THE MICHIGAN 1) y 6 1 It L lr PAGE DAIY..~ AML . . 4 (1T f OFl[ ( | BASEBALL TEAMS 4 IETY USENIOR TO BEGIN TOURNEY N Intramural Elimination Games Will Start Tomorrow. Elimination games of the intram-i la ra baseball tournament will be-~ DRA9MATIC GROUP PLANSPROGRAM Public Is Invited to Reception} Which Charlevoix Camp Staff Will Give. a |B Tin DORMITORIES GIVE SENIOR DINNERS SU P I IN EENIN FOLLOWING SINGOUT Martha Cook Gives Beach Party Woi Hostesses Dressed Banquet Will Follow Initiation Ceremony on Monday at League. DEAN LLOYD TO ATTEND Society Aided Miss McCormack in Planning Teas for Women. Senior Society, honor organiza- tion for senior independant wo- men, will hold its annual initia- tion Monday, May 18, at 5:30 o'clock in the Hostess room of the League.3 The initiates, chosen for distin-1 guishing themselves in campus ac- tivities and scholarship, include the following; Elizabeth Gardner, '32, Ruth McIntosh, '32, Helen Mus- selwhite, '32, and Esther Kirby, '32. Immediately following the initia- tion ceremony, a banquet will be held in a private dining room at the League. Among the guests will be Dean Alice Lloyd, Miss Ethel McCormack and several of the returning alum- ni. Bertha H. Howard, '31, will be n charge of thecommittee who is arranging the details of the ban- quet. Each year the society undertakes a project in order to aid independ- ant women. This year the project consisted in aiding Miss McCor- mack with the teas on the social program. These teas were sponsor- e bydthe, League in the interests ofindependant women who were living in league houses. The actives who assisted at these teas were; Elizabeth Whitney, Jessie Winchell, J a n e Yearnd, Bertha Howard, Irances Jennings, Helen Humph- re, Marian Gimmy, Roberta Reed, Helen Carrm, Lucille Straus, Dor- othy Wilson and Elizabeth Wood. The majority of members are elected to Senior Society in the spring of their junior year although some may be initiated in the falla of their senior year. Election to Senior Society does not mean that these women may not also be elec- ted to Motorboard and there are several women who belong to both. Officers for this year included Roberta Reed, '31, president, Jane Yearnd, '31, vice president, and glizabeth Whitney, '31, secretary. W.A.A. Plans Annual Archery Tournament gin tomorrow afternoon. Seven- teen teams are to participate in the first round to be played off this l As an aid in helping those who week. are interested to become mole fa- Tomorrow at 4 o'clock Kappa miliar with the Lake Charlevoix Kappa Gamma will play against Dramatic Camp, the staff is giving Delta Gamma Jordan team 1 will a r S afterng meet Sigma Kappa at the same a reception next Sunday afternoon time. At 5 o'clock Kappa Delta will, from five-thirty to eight o'clock in play against Delta Delta Delta, the Grand Rapids room of the while Martha Cook will meet Alpha League building for patrons of the Omicron Pi. camp and all of the students, fac- Alpha Epsilon Phi and the team ulty, and townspeople who are in- of League house group 2 will meet terested. Wednesday at 4. Jordan team 2 After tea, which will be served at will play against Alpha Gamma six o'clock, there will be a formal Delta at the same time. Wednes- program presented by various staff day at 5 Betsy Barbour will play members and accompanied by the against Zeta Tau Alpha, while camp orchestra which consists of Helen Newberry and Alpha Xi Del- Martin Palmer, pianist; Genevieve ta will hold their contest at the Griffey '32SM, violinist; Kathleen same time. Murphy, '32, 'celloist; Blossom Ba- The elimination games will be con, '31, harpist; and William Bel- completed in about two weeks. The lamy, '32, who will play the flute, semi-finals; and finals will take Seward Reese, grad, will give sev- place soon after that. eral vocal selections. 4 i Mortar Board Members to H o d Breakfast Today for Initiates. Initiation services will be held at eight o'clock this morning in the chapel of the League building for the eleven junior women who are being taken into Mortar Board this year. They are: Emily Bates, Do:o- thy Birdzell, Sally Ensminger, Iva- lita Gascock, Agnes Graham, Jane Inch, Esther Kirby, Katharine Koch, Jeannie Roberts, Katharine Sitton, and Margaret Thompson. Following the breakfast, the ini- tiates will be honored with a break- last held in one of the dining rooms at which Elsie Murray, '28, national vice president and an alumna of the Michigan chapter will speak. Speech department. This is the first time that any choral reading has been done on this campus. Mrs. Julio del Toro and Dr. Fleischman will present two skits giving modern versions of the Bal- cony scene from Romeo and Julliet. One to be done after the marner of an undemonstrative English- man, and the other to be of the Octavus Roy Cohen type. As a part of the program, Lewis Stevens, '33A, will present a sketch of the new club building which he has designed for the camp and ex- plain the facilities provided in it. This is to be the first unit of a larger clubhouse which will be built one unit at a time. in Pajamas. Dinners given in honor of the seniors following Swingout Tuesday evening were featured in several of the dormitories this past week. At Martha Cook the juniors enter- tained the seniors at a beach party. Lucile Oldham, '32, who was in charge of the arrangements, plan- ned the affair