.1 UAIMIVAVAM W.A.A. PRESIDENT SUBMITS REPORT MUSIC;i DANCE . at 6:30 day ASSIST Games Im. dances will be in the sunlight, ee has decided .man Pageant, i next Tuesday :30..In case of e will be post- lowing day atf Le History of gh the Dance," .imitive dance, Fauver, which i and sacrifice rvest. The sec- f the Grecian ig the Olympic :es in the tem- eatest inspira- hat time, the dancers repre- bes and priest- o be Given. Dorothy Ellsworth. President of W. A. A., who attend- ed the convention held recently at Columbus, Ohio, at which the rela- tive merits of the athletic organiza- tions of Ohio State University and the University of Michigan were discussed. Sororities Entertain With Faculty Teas, Senior Breakfasts Ao.A HEADMAKES Athletic Organization of' Ohio State Makes Revision of Methods. Comparison between athletic or- ganizations of the Ohio State uni- versity and the University of Mich- igan shows that while Michigan's method is not similar to that of Ohio State, its general tendency is in that direction, according to Dorothy Ellsworth, '32, president of W.A.A. Miss Ellsworth returned recently from a convention held in' Colum- bus, Ohio, where the relative mer- its of the two systems were discuss- "Ohio State has made drastic changes in the organization, per- sonnel and motivation of its, ath- letic, association during the past year," stated Miss Ellsworth, "this was due chiefly to the fact that its regular program of sponsoring in- terclass and intra-mural activities was materially weakened by the addition of a new Intramural de- partment in the Physical Education school." "The W.A.A. group was entirely reorganized under the title of Wo- men's Recreation . Council, and it now devotes its interest chiefly to the .backing of recreation clubs. Its scope includes archery, riding, Or- chesis, rifle, and camp and club Ileadership, and it deals with prob- lems concerning future use of leis- ure time," she continued. Ohio Method Better Than Ours. "I feel that Ohio's method is a long step ahead of Michigan's," coiiluded Miss Ellsworth. "Michi- gan has not as yet adopted such a plan, but our organization is work- ing toward that goal, and some day may achieve it. This type of work is more or less on the nature of an experimental station, for if the ac- tivities sponsored by W.R.C. are a success, they are generally taken over by the Physical Education de- partment and incorporated in the regular course of studies. This real- ly is of greater benefit for all wo- men on campus, ant; is a highly commendable plan." Delta Omicron Honors Misr Lalah Van Sickle A bridge-shower was given Wed- nesday night in the Kalamazoo room of the League building in honor of Miss Lalah Van Sickle, '25, of 10 Geddes Heights, by the members of Delta Omicron, nation- al honorary musical sorority. Miss Van Sickle was a charter member of the Ann Arbor chapter of the sorority. Bridge prizes were awarded to Marian Hubbard, '31SM, and Harriett Schiele, '32SM. Mrs. Jean- Patterson Schirley, of Buffalo, New York, another charter mem- be, was also a guest at the affair. ORHMITORY G1IS A NNUAL BANQUEIT Affair Held in Honor of Juniors and Seniors in Union Ballroom. Residents of Couzens Hall held their annual junior-senior banquet at 6:30 o'clock, Thursday night in the Union ballroom. The seniors of the nurses dormitory also gave a dance last night at Couzens Hall. Miss Marion Durrell, director of the school of nursing, and Doris Reynolds, president of the junior nurses' class gave the toasts to the. graduating seniors at the banquet. Arrangements for the traditional banquet were under the direction of Miss Reynolds, Vera Agnes Schef- ' fel, '33SN, invitations chairman,' Maxine Freeland, chairman of table decorations and favors, Thelma' Scratch, '32SN, general arrange- ments hairman, Catherine Clark, '32SN, program chairman, and Miss Martha English, '32SN, transporta- tion. The "Virginia Collegians," a De- troit drchestra, was imported to play for the dance last night at which Dr. Vernan L. Hart and Mrs. Hart and Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Whit-i ney were the chaperones. Mina Meincke, '32, was general chairman in charge of the affair and her committee was composed of Mildred Zook, '32, chairman of ar-. rangements, Lillian Calkins, '31, chaperone chairman, and anet O'Neil, '318N, who was in charge of the music. Glee Club Will Give Program Over Radio The University Women's Glee club will broadcast from Detroit on Wednesday night.. The program, which concerns the foreign college1 movement, is being sponsored byi Mrs. H. B. Earlart, of Ann Arbor. Bishop McConnell, of the Metho- dist church in Detroit, will give the address, and the Glee club will com- plete the program. It has been chosen from all of the men's and women's glee clubs at all the uni- versities in the country to give this performance. Miss Nora Crane Hynt will direct. Next week, the Glee Club will- hold election of its officers for the coming year. It has been requested that every member be present. i « , , ' s 