PAGE FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, FEBRUARY17,"1931 . ,. Published every morning except Monday during the University year by the Board in Control of Student Publications. Member of Western Conference Editorial Association. The AssociatE Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dis- patches credited to it or not otherwise credited in thls paper and the local news published herein. { Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as Second class matter. Special rate of postage granted by Third Assistant Post- niater General. Subscription by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50. Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, Maynard Street. Phones: Editorial, 4925; Business, 21214. EDITORIAL STAFF Telephone 4925 MANAGING EDITOR Chairman Editorial Board HENRY MERRY FxAx E. CooPER, City Editor News Editor.............Gurney Williams Editorial Director ..........Walter W. Wilds Sports Editor............Joseph A. Russell Women's Editor..........Mary L. Behymer Music, Drama, Books.......Wm. J. Gorman Assistant City Editor.......Harold O. Warren Assistant News Editor......Charles R. Sprowl Telegraph Editor...........George A. Stauter Copy Editor ..................Wm. F. Pypet NIGHT EDITORS S. Beach Conger John D. Reindel CatI S. Forsythe Richard L. Tobin David M. Nichol Harold O. Warren SPORTS ASSISTANTS Sheldon C. Fullerton J. Cullen Kennedy Robert Townsend REPORTERS . E. Bush i hZnas M. Cooley Morton F rank Saul Friedberg Frank B.:Gilbreth lack Goldsmith goland Goodman Morton Helper Edgar Hornik James Johnson Ir'an Jones Denton C. Kunze Powers Moulton Wilbur J. Meyers Brainard W. Nies Robert L. Pierce Richard Racine Theodore T. Rose Jerry E. Rosenthal Charles A. Sanford Karl Seiffert Robert F. Shaw Edwin M. Smith George A. Stauter John W. Thomas John S. Townsend Mary McCall Margaret O'Brien Eleanor Rairdon' Anne Margaret Tobin Margaret Thompson Ciaire Trusseill Eileen 1Blunt ElIsie Feldman Ruth Gallmeyer Emily G. Grimes jearin Levy Dorothy Magee BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 21214 T. HOLLISTER MABLEY, Business Manager KAieaX 1. HALVERSON, Assistant Manager DEPARTMENT MANAGERS Advertising.............. .Charles T. 'lne Ad:erti:ing:............Thomas M. Davis ,Adertising............ William W. Warboys Se vice.......Norris I.Johnson Publication ............Robert W. Wiliamson Cirulaton.............Marvin S. Kobacker Accounts...... .....hoas S. Muir Business Secretary............Mary J. Kenan Assistants Hrry R. Begle Ere Kigbtlinger Vernon Bishop Don W. Lyon William Brown William Morgan Robert Callahan Richard Stratemeer William W. Davis Keith Tyr Richard H. Hiller Noel D Turner Miles Uoisington Byron C. Vedder Ann W. Verner Sylvia Miller M iats tran Helen Olsen l-$gen Baley Mildred Postal sephine Convisse Marjorie Rough anciie Fishgrund Mary E. Watts Dothy LeMire Johanna Wiese UDorothy Laylin %E8DAY, 'FEBRUARY 17, 1931 NightEditor -HAROLD WARREN THIS LIQUOR-RIDDEN CAMPUS! When President Ruthven's state- inent setting forth the status of fraternities in the eyes of the Uni- versity and civil authorities of Ann Arbor was issued last week follow- .ing the spectacular raiding of five fraternities and arrest of 79 stu- dents, it was naturally expected that the University would act against the parties implicated in the liquor raids. In spite of its logic-chopping and straddling, this statement specifically left the way open for administrative discipline. While the question of the justifica- tion of this attitude is admittedly debatable, the fact remains that the administration is the final au- thority on the subject; if students object to a view as meddling and unfair, they are free to withdraw from the University. On the basis of this attitude, whether right or wrong, the Senate committee on student afairs was warranted in giving the situation its attention. Since the administra- tion had undertaken the responsi- bility of dealing with the situation, and because the raids were given tremendous publicity, the Senate committee was justified in its ac- tion, that is, save in its extreme severity. The committee apparent- ly felt that social probation was :not adequate for the situation; seeking a greater punishment, it used the precedent of closing up the fraternity houses and added the prohibition of pledging and ini- tiating. Presumably, much of this severity was to appease the public conscience, and as such was an un- warranted burden upon the fra- ternities. The closing of the fra- ternities can reform only through the effect of the financial burden thus imposed; overhead expenses coitinue, alumni who in most cases own the houses are made appre- hensive, the students are scattered to rooming houses, where, in the light of President Ruthven's search- ing dictum, the fraternity men will be under less University surveil- lance. The results of such a proce- dure are doubtful. Presumably, the Senate commit- toe felt constrained to act thus se- drinkers and muckers generally. In view of this, the committee prob- ably thought the situation called for summary and effective action. But in thus playing up to the in- flated and distorted public concep- tion of the problem, they inadvert- ently appeared to justify many of the private conclusions which had been fostered by the bloated pub-. licity. Further, the wave of sensa- tionalism may also have induced the committee to act with more haste than was compatible with a completely dispassionate and com- prehensive view of the situation. The second reason for such ac- tion follows from the same publici- ty source, but proceeded more di- rectly from the administrative offi- cers of the University who for the past year have been concerned with the fortunes of the University in the legislature, who have had their minds and hearts so centered in the prejudices of Lansing instead of in the actual problems of the students that they have become somewl~at ludicrous in their efforts to walk the thin ice of appeasing the de- sires of the legislators, without get- ting their feet wet. The Senate committee, working at the problem of disciplining the five fraternities without the hindrance of these two factors, might achieve a different result. The manner in which notoriety given student misconduct can bring discredit to the University never has so clearly been illustrated as in the events of the past week. The situation created largely out of thin air was altogether unfair to the University;tdrinking among its stu- dents has been rapidly declining for the past several years and this University is one of the "driest" in the country. Despite the occurence of events which lend themselves easily to painting the expected pic- ture of college students as boister- ous, ill-behaved idlers, these same students quietly and seriously gc about securing an education in a business-like manner. There are only two really signifi- cant things which engaged the Uni- versity unduly the past two weeks not that liquor was found in fiv fraternity houses where 79 stu dents were sleeping, but first, tha some 9,000 students have taken thi hardest set of examinations eve given here, and second, that th Ann Arbor police chose the mos spectacular and least effective wa of meeting the liquor problem, suc as it exists. If they honestly hop to apply the sponge to Ann Arbor' remotest dampness, let them dea adequately and courageously wit the sources of supply. nv I Editorial Comment o NET EFFECT. (From the Grand Rapids Press) Net effect of the "padlocking" o five fraternities at the University o Michigan because liquor owned b some member or members wa found in them: Members, including at least nin entirely innocent students out o every ten, will rent rooms elsewher in Ann Arbor, presumably in priv ate homes where they will be im mune from any police disturbance no matter what they buy or drini Fraternity houses will be close' down, forcing a score of student and others out of employment, per haps obliging some working stu dents to give up their college ca reers. These affected employees - waiters, dishwashers, etc.- had c course nothing to do with the liquc and are not fraternity members. Alumni at a distance, actual own ers of the fraternity houses in mol cases, will take steps to see the members retain their affiliation an loyalty, and pay dues until ne> September when the houses ma reopen. Drinking members of other fra ternities, taking warning, will mov liquor supplies to private rooms oc cupied by freshmen and some old( members. Drinking will be more surrepti tious, but no reason will exist the it should be any less prevalent. A spirit of halfbaked revolt wi be encouraged by the feeling of in justice arising from this raid upo houses properly regarded by str dents as their homes, a raid cor ducted without any p r o o f c thought that liquor was being so] at the houses or from them, bi merely upon the basis of possessio by a small minority. Punishment of the many for tl sins of the few never sits we] 1 When the punishment is of colleg youth and the primary fault lies e the door of federal, state and loci authorities who have permitted a easy and cheap flow of liquor t reach Ann Arbor without adequat OASTED SQLL WE'RE L OFF! * Here we are again fellows! Fresh t and bright after our little layoff s and all set to go on the nice new e semester. Goodie Goodie goodie t goodie goodie.w 1 * * * . It will be of deep interest tou the followers of this column tos know that the Editor thereofn has been signally awarded for his noble efforts on behalf ofd the University's reputation and the comfort of the student bodyf as a whole. He now has four (4) lectures in Newberry Auditor- u ium each and every week in- stead of only two as previously. This, of course, will mean twicet as much space devoted to it ina this department. NOW will you help do something about it? t *t Here comes the reverberating1 echo of the late unpleasantness1 brought on by the jealousy of thee A. A. Police. As you all know byr now, fearing that all the townf liquor would be consumed beforet the Firemen's and Policemen's Ball, they cleaned up on the pre J-Hop stocks of five 'Frat Houses' in thet vicinity evoking the folloiwng com- ment from one of the injured par- ties.(Not the J-Hop). ies Listen swabs and you shall hearr Of the midnite ride for a keg of beer Which stopped at the Eta Eta Chi - And found some whisky, gin, and Rye. Cops lined them then against the wall And searched their lodgings - one and all - And, finding liquor did prevail They hied them straightway to e the jail ,t J. A. Bursley, Dean of Power e Wrecked the J-Hop within the r hour e No more liquor, no more girls t Who said life was one mad y whirl? h * * * e To all of which I reply 'CAVEAT' s EMPTOR'. Which, literally trans-, l lated means-Anyone who patron- h izes green bootleggers deserves all he gets. .0* -* * This whole business only goes to confirm a suspicion that has o been growing in my mind for some time that there should be a State Board for the Examina- f tion of Bootleggers to see that. f such outrages are not contin- med Michinan could make itself' MUSIC AND DRAMA SERGE RACHMANINOFF Rachmaninoff is Loo old a man, oo mature a man to be merely atisfied with an indulgence of an exquisite sensibility to pianistic de- tail (as Brailowsky more or less was.) Yet no pianist with less visi- ble effort (with such a minimum of wrist and arm flourish) display such a knowledge of the keyboard's magic as Rachmaninoff. Rachmaninoff is too rigorous, too deep an intellectualist to be merely the fastidious aristocrat of digni- fied tastes and gracious sensibility playing with insouciant ease and undeniable correctness (that Iturbi more or less was.) Yet it is difficult to ever find Rachmaninoff lacking the essential virtues of the Iturbi approach. Again, Rachmaninoff has been too long a performer to exploit youthful bravura in a general en- thusiasm for the "physicality" of performance as Horowitz, despite h i s classic intellectualism, un- doubtedly does. Yet no pianist's rythms are more consistently vital, forceful and stirring than Rach- maninoff's. I think that this Rachmaninoff fusion of severalavery important things (which I have tried to brief- ly, loosely suggest) explains why it is always so intensely interesting to come into contact with Rachman- inoff as a musician, why his Ann Arborarecital last week was soex- citing. He is a great pianist, prob- ably the greatest. Great meaning possibly that his long experience as a performer he has fused into his style the essence of several possible approaches to pianistic literature together with some equally validl personal elements. Outstanding a- mong the more personal things (in these Horowitz seems to be his kin) are: a stern virility displaying it- self in a hard incisiveness of tone and firmly wrought rythms; a rigid intellectualism, displaying itself in his structural foresight, his insis- tence on lucid architecture, his preoccupation with wholes at the expense of only indicating his in- tentions as to the details. I personally feel a little discom- fort to see this great style applied so consistently to Chopin and Liszt (his Detroit and New York recitals fast year were all Chopin-Liszt). JHe makes them both into sterner ;- Ifi , bj r M , ;, f I i STEPPING INTO A MODERN WORLD I '* - 7 - 1~'~~ _______ 17K I--- 7 F1 r.' I Now.they manufacture weather for telephone testing 4 4 i ji P { p 1 k J 1 A test illustrating work in the Bell Tele- bearing on efficiency, economy, life and phone Laboratories is made with the reliability of apparatus. weatherometer. This device produces Information is sought continuously rain and sunshine to order, and deter- during the development of a design, mines the weather-resisting properties in advance of manufacture and of of telephone equipment. course long before the equipment gets This test indicates an interesting habit into use. of the men engaged in telephone re- Men who delight in thoroughness of search. It is to get sure knowledge method find that the o/portunity is there. BELL SYSTEM I~Mto ~9 uc. II11AI Ig uilac1a the laughingstock of the coun- ; try fast enough by having such things like the Newberry Aud. around without the extraneotfs assistance of a couple of guys who never even went to school here and have no right butting in on a local industry. * 4 * DAILY POEM When I think that brave policemen At my house have yet to call Seeking liquor in my basement- It's a fine world after all! LORD MOW LONG DEPT. It is this department's business to point out at every opportunity just what a foul disgrace the New- berry Auditorium is to our fair campus. It also wishes to mention that something might have been done about it between semesters but wasn't. . * ** * Say, I just pulled a funny on the bookstores! I sold them a book for a course they don't give any more. Of course they may be able to use it for some- thing else if they want to cheat, but I bought that Dictionary for a Rhetoric course and con- sidering the mark I got, I guess it couldn't have been a very good one anyway. *- *; * Spring is approaching apace- also Ann Arbor I might add. The Pherret reports the first sign of it observed so far- he says he saw a B & G Boy casting amorous eyes at a shovel yesterday. He didn't state whether it was a snow shovel or the kind they dig those entranc- ing ditches with but I hardly think that matters. * * * We understand that Play I?,.t .. ir- c. r. n 7 n n stuff than they deserve, giving their writing a clarity, boldness, saliency, compactness, strength and signifi- cance which are rather more per- sonal with Rachmaninoff than with either Chopin or Liszt. The basic naivete of these compositions makes his intellectualism just a little il- legitimate; something extra being undeservedly s u p e r i m p o s ed. In greater contexts (such as the Ham- merklavier S o n a t a, as Herbert Schwartz suggested at the time of his recital here two years ago) his style would be magnificently rele- vant. Such performances would be the greatest of the age. And Rach- maninoff owes them not so much to us as to himself. CHAMBER MUSIC CONCERT The series of concerts sponsored by the Chamber Music Society of Ann Arbor was continued last night by a trio of French musicians, Madeleine Monnier, Marcel Grand- jany, and Rene LeRoy playing re- spectively cello, harp and flute. There was enough significant i novelty in the evening to compen- sate for the rather lengthy and rather sad section granted the 'cel- list who was hardly effective for1 very long in any one of her num- bers and most unconvincing in the attempt at virtuosity in the Mosz- kowski Tarentelle. The 'cellist's share in the Rameau trios was somewhat uncertain too. But the Harp and Flute combin- ation (both of them competent musicians of good taste) introduced a lovely Sonata by the greatest son of J. S. Bach, extremely sensitive melodically and in the Allegro a) clear anticipation of the Mozar- tean esprit. Numbers in their sec- ond group included some effective emotionalisation by Charles Widor (clearly written for this combina- tion since it exploited its possibili- ties more effectively than any other number on the program), a popu- lar Indian Song in a caret dynamic construction; Ravel's early piano piece "Pavane Pour Une Infante Defunte" which split very delicate- ly into a lyric line and a harmonic setting with the two tone-quali- ties also nicely relevant to one an- other; and finally Rimsky-Korsa- koff's popular incidental piece "The Flight of the Bumble Bee," which, curiously enouwh nromidd a A NATION-WIDE SYSTEM li""" OF INTER-CONNECTING I. - -------_________ -------------------* 1 TEL EP H±ONES A S -- ,uccessi-ul Viendtudre into the re alm of scieific modern metods has pro- duced equipment which is now employed by your laundry. The Varsity's plant is so designed to produce the most thorough work with the least harm to fabrics. Your work is protected from both chemical and mechani- cal harm. Specially designed machines are used to iron shirt collars with a result far more successful than hand work. We use pure Ivory Soap ex- clusively and thereby assure cleansing perfection and freedom from any possible harmful chemicals. iTE UJllND;F