I '"S"HE MIC141 AN P- ATLY TH~ .I..I..N..A... T I I, I Claim and Speedball tourneys he has bee: ~rest l in 27 contests. J. Weissman, Kappa Nu, has featured the latter spor only but he is an Ail-.sportsmna; Sports with a total of 20 instances of corn petition. Manderson from Thet, Xi is the other man in group atn athletic his 29 contents comec largely frori the In-h Ispeedball, volleyball, -and wrestli Ns to a inte:rosts. -MW KIRK'.WOOD LOSES 16AVII IN LEEDS TOURNVEY\7fCI If Advances to Second Round. LEEDS, England, May 21.-(P)--!Mick11ey Codane Has Fie!Ayr a Joe Turnesa, of Elmsford, N. Y.,, at Bat;.,Simm;on-, Addcs rtwon his first round mia tch in the n $5,000 Leeds prof essiornal golf tour- AohrHmr inarnent today from A. J. Young, The Ph~iladlp ''ia Athletics have a. sexd ad4 stretched their Wiflhiflo- streak-t d Joe Kirkwood, who qualified with ti n~ Turnesa and Tony M/anero am~ong " te t-n:;ames in a row by takingl Sthe select 32, wacliminated by is~ a slug-felt from the Detroit Tigers first round op;ponent, A. R. Brad- at Navin Field yesterday afternoon., z ber. 112-5. The winning team totalled 18 'o Turnesa put together two record- t safeties from three hurlers, while Sbreakinig rounds of 69 to win medal- telsr crd1 rma qa -~1thonors and said h-e felt he was elsrssoe 4frma qa e"fit for Carnoustie,", where the Open number ofmoundsmen. swill be played, beginning June 1. The game was featured by the h Horton Smith acid Willie Hunter,, slugging of Micky Cochrane, catch-, a- the other two Americans, failed to j er of the Athletics, who had a per-j ly1 weeks are e files in .ipon the orts en- 12 and to the B3y dropping one more %port frorr the classification there appear nc less than seven men on the camnp with this record of 10 sports en- tered. Two miore D. A. E.'s ar'e here being L. Darrow and T. S.' Perkins '23 and 27 contests in od'der, both miem'bers of the house cage team. The former also majored in hockey play while the latter .is anothei speedball player. W. K. Harris, Kappa Nu, 28 games, aiid Stanley Henken, Tau Delta Pi,29 contests, both favored bask- 'Delfta, with 29 timnes, specialized in handball' and speedball. W. Mc- # Crnaicl, T.K.E. has' 25 to his credit, most from cage play and volleyball. Ray Eiserman, Theta Chi, addfed swimm~ing- to his basketball 1 in pil- ing up 29 contests. The a.ctivities of these men seenm to show how completely the In- tramural Department is being usec by the student body for next ir line in this delineation are a large~ group of 14 men who have taker part in nine sports each. Some sort ofg point system should make this worth a trophy award. I i - - Philadelp'ihia' 200 012 232 12 18 hTOT 1 0 : 0 5 1 Boston...... 000 010 000 1 4 2 S't. Louis ... 000 001 l0> 2 7 2 R"ussell, MacFayde! n, C on e 11l y, B erry; Collins and Fcrrel, W,,ashington . 102 000 100 4 7 e0 C hicagu... J010001 2 5 2 Ilaley MaberySpencer; Tho- ma:, cKa ln,'Tate NwYo'k.. 220 002 1003 7 13 0 Clevelan-d.. 103 110 000 6 12 3 Pip gras, Gome, Sherid, Dickey; Hudlin, Mil ler, Sewll, Wyatt. S-bs Knock Presb)e y From Box in 6-3 Win (Continued from Page 6) pitcher. Waterboro ait shortstop for the yearlings will bear watching in the g:Dme. His defensive fielding was instrumental in Wednesday's vie- ~tory. His is also a strong hitter. Larson, pitcher for the Physical Eds, although out-pitched by Rich ards, showed cosiderable form. BOSTON, May 20-(A])-Joe Judge, veteran ftrst sacker for the Wash- ington Nationals left today for home after being released from a hospital where he had undergone. an operation for appendicitis. LOST-Gold pocket watch in room 35 Angell hall. Finder please call 3590. Reward offered. 1'ETIW QOM AT R EN1'-Nic.'ly 1it NI ihevapor steam heat, n U.. Golf Course. Phone 3403. 13 G 4E-l1 e i teU. tS. to Sae place you. Wn-hatfl d __ __ ___ cational, and profi1tabl. Musibe o-,1R SAL ;. , party coil- y ii I Z. e' t qutalify. Hunter had just landed, and; after a terrible 84- the first day tore up)ils card yester'day. Smith had 152, just o'utside the select circle. NOTICE There will be a special meeting of the Varsity swimmn-ing team today at 5 o'clock at the Intra~- mu ral pool. The following mnzc are asked to be there: Miller, Smith, Ladld, Raike, Schmeiler, Kennedy, Fenske, M arcuis, Klint- worth, Mleigis, Staelin, EKunzwell, Morgan, Chase, Sanborn, Degen- er, Bailey, Cristy, Drysdale, East- erle, Holpaeh, Dobson, Hanway, Neitzke, Shorr, Kamienski, and# Vaudowe. Mlatt Mann, Coacti feet day at the bat, scoring a dou- ble, a homer, and. three singles out of five trips to the plate. The A's accounted for three home runas be- tween them, Simmons and MeNean hitting the other circuit clouts. Nvo games were. played today in the National league on account of a widespread rain. Cleveland, by virtue of a 7-6 lose to the Yanks yesterday is still being held below the 'Tigers in the stand- ings of the American league, losing the opportunity offered by the De- troit club's losing, series with the champions. Babe Ruth showed signs.of recov- ering from the effects of his recent injury by slamming one over the fence in Cleveland, thereby keeping pace with his rival, Al Simmons for the day. atfedwith $3per week v!plus bonu is. Write box NO. 170, M1'ich1. Daily. 6S NOTIC7---%ln emmrgg loan,?s 4on new C'Ann1 iAbor homnes itlhout bonu111s or eri echarge . rats:*. M. V. II irt 'ufl. -Dial 9037. C TYPEWRITING AND -MI M E 0- G r a p h i n g. Modert e TRatgs. Prompt Servic. 0. D. Mon'rill. 314 S. State #'W. TYPEWRITERS-All make s sold, rented, exchanged, repaired. 0. 11D. Morrill, 314 S. State St. Phone 6615. CALLING CARDS-100 with en- .graved . copper plate $2.50 up 100 printed from old pkite $1.75. Best quality workmanship. 0. D. Mrrill, 314 S. State St. WANTElD SIX neat appearing students want- ed for 12 weeks work this sum- mer. Pays $300. Apply at Mich. Union, room 302, Friday (today) between 3 and 8. 4 TEACHER .ashes two or three pas- sengers to California. Address Box 173, Michigan Daily. C SIhCOND HAND CANOE-Call Mi Thompson, Friay evening, 5 t, 8. Phone 6464.3 CORONA portable typewriter wit] sta)ndard keyboard. Sligthly used Phone~ 2-3243, ask for Colby. 41 SECOND HAND CANOE--Call Mr. Thompson, Thurs. or Fri. evening. 5 to 8. Phone 6464. FOR SALE-Physician's office and equipment. Will sell separately Address Box 172 East Jordan Michigan. 561239 LOST LOST -Barrett combination per and pencil last Thursday. Findei please call 6765. Reward, 41 LOST-Circular pin, pearls set or gold rim, on evening of' May R at Hill Auditorium or elsewhere in' vicinity of campus. $5.00 re- ward if returned to University Business Office, University Hall 3& LOST: Phi Delta 'Epsi ]on fraterni- ty pin. Finder please call 0032 Rewxard. 2; LO. T: Delta Sigma Delta fraterni- ty pin. Rew.ard. -Call 3665. 502 E Jeff erson. 23a FOUND FOUND)-Set of slip covers. Owner see HIoutz at 718 Monroe tc 2andj land oty o >trio come o a group o have been in 11 aural sports. JL. Ga- [or from the Alpha are includled, the ig basketball and ;otal of 21 contests, had lik~e interests have another man angen, who belongsj Stressing the cage SDef endin !Track Title-j FOR RENT: decorated privileges. 514 E. Jefferson. Newly suite. Light cooking Reduced rent. Phone 4593. identified them. - 45 I - iif --GO YNR RMN Ill'4 -- - - -=wc=mw=== 1174W - fa ,rd high :State, ving far Sentmai rd low in cone Haefele rd 'dash .igan wl le run-Also iWolf-e ax o Mile ru7 ni on an "ii evauit-Ve )is with y i Warne ?t put-San tter than M cus-Pu'rm in. elin-L. IV ,r and best Hlazen show d from Page 6)} are as follows. -Eddie Tolan first vith Jack Campbel hurdles-Jack Kel- with Hawley Egles- nr second or third Ln and Hatfield. hurdles-L~ee Sent- dition) with Egles-. taking a point or I-Eddie Tolan first ith Noyes taking a -Goes to Ed. Rus- n if Letts doesn't --D~ale Letts of Chii- en third for Michi- oto Dale Letts with possible point win- n-Goes to Perry fT' with Brocksmith erne Mc~Lermont of *tle third, placing of Northwestcr~n. mi Behr,XWiconsinx, qunn of Minnesota.. ra, Illinrois is almost Veldon, , Iowa, title bet again. Dougal' uld cop a place for w-Arthur Frisch of with Biddinger of' Ad Cox fighting for Ralston Russell of best. -Ed Gordoni, Iowa, ,ood enough to beat d's old mark of 25 es.- --W }! - . URITY ASTRY HO THESE MERCHANTS ARE WORTY OF BAKE GOOS mde PREL forYOUYOUR PATRONAGE B K D OO S md PU E YfrYUSALT-RISING BREAD OUR SPECIALITY-11M 707' Packard Phone 9605 ______Central M re .-,-. ., We Specialize in 'Good Pies HOAGLIN PIE: SHOP liller .Avenue w.,.... Phlone LET US SERVE, YOU :,,,b...w.. _.._a.. ..- .ksw... ......:..... 4W.:...: A ?a J/ ^1 A RO PIG i s c o n v e n i e n t l y p a c k e d i n c a s e s o f s i x 2 - q u a r t b o t t l e s f o r h o mf5- a l n b o t e f r o f ie u se ~h d PHONE.8270h FOCR QUICK S~VIE We can also supply you with chemically pure distilled water.R ARBOR SPRINGS WATER CO. 416 West Huiron Phone 8270 Milk and Ice C..ream ICES-PUNCHES-FANCY MOLDS Evrything for Your P'arty Phone 23131 5PHONE 7412 IN MORE HOMES EVER) One of Ann Arbor's Lead Butter Krust is constantly improving in quality QUALITY MEN We Solicit 'YoUr Patron-j Delivery Service Trf age 206 SOUTH !ASHLEY V DAY BR-EAD ling Loa ves with pure fresh milk. akery ; AST rWASHINGTON STEAKS Dalisy Meat Market Service-plus first class meats-=plus prices -"mean saving. ROASTS'BROILERS Meats of a quality you can see. and taste ROASTING CHICKENS, 1.18 West Washington Phone 2' Washington B, 8211 2131 DIAL Tke Advantage. OF THESE -i - .1plow ,.-- ------ Forest Avec. MarketI ter throve in first an d Rci Dial 4251 530 Forest Ave. PRI GES ,h jump--F looks the'k oad j ump- like he is g nt Hubbarc 3 1-2 inch Something new in the line ocf delicioaus' meats. Don't fail to try these tasty ... . DELIVERED TO ALL PARTS OF THE CITY YOU WILL DO BETTER AT LEMBLE'S II -HOME DRESSED CHICKENS C POUND PIG PORK Light Lunches Dinners Ice Cream Candy ri w$IIII N !r rr Y' MAL wo-ASTMU Invigorating Refreshing LOIN POUND PI PR COMPLETE r'AURAN T SERVLCE I With warm, weather, upon us, it is unwise to serve any- thing, but ; the best... -cc -End Special Da LEG OF LAMBC LAMB13- CHOPS POUND eP3OUND VEAL 7 C ?PORKI CHOPSfl CHOPSf POUND m POUND PORK II3DIXIE 1 I ROAST HA MS 3 q POUND POUNDL One 104 Beechnut Peanut Butter.. Vacuu " w sIsc OR EKETE'S SUGAR BOWL J0O9 South Main St. COMPLETE FOUNTAIN AND RESTAURANT SERVICE AT ANN ARBOR DAIRY GOCLDEN JERSEY MILK It is Ihe purest . . . the richest . . . the best that money can buy. -SPECIAL ICE CREAM BRCK - IPhiladelphia Vanilla Caramal Two Packages of Beechnut Cream Butter Cracke rs .5 One Jar of Beechnut Peanut Butter FREE withabove :two purchases. All for 46c. BABY BEEF POT C ROAST U AND. POUyN - w BONNED VEALJ ROAST AND ROLLED 21IU Hamburger or Sausage POUND 3lbs0 w-