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Vote of
[90EREWSKI (M(S||Baromeo Confesses
asMoore Discloses
TO MARK FSIA Secret of Wedding
Chase Baromeo once studied at
Michigan, so perhaps it was all
But it was certainly a surprise to
Noted Polish Pianist, Statesman sago Syphon orchesin the hi
Will Feature Concerts was aiding him in a rehearsal for
for Today. "Boris Godunof," diverged from the
music of the opera, and started'
ORCHESTRA TO APPEAR playing Mendelssohn's W e d d in g'
March. f
The baritone stopped singing and
Children's Chorus, Hilda Burke, listened carefully. He grinned at
Reynolds, Christian to Prof. Earl V. Moore, who was lead-
Give Performance. ing the recalcitrants as he directed"
the orchestra. Now that his secret"
Republic Charges Alfonso
Misuse of Office for
His Enrichment.
de on Need
, May 14-(AP)-The
nalt tax bill was en-
today as a Michigan
the first time since
a governor's veto.'
rp debate, the house
lead of the senate
to 27, to nullify the-
Wilber M. Brucker.'
f the legislature then
ure immediate effect.'
zgerald secretary of
ed that it will be the
t week, however, be-
rtment can prepare
machinery for en-
the statute.
cramble For Votes.
f the executive veto
intense scramble for
t many house mem-
at of ' last night and
had the bill been
law than expressions
over the state's abil-
y to enforce it. At-
al Paul W. Voorhees
anticipated litigation
statute, and the sen-
:ommittee proceeded'
ral state budget dis-
malt levy in the fin-,
I .
Constitutional Convention Plans
to Decide Disposition
of Royal Wealth.
tax is
-ed by its!
forced, it
tv tax toI
ttitude Unchanged.
ucker announced that
of the malt tax left
unchanged on the
said the statute had
"the need for a spe-I
> consider new sour-I
to relieve the gener-I
governor was annoyed at in-
es since his veto that he had
ed his mind on the measure.
iistration leaders of the house{
mate had worked for passage'
the executive veto.
late Bulletins f
(Dv Associated Press)
Thursday, May 14, 1931
IAD-The Dow Chemical Co.
he Ethyl Gas Co. announced
plans to erect an experimen-
ant near Wilmington, N. C.,,
xtraction of ethylene dibro-
from sea water.
Ignace Jan Paderewski,
Polish master pianist and states-.
man, who will appear here in re-
cital as the featured artist on to-
night's May Festival program.
Merry-Makers Take Possession
of Busiest Thoroughfare;
Crowds Are Orderly.
CHICAGO, May 14.-(R)-State
St., one of the world's busiest thor-
oughfares, capitulated Wednesday
night to half a million merry-.
Seemingly, all Chicago converged
on the famous street in celebration
of the all-Chicago trade jubilee.
Men, women and children packed
the street from the Chicago river to
Van Buren St., a distance of ten
blocks, giving the police what they
described as their "biggest assign-
ment." .
More than 2,500 policemen were
on the job. The crowd was orderly
for the most part. Several score
persons were overcome, so great
was the press of the crowd. They
were given first aid at stations set
up along the street.
One policeman carried away so
many fainting women that he him-
self was overcome. One man died of
heart disease. He was Dennis Sulli-
van, a barber, caught in the crush
at State and Madison streets.
While huge searchlights swept
the skies and ticker tape showered
down, the carnival held sway for
three hours along State St., which
was gaily festooned and converted
into a six-rign circus. A half dozen
orchestra, played while radio stars,
vaudeville actors and other profes-
sional entertainers performed.
Airplane Construction
g in England to Cease
LONDON,.May 14. -- (R) - Prime
Minister Ramsay MacDonald told
the House of Commons today in an
announcement of government air-
ship policy, that Great Britain will
not build any new airships for the
present but would retain the R-100
without alterations as an "experi-
mental airship."
Since the wreck of the R-01
there has been keen interest in the
government's future course regard-
ing airships.
Mr. MacDonald said today that
the British airship is a modern
craft not yet proven either a fail
ure nor a complete success.
The R-100 will make "no spec-]
tacular flights," he said, and Par-
liament will have to decide what
experimental purposes it will be
used for. -
Council Dues Will Not
Include Booklet Cost
Inter-fraternity c o u n c i dues,
raised from $5 to $7.50 for each
member house at the meeting Wed-
nesday night, do not include the
costs of the booklet of houses which
will be published for the incoming
freshmen, Howard M. Gould, '32,
secretary-treasurer of the group,
said last night.
