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May 23, 1931 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1931-05-23

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srial Asso"
mtitked to

- Campus Opinion
Contributors are asked to be brief,
confining themsek es to less tha.. 300
- words if possible. Ar vnymous con-
munications will be disregarded. The
names of communicants wil, however,
be regarded as confidential, upon re-
quest. Letters published should not be
c6nstrued as expressing the editorial
opinion of The Daily.

ed herein.
in Arbor, Michi-
Special rate of
ant Postmaster
by mail, $4.50
ilding, Maynard
3usiness, 21214


1. L

To the Editor:


E. COOPER, City Editor
.........Gurney Williams
r...........Walter W. Wilds
dito........Harold 0. Warren
... ....Joseph A. Russell
~.Mary L. Behmnyer
Books.......Wmn. J. Gorman
ns......... Bertram J. Askwith
Editor ......Charles R. Sprowl
r ..........George A. Stauter
..............Wm. E. yper
Charles R. Sprowi
Richard L. Tobin
Harold 0. Warren
Sports Assistants
rton J. Cullen Kennedy
Charles A. Sanford
7 Robert L. Pierce
Richard Racine
h arl.,Seiffert
Jerry E. Rosenthal
1 George A. Stauter
John W. Thomas
John S. Townsend

Mary McCall
Cue Miller
Margaret O'Bren
L1eanor Rairdon
Anne Margaret Tobin
Margaret Thompson
Claire Trussell

Telephone 21214
I MABLEY, Business Manager
ALVERSON, Assistant Manager
partment Managers
.Charles T. Kline
Thomas M. Davis
.William W. Warboys
... . Norris J. Johnson
.. . .Robert W. Williamson
..Marvin S. Kobacker
- ..Thomas S. Muir
ary ........... Mary ..Henan
Noel1). Turner
Don. W. Lyon
William Morgan
Richard Stratemeer
is Keith Tyler
Richard H. Hiller
Byron C. Vedder
Sylvia Miller
Helen Olsen
Nildred Postal
er Marjorie Rough
id Mary E. Watts
Johanna Wiese
DAY, MAY 23, 1931
.tors to the Campus
olumn are reminded
nunications .should be
less than 900 words if
)therwise, letters may
shortened in order to

I should like to suggest that The
DAILY modify its democratic policy
of accepting all Campus Opinion
contributions on the score of their
odor; if not intelligence. When our
friends laugh at Michigan for its
inclusion of nitwits in quantity, we
grant their existence but point out
their practical isolation from the
intelligent element on the campus.
Since The Daily is the product of
this element, I see no reason why
it should be embarrassed with a
false obligation to gratify the veri-
est oafs with the publication of
their illiterate clowning.
The latest case in point is one
Carmichael's cheap bid for fourth
page publicity in yesterday's Daily.
Of course, such a one's verbose
stupidity answers itself, and three
or four times, but for one thing, it
dispels the pleasant illusion' tha
we produce publications for more
than a few people of any taste. In
the extremely improbable event
that even the Engineering school
should contain a gull for Car-
michael's sorry humor, I will say
out of sentimental regard for our
ugly duckling cover that lacquer-
ing is superfluous Since we paid the
*manufacturer to waterproof it s
that itcan, of course, be easily
G. A. Dusenbury.
Dear Mr. Carmichael: Gee whiz
you just exploded all over the edi-
torial page, didn't you? And sev-
eral months late, too. I know a lot
of people who don't like the cover
of the new 'Ensian but they had
sense enough to know that even an
indignant letter in The Daily
wouldn't make it possible to collect
all the copies and send them back
to the bindery' to be rebound in the
good old standard cover of imita-
tion leather embellished with cam-
paniles, muscle-bound athletes and
the like. Just imagine, Mr. Car-
michael, sending back eight and
one-half tomes of 'Ensians to the
printers, marked "N.G.," "White
elephant," and "This looks like a
butcher's supply catalog." J u s t
imagine it!-
You remind me, Mr. Carmichael,
of a friend of mine who went into
the kitchen of a large hotel and
'ordered a special omelette. He stood
around and watched the chef beat
up the eggs, pour them into a fry-
ing pan on the fire. He stood around
and watched, mind you. Then when
the omelette was finished, and
garnished with parsley and served
in a clean white dish, this friend
of mine got up on his hind legs
and bellowed and ranted and raved
and said it looked like a butcher's
supply catalog until the the chef
was practically overcome w i t h
nausea. It was an awful silly per-
formance, Mr. Carmichael.
I can't help feeling, however, that
your suggestions for other uses of
the canvas cover are excellent. You
said it might be made into oat bags
for horses. Why don't you take two
or three 'Ensian covers and make a
large nose bag and slip it over your
head, Mr. Carmichael? You could
cut holes in. it for your eyes if you
wanted to, but I gather from your
letter that you'd rather not see
anything anyway, especially the
'Ensian cover., Perhaps you'd just
better leave the nose bag intact so
none of your low growls would seep
out and reach the sensitive ears of
the editor, who might break down
and cry.

Your lacquer idea is good, too.'
You ask, "Why can't each student
march downtown and swap a couple
of dimes for a can of it, along with
a new brush, paint it carefully over
the sailor's leggings part of his
book and when it is dry carry it
home satisfied that he can wash it
off when it needs it?" Well, Mr.
Carmichael, I've interviewed sever-
al paint store proprietors in town
and they all agree' that the idea is
great and that they will be glad
to help out the students. So you
need not worry on that score. Each
student CAN march downtown, any
old time he wants to.
But anyway, Mr. Carmichael, if
you consider your 'Ensian. a "white
elephant" and would like to dis-
pose of your great burden, there
are a score of students would be
glad to pay you well for your copy.
Students who-know a good thing
when they see it. So there's no need
of feeling hurt, Mr. Carmichael.
Verv +riii, nim,

"A man with two wives gathers A Review.
no moss." " Student production of student
-Old Swedish Proverb plays is an ideal that has been
* * * growing in importance in the last
Bulletin-Crowds have been mill- four years. The publication of twos
ing about in Maynard street all this volumes of student plays int
past week fighting their way into
the Press Building to find out who that the idea was to some extentf
is going to be appointed editor of established. The fact of the an-
the Gargoyle and hoping at the nual Hopwood contests undoubtedlyI
same time to be able to get a look means that it will be permanently 3
at the man who thought a white established and firmly organized.
burlap cover would look well on a y
senior year-book. At the present And certamly, that is fortunate.
writing the building is surrounded The idea will always be shaky. Ith
by a cordon of police and fourteen will need sympathy. For example, t]
-local landladies who are trying to it is quite probable that such an
get an audience with the business amazingly poor evening as occurr-P
department of this little news-bee ed inLbooryeatr som-
and find out the reason why the ed i the Laboratory Theatre some
devil they haven't got their Dailies two months ago will occur each
for the last two weeks. year. But I think it equally probable
Inside the building a note of fev- that there will be an annual three-
ered tension prevails. Every avail- quarters of an hour of such splen-
able typewriter has been pressed did quality as was afforded last
into service by the scores of retir- night by Richard Humphries' "The
ed editors and business managers Well." If that is so, the ideal of
of former Dailies, Gargoyles, Mich- student production of student plays
iganensians, C h im e s, Inlanders, will have its annual justification.
Diagonals, and Student Directories, "The Well" in the writing and in
who gre hammering out their vol- the production represents at its best
uminous ideas to hurl at the cow- perhaps the most important extra-
ed Board in Control of Student curricular activity on the campus.
Publications which, when last seen, Last night that activity proved
was hiding in a swamp near Dex- pleasant to a full house in the
ter. Mendelssohn Theatre; and that is
THE DOCTORS WHOOFLE apleasant consequence, though it
______can never be the test, of this im-
portant activity. Those in the Eng-
The doctors will be remembered lish and Speech departments de-
for the Rolls column they threw serve credit-for persisting in spon-
together every day last summer be- soring student playwriting to the
tween sips of iced-tea. But now point where it justifies itself to a
they've dashed off to that Spanish whole audience.
restaurant where fish ARE fish in
the finest and deepest sense of the
word, where fish are, in fact, per- "Swamp Mud" by Harold Cour-
fect and complete. lander ranks with the best of stu- rqR
* * * 1 dent plays in recent years. Theatric
But before we forget about it, terms were, in general, handled
Rolls is going to give you your very well; there was ample use of
chance in the game. Just fill out stage-picture and motion within a
the following form. You nevel can picturesque setting. But better, the FIRST METHODIST
tell. writing was distinctlyapromising. EPISCOPAL CHURCH
The speeches nearly always had
effective rhythms: rhythms appro-
priate to, or rather revealing of, Cor. S. State and E. Washington Sts.
l Board. in Control,
Swamp Near Dexter. character. The only real faw the Dr. Frederick B. Fisher, Minister
Dear Board: e, play had was, I think, a certain
persistence by the author in his
I hereby apply for ideas and in his contrasts. The
the managing editorship of facts of Tuesday's aspiration and 10:30 A. M.-Morning Worship.
Gargoyle for 1931-32. I am a Daniel's hopeless servitude was LAW
very funny fellow. stated too often. For the intellect Dr. Fisher
Signed, of the onlooker the play lacked
, '...... mvement. One comprehended all
the situation had to offer before the There will be no Evening Worship.
. play was through; and in that
DAILY PERM (sense, it was somewhat tiresome.
Little pansies now are blooming "Gin Joint" is one of the poorer,
At the back of old U. hall. perhaps the poorest, of recent stu- _
But, perhaps the frost will kill dent plays. Its author merely takes
them; the stock "laughing and dancing
Da da da da, da da da. through your tears" idea, combines FIRST CONGREGATIONAL
l it with the average rustic notion of
* * * poor wicked New York and pro- CHURCH
SOAP BUBBLES ON SWORD duces a play that goes from one
- POINTS i bathetic table to another, showing Allison Ray Heaps, Minister'
that even though they are all
by Wilie i "laughing hard, who's happy?" and Sunday, May 24, 1931
Synopsis of previous installment? catching such cynical remarks as
I should say not. Have I nothing "every window's a broken heart." 9:30 A. M.-Church School.
better to do than give lazy bats "The Well" was a little master-
like you...? piece of its sort. And that sort 10:45 . A. M.--Morning Worship.
Chap. 2, Sect. 48, Seat 118. Please farce, is perhaps the most difficult Sermon by Rev. Heaps. Subject:
give your stub to the boy scout dramatic genre to be convincing in. "Empty Houses."
upon entering stadium. Starting from the best farce-situa-
Just as vander Willie gathered tion in the world, Mr. Humhries No Student Fellowship for remainder

the soft, unresting form of Yvonne builds it with fervour and extreme of year.
into his arms there came a loud neatness of plot-movement and a
knock at the door. "Open, you consistent joie de vivre in the writ-
cur!" "Who you calling a cur?" ing. If the production had moved
answered the door, opening. And much faster, the play would have
on the threshold, in all his -mag- been even more consistently hilar-
nificent, virile strength stood no ious.IS
other but-Dan Baxter! Mr. Windt and Play Production FIRST
"Dan, if I may call you that, said deserve credit for giving these three PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH
Yvonne, coming out of her swoon, plays such creditable performances . . .
"My hero." in so short a time. Evelyn Gregory's Huron and Division Sta.
"BAXTER!" exclaimed Willie spirited performance as Maria in Merle H. Anderson- Minister,
with a muttered curse. And his "The Well" was outstanding in the Alfred Lee Klaer, Associate Pastor.
hand flashed to his shoulder hol- evening. W. J. G. Mrs. Nellie B. Cadwell, Counsellor of
handhashd tohisshouder oI-Women.
ster. "Go for your gun.," e.
ser "f your n" 10:45 A. M.-Morning Worship.
uOle," replied Dan, "I'll- be back Memorial Service for the United
with it in a couple of hours." But DRAMA REHEARSALS Veteran Organization of Ann
when he returned it was too late. In order to make the Dramatic Arbor. Dr. Anderson will preach.
Willie's vicious automatic spoke season of added value to the stu- 12:00 Noon-Student Classes.
once and then stopped, at a loss dents and townspeople especially 5:30 P. M.-Social Hour for Young
words. u it had said interested in the actual production People.
enough. Cut to the quick by its of plays, Robert Henderson, direc-
cruel ejeculation, Baxter lay in a fthhh. 6:30, P. M.-Communion Service
cruel ejelaion Bter lay in ator of the season which is to open and Installation of officers for
crumpled eap on the floor:Van- with "Electra" Monday night, has 1931-32 by Rev. Alfred Lee Klaer.
der Willie approached and smooth- arranged with the dramatic com-
ed out some of the worst crumples mittee and Valentine Windt to
and a few minor creases. admit persons obtaining special
"I must get out of here," he said, permission from Mr. Windt to cer- ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH
s w i n g in g the still-unconscious tam of the final rehearsals of each
Yvonne (that girl had a gift) onto play in the Dramatic season. Washington St. at Fifth Ave.
his shoulder, and flitting lightly Such insight into the problems of
through the window. The night en- dramatic production as this privi- E. C. Stelhorn, Pastor
gulfed him, he swam slowly away lege wil afford should be appreci-
through it, using the powerful ated by many students. Permission 9:00 A. M.--Sunday School.
breast stroke that he had had so for this privilege must be obtained
much practise in. from Mr. Windt at the Laboratory 10:30 A. M.-A confirmation service.
(Thus, and on a preposition too, Theatre. It will be necessary for Sermon topic: "A Specimen of
ends the second instalment of this the persons admitted to each re- Genuine Christianity."
gripping-note to printer: two 'n's. hersalt n nresent their ticlkts for . -- . I , 1 1

For dining, for dancing,
or garden parties, for in-
ormal evenings at home ..
or making you look, (and
eel) tall,. lim, romantic and
nteresting. For doing all
orts of mysterious things to
Tour coloring with their
ovely tints ... you'll chopse
hese intriguingly fashioned
aicture frocks!


teai . amce


l ..
1 'N


Second Floor-Phone 4161

6f v






Cor. State and East Huron
12:00 Noon-Mrs. Fisher's class will
meet at Wesley Hall.
6:00 P. M.-Devotional meeting led
by Major Edwards of the R.O.T.C.
He will present a talk on West
Point illustrated by moving pic-
tures and slides.
7:00 P. M.-Social Hour.



E. Huron, below State
R. Edward Sayles, Minister
Howard R. Chapman, Minister


9:30 A. M.-The Church School.
Mr. Watt, Superintendent.

10:45 A. M.-Worship. Sermon
Mr. Sayles on "The Necessity


12:00 N.-University students at
Guild House.
5:30 P. M.-Friendship Hour.
6:30 P. M.-Special Musical Pro.
gram, in charge of Miss Elizabeth
Searles, '31 S. M.

--The Editor.

chigan's state legislature, in
characteristic legislative style,
urned its regular biennial ses-
yesterday amidst a roar of
minute business and its ac-
panying rush and confusion.
tat a special session will be
d by Governor Brucker next
ember is a likely probability
.t is possible that the tax bill
h the senate passed Thursday
which came out of conference
nittee yesterday will not meet
pproval and will result in his
ng several of the items in the
appropriation bill.
ucker, in the months he has
in office, has been adamant in
lea for lower taxes and econ-
in state expenditures. His
to realize this aim has been
stent and sincere. He has tried.
lfill his promises to the elec-
the legislature, however, there
been a different story. In the
te where a popular mood so
y characterized by the nation-
nate has been in vogue, Bruck-s
ts met defeat after defeat in
ieasures and the passage of al
requiring a higher tax rateI
any in the history of the state{
the climaxing blow.
e compromise reached yester-
y the Senate and House com-
es with Brucker is certainly
he result the governor wants4
it is almost certain that a
ier of items on the appropria-
bill will be crossed off by thec

Division and Catherine Streets.
Reverend Henry Lewis, Rector
Reverend Duncan E. Mann, Assistant
8:00 A. M.-Holy Communion.
8:45 A. M.-Student Breakfast.
9:30 A. M.-Church School (Kin.
dergarten at 11 o'clock).
11:00 A. M.-Morning Prayer. Ser-
mon by the Reverend Henry
6:00 P. M.-Student Picnic Supper.

615 East University
Rabbi Bernard Heller


11:15 A. M.-Professor I.
Sharf man will speak at the
service of the school year in
Women's League Chapel. Hiss
ject will be "Religion and


7:30 P. M.-Student Forum. Paper
read by Victor Rabinowitz.

409 S. Division Sit.

(Evangelical Synod of N. A.)
Fourth Ave. between Packard and

10:30 A. M.-Regular Morning Serv-
Sice. Sermon topic: "Soul and
11:45 A. M.-Sunday School follow-
ing the morning service.
7:30 P. M.--Wednesday Evening
testimonial meeting.
The Reading Room, J 10 and 11
State Savings Bank Building, is open
daily from 12 to 5 o'clock, except
Sundays and legal holidays.

Rev. Theodore R. Schmale
9:00 A. M.-Bible School.


10:00 A. M.-Morning Worship.
Sermon topic: "The Relation of
God's Spirit to the Church."
11:00 A. M.-German Service.
Communion service follows the Ger-
man service.
7:00 P. M.-Young People's League.



Third and West Liberty Sts.
C. A. Brauer, Pastor

State and Huron Streets
7:30 Sunday

dld Brucker do this, and it is
ikely that he will, a special
will be called next Septem-.
s is the custom with special
s, everything but the task
1 be considered andnothing
ore expense and energy will
-I . ar - p in 4--ha .vanl nat.


Sunday, May 24, 1931
9:00 A. M,-German Service.
10:00 A. M.-Bible School.

* I

What does a grad do when he
can't get a job, and must the college
student sell brushes?
CNeil Stabeler of the Staebler Oil
Company will lead a discussion on


11:00 A. M.-Confirmation Service.
Sermon topic: "Watch and Pray."
5:30 P. M-Student Fellowsin and







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