1 WOMEN'S LOYALTY MORE PERSONAL THAN MAN'S, STATES ETHEL MANNIN Cleopatra Did Not Die for Her Russia, Christine of Sweden-that Empire, But for Love women are capable of the intellect- ual loyalties which override the of Antony. emotional allegiances. However, the women of such calibre are rare," "The loyalty of women is a more she continues. personal affair than the loyalty of . . men. A woman will always betray "It is auite common to find the cause for an individual; a man is murder of another woman standing more inclined to sacrifice the indi- udro nterwmnsadn mor inlinhet sarifce he -sloyally beside him, trying to give vidual for the cause," states Miss loal eiehm rigt i Ethel Mannin in a recent article in him in his extremity, the comfort the Woman's Journal on "The and courage of her Love. However Strange Loyalty of Women." much he may have abused that love "Ceptacoe ete olv is an immaterial matter before this Cleopatra chose neither to dive response to the allegiance of their nor die for her empire; itwas forhearts," Miss Mannin says. love of Anthony that she died.,hat, Msani as Helen had no 'compunction about "And perhaps even greater than letting Troy burn because of Paris. the loyalty of wives and sweethearts There was probably never born the to the men they love is the loyalty woman who could betray love for of mothers. The loyalty of mothers the sake of ambition as ruthlessly is simply terrific; it is one of the as Napoleon betrayed the unhappy miracles of this queer world," she Josephine, nor for the sake of affirms. art as did Shakespeare poor Anne "The loyalty which is part of the Hathaway. But those women were love of women in general and of not vindictive. The essence of 'oy- mothers in particular, is beyond all, alty which women bring to love is, littleness of reasoning and logic. It indeed, a boundless forgiveness," is folish, but magnificent in its piti- she says. ful faith and courage. "It is only in exceptional cases in which the masculine mind works Martha Cook Gives yin!i foniininP hadv-a in thOe case '1 us the or fc m ic of the Variety characterizes the sociall e next im- program of the sororities for thisI y of music, week, as.it includes breakfasts and ormal, reli- luncheons for the seniors, formal, iddle ages and informal dances, faculty teas' irected by and rushing parties.: she Fresh- Sixteen seniors of Alpha Omicron 1 assist the ' Pi were entertained at breakfast iymns typ- this morning by Miss, Doris Kuhn, lassical, or of Detroit, at her summer home on ted by a Walnut Lake. Last Thursday night artificial the sorority gave a rushing dinner lar in Italy in honor of four guests. Spring flow- , in charge ers and ivory tapers centered the will repre- table. e sixteenth Last Wednesday night, Mrs. Roy Cowden, and Mrs. Neil H. Williams, charge of patronesses of Alpha Xi Delta, gave .s the sev- a supper for the seniors of the esents the sorority at the home of Mrs. Cow- Following 'den on Olivia street. Today a lunch- music of eon is being given for the seniors at. poraries is Huron Hills Country Club by the III U ±VII1Z ny-ubII lL of great Elizabeth, Catherine of STAFF OF DRAMA CAMP TO RECEIVE Formal Program Will Follow 6 o'Clock Tea at League. Members of the staff of' tl1e Lake; Charlevoix Dramatic canp have juht completed plans for the re- ception which they will hold from 5:30 to 8 o'clock tomorrow after- noon in the Grand Rapids room of the League building. * Tea, which is to be served at 6, o'clock, will be followed by a for- mal program which will be present- ed by members of the camp staff. The women who will assist with pouring are: Mrs. John Brumim, Mrs. bscar J. Campbell, Mrs.,Fred- erick B. Fisher, Mrs. Allison Ray Heaps, Mrs. W. D. Henderson, and Mrs. J. Raleigh Nelson. Spring flowers and yellow and blue tapers were arranged on the table to make an attractive deco- ration scheme. Members of the faculty, students,; and townspeople who are interest- ed in the camp and desire to learn more of it are all invited to attend the reception. Staff members wil be delighted to answer any ques- tions at all concerning the camp.'1 -t Spring Dinner Dance For Seventy Guests Martha Cook dormitory enter- tained last, night at a formal din- ner dance. The arrangements were carried out by Elinor Crile, '31, so- cial chairman of the house, and the simple scheme of decoration and. favors was most effective. The din- ing room was decorated with tulips and tapers of harmonious coloring, while the programs and place cards were in the shape of tulips to cor- respond with this floral decoration. As favors for the men there were gardnia boutonnieres.' Some seventy couples attended the affair, and consequently a group of twenty entertained with the same arrangements and scheme of decorations in a private dining, room at the Union. Later these guests joined the others who had dined at the dormitory and the dance was carried on there. Don Loomis furnished the music. The garden, which was open dur- ing the dance, was lighted by Jap- anese lanterns