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May 16, 1931 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1931-05-16

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... ............

No. 162.




Color Is Predominating Motif of the affair and with the added
at Twentieth Annual effect of the masks which were
Cas . worn until after' the pageant, an
ClassAffair. atmosphere resembling that of an
artists' ball was created.
Color was the predominating fea- The pageant itself consisted of a
ture of the twentieth annual Arch- number of dances and heraldic ef-
Life in Order to Keep itects' ball held last night in Wa- fects which portrayed the arrival
Ards of Party Safe terman gymnasium which was at- of the Martian king and his fol-
rd ofPrYSf tended by more than 400 couples lowers on earth. The king of Mars,

: upI

for rosterity.
rifice Is Compared With
That of Cap Oates of
Scott Expedition.
By Thomas Connellan, '34.
r. Alfred Wegener, famous Ger-
meteorologist and explorer,
died sometime during the win-
[n ,Greenland, gave up his life
rder to save the lives of the.
r members of the party, and to
the records that they had col-
d, was the opinion of Prof.
tam H. Hobbs of the geology de-
ment. Professor Hobbs said yes-
ay in an interview for The
y, "It recalls the sacrifice of
Oates of the Captain Scott sled
v, when he returned from the
h pole, he had been badly
en and was unable to walk
out holding back the sled
y. As they camped for the night,
>ld his companions that he was
g out for a minute and never

who danced to the special arrange-
ments and new numbers of Paul
Specht and his New York orchestra.
The decorations which had un-
dergrne three weeks of preparation
were a blending of browns, reds,
oranges and maroon. They com-
pined to produce a modernistic note
in keeping with the pageant, "The
Descent of the Martians," which
took place at midnight.
The twelve, booths on the sides
of the floor occupied by the several
architectural societies all vied with
one another in an endeavor to ef-
fect the most original and appro-
priate color scheme.
At one end of the floor a raised
platform on which the orchestra
sat provided an added bit of color
with a contrast in black, while theI
staircase in the rear down which
the pageant took place also appear-
ed in acbrilliant modernistic effect.
The costumes which were worn
by the participants in the pageant
and others were of a varied and,
original nature providing a con-
trast to the formal attire which a
number of couples wore. The dress
of the dancers kept to the theme

played by R. Duane Wells, 32A, pre-
sented the prizes for the best dec-
orated booth and the most appro.-
priate costumes.
Following the pageant, when
everyone unmasked, balloons, con-
fetti and streamers were released
from the ceiling and the band
swung into several lively tunes and
continued until the end of the af-
Special breakfasts were served ati
the Union and a number of campusi
restaurants following the dance.

Inhabitants of Antarse Fear
Burning of Their Church,
Prepare to Fight.
Papal Nuncio Gravely Protests
Recent Anti-Catholic
MADRID, M a y 15.-()P)-Four'
persons were killed and 10 injured
in an anti-church disorder in An-
tarse, near Grenada, today.
The inhabitants of Antarse fear-
ing that rioters were coming there
to burn their church after having
attempted to destroy the convent
of Jesuit nuns at Sante Fe, assem-
bled at the edge of the town to
protect their property.
Met With Bullets.


Bob FROM 3800 FEET
MacMillan, '33E, to Make
Delayed Drop at Airport
Sunday Afternoon.


Made 24 Jumps in C


Lacked Food.f
e case of the Greenland
Professor Hobbs contin-
arrival of Dr. Wegener;
Loewe, with all his toes
id with an eskimo at cen-
in one of the last days of
made it clear that the-
could not survive because
Af food. Dr. Wegener with
and a half days of rest
teriffic experiences, start-
with an eskimo. He knew'
ces of reaching the coasts
y small, but he did it vol-
to 'save the others. He has
glorious page in the hist-E

As the rioters car entered An-
Sixth Corps Commanding Officer tarse, the occupants were met with
a rain' of bullets from the guns of
Feted by Entire Michigan the defendants. The rioters raced
Military Unit. their car through the crowd and
fired funs, causing ;the fourteen
A parade, luncheon, and banquet casualties.
were presented Thursday by memn- It was not learned whether any
of the rioters were injured. One
bers of the R.O.T.C. in honor of report, however, said their auto-
General Frank Parker, command- mobile crashed into a wall out-
ing officer of the sixth corps area. side the town.
The entire Michigan R.O.T.C. un- This was believed to have been
it paraded at 5 o'clock, Thursday the first fatal anti-church demon-
stration since Tuesday night, when
afternoon, on Ferry field. The sen- four persons were killed at Crodova.
iors, after being congratulated by The military governor at Gren-
General Parker, marched into staff ada dispatched troops and guards
formation at the general's rear. to Antarse and Sante Fe.
Iti is 'understood here that the
Their places as company comman- I convent at Sante Fe was damaged.
ders were taken by the 1932 offi- a R t

Distribution of Yearbooks
Begin in Basement of
Angell Hall.



"In the summer of 1928, we met
at Berlin to plan our respective ex-
peditions. He impressed me then
with his great reserve power, as he
did by his knowledge of polar con-
ditions, for he was a veteran of
three important Greenland expedi-
tions. He is most widely known
throughout the world, not as an
explorer nor even as a meteorolo-
gist, but as author of the famous
theory of "Continental Drift," a
theory which has been very little
accepted in America, but widely ac-
cepted in Europe. This rather fan-
tastic theory holds that in an ear-
lier period there was only one con-
tinent called "Pan-gea," but that
this continent broke up and the
separate parts, after drifting about
like ships at sea, found their pre-
sent positions.
Georgi Is Meteorologist.
"Dr. Georgi, one of the men res-
cued at central station, is a meteor-'
ologist and famous as a member of
the Oceanagraphical Institute at
Hamburg, where I often visited his
home," Professor Hobbs declared.
"Dr. Loewe, another of those res-
cued, is an expert aviator and
meteorologist, and head of the fam-
ous flying field of Lufhansa at
Berlin which was formerly the pa-
rade ground of the Berlin garrison.
When Crammer and I flew down
from Copenhagen on our way to
meet Wegener, Dr. Loewe was in
charge of the dignitaries who as-
sembled on the field to greet us,
and, as an old friend,hhe did the
honors in introducing the company.
State Bulletins
(By Associated Press)
Friday, May 15, 1931
LANSING - The House t o d a y
adopted a resolution recommend-
ing that the new State Tuberculo-
sis sanatorium for the upper pen-
insula be named for Speaker Ming
in recognition of his efforts to se-
cure funds with which to finance
the project.
BAY CITY- Government engi-
neers will soon be making a survey
to determine the need of a harbor
at Point Lookout in Saginaw Bay.
PONTIAC - J. Koukol, f o r m e r
president of the Hazel Park school
board, was convicted by a circuit
court jury today of embezzling $3,-
500 during the construction of a
$5,00 high school building two

Several distinctly new features
have been incorporated in the 1931
Michiganensian which will be dis-
tributed next Tuesday and Wed-
nesday in the basement of Angell
hall, George Dusenbury, '31, man-
aging editor of' the yearbook, said
Among the new features of the
book will be the unusual art work.
This has been done entirely by stu-
dent artists and has been carried(
out in a modern style, Dusenbury
A section of the yearbook this
year is devoted to unusual photo-
graphs of familiar campus scenes
and buildings and includes pictures
of Angell " hall, the Architectural
building, and the tower of the Un-
There is also the regular senior
section given over entirely to pho-
tographs of the graduating stu-
dents in all the schools and col-
leges of the University. Another
section is devoted to pictures of of-
ficers of all the classes.
The athletic s e c t i o n contains
complete accounts of the spring
sports for the last year and of the
fall and winter sports for the pre-
sent year. It is augumented by a
large number of action photo-
Activities are the subject of an-
other of the sections of the book
which includesigroup pictures of
the various societies and organiza-
tions on the campus. A section is
also devoted to the fraternities and
Books will be distributed next
Tuesday and Wednesday only to
t h o s e students holding coupons
which have been secured at pre-
vious all-campus sales, according
to an announcement by George E.
Hofmesiter, '31, business manager.
No books will be placed on general
sale, Hofmneister said.
Four Diplomats Seek
Stand on Tariff Union
GENEVA, May 15.-()-The for-
eign ministers of four great powers
devoted a long secret session this
afternoon and evening to seeking
agreement on a method for deal-
ing with the proposed Austro-Ger-
man customs union.
The big four are Arthur Hender-
son of Great Britain, Aristide
Briand of France, Julius Curtius of
Germany, and Dino Grandi of Italy.
They are trying to bring some sem-
blance of order out of the chaos
into which the European diplomat-
ic situation was thrown by the re-
sent announcement of the Berlin-
Vienna scheme for an economic
"anschluss" and the subsequent

A luncheon was given by Major
Basil D. Edwards Thursday noon
in the small ball room at the Un-
ion. President Alexander G. Ruth-
ven and the deans and heads of
the various departments were pre-
sent. Short talks were given by
General Parker and several of the
The Ann Arbor Army and Navy
club gave a dinner in honor of
General Parker Thursday evening
at the Union. Professor A. E. Boak,
head of the history department
and president of the club, acted as
toastmaster. General Parker and
several of the others present spoke.
Major Max Murray, sixth corps
area infantry unit inspector, ex-
amined the Michigan R.O.T.C. Wed-j
nesday. Major Murray's headquar-
ters are at Chicago. He has charge
of the inspections of all of the fed-
eral military posts in Michigan,
Wisconsin, and Illinois. Major Mur-
ray remained for the ceremonies

Provisional president Alcala Za-
mora meditated tonight upon a
communication from Papal Nuncio
Federico Teteschini, w h i c h was
generally believed to be a grave
protest from the Vatican concern-
ing the recent anti-catholic depre-
It was not thought the Pontiff
would invoke excommunication or
declare the cessation of spiritual
ministrations to the Spanish church
because the government has con-
demned the attack in which scores.
of religion buildings were burned
and occupants routed.

Once, T'ying Present
Record Holder.
Planning to make his 298th para-
chute jump on the fourth anniver-
sary of his first leap from the wing
of an airplane, Bob MacMillan, '33E,
will leave a four-place biplane
piloted by George Downs Sunday
afternoon at the Ann Arbor airport
in a delayed 3,000-foot drop to the
MacMillan, an aeronautical engi-
neering student living at 431 S.
Division street, plans to jump when
Downs' plane is traveling approxi-
mately 100 miles an hour and delay't
opening his parachute until he is
within 2,000 feet of the ground.
Began When In High School.
Having behind him a colorful c
record of jumps which began in :
Rochester, N. Y., when he was a
student in Shortsville, N. Y., high
school and took six jumps on the
same day "for a thrill," MacMillan
learned parachutejumping first-
under Jimmy Bathrick in Roches-
ter, and later under the late Buddy
Bushmeyer at Roosevelt field, Long
Island, N. Y.
Although aviation plays the big-
gest part in his life, MacMillan is
not a pilot and insists he has no
interest in becoming one, 'having
chosen parachute engineering, a
field as yet but slightly cultivated,
as his vocation. Parachute design t
and construction, aeronautical de- 11
partments at present only lightlylp
touched, attract him primarily.
Claiming as his two greatest ex-
ploits the accomplishment of 24 t
jumps in six days, ' June 23 to 28,
1930, in Cortland, N. Y., and tying
in a national parachute jumping
contest with Joe Crane, of Detroit,
present national champion jumper,
MacMillan's highest jump was made
in the fall of 1929, when he left a
plane at 10,000 feet elevation.
Has Made Barnstormig Tours.
MacMillan's career, although he
is at present only 22 years old, has k
included extensive barnstorming t
tours of the South, the Mid-West, 1
the East, and of Canada. He uses j
a 28-foot 'chute, and has landed
on fences, roofs, and in lakes, and v
he mentions an occasion uponb
which he landedonte back of a
MacMillan says his hop Sunday R
will take about three minutes.
Agitation Springs up Following
Attack on Salvadorean.
WASHINGTON, May 15. -- () - 9
Renewed agitation for withdrawing
immunity from the prohibition laws
for foreign diplomats sprang up to-
day as an aftermath of the attack
by liquor thieves on Dr. Don Carlos
Leiva, charge d'aflaires of the Sal-
vadorean legation.
At the same time', Dr. Leiva, who
was injured in a fight with the in- 1
truders, said he had reported to r
his government that his. life was
in danger here because of inade-
quate police protection.
Senator Brookhart, Republican,
Iowa, a prohibitionist, said he wasf
willing to join a movement to for-1
bid the presence of liquors in the
embassies and legations.
"There doesn't seem to be anyc
sense in allowing these diplomatsr
to transport liquor in a dry coun-t
try," he added.

Function Sponsored
to Be Given

by League

Pilots Fight
Ship to

Fire as They
Landing Field.


ABERDEEN, Md., May 15.-(P)--
Eighteen persons aboard a Rich-'
mond-New York air mail plane of
the Eastern Air transport were
frightened but escaped injury late
today as the plane, smoke issuing
from the cabin, made a forced
landing here.
For five miles, one of the two.
pilots fought flames with a fire ex-
tinguisher, and as the plane landed
on the field of Edgewood arsenal,
the lower left wing caught fire.
Soldiers helped the passengers to
get out and extinguished t h e
flames. Eight of the passengers and
the airmail were taken to New York
by another plane of the lines. The
other passengers chose to complete
their journey by train.
The fire started in the pilots'
compartment.. To save the passen-
gers the soldiers ripped out a por-
tion of the fuselage; the plane was
also heavily damaged by the flames,
officers said.
The passengers, among them sev-
eral women, were first taken to the
Officers' club at nearby Fort Hoyle.
Starr Commonwealth;
Tags to Be Sold Today
Floyd Starr's Commonwealth for
Boys will hold its annual drive for
funds today in the form of a tag

Del Delbridge and his orchestra,
who have just completed a season's
run in the Blue Room of the Book
Cadillac hotel in Detroit, will play
for a dance given by the Women's1
League, from 4 to 6 o'clock this
afternoon in the main ballroom of
the building.
The dance will be the first affair
of its nature this year which will
be open to men, for it concludes a
-series of parties sponsored by vari-
ous houses on campus. Jeannie
Roberts, '32, social chairman, and
members of the social committee
are in charge of arrangements. Miss
Ethel McCormick, social director, is
also assisting.
Proceeds from the dance will go
to the Undergraduate Campaign
fund. Tickets are still on sale at
Slater's Book store, and at the main
desk in the League lobby.
Ruth Nichols Expects
to Make Atlantic Hop
NEW YORK, May 15.-(P)-In a
big.white and gold monoplane, Miss
Ruth Nichols, whose father was
one of the Roosevelt Roughriders,
will set out from Harbour Grace,
N. F., some sunny afternoon be-
tween now and July 1 to fly alone
through the night across the At-
She said today she believed
chancessof a safe journey were
98 per cent.
"The other two per cent," she
added, "amounts to the chance you
take of being hit by a taxicab every
time you cross a street."
Her destination will be Europe-

Prof. IH. L. Caverly Believes
Revenue Will Lessen I
Property Burden.
"The present condition of thet
state makes the malt tax impera-1
tive, regardless of the fact that It
can't say much for that type of 1

neceniiy the co-eu was dismissed - w -
from classes by Miami authorities Since the war, he has wor
because she had failed in some with students at Pennsylvania S"
studies and her father brought suit college, the Colorado School
in her behalf, protesting the right Mines, and New York Univern
of a state-supported school to dis- He is director of the Summer SE
miss any student who has paid en- ive club in New York, an org
trance fees, regardless of the pu- iization of students from collE
pil's scholastic standing. and universities who come to I
York during.the summer to wort
the settlements. He is also chi
ARED IMPERATIVE I man of the War Resisters lea;
STA TE CONDITIONSahich met with Einstein when
__________________was_ in New York. It is a soc
for the prevention of war.
great that almost any form of re-
lief is welcome, he explained. English Statistician
"Its only merit, however, is as
a temporary measure," he pointed to Visit Campus So
out. "In view of the existing situa-
tion, it is to be hoped that the gov- Prof. Ejon Pearson, of the I
ernor will persist in his present de- metric laboratories of London, F
termination to call a special session land, will be on the campus e
later in the year to consider some next week as a guest of the sto

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