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February 25, 1931 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1931-02-25

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VOL. XLL No. 101





Supporters of Albert
Concede Victory
to 'Big Bill'.

Peasants Cliastize
Unproductive Trees
(By Associaed Press
TEXCOCO, Mexico, Feb. 24.-
Fruit trees of the nearby Hue-
xotla region which bore a poor
crop this year were subjected to-
day to a severe lashing, with the
admonishment that they do bet-
ter next season.
The peasants of the region be-
lieve that the trees require chas-
tising when they do not bear
well and make the occasion mo-
tive for gay festivities.
After a series of native dances
and other formalities, a score of
the best physical specimens of
the tribal manhood administer
10 lashes each to upward of fifty
trees, using leather straps espe-
cially made for the ceremony.

Lobby Committee to be Revived
for Inquiry Into Alleged
Illegal Contribution.

$upervisors Quiz McCalla, Luick,
Ferguson in Investigation
of Irregularities.




Liquor Fight to Field



Campaign Funds Committeemer
Made Investigation But
Found No Evidence.
(By Assoc 'ted Press)
WASHINGTON, Feb. 24.- The

(0v Associated Press)
ChICAGO, F e b. 24.-Com-
plete Republican returns show-
ed Thompson to be nearly 70,-
000 votes ahead of his nearest
opponent in t h e Republican
mayoral n o m i n a t i o n race.
Thompson polled 293,220 votes
as against 224,750 for Lyle. Al-
bert and Schmidt ran third
and fourth respectively w i t h
98,976 and 13,211 votes. Cer-
mak, Democratic c a n d i d a t e,
overwhelmed his opponent by
piling up a majority of 285,000.;
(By Associated Press)
CHICAGO, Feb. 24. - "Big Bill'
Thompson, invincible as ever, won
his fourth mayoral nomination in
the Republican primary election
tonight, defeating by a plurality of
approximately 50,000 the crime-
battling judge, John H. Lyle.
Against Mayor Thompson in the
April election will be pitted Anton
J. Cermak, com-
mander-in - chief
of Cook county
democracy, who
won his party's{
nomination hands
down. In the few .
precincts tabu-
lated in the Dem-
ocratic primary
tonight Cermak ,
had more than
60 votes to every
one cast for hisr
single opponent, MAYOR TH1ZVPSO.
John B. Devoney.'
Takes Early Lead.
Thompson lumbered into the lead
from the start and less than two
hours after the polls closed the
Daily News, supporting Albert, con-
ceded the nomination to the in-
cumbent and predicted he would
win by 50,000. Thompson himself
said he expected to beat Lyle by
With 337 precincts missing, Chi-
cago's cowboy mayor had corraled
250,887 votes, while Judge Lyle har-
vested 200,386 and Alderman Arthur
F. Albert, leader of anti-admin-
istration forces in the city council
and a partisan of Senator Charles
S. Deneen,t railed with 87,782.
Defeat Rare.
To "Big Bill" Tompson, the pic-
turesque, blustering bombastic 17y
of nearly 62 years, it was another
sweet victory.
Defeat he has rarely tasted. Al-
derman some decades ago, on a'
reform platform; thrice mayor with
an interval of four years when he
retired voluntarily as a schism
severedrhis own policy, he emerges
now from perhaps the severest test
of his career with the opportunity
to win the mayoralty for the cov-
eted world's fair term and with it
count more years in the executive
chair of America's second city than
any other man.
Stat e ulletins
(Bv Associated Press)
February 24, 1931.

n Committee Seeks Explanation
for Dismissal of Bailey,
Three members of the county
1e roadcommission-- George W. Mc-.
Calla, chairman; Otto D. Luick, andN
Clark Ferguson-testified before the ;
d Washtenaw county board of super-
r visors who, since the appointment Owen J Roberts
of an investigating committee Jan. Supreme court justice, who de-
e 26, have been conducting an in- livered the court's opinion overrul-
- quiry into alleged irregularities of I ing Judge William Clark's decision
the commission. ing Jd Wia Cak dcin
I mvalida~tino thA E~io hn~h rn

Will Replace Luckner, Who Was
Injured in Accident, on
Oratorical Series.
Count Luckner, who was sched-
uled to speak in Hill auditorium
March 3, has been forbidden by
f doctors to do any lecturing because
of his recent accident, it was an-
nounced yesterday by Henry Moser,
manager of the Oratorical associa-
! tion. Dr. Daniel Davenport, sole
survivor of the Davenport African
expedition, will lecture instead and
talk on "Jungle Hazards."
'"The injuries Count Luckner sus-
tained in an accident last month,"
stated Moser, "were much more
serious than they appeared to be
at first. His doctors-have forbidden
him to lecture for several weeks.
However, it may be possible to
arrange a date sometime in May,
j or perhaps next year. This addi-
tional lecture will be added with-
out cost to the patrons of the
Oratorical association."
The tickets for the Luckner lec-
ture will admit patrons, he stated,
but the tickets will not be taken
Dr. Davenport was sent late in
1924 by the Societe Bacteriologique
de Belge, into the Belgian Congo to
conduct a survey of the tsetse fly,
which is the cause of sleeping sick-
ness. At the invitation of other
governments, he and his two col-
leagues extended their work into
the Cameroons, French Equatorial
Africa, Nigeria, Sudan, Angola and
Professor of Political Science
Lauds Debating Training-
"Despite the growth of modern
newspapers, the spoken word is
still indispensable for the support
of public opinion," asserteduProf.
James Pollock, of the political
science department, speaking last
night before the Alpha Nu smoker.
Professor Pollock gave as exam-
ples of how the power of oratory
may be used to either perverted
or valuable ends the recent passage
of the veterans' loan bill in Con-
gress, and the Hiller victory in the
German elections. He showed how
emotional speaking, unbacked by
logical reasoning, operated in the
former case, in putting through a
bill which he characterized as "the
most outrageous piece of legisla-
tion passed in a generation."

,of Revision or Repeal; Contention
of Judge Clark Overruled.

Senate's lobby committee was re-
vived today to investigate published
reports that an unnamed senator
had received from $100,000 to $150,-
000 from a domestic company while
Congress was considering the Haw-
ley-Smoot tariff bill.
The committee was called to meet
tomorrow after Senator Davis
Republican, Pennsylvania, former
secretary of labor, asked Senator
Caraway, chairman of the lobby
committee, for an immediate and
complete investigation of the re-
Nye Makes Report.
A full inquiry also was demanded
on the Senate floor by Senators
Borah, Republican, Idaho; Robin-
son, Democrat, Arkansas, and Nye,
Republican, North Dakota, after
Borah read a story published in a
New York newspaper.
Nye, chairman of the campaign
funds commitee, said his commit-
tee had made a partial investiga-
tion of the reports but had aban-
doned its inquiry when it found no
evidence of money being contri-
buted to the senator's campaign
Turned Over Evidence.
Questioned by other senators,
Nye said he had turned what evi-
dence he found over to the lobby
committee because he felt his com-
mittee had no jurisdiction and not,
because he felt there was nothing
to investigate.
1 Not once during the Senate de-
bate was the name of the senator
involved mentioned.
Vandenberg Decries Belief That
There Will be Raid
on Treasury.
(73_y Associated I'M s I
WASHINGTON, Feb. 24.Onthe
eve of receiving a veto message
from President Hoover of the Vet-1
'erans Loan Bill, Senator Vanden-
berg protested in the Senate todayl
against "this constant effort to
make the country believe that in
this plan there is some awful raid
upon the Treasury."
"This is no raid," he shouted, aft-
er another analysis of the bill.
"Not a single penny is to be taken
from the Treasury except fundsI
held in trust for the veterans."
He said he had demanded an ex-
planation from John E. Edgerton,
president of the National Associa-
tion of Manufacturers, for his letter
to President Hoover expressing fear
the bill would cause an increase in
"I ask," continued Vandenberg,
"is not such an unwarranted state-
ment a needless menace to busi-


, At the opening session yesterday,
the report of the investigation was
read to the supervisors. Four para-
graphs in length, it hinted at the
expenditure of money without ad-
' vertising for bids, illegal expendi-
tures on township roads, and the
payment of bills without authority
of the county treasurer. In conclu-
sion, the committee in its report
demanded an explanation for the
dismissal of A. R. Bailey, engineer-
manager of the commission.
Probe Methods.
Business methods of the commis-
sion, rather than the sifting of
charges made by Bailey, was the
center of the inquiry. Following
adoption of the committee's report,
McCalla, Luick, and Ferguson were
called to explain the findings list-
ed by the investigating committee
and explanations were under way
by noon.
The meeting throughout the day
was orderly, except for a verbal
battle between Supervisor Gilbert
Madden and, John F. Kirk, attorney
for MCARa and Luick.
Bought Road Oil.
At the afternoon session, the su-
pervisors questioned the commis-1
sioners concerning the 21 cars of
asphalt road oil which Bailey
charges the commission purchased.
without bids, specifications, or in-
When questioned about the ex-
penditure of money on township
roads, the commissioners pointed
out that, although illegal, the road
board believed that the township
roads had been taken over by the
Today's session will be devoted to
the legality of Bailey's dismissal,
and the awarding of contracts for
roofing of a repair shop.
Col, Luis M. Sanchez Denies He
Will Run for Office.
of President.
(y Associated Press)
LIMA, Peru, Feb. 24.-Lieut. Col.'
Luis M. Sanchez Cerro, provisional
president, today tendered an olive
branch to the insurgents who have
occupied Arequipa, second city of
the republic.
In a manifesto to the army he
renounced his candidacy for the
constitutional presidency of the
country and then issued a decree
cancelling the scheduled general
elections and providing for election
of members of a projected constit-
uent assembly.
In the manifesto he asked the
soldiers not to be deceived by
"those who made commerce of po-
itics." He promised that the prin-
ciples outlined last summer when
a revolution placed him in power
would be carried out.
Stock Market Shows
Increasing Purchases
Imy Associated Press>
NEW YORK, Feb. 24.-The bulls
put their shoulders to the wheel
in the stock market today and
prices rolled $1 to $7 a share high-
er in extremely active trading.
So vigorous was the rally during.
the first hour that the high speed
ticker was eight minutes late. I

,,v .dn eio geĀ±- tIueent amendc-
, . ment. The ruling was presented
I before a crowded courtroom.

Italy, France May Enter Londor
Compact With England,
Japan, America.
(BY .Associated I'ress)
ROME, Feb. 24.-Transformation
of the London naval three-powei
pact into a five-power treaty with
1 Italy and France adhering appear-
ed a distinct probability tonight.
Word that the British foreign
minister, Arthur Henderson, and
A. V. Alexander, First Lord of the
Admiralty, had left for Rome to
present here a conditional accord
reached in Paris was hailed with
satisfaction in circles conversant
with Italian official views.
In the same circles it was con-
I sidered that the basis of the
Franco-British accord, as far as it
was known in Rome, was generally
acceptable to the foreign office. As
R. L. Craigie, British admiralty ex-
pert, initiated the conversations
and as Italy has been constantly
in touch with them through diplo-
matic channels, it was taken for
granted that the British officials
were coming to Rome because they
knew a settlement was possible.
(By Associated Press)
LONDON, F e b. 24.-Charles G .
Dawes today set at rest reports that
he intended to resign as ambassa-
dor to the Court of St. James and
return to America, either in con-I
nection with the f o r t h c o m i n g
World's Fair at Chicago or for poli-
tical work.
The fair, he said, was "a year
ahead ofritself" so far as prepara-
tions were concerned' and every-
thing was progressing so very fav-
orably that his presence at Chicago
was not needed.
Chaplin Visits w H gse;
Still Dislikes Talkfes
(8y Associated P s. )
LONDON, Feb. 24.--Charlie Chap-
lin visited the House of Commons
Monday and after he had heard
the debate remarked to one of the
members that he liked the talkies
less than ever.

(By Associated Press)
WASHINGTON, Feb. 24.-With vigor and emphasis the Su-
preme Court today upheld the constitutionality of the Eighteenth
In a clearly-worded and unanimous opinion it sustained the
validity of the amendment against the contention of Federal Judge
William Clark of New Jersey who had ruled it had been improperly
The decision, announced by the court's youngest member in
years and service, Associate Justice Roberts transferred the peren-
nial battle over the liquor laws to
Daily Finishes Plan the field of revision or repeal.
It placed the entire question
to Handle Tryouts upon the shoulders of Congress
and lent an added significance to
Plans for handling 100 or more the much-discussed and much-
tryouts for The Daily editorial disputed report of the Wickersham
staff will have been completed commission.
by this afternoon when the
freshmen will be given their first The Clark decision was based
prshmn i ltb p ie terfirn upon a contention that the amend-
opportunity to participate mhr ent to be valid would have been
extra curricular activities, other ratified by state popular conven-
than athletics. tions rather than by the state legis-
Freshmen men who will tryout latures,
for The Daily editorial and busi-
ness staffs will assemble at 4 Counsel supporting Judge Clark's
o'clock in the Press building on decision argued the fifth article of
Maynard street. Women tryouts the Constitution differentiated be-
for The Daily will meet in the tween amendments making changes
same offices at 5 o'clock. in governmental machinery and
The Daily editorial staff has those affecting the liberties of the
outlined a schedule which will people.
be followed in training the new States to Decide.

men. The training period will
last 10 days during which every
phase of editorial work will be
Students wishing to tryout for
the Gargoyle business staff will
meet in the Gargoyle offices in
the Press building at 4:15 o'clock
this afternoon. Michiganensian
business tryouts will also assem-
ble in the Press building at the
same hour.

Will Address Educators
Explaining Details
New Insurance.


The annuity plan as proposed by
the Board of Regents will be the
subject of discussion when Prof.
James W. Glover will talk to mem-
bers of the faculty this afternoon in
the Natural Science auditorium.
Professor Glover will answer all
questions and give detailed ex-
planations of any points desired to
those who are eligible for the
Approximately 20 years ago the
Carnegie foundation for the ad-
vancement of teaching, pledged
faculty members who satisfied cer-
tain requirements in this and other
universities a pension to be given
yearly after they had attained 65
years of age. Recently the founda-
tion discovered it would not be able
to meet its promise entirely and
informed those eligible to this
effect. The Regents propose that
if the members give five percentj
of their salary to a fund they will"
supply the deficit so that the 165
will receive regular incomes.-

Amendments of the latter cate-
gory it was contended must be sub-
mitted by Congress to state con-
Early in his opinion, Justice Rob-
erts said attorneys supporting the
Clark ruling were asking the court
to hold that Article 5 "means some-
thing different from what it plainly
"The United States asserts," he
added, "that Article 5 is clear in
statement, contains no ambiguity,
and calls for no resort to rules of
construction. A mere reading de-
monstrates that this is true."
Roberts Gives Verdict.
The opinion was clearly phrased
and Justice Roberts had delivered
but a few sentences before its
meaning was apparent. The, spec-
tators who filled every seat in the
semi-circular room, however, lis-
tened intently until the conclusion:
"The order of the court below is
Stock Transfer Duty to Provide
Revenue for New Hospital;
Brucker Pledges Aid.
(fly Associated Press)
LANSING, Feb. 24.--The legisla-
tive movement for a new tubercu-
losis sanitorium in the northern
part of the lower peninsula aban-
doned the malt tax as its proposed
source of revenue today and em-
braced a proposed stock transfer
levy as a method of financing the
program .
Speaker Fred R. Ming claimed he
ld reached an agreement with
Gov. Wilber M. Brucker pledging
administration support for a new
hospital if the stock tax be used
for construction and maintenance.
The Reford bill providing for a
tax of four cents a share on securi-
ty transfers will be amended to per-
mit the revenue to apply on the
financing of the new institution.
Estimates of the revenue from
the proposed stock sales tax vary
from $750,000 to more than $2,000,-
000 a year. A 150-bed hospital can
be constructed for about $450,000.
Intramural Puckster
Dangerously Inured
Stanley K. Levison, '31, of the
Phi Epsilon Pi fraternity was in-
jured in a hockey game with the

PONTIAC-Dr. William H. Mor-
ley, former president of Orchard
Lake Village, was appointed per-
manent foreman of the Oakland
county grand jury this afternoon
after the jury had been sworn in
and had listened to the charges
read by Judge Glenn C. Gillespie.
MARQUETTE-Employees of the
Marquette Street Railways Co. have
offered to accept a 10 per cent re-
duction in wages, so that the com-
pany might continue in operation.
The offer has been accepted by the
directors of the company. An a-
mendment to the company's fran-
chise has been prepared for sub-
mission to the city commission au-
thorizing fares of seven cents for
adults and three cents for school-
children whe~n ticet~s sare mirchas-!

Reese Outlines Way of Humanist
Z Religious Emphasis Discussion

Reforms in County Governments
Advocaled by Professor Bromage

Since humanism aims to serve
the whole of human life, with no
phase of life taboo, the humanisti-
cally minded professional man will
"plunge boldly in-
to the thick of
the battle for a
full life for man-
kind," according
to doctrine ad-
vanced b y R e v.
D r. C ur ti s W.
Reese of Chicago
in his address be-

buoyantly, but always definitely
and with the rear bridges burned,
he will tackle life's situations. Is-
sues shift, needs change, men growl
old and pass away; but alwaysI
there remains the human struggle
to wring a satisfactory life from
environing situations t h at a r e
sometimes none too friendly," said
Dr. Reese.
"But," he concluded, "with great-
er knowledge comes greater con-
trol, and with greater control more
visions of far reaching goals."

Condemning the present countyI
government in Michigan as waste-
ful, and inefficient through its size
and complexity. Prof. Arthur WV.
Bromage, of the political sciencel
department, stated the case for re-t
organization of county government
in an article in the February issue
of the American Political Science
Review. He pointed out that a new
system is now necessary because
of the increasing industrialization
and urbanization of lower Michi-
gan, which is no longer a distinctlyj
.rri , .11 r a nirn ir - r n

constitution twenty supervisors.
Nine supervisors represent an ur-
ban group of 37,009 whereas twenty
supervisors represent a rural popu-
lation of 26,806.
"Until the constitution is amend-
ed there is no possibility whatever
of creating compact county com-
missions of three or five members
elected at large. Except for the
remote possibility of a county home
rule amendment, Michigan coun-
: ties will be saddled with large, un-

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