A special assessment of the fra-
ternities belonging to the council
will be made in the near future to
cover the cost of the book, Gould
Brumm Will Address
tion of Juva Higbee.
Varied Program Offered.
The program will consist of the
following numbers: Overture, "Sec-
ret of Suzanna," by Ferrari; A ca-
pella songs; Aria, "L'Ascia Chio
Pianga" from Rinaldo, by Handel;
Organ solos, Fugue in C Minor, by
Bach, Ave Maria, by Reger, Passa-
caglia, by Sowerby; Duet from
"Hansel and Gretel," by Humper-
dinck; and Cantata: "Old Johnny
Appleseed," by Gaul.
Paderewski, accompanied by the
Chicago' Symphony orchestra, un-
der the direction of Frederick Stock,
will present the evening program.
It has been announced as follows:
Polonaise, by Liszt; Symphony No.
2, D. Major, Op. 36, by Beethoven;
Concerto for Piano and Orchestra,
one of the pianist's own composi-
tions; Nocturne, D. fiat major, Ma-
zurka, F sharp minor, Op. 5, Etude,
A minor, Op. 25, and Scherzo, B
fia tiinrbyChopinx.
Two Concerts Tomorrow.
Two concerts will be given again
tomtorrow, one at night and one in
the afternoon. Chase Baromeo,
Walter Widdop, Fred Patton, Cy-
rena Van Gordon, Nelson Eddy, the
Choral Union and the Chicago
Symphony orchestra will present
"Boris Godunof," by Mussorgsky at
the former, while Ruth Breton, vio-
linist, the Chicago Symphony or-
chestra, will give the afternoon
Chicago Professors Publish Book
Advocating Reserve for
NEW YORK, May 14.-( P)-A plan
whereby American employers would
be required by law to set apart a
reserve to care for unemployment
was proposed today by two Uni-
versity of Chicago economists who
conducted a comprehensive survey
of the unemployment situation at
Swarthmore college.
The plan is contained in the book,
"The Problem of Unemployment,"
by Prof. Paaul H. Douglas and Aaron
Director, published today.
The authors conclude that slight-
ly more than 150,000 workers are
protected today from the risk of
unemployment by trade union, em-
ployer and joint employment bene-
fit plans - represnuting approxi-
mately one-half of one per cent of
the gainfully employed wage earn-
ers and salaried workers in the
United States.
"Since it has taken a decade for
even this number to be covered,"
say the authors, "it would seem that
while such ventures are extremely
valuable, both as experiment sta-
tions and to get the public mind
interested in the subject, we can-
not rely upon voluntary efforts if
substantial progress is to be made
in furnishing adequate protection
to the workers."
The authors' plan proposes in
It should include all the manual
workers in industries other than
a mimif lra _mn. , s y .mnv.s..
Two concerts will be offered to-
day on the May Festival series, one
at 2:30 o'clock, and another at 8:151
o'clock, as usual. Ignace Jan Pader-
ewski, noted Polish pianist, will
feature the presentation tonight.
Those who will take part in the
afternoon concert are Hilda Burke,
soprano, of the Chicago Civic Opera
association; Eleanor Reynolds, con-
tralto, formerly of the Berlin and
Vienna Staatsopern, Palmer Chris-
tian, organist; and The Children's
Festival chorus, under the direc-
was out, he didn't mind confessing, j MADRID, May 14.-The banks of
since he couldn't help it. Spain were ordered by the republi-
Baromeo stood up (bashfully, in I can government today to turn over
spite of years of work in public) to the minister of finance, Indale-
while Professor Moore related the cio. Prieto, all funds credited to Al-
story of his marriage last Tuesday fonso de Bourbon, the deposed king
in Chicago to Miss Delphie Lind- who at present is in exile in Paris.
strom, his accompanist for the last The Banco de Epana was em-
year. There was cheering from the powered to take charge temporarily
orchestra, and then every one went of all personal property of the for-
back to work. mer monarch, and to create a spe-
cial account for accruing rents un-
dtil the forthcoming constitutional
convention decides what to do with
'To Report On Investments.
