TAL H~ENQRY'S ORCHESTRA WILL PLAY Uii iWDI1I ~IVhat's Going on FOIR SENIORS AT BALL;NEX T WEEKILuJAUL'UJL4 ~~I Michigan-Duncan Renaldo and ^w. g Majesti- Robert Ames and Mary " N5 ti " 'R 19 Astor in "Behind Office Doors." AnnouncemnthMadeet Murphy in "Cohens and Visiting Rome in Honor Kly nArc. of Encyclical. GENERAL Leture-"Rom'antisme et l'Esprit TFUTURE LIES WITH GOD' Classique," by Prof. Laun'onier, ,..: visiting professor at Princeton and ..NDedlates Grave Reisponsiility professor of French at the Univer- Rests on Perlpetrators sity of Bordeaux, at 4:15 o'clock, room 103, Romance Language of Violence. buldn In the first public declaration he r has made, -on conditions. esultsig from the recent riiots in Spain, Pope nir Above are Teal Henry anci is north Carolinans, who will play for the PuXI Sunday described the burr- --seniors at their' annual bal1 a week from Friday. Thc orche~stra hasj ing of religious houses as "sacri- O F B N I N U recorded numbeis for the Victor company, and has played at many leges against God and holy reli- .,. cleeaduiest ucin uigteps er einn ue1go. aa n omsinrPeet first Henry will broadcast weekly over the radio. A heavy responsibility exists, he' Methods for Alleviating ___________________said, for. the violence. committed. Large Surplus. The. Poe- addressed -a group of (t: T r Iii onorBpdy Admits Spanish pilgrims, "headed by the LONDON, May 18.-(AP)-Howard Stoey Patton, Edd Bishop of Valencia, who camne to Ferguson, Canadian high commis- Rom ~ocelbrae te frtith n-sioner, convened the world wheat RL-niversary of .the labor encyclical ofcofrnehetdaulingn B L SE L R PIL CFrederick Stock, director of the Pope Leo XIII itacwihsc neenehhisoa, uliig i Ch i ca goSymphony orchestra, egesispeigs inaugural seehboardm meh , ert -apnrg"Fred Patton, and Nelson Eddy, "What can we tell yo, h oads of alleviating the world surplus. TayloTr States Only 30 Are Left both. of-the Metropolitan Opera ,saidg"atsosucheaeyou,"t-theoPope -SaidDelegates ofdelevenewheat-export- to Bye Sold;,Tal Hen~ry Will comrpany, w-* e initiated into} uncertainty regarding news? Wrie ing countries were in attendance. Provide Dace Music.honorary, membership of Alpha )are sorry, to say, however, that there A h ustM.Fruo em Epsilon mlf Mu, entStra national honorary is a certainty, of many unhappy and e ipslo upu ha tc msclftentSaturdaysorrowful things. e ipslo srl wets o Tickets for the Senior ball, which n iight at.. the League. All three "t i eti l h h a matter of outstanding importanceC will be held in the Michigan Union, appeared1 in the May Festival at v er ra 0ls tattere is to the world, explaining that the jg 2Phav ben sllig cncets astwee. ao.vergetresponsibility of those wheat growing industry contained n triday May a u hse ths happyonetwo essential problems, that the rapidly, according to an announce-Whthingsrandhonhthosetwhorhavehdone mae--ra'b ia these unhappy things. .Very great wetrahhecso rs hn t] meyr _ 31 enrl hira o ARACHUTEJU P also is the responsibility of those rqie adtabhepoue r~ylr, $1, eneal cairan o r E JUVIP who allowed these things to take gets a reasonable prices for his pro- the event. - INJ RE STUDENT place and have not hindered them. duct. ACranycnitosipi "Low prices," he. said, "have a r" Of. the total number of 250"CranycdiosinSpn Licetson~y 3 reainto e sldBobMc~lla, '3ERecverngalready. were too much compromis- tedency ,to correct, themselves-- ticets ony. 0 eman t. b sldBobMc~lla, 3ERecvernged and menaced by many evils acreage, shrinks. and business de- Sl hie said. These will be. disposed of Fromn Minor Hurts, without need that there be, added cline shortens supplies and raises b inAgl allbybetween2an these -iolences,. these sacrilegespics iAnel 1Slightly injured as the parachute, tehoyn. "The result-is. dearer, bread. Our a 4ocokon the remaining after- eagrtsnustbeGdrectdntdhel th noons of the week. with which he jumped from a Gives Mercy, Message. efrsms edrce ohl h plane piloted by George Downs, of The Pope added a message of fathers get a fair. wage ;and main- k~ Music for the- ball will be pro- the . Flo flying service, Sunday af- mrercy: taim their families without, over- e vided by Tal H~enry and his North ternoon, ripped and lowered him " We pray God," he said, "that he chap-rging; their fellow workers who u Carolinians, a Victor recording or- to the ground with considerable will reply with his justice to these must :buy bread;" a chestra, which is now playing' in violence, -Bob MacMillan, '33E, was provoc~ations but that he will be Ferguson said that the confer- a t.he East. , muchi improved yesterday, accord- merciful. In the meantime, return- ence should delve into possible bet- si During the last ,season, Tal Henry ing to Dr. William M. Brace, of the ing to your country_, say that the ter ways of bringing the customer has been featured at many leading Health Service, where he has been Pope pr'ays for Spain as you also and producer together. Certain college dances -throughout t he confined. since, the accident. pray for _Spain. Th~e pastors pray, schools of economists, he. said; have sothan te as. mong- these. Health Service officials stated your clergy prays and so also do the argued that the present over-pro- were the annual proms at Wash- late yesterday afternoon that no faithful there." duction of wheat is~ merely keeping ington and Lee, Virginia Military -serious injury; had been disclosed Everything is in the hands of step with natural increases in world institute:, Pen6_State, .Roanok~e col- by observation and X-ray examin- God, the Pope added,. ands the hope population and, that the present e lege, and North Carol'ina State col- ation. The jump, which MacMil- for the future lies with God, abnormal si t u a t i o n .,has been h lege. Following the Senior ball lan made from an altitude of 1,8001 "The hand of God is always brought about ini part with faulty tl here, Tal Henry will play at Lafay- feet, was his number 298. No defin- ready," he said, "and from one mao- distribution methods which fails to R ette college, Catholic university and ite_ explanation of the failure of'i ment to another- can show itself bring the crop to consumer in an io L~oyoa college. the.,pr~achute has been made, and change everything." orderly way. a.~ American Critic Ill , at His Homne in Nie Ii I Frank Harris, Noted American critic and au-, thor, who is seriously ill 61 jaundice at his home in Nice, France. EGYPTIAN Rio CAUSES 9DE, TING ATHS M'ost Serious Election .Disorder Occurs in Lower' District. CAIRO, Egypt, May 18.-(AP)-i s' orders. incident to election of 'dele- gate: electors who will name the next Egyptian parliament counted aweek-end casualty. list of. 9 dead and 30 wounded in various parts of the country. A, number of the ballot boxes were stolen. The most serious disorder occur- red between troops and rioters at Mitgamr, in lower Egypt,. after a ub-commandant of police had been beaten to death. The soldiers fired ito the crowd, killing 6 persons and wounding 23. In Cairo one British subject. was billed and one of two,,rioters injur- -d in the Saiba Zein-ab quarter Sat- urday died later. Police fired irnto a crowd of. demnonstrators there after it. had grown unruly and stone throwing began. S.C,,A,, Names M'Clusky Niew FaculOty Advisor Prof,. Howard Y. MeClusky, of the educational psychology department, has been named faculty adlvisor of the. Student. Christian association, Registrar, Ira M. Smith, chairman 3f the board .of trustees of_ the ssociation announced yesterday. Nora7Crae: Hunt's Sudnt Present Proitram in Music BEGINS AT 8 O'CLOCK Beth Searles, Violoncellist, W Give Solos; Four Named Accompanists.' Pupils of Nora Crane; Hut ot . voice facul~ty of. thQcool of Mu. will present a progr n, at 8 o'cloc Thursday i}&I Ma- 21, in t: School of Music . auditorium. ThI will be assisted by Beth Seanl violoncellist, fand also by R~etta M Knight, Mrs. Gwendolgyn, P i k Emily Phillips, and Ada Allman, a companists. The program follows: The Dainty Dam ozel.........Nov, IKatherine Fletcherj Rolling Dowin to Rio............Ge \Villiam Bradley Arta, "Myj Heart anid Thy Sweet Vokrie,' from "Samson and Delilah"... saiwn s~r The Crystrcl Gaze'r............... .Kant Moon Marketing... ............ Jr Geraldine IHosner Orivre tes y-eux bleus ................Mansse Inv-icttvs.................... O liver Wilbur 'Tes Yeux..............e. Takce Joy Homte................. MIS larg;aret Haley Arias jTn hel di' from "M[adam Bu1tterfly .. . . .Pucr Lois Peoples Rol Nidrei...............ri 'Beth Searles , Alt' MXoon of :My lDelight ....... .:...Lelirn Jerome Howell T Light the Blessed Candles......Proi Waltz Song ... ................... Thelma Peck A Friend or Two .......... "......... . lire flora . . ... . .II Charles Stallard. Mly Little House........ I..... I........ Pic Satto it ciel . Ph..l..i ..... ... ..teian Aria, "M1'Applari tutt 'Amor" from "Mlartha Miaytiard Andreae Sapphicole .. ...... ................Braas Standchen .............Bradh Ruth Maurshltl WGreck of the Julie Plante............ v - Mardner Smith Chanson ....... ..... ... .............Pc Birthday Song..ae I..... .........Mol cl ad [ean l~Bi Nur, wer die Sehnsucht Kennt ('cello -obligm .. . . . . . . . . . . . .Tschaikozv Life....................... rP 1?l[nor Phirllips4 Goednight, Beloved -..........Piss A Rotindeliy .... .... ........M1e-Cohou LONDON -(Al)- A leading w man's. school_ in London recent advertised-for. thletes. The a ve'rtisement statedl that the ,schc was pr~epared to give a discount a woman tennis player capable Srepreentingthe, sch~coo in j uni open tennis events. Recent increa in attention paid to. sports by t' British has beenavicfeu :ut: 44 is one of thierare exaples of a I r ,tk s ,,. .,r. ,,,; BigYour.,Coup tn o11 d S'treet to eepYorCp t - L 11111-, M , . x 140.1c t in