'THE MICHIGAN DAILY I NINE METS STAT TODAY zro Flash Shines I at Conference MeetI INTRAMURAL STAFF ELECTS MNGR Robert Clarke and Arwin Markus Appoirted Senior Managers for Coming Year. Annual appointments for the var- ious Intramural managership have been announced by the staff mem- bers. Robert Clarke and Erwin Markus have been named for the two senior appointments. These men will succeed Tom Prouse and' Keith Bennett, this year's senior manager. Clarke is from Chicago and has been a member of the Varsity ten- nis last year and the present sea- son. He is also a member of the Alpha Kappa Lambda fraternity on the campus. Markus hails from De- 'TElIS TEAM W-IL-L BATTL - IL-IN TOAY FOR PLAEI I E C ro of the r the two nd either ound for hile Ray r, te Woverine mentor, wil troit and is not affiliated with any McKay. State Weak at Plate. Greek letter -society. ach Kobs has been drilling his , E-d ie T a n, Appoint Six uniors. rges hard all week in prepara- World's record holder i the cen- Besides these men, six junior for, what looms as one of the tury, who led the field at the Big managers have been appointed for t i'portant contests of the sea- Ten meet at Evanston .yesterday by the coming year. They are: Louis for his team. The Spartans have taking two irsts, one each in both Heideman, Detroit; Harold Em- 1 weak in the hitting depart- the 100 and the 220 sprints. mons, Detroit; Ray Eiserman, De- & of the gime this year, but troit; Morris Cohen, Louisville, appeared to have regaihed I 0Ir Kentucky; Stanley Henken, New r batting eye when they pouritd-1 York City; and Leo Goodman, New iut a 16 to 5 victory over the Y a LeoGoodmnNeork City. ;ral State teachers. If the Kobs- flHeideman has probably been the TO HJ T RtYtliitITSherthe reslttofete succegul wa can keep this hitting eye, and ' R2 outstanding manager on the staff - have always been effective ilthe result of the successfulway . the stick against Michigan in _____'e has conducted the tennis pro- past, they should have a good Rt.O.T.C. 'Platoons Are Given 'ram, undoubtedly one of the best ice :cf coming out on the long .andled tournaments of the de- of the score. Medals and Trophies partment. In addition he has help- agnt WSr State Teachers by Mitchell. ed with the basketball program. the-Sprtnswere able to Emmons Handles Golf. a .3 to 2 victory, while Michi- As part of the review program Emmons is conducting the golf broke even in the two games for the benefit of Major Murphy tourney at present. Henken the ed with $he Teachers, winning of Detroit, Intramural awards were horseshoes tournament, Cohen and first one and dropping the sec- given to those R.O.T.C. units which Markus the b a s e b a 11 program. In games with another com- have won them in competition on Goodman has spent his time with opponent, the Michigan State the year's sports calendar. Elmer the inter-class organizations and mal, both teams managed to D. Mitchell, director of the depart- with Sigma Delta Psi. Ray Eiser- lect for enough base hits to ment made the presentation. man has had charge of the office out victores. The Wolves drub- Gold medals were given out as management along with the direc- the Hurons, 4 to 1, while the .follows: Platoon 1, Company C, tion of the handball meets. ; L"sing c rew captured a 3-2 eight members for ,he basketball All these men have contributed a title; Platoon 1, Company B, ten great deal to the successful carry- Beaten by Hosei. men for winning the baseball tour- ing on of .-te Intramural sports he Spartans took two beatings ney; Platoon 2, Company B, six program, and merit any honor bes- a the Hosei University team, men as champion R. 0. T. C. track towed upon them. Walter Kline nplOns of Japan, last week. In squad; Platoon 1, Company B. five has been the outstanding fresh- L game with the Japanese the men for the bowling honors; and man manager and seems headed verines caine out on top. How- Company D, four men for taking for further promotion. , .against the State players the the swimming event. , Each of the senior and junior i tWirlers appeared to be in The high point team being Pla- managers receive a special sweater Or form, as the pitchers who toon 1 Company B, Mitchell pre- 'with an English "M". The appoint- led against them showed well sented them with a further award ments were made by the adminis- Sperfect control and gave the of a trophy. These awards will trative boa-rd consisin of the In- 'tan sluggers few balls that they stimulate competition among ,the tramural staff Mitchell, Riskey, d hit. men of the military unit and thus James, 'Webster, Johnstone, and the arlie Griffin, mainstay of the further this new branch of Intra- two outgoing senior managers, e pitching staff, has not been mural sport activities. Prouse and Bennett. t as w1l this spring as he did- I ago, when he 'proved so effec- COMPETITION IN ALL-CAMPUS GOLF gamestnotigetr's batters. If in does not get -the call, Gibbs . . NARROWS DOWN AFTER WEEK'S PLAY be sent to the mound by Coach s. Gibbs has shown good form is performances thus far this Frring, Rant, With Best Scores, In Thursday's match Firring met an. Kobs has some hard hitting Show Signs of Staying Fryer at 2:00 and left in the eve- ers on his outfit in Abe Elio- Until Final Rounds.. ning having his man, 5-4, thus ad- "Chum" Cuthbertson, and Al vancing himself to the finals in the her. Play this week has been narrow- ire McKay Gets Call. ing down the field of competitors rst bracket. Root has reached the h. Ray Fisher will use the in the All-Campus golf tournament finals of the second bracket and is lineup which has been uphold- sponsored by the Intramural De expected to meet either Park or Michigan's honor on the dia- partment. With the completion o Firring next week for the campus : in the last few contests. The today's matches it will be much title. igan mentor plans to send simpler to pick out the players who! Firring Takes Match, 5-4. ay to the mound, in order that stand the best chance for the final Firring, the low scorer in qualifi- nay obtain more experience triumph. cation, hails from Chicago, is a h will be of great value to him Root, Temple Win. sophomore in t h e Engineering season. Two entrants were eliminated school and a member of Sigma Chi. e remaining two games of the Tuesday when Temple and Root Root, also from Chicago, played on -Michigan series will be played won their rounds from Edgert and the Varsity b sketball squad, is a n Arbor on June 18 and 19. David respectively. The former Lit sophomore and a member of Wolverines will renew their took his match on the sixteenth Beta Theta Pi fraternity . Park, etition in the Big Ten when green when he 'ran the score to 5 still another Chicago golfer, is a encounter the Ohio State nine apd 3 for a victory. Root on the second year Engineer, and one of uesday at Columbus. other hand had to continue in his the Pi U boys. He was an out- round until he had finally brought standing player on the freshman tish Amateur Title the score to 2 up to keep in the golf team last fall and is two years runn~ga cheer leader.- raken by Eric Smith In the play to date Firring and TYPEWRITER Root have handed in the lowest REPAIRING 1STWARD HO, Devon, -Eng., scores which would seem to estab- AU k f h. 22. - (P) - Eric Smith, little lish them as a pair of golfers whomces. 'n golfer from Cambridge Uni- are going to stick with the field Our equipment and per- ty, today won the British Ama- until the final rounds. The 18-hole s o n n e I are considered glf chaminshipdefeating rule on the semi-finad nfinlamong tie best in he State. The result gk olf s chminhipdating-rule o(h eifna n ia ftwenty yes'careful building. Dc orst n he inl 3-hlerounds may make a difference in h lup. their showings, but both of these Q* D. MORRILL rting the afternoon round two men are consistent players and ex- , De Forest still was off his pect to weather the trial. 14 South State St. Phone 6615, , losing the twentieth arnd thO ty-second Boles to go fou; 1yHe got all but one oft e CROSLEY AMRAD BOSCH however/taking advantage of SELL HOP a's bunkered drive at the twen- WE RENT th, holing a five-yarder at the WE SERVICE I y-seventh and doing the twen- Tel. 2-2812 .615 E. Williams nth in a birdie three. AI 92ll 0 Coach Johnstone Strengthens Doubles Team in Effort to Defeat Illinois. Coach John Johnstone will send seven men against the tennis team of Illinois today in an effort to keep in the Conference race. Earlier in the week, Illinois nosed out the! Maroon netmen, 5 to 4, which is the same score by which Michigan beat Chicago. Teams Evenly Matched. Beside an equal rating in this match, Illinois and Michigan both, met defeat at the hands of Ohio State, 5-4, in each case. Chicago tied up the score in both meets 4-4 but lost the final doubles match to lose both meets. Coach Johnstone has strengthen- ed his doubles combinations by matching Hammer with Clarke in one combination. Ranck has been moved up to play with Ryan in the second duo while Captain Brace and Reindel will team together in the third team. Brace, Reindel Matched. This rearrangement of the dou- bles teams has been made in an effort to find winning combinations. Against Chicago and Ohio State, an even break in the doubles would have clinched the final result. Cap- tain Brace will see service with the steady veteran, John Reindel, for the first time as a doubles pair. With Colby Ryan playing better tennis than ever, Coach Johnstone will present a strong singles group of six men that ought to give Illi- nois a hard struggle for every GOLFERS WILLL-T I.IISASOA point. Ed Hammer will be the lead- off mn and Colby Ryan as num- ber two. Players on Par. Bob Clarke, Captain Brace, and John Reindel will follow in that order. According to Coach John- stone, Reindel, Ryan, and Clarke win most of the points for Michi- gan. Their playing ajpility is about on a par with Hammer and Cap- tain Brace while their opponents are weaker than the men that play Hammer in number one position. Sam Sherman has been selected as the last singles player but Bill Ranck will take his place in the doubles assignment. The Illini have a slight advantage of playing on their home courts but with increas- ed doubles strength Coach John- stone's men ought to emerge with a victory. WASHED, SCREL I I AND SRAVELD ALL SIZES ADVERTISIN NOTICEI BEST PRICES paid for second' hand clothing, shoes, also old gold. Phone 23851. 56 MEN-171 offices in the U. S. to place you. Work-healthful, edu- cational, and profitable. Must be satisfied with $35 per week plus bonus. Write box No. 170, Mich. Daily. 6-~C TYPING-Theses a specialty. Fair rates. M. V. Hartsuff. Dial 9087. C TYPEWRITING AND M I M E O- G r a p h i n g. Moderate Rates. Prompt Service. O. D. Morrill. 314 S. State St,. TYPEWRITERS-All makes sold, rented, exchanged, repaired. O. D. Morrill, 314 S. Stat le St. Phone 6615. CALLING CARDS-100 with en- graved . copper plate $2.50. up 100 printed from old plate $1.75. Best quality workmanship. O. D. Morrill, 314 S. State St. WANTED SECOND HAND CANOE-Call Mr. Thompson, Saturday morning. Phone 6464. 3 I TEACHER p ishes two or three pas- isengers to California. Address Box 173, Michigan Daily. C FOR RENT AmINA UPPER DUPLEX FIVE ROOMS, bath, sleeping porch, electric re- frigeration, garage. 905 Forest.' Phone 6137. 56,1 FOR SAL CORONA portable typewriter with standard keyboard. Sligthly used. Phone 2-3243, ask for Colby. 45 LOST LOST -Barrett combination pen and pencil last Thursday. Finder please call 6765. Reward. 45 FOUND- FOUND-Set of ship curves. Owner see Houtz at 715 Monroe to iden- tified them. 451 . I' I KILLINS GRAVEL CO. CALL 7075, 7112 OR 21014 4 ROOM APARTMENT-Nicely fur- nished, vapor steam heat, near U Golf Course. Phone 3403. 1339 S. State. 456 I MENIS. a9 WOIMENISI -R =f (Continued from Page 6) the afternoon singles matches. Royston who has been going great guns lately, is a slight favorite to take Fred Lyons, the home leader. Since the meet today is the most crucial on the schedule from the 4 Wolverine's point of view, it is very doubtful whether Coach Trueblood will take any chances on his lineup. For this reason, Howard, who in the earlier matches has confined his efforts to play in the doubles, will probably enter the singles competi- tion against either Crowe or Alpert. Gene Hand, will meet whomever is left. Although the Maize and Blue are entering the match today distinctly the underdogs, they come very close to being an even bet. Both have de- feated Ohio State, Northwestern, and Chicago, but the Wolves have a 9-9 tie with Purdue marked on the wrong side of the ledger. Illi- nois, although being forced to the limit, succeeded in downing the Boilermakers The outco ne of the match will probably hinge on the showing made by the Wolverines in the morning doubles play. One thing is sure, and that is that the fighting Illini will not permit Captain Roys- ton and company to make as many slips on and around the greens as they have been making in earlier matches. Make Our Store Your Headquarters for SPRING HOUSE- CLEANING SUPPLIES ALL DUCED Must cut down stock before College closes U\amp us Bo-ot-ermaw Is whlere the Kews is- virld VV. j . ..,_. ter" f ....-'. v* r def /_ \ ..= I II' We carry a complete line of Wallpaper, Paints, Varnishes, and Redecorating supplies. WENZEL'S 207 East Liberty Street Phone 6713 it IF' '° , , /r -, , ... ---- r e, r . -, _- I _ -- -= __ ' i i , ._.... ._ --- .. ii ,!'". 5E rts-.. r - ---- ._ _ c - . .. ._ _. _ . _ rf ml"'O" MITE FOR TONIGHT - ~ A N OEl6 ,fl G tAM E L.' BALLROOM 6 I f ., ': 1r. %: