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May 15, 1931 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1931-05-15

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morning except Monday dur-
year by the Board in Control
tern Conference Editorial Asso-
Press is exclusively entitled to
lication of all news dispatches
not otherwise credited in this
al news published herein.
postoffice at Ann Arbor, Michi-
lass matter. Special rate of
by Third Assistant Postmaster
carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50.
rbor Press Building, Maynard
ditorial, 4925; Business, 21214.
elephone 4925
nan Editorial Board
. COOPER, City Editor
............Gurney Williams
.. Walter W. Wilds
litor........Harold 0. Warren
.Joseph A. Russell
...M........ary L. Behnyer
ooks.........Win. J. Gorman
s .....Bertram J. Askwith
ditor.......Charles I. Sprowi
.. ...George A. Stauter
............WI. EL. ryper
Charles n. Sprowl
Richard L. Tobin
Harold 0. Warren

hours must be taken in any one
The University Senate and the
faculty of the Literary college dle-
serve credit for the steps they have
taken in this manner.
Campus Opinion
Contributors are asked to be brief,
confining themselves to less thai. 300
words if possible. At'nymous com-
munications will be disregarded. The
names of communicants will, however,
be regarded as confidential. upon re-
quest. Letters published should not be
construed as expressing the editorial
opinion of The Daily.

HURRY! HURRY! In this hour
of its greatest need your University
calls upon you to respond as you
never have before. Forget the triv-
ialities of life. Let the manhood
and womanhood of each and every
Michigander (this applies to the
Michigeese, too) come to the fore
and squelch once and for all this
plague that is among us. You have
only two more days to IGNORE









!. - .


To the Editor:

Sports Assistants
0. Fullertonr A JCullen Kennedy
Charle A. Sanford
U: Cooley Robert L. Pierce
'rank Richard Raine
,Glbreth Karl Seiffert
dberg Jerry L, Rosenthal
oo dnan Ceorge A.Stauter
Relper JohnV. Thomas
ts John S. Townsend
. Meyer.s
but Mary Mcall
lerbilt 'MCueMiller
ddman Margaret O'Brien
Ilmyer >Eleaobr Rairdon
*Grimes Anne Margaret Tobin
yjr Margaret Thompson
Mgees Claire Trussell
Telephone 21214
GLSTER MABLEY, Business Manager
R H. HALvERSON, Assistant Manager
Department Managers
ing--------------Charles T. Kline
i...Thomas M. Davis
in...... ...Wlliam W. War~oys
....Norris J. Johnson
ion ...........Robert W. Williamson
ton.........Marvin S. Kobacker
.. ..Thomas S. Muir
Secretary . ......Mary J. Kenan
Beglev AssNoel . Turner,
3ishop Don. W. Lyon
rown William Morgn
uallaan Richard strateineer
iW.Davis Keith Tyler '
oi'ngton Richard H.Hiller
htlinger Byron C. vedder
Verner Sylvia Miller
Arran Helen Olsen
aIey Mildred Postal
s onvss er " arjorie Rough
rcilmgunid .MaryB. W atts
LeMire Johanna Wiese
FRIDAY, MAY 15, 1931
owing closely on the accom-
d business reorganization of
riversity by President Ruth-
:omes the announcement of
roposed reorganization of the
rsity Senate and the new
gan plan, both of which will,
near future go to the Board
gents for their approval.
se two steps are continuing
uthven policy of reorganiza-
n the University, discarding
umbersome methods for new
as the growing needs of the
rsity demand it. This time,
cedemic methods have been
ached, and with success.
University Senate was, among
things, to "originate and con-
measures - for the mainten-
>f the liberal and comprehen-
)olicy of education; for the
aum utilization of the intel-
1 resources of the University."
s end, a body of 531 men was
shed. The academic mind is
to function slowly, and no
r how brilliant the members,
p of this size must have con-
ble difficulties in obtaining
s. The new plan, which pro-
to transfer the powers of the
e to the new University coun-
uld establish a group of 57,
e basis of ex-officio members
epresentative members. This
vidently is much less unwiel-
d bulky than the former one,
xcessive argumentation and
of time can be eliminated.
Michigan plan, which pro-
two two-year courses, ap-
ies in its fundamental ideas
'niversity _college plan which
> vigorously advocated by the
r President Little. This ex-
ent extends only to the Liter-
ollege, but with much to
mend it. By this new division,
>ped to innoculate the student
:ome sort of intellectual cur-
a process which cnnot very
ie imposed upon him unwill-

ts long as the only curriculum
tions placed upon him con-
the group requirements, and
ves college at times with a
ring of economics, political
e, English, languages and
Ither subjects in his head, but

At the Presbyterian Church last
Sunday evening, Dr. Harrison spoke
to a group of young people on the
subject of missionary methods in
In one of his main statements
he said that he could tell us in
fifteen minutes all that a student
would learn in three years in ar
seminary about missionary methods.1
Half sleepy and still doubting just
whether I am going to hear a fairyy
tale or a true story, I rubbed myc
eyes, shook my head and listened1
with mouth wide open and ears as1
attentive as that of a child hearing
a curious story from an old lady.,
Before long, however, I was definite
that the speaker had been greatly,
influenced by the stories of the
Arabian nights and that he was
ingeniously concocting an addition-
al story to "Adventures in Wonder-
land" with himself as a hero.
-To confirm his pre-mentioned
assertion he started to narrate to
us the events of a single trip across
the desolate desert of Arabia. Out
of twenty years of experience in
Arabia, the speaker chose to cite
to the group this unique story of
the primitive Bedouin Arabians of
the southern part of the central
desert. Without sparing any factor
by which he could depict with
exaggeration the miseries of living
which he shared with those isolated
Arabians, he proceeded to show how
he has to drink stinking water, to
eat bread spiced with hair, and
mouse boiled without butchering or
cleaning. By this and similar cita-
tions, Dr. Harrison intended to tell
us in fifteen minutes what the gen-
eral life of the Arabian is, and
how the typical missionary must
adapt himself to it. Of course he
was clever to paint a picture so
ridiculously that he was able to
entertain his audience at the ex-
I pense of other people.
The main objections to such an
action are these: It is unfair to give
I a one-sided picture. It is less fair
to cite an exceptional experience,
or the way of living of the most
primitive region in Arabia and to
attribute that to the general coun-
try. Besides it is hardly defensible
to tell an American audience par-
ticular, and probably incidental
missionary experience which a per-
son wanted to apply to general mis-
sionary life. As a matter of fact,
an average missionary does not
have to suffer as any one who has
heard Dr. Harrison would naturally
It is true, however, that the aver-
age missionary in the Arabian
States maintains a standard of
living not lower than that of an
average American, and higher than
the standard of the average Ara-
bian of the developed regions. There
is no objection, though, on my part
to this fact. My purpose is merely
to disclose the actual existing con-
ditions and to clear up wrong im-
plications, because I have myself
seen missionaries in my home town
and learned about others in the
other towns who have good homes
furnished with modern furniture,
and supplied with electricity, tele-
phones, clean water from the city
water system, who also have other
facilities and conveniences such as
gardens, tennis courts and others
which fall in the category of lux-
In conclusion, if the strange and
exciting stories are used as a meas-
ure for raising funds, then I believe
the doctor has proved to be a tact-
ful salesman. Arab Student.

It is revealed now that Reno's
mayor, recently re-elected on the
platform of an open town openly
arrived at, is father-in-law of an-
other speed king, Walter Johnson
of the Senators.-DETROIT NEWS.
That rattle that seems to come
from the left rear brake-rod and
grows as you speed up to 50 m. p.
h., may, of course, be only a motor-
cycle officer.-DETROIT NEWS.
"Have you thought," s a y s a
household editor, "of trying spin-
ach with cottage cheese?" Possibly.

Each for all and all for many,
Help to overcome the pall.
Lily Pons cannot speak English;
It's a fine world after all.
. * *
We're all breathing freely again
now that the mill tax cut has safe-
ly been crushed by the boys in blue
up at Lansing, the University is go-
ing to have just oodles and oodles
of money to spend, and we want to
be the first to suggest what should
be done with it. We must admit
we have slight personal interest in
the thing, but then, who hasn't?
As soon as the senators can load
this year's ,mill tax money on the
trucks and ship it down here we
wish the Regents would send the
B&G boys out to dig some more
trenches on the campus. Of all the
wonderful improvements the Uni-
versity has instituted since we have
been in residence here, the business
of digging trenches on the campus
and filling them up is doubtless the
most highly commendable. We can-
not say too much in praise of the

Chicago Symphony Orchestra,
Hilda Burke, Soprano, Eleanor
Reynolds, contralto, Palmer Chris-
tian, organist, and the Children's
Festival Chorus present the fol-
lowing program:
Overture, The Scret of Sus: nu"..'Volf-1"f.Irai
Aria, 'n"itorna incitor' from "Aida".. Vei
Omagun Solos
Fugue in C' . i" -+-----.-------..................1
A Mari.........................Reger
assaaglia........................ Ihwerbv
Thourt like unto a Flower. Itubinstein
Thew Maiden's W ih................. Chopin
Lullaby. ......................Brahms
Scenes from ans i and rete ...I I uperd ineik
Cantata "Old johnny Appleseed"...........aul
nace Jan Paderewski, pianist,
and the Chicago Symphony Or-
chestra under Frederick Stock
present the following program:
Synmphony No. ? in I) NMa.jor......... Beethoven
Concerto for Piano and Orchestra.. ..aderewski
l'ia11 Solos ......................hopinl
N octrtii ) II. I IMajor
ixaurlruiL F :sharp Minor
l'tude A Mior
Scherzo 13IFiat Minor



Hill Auditorium, May 13, 14, 15,
Appleseed" by Gaul. Hilda Burke,
Soprano; Eleanor Reynolds, Con-
tralto; Palmer Christian, Organ.
ist, Orchesttral accompaniment;
Children's Festival Chorus; Eric
Delamarter and Juva Higbee,
Conductors, Friday afternoon.
Jan Padercwski, Pianist; Chicago
Symphony Orchestra, Frederick
Stock, Conductor, Friday Evening.

I 1 11 1 .



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A Review
Earl V. Moore last night repeated
the splendid, comprehensive read-
ing of Pierne's oratorio which he
gave here three years ago. The
work, on second hearing, seems far
less successful than one had con-
sidered it. Pierne is trying to evoke
a very remote figure: a figure which
in his cosmic embrace of the uni-
verse is somewhat incomprehensible.
Yet Pierne has at his command
(besides a fairly flexible orchestral
technique) only a conventionalized
nineteenth century melodic line. He
handles that type of line with
abundant nuance. But it remains,
I think, too inevitably associated in
our minds with nineteenth century
romantic love to make Francis
really credible as a thirteenth cen-
tury mystic. Because of his peculiar
insistence on this line (which oc-
casionally gets insipid with its
drooping intervals) Pierne's Francis
becomes a somewhat saccharine
and undiscriminating humanitari-
Pierne is primarily concerned
with Francis' great Love. But he
takes it very simply (very melodi-
cally). Almost never does that .love
tremble with the depth of despair

Violinist; Chicago Symphony Or-
chestra, Frederick Stock, Conduc-
tor, Saturday afternoon.
dunof" in "English by Mussorgsky.
Cyrena Van Gordon, Contralto;
Walter Widdop, Tenor; Nelson
Eddy, Baritone; Chase Baromeo,
Baritone; Fred Patton, Bass; Chi-
cago Symphony Orchestra; The
University Choral Union, Earl V.
Moore, Conductor, Saturday Eve-