Consuls and representatives of
the republic abroad were ordered
- - to make a report on Alfonso's in-
Resigns as Foreign Minister Buzt vestments and properties in other
countries, the government decree
Will Complete Work charging that Alfonso had not been
at Geneva. king since 1923, when he permitted
-Gen. Primo de Rivera to become
PARIS, May 14.-(P)-Aristide dictator, and that he had misused
Briand, defeated in Wednesday's l his royal office for his personal en-
prindna deetin Wednesday's richment.
presidential election by Paul Dou- Simultaneously the government
mer, today offered his resignation announced that full authority to
as foreign minister, a post he has check disorders which have culmi-
held for seven years, but Premier nated in the burning of scores of
hcolleagues-churches and church buildings had
Laval and his other g n been given to Miguel Maura, min-
the cabinet persuaded him to re- ister of interior.
main in that important office at' Maura immediately demanded
least until his immediate tasks at resignations of the governors at
Geneva are completed. Alicante, Cadiz, Cordova, and Mal-
The cabinet decided that he aga, charging them with laxity in
should go to Geneva tomorrow for.depressing disorders, and anounec-
the meeting of the committee o W ed that he was prepared to declare
European federation, as he had nartial law throughout Spain. A
planned to do beforehthe election, number of police officials were re-
When Briand left the Quai d'r- lieved of their posts, charged with
say, where the cabinet met, he con- d laxity.
firmed the report of his resign- Andalucia Ruled by 7'roops.
tion, adding "they refused to accept The entire province of Andalucia
it," but indicating that the resign was put under the rule of troops.
tion still stands. The captain general at Seville was
An official communique issued af- notified that farmers and peasants
ter the meeting said: "M. Briand in the towns of Sastilleja, Los Pala-
informed the cabinet he considered cios and Umbretes had armed
it his duty to place his resignation themselves to defend the churches
at the disposal of the President and 'of the province against Communist
the Premier. The Premier, unani- attacks.
mously supported by every memoer The attorney general, Angel Gal-
of the cabinet, insisted that arza, who Tuesday announced that
Briand accept the mission to Gef-~ indictments would be sought against
va to defend the nation's interCsts Alfonso and other Monarchists
before the committee on European ;charging them with plotting the
union and the council of the League anti-church disorders, was appoint-
of Nations along lines laid down by ed director general of public safety
the vote in the Chamber of Depu in Madrid.
ties. M. Biand consented. Francois _________
Poncet was designated to accom-A
pany him as second delegate. 18 L E I AR
The Parisian press today general-
ly rejoiced at the selection of M.
Doumer. cThere were a few excep-
tions, such as the Socialist organ, I
Populaire which called him "the
candidate of reaction and treach--
ery." Striking Railway Workers Clash
. i. With Troops in Street
U ersity of C cagoDisturbances
Students' Riot Routed --bc
CAIRO, Egypt, M a y 14.-(/)-
C H I C A G O, May 14.-(A)-The f Coincident with parliamentary elec-
first anniversary of the University tions, striking railway workers riot-
of Chicago riots staged last year to ed today and engaged in clashes
protest against c a m p u s student with troops in the shops and
snoopershas been obediently cele- streets.
brated. The government reports said that
Two hunded students built a five rioters were killed and 60 in-
huge bonfire near the campus Wed- jured, but the First Aid society
nesday night, fed it with lumber said 18 were dead and 167 were
from th new men's dormitory and hurt. Between 4,000 and 5,000 work-
part of the university's tennis court I men went on strike last night and
bleachers. ( started disturbances which resulted
Two mounted campus policemen, in today's sanguinary conflict.
who tried to disburse the crowd, The rioting first broke out in the
were greeted with over-ripe eggs, railway shops and when soldiers
various soft fruits, and finally, a charged the area the workmen
barrage of whitewash. turned fire hoses upon them. They
--- replied with machine gun fire and
- succeeded in quelling the outbreak
'Es n Distributfor the time being. The distur-
Ensian Dton bances flared throughout the day,
to Open Next Week ' however, and spread later to the
center of the city.
Distribution of the 1931 Michi-
ganensian will begin next Tues- Cornell Discontinues
day and Wednesday in the base -
ment of Angell hall, it was an- M itary Req rement
nounced yesterday by George E. -
Hofmeister, '31, business manag ITHACA, N. Y., May 14.-(AP)-
er. I'The faculty of Cornell university
Strikers Capture Police Officials;
Army Restores Order.
AREQUIPA, Peru, May 14.-(IