the Dean of Students by each man-
aging editor and business manager.
The absolute responsibility of sub-
mitting such eligibility lists and of
excluding in'ligible members from
his staff shall rest upon each man-
ager. In case of any violation of
this rule, the managing editor or
business manager responsible there-
for shall be immediately. discharg-
ed from office. This resolution
shall be kept posted in the main'
office \of the Student Publications."
Believes Steel Companies Will
Close Unless Prices Rise,
NEW YORK, May 23.-(P)--James
A. Farrell, president of the United
States Steel corporation, today ac-
cused the big standard companies
of his industry-"the companies in
the headlines," he called them-of
failing to maintain wage scales.
Mr. Farrell made his accusation
at the semi-annual meeting of the
Iron and Steel Institute, attended
by the principal executives of the
iniitr inti nn

Plays by Courlander, Hu nphrey
Given $250 Minor Prizes
by Contest Judges.
"Swamp Mud," by Harold Cour-
lander, '31, and "The Well," by
Richard Humphreys, '31, both one-
act plays, 'last night were awarded
flist and second places in minor
drama contest of the Avery Hop-,
wood awards. Each author will be
given a prize of $250.
The result of the judges' decision
was announced last night by Prof.
Oscar J. Campbell, of the English
department, after the presentation
of "The Blue Anchor," a five-act
historical drama by Humphreys.
The other play selected for pro-
duction was "Gin Joint," another
one-act play, by Hobert Skidmore,
The judges for the drama contest
are Thomas H. Dickinson, Paul Os-
born, and Thomas Wood Stevens.
The decision on the winner of the
major drama award will be made
public before the end of the month.
it is believed.
The announcement last night was
the first to,be made in the Hop-
wood contests. The winners - in
noetry, fiction, and essay are yet to
be decided.
"Swamp Mud, presented Friday
night, was concerned with the pri-
son camps of the youth. "Gin Joint"
was intended to show the true spirit
of New YFork life, being laid ina
Broadway night club.
Humphrey's one-act play, "The
Well," was a mediaeval farce, and
his five-act, "The Blue Anchor," an-
other costume drama having to do
with the British occupation of Bos-
ton during the Revolutionary war.
Yearbook Distribution
Will FinishTomorrow
Final distribution of the 1931
Michiganensian will be held tomor-
row in the Press building, Harry
Benjamin, '32, business manager of
the publication, has announced. A
number of copies are also available
to those who did not subscribe
earlier in the year, he added.
Copies of the yearbook which
1-toIv M~" w ea ns - r,~,,,i.

The Indiana track
with a grand total
to gain ,fourth pla
State, one of the fR
fifth with 27 5-6 1
maining five schools
lows: Iowa, sixth, 2
nesota, seventh, 151/2
western, eighth, 12 r
ninth, 5 points; and
3 points.
Ohio's fall in the
principally to Rup
being declared inelig
ing of the conferen
night. Beetham, it
had competed at
Wesleyan before er
Buckeye school. The
counted on to gain
mile and half mile
(Summaries and C
on Pages 6
Conference at Pre
Considers Rec
Postal Expet
liminary conference
Hoover's camp bet'
executive and head
office department
that many represei
ees had indicated t
to forego pay increa
The meeting betwi
Postmaster General
four assistant postr
continued throughc
noon and was schec
the night.
The afternoon ses
at the camp, was d
sideration of meths
expenditures below
appropriations. The


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