strung across the lawn. Guests were received in Martha Cook Dormitory from 8:00 until 8:30 by Ella Crile, '31, Kitty Van Zoeren, '31, Miss Margaret Ruth mith, and Miss Alta B. Atkinson. BANQUET TO |FINI 'SPEEDBALL S -EAS[ Awards Will Be Made at Ann Function for W.A.A. Boar and Class Teams. As one of the concluding fi tions of the year, W. A. A. is pl ning the annual banquet which mark the, end of the speedball son. The banquet will take plac 6 o'clock, Tuesday, June 2 at Pal field house. Members of the speedball tea the old and newly elected W. A boards, members of the Phys Education faculty, all those have been on other teams, and women on the campus who interested are invited to the af Since W. A. A. speedball awo -are being made at this time, a those who have taken part in sport this year should plan to present. Those who have earned A. A. points during the year sh have them checked up by H Moore, the W. A. A. point recor The interclass speedball teams also be announced at this time Jean Bentley, '33, newly ele vice-president of W. A. A., and speedball manager for the past son, will be in charge of the 1 quet. The class managers, A Neberly, '33, Marjorie Ellsworth and Evelyn Sharff, '31, will b charge of the tickets and rese tions. Tickets for the banquet go on sale next week, and rese tions can be made by calling 311 Mosher-Jordan Hall Hold Annual Elect Jordan hall held its annual e tions Tuesday evening. The off elected will serve pro tem until regular elections next Noven The ones chosen. were Jeann Wright, '32 as senior president,: Bush, '33, as junior president, Alta Place, '34, as sophomore p: dent. Mosher hall elected its officer, the coming year Thursday rn Lois Benson, '32 will serve as se president, Helen Bailey, '33 as ior, and Nolda McCalmley, '3' sophomore. New kinds of soybeans have]t brought to the United States t government plant explorer spent two years in the Orient. .te h diance, in nd a golli-J ization, in ast, and one of the most ef-; , numbers is a modernistic, in which all the movements f and mechanical' imitating tions of a huge machine. At d of the performance, the s representing every age will'i ore appear on the stage. it on Central Committee. imen women who have been g on the Cential committee Pageant'are: Harriet Jen- '31, general chairman; Ruth ,'34, as the assistant general an; Elizabeth Cooper, '34Ed,1 an of the finance commit- ,rgaret Cole, '34, chairman of mce commitee; Ada Black- 4, chairman of the costumes tee; Dorothea Hunt, '34, in of the properties; Jean Eck- SM, chairman of the music tee; Pauline Brooks, chair- [ the poster committee; and Mayer, '34Ed, chairman of >gram committee. ERSITY OF DENVER-Play Lon students here w h o to turn professional were °d in their attempt, by the hairman of the cast. The s who took part in an ex- formance of the play which all the commotion, demand- they be paid money in ad- o the half semester's course which they had been prom- Ann Arbor alumnae of Alpha Xi Delta. Tomorrow afternoon the sorority is giving a tea for about one hundred members of the facul- ty. Mrs. J. Raleigh Nelson, and Mrs. C. J. Lyons will pour. Zeta Tau Alpha is giving a form-, al dance tonight at the Women's Athleti building. Dr. L, V. Hewitt and Mrs., Hewitt, Mr. and Mrs.I Hobart Hoyt, all of Detroit, andl Mrs. Mary Tuller are to act as chaperons: Zeta Tau Alpha wishes to an- nounce the pledging of Violet Lyle, '33, of Bridgeport., Alpha Chi Omega are giving a breakfast for their seniors tomor- row morning. 'I Be In the Swim Exqusite.. s - SWithThese Smart 'Bathing, Suits - - . i i3 IE Brown Patent Leather "- ;',t -. I tr -- < r;,; t- 3 ; F ' a @il''1AI ! , ¢a l ill 1 nf Y \ !i1 ti i /i/ ' '' d~i / , ,k ,,.. R /. nn v.. Y. " , d r: , { ' . 1 r 1 # t L L those furs of y Probably one of most cherished p( sions. But will beauty survive the deal of summer's he . . . moths . . . the eve present danger of fi and theft? y Fashion's Shining Favorite / $850 Just 'phone 8507.. A Messenger Will Cal Panama HATS . your furs, after 2 9 7- Brown is so much in demand this season and patent leather is a perennnial favorite, so no wonder that brown patent leather is so important. This a thorough inspec Splash! And the bathing season is on. You need go no further than this store to fully appreciate this fact. Thi, section is brilliant 'with the new season display of bathing suits and Beach Ensembles made up in various smart styles and striking color contrasts. and cleansing will be carefully placed in th security of our FUR STORAGE VAULT! .. .your furs are returned in the Fall . . with their sleek lustre and beauty actuall improved. Our rates are low for the character of servicE ost popular hat of the season. slender opera pump gleaming brown leather. is of. patent All Sizes Reasonably Priced at $5.00 to $8.95 Dresses 1 ' 'A Second Floor and protpction we give. :s and prints in the new tmer colors and styles. $5-$10-$1 hundred brand new dresses unpacked. Short sleeve, washable silks. IIi1i f, _:-,-- ,_ .., , :1. EDING' I