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(something new)
See the pretty Bee and Gee boys
Blush in passing Newberry Hall.
See how coyly they ignore it;
It's a fine world after all oh yeah?
*3 * *
ANDY has just lurched in with
something that he seems to think
is pretty,important. Somehow we
couldn't seem to make much sense
out of it. What do you think of it?
Pretty good, eh? . . . We thought
not. Hmm. We'll see Andy later.I
* .* *
Dear Uncle Patrick:
What with fall classification,
the swingout fight, and fall
classification the campus is in
an uproar, these days. (Uproar
and at 'em, Britannica rules
the waves!) The prospective
seniors are having the swellest.
time of all. At least they are
free to take advanced courses
in Forestry and Contemporary
Drama, and at last they can
schedule nothing but afternoon
classes. One of them dashed up;
to us only yesterday and said
excitedly (we aren't feeling
very good ourselves, what with
him waving an election card
under our nose), "Look! I can
sleep until a quarter of eleven
Mondays, Wednesdays, AND
We older ones need not smile
indulgently at this outburst,
though. Can't you remember
back when you were 'a junior
and used to get up to go to one
o'clocks, even going without
breakfast to avoid distressing
your professor? Of course you
do, and you don't need to deny
it with that silly smirk on your
face. Just think about those
days when you sleep all after-
noon, after exhausting yourself
studying all night. Life is not
so simple, after all.
Now before we tell you about the
brilliant new idea (well, new, any-
way) we've had, please be warned
that we understand that you may
not sympathize with our enthusi-
asm about this thing, but anyway,
be tolerant. Give a guy a chance.
Come on, you big mug, get off 'im.
You may even think the whole
business is silly as anything. Maybe
it is. You're probably right. Well,
all right, all right. We're not argu-
We thought that as long as half
of Michigan's football games and
practically all of the baseball games
aire held in driving rain, while out
in Arizona the dry farmers have
an awful timeamaking things grow,
we might be able to effect a switch
by which the athletic association
might be transported to Arizona
and Ferry field and its environs be
devoted to the culture of hay or

which evoked it, which gave it dig-
nity and depth. It was a burden of
woe which made St. Francis' heart
expand. One never feels that in
Pierne's music, I think. Pierne's
rather too facile conception of his
task appeared perhaps most clearly
in the scene with the Birds. The
sublime import of Francis' sermon
(the despair for his beloved man-
kind implied in such a line as "let
man alone forget his Lord" and the
eager turn to some of God's purer,
less subtle, less burdened creations
for solace) was not very well con-
veyed through an orchestral tex-
ture which was trying to resurrect
the scene (the sound of the birds
etc). We ourselves could have im-
agined the scene. The attempt to
do it musically only results in a
r a t h e r strained prettiness. The
emotions of Francis were the sub-
stance to the expression of which
all musical elements should have
been bent. As it was, this substance
was left to a thin melodic line and
the scene lacked the depth which
it should have had to be in any
significant way related to its sub-
Similarly, the whole scene of
Francis and Lady Poverty was tri-
vial, and uninspired music, entire-
ly inadequate to the meaning of
Francis' wilful self-degradation-
the impulse which stirred all Eu-
rope of the thirteenth century.
Only something like the unmetri-
cal, unmelodic recitative as Bach
uses it in the St. Matthew Passion
could be profoundly integral with
the way St. Francis felt his words.
When Pierne got nearest to this
type of more flexible musical speech
(in Francis' address to the Sun "All
praise to thee, O Lord, for all thy
things created") he seemed to be
at his best. All in all, though, the
Oratorio (with the exception of
portions of the Stigmata scene and
the ;closing elegy) is peculiarly thin
romanticism-tenderly sanctimon-
ious rather than profoundly sacred,
almost never convincing as a musi-
cal transposition of one of the pro-
found mediaeval religious experi-
ences. Its attractiveness persists
(even through two hearings). Its
deficiencies only appear when one
considers the music in relation to
its subject.
Mr. Moore, his chorus, and the
soloists seemed to do extremely
well by the score. Frederick Jagel
handled the Francis role-which in
its demands must be very fright-
enineg-verv sensitively. is ice





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