in such a way that it was full of the atmosphere of the shore. The dining room was decorated with large beach umbrellas, and the junior hostesses as well as the waitresses were costumed in beach pajamas. The theme was carried out even to the menu, which read in a peculiar sea-jargon. During a part of the dinner stunts were given: "Waves of Har- mony," a vocal number; "The Wa- ter Nymphs," a group of dancers; "The Board Walk Promenade," a mock beauty show; and the "Life Guard Drag," a tap routine. The other two dormitories which entertained in this fashion were Betsy Barbour, at the annual Straw- berry Festival; and Adelia Cheever at a formal dinner. The scheme of decoration for the dinner at Adelia Cheever was carried out in varying shades of red, and tulips were used for the decorative center pieces. Betsy Barbour also entertained this week Thursday evening at a formal dinner party in honor of President Alexander Ruthven and Mrs. Ruthven. The other guests for the evening were: Vice-president Shirley Smith and Mrs. Smith; Dean John R. Effinger and Mrs. Effinger; Dean Joseph: A. Bursley and Mrs. Bursley; and Vice-presi- dent Clarence S. Yoakum and Mrs. Yoakum. Yoakum. Women who have been in the. Wednesday and Monday golf classes or who have had some golfing experience are invited to enter the tournament which the Woman's Athletic Association is sponsoring next Wednesday and Thursday afternoon. P os t e r s have been placed in Barbour gymnasium for women who wish to enter to sign up on and all players will be called sometime before the tournament to notify them of their starting time as it is match play. THETA SIGMA PHI TO GIVE BANQUET National Honorary Journalistic Sorority to Present Cup to Sophomore Woman. Theta Sigma Phi, national hon- orary and professional journalism sorority will hold its annual formal banquet at 7 o'clock Tuesday at the League building. At this time the Theta Sigma Phi cup will be awarded to the sophomore woman who has done the most distinctive work on a campus publication, Margaret Harris, '31, president of the organization for the past year will be toastmistress. Members of the faculty of the department of Christopher Morley's "Good The- atre," the satire on the modern musical comedy type of play will be presented with the following cast; Lillian Martin, grad, will be the box-office girl; Seward Reese will take the part of Shakespeare, and Martin Palmer will appear as Frank Burbage. One of the features of the pro- gram will be a group of choral readings given by some advanced speech students under the direction of Dr. Earl Fleischman of the CYRENA VAN GORDON, MA Y FESTIVAL OPERA SINGER, PRAISES DR. SINK "Musical Foundation Important! ual. Some are already to specialze in Operatic Career,' and need no further training_. How- She States. ever it is most important for a singer to have the right kind of a A. W.* '34 foundation. This background should "It is certainly a pleasure to come consist of a long association with back to Ann Arbor and sing," stat-musi ed Cyrena Van Gordon, eminent "I consider a familiarity with the contralto of. the Chicago Civic piano as the most important kind Opera Ccmpany who had one of of association. " started takig the leading roles in the opera, piano lessons when I was four years "Boris Gouuenof," which ended the old. Another infiuential fa tar i May Festival last night. the home environment. The radio "The University of Michigan is and such collections of really good most lucky to have such a talented music as the May Festival affords director as Dr. Sink who has done are doing a great deal tf) create so much for the success of the this environment. When the par- Festival. His ideas and plans de- ents become enthused over muuc serve the highest appreciation," they will start giving their chil- continued Mme. Gordon. "To me dren a better musical education." .the Paderewsky concert Friday was Miss Van Gordon is an Ann Aroor most inspiring thing I have ever enthusiast. "This beautiful city heard. The Chicago Symphony or- i with its attractive homes is a true chestra and Mr. Stock were superb."Iinspiration to me." University stu - When asked if she thought a lib- dents are surrounded by a most eral education such as one gets in f as cina ting environment. The a university music school is essen- School of Music and its capable tial, the contralto answered. "That faculty are true incentives for de- depends entirely upon the individ- velopment," she concluded. Iii=- NEGRO-CAUCASIANI ALUMNUS LAUDS CLUB HEARS TALK' UNIVERSITY WORK Martha Root Says Exchange of Chase Baromeo, Former Student Students Necessary. Here, Sings in Opera. "Baha'u'llah has given the teach- "Training such as one ieceives in ings which are the solutions to in- the University School of Music is of ternational peace. These teachings inestimable value for a music ca- are concerned with the bringing reer," stated Chase Bromeo, former about of a universal language, uni- student of the University of Mich- versal peace, universal education, igan and artist in "Boris Godunof." the foundation of all religions in " owe a great debt to the'school one, the oneness of mankind, equal- here, and to my voice professors, ity between men and women, and ads spiritual solution of the economic Mr. Howsadandemr.iHarison. problem," stated Mis Martha Root, LI consider the musical educ- w1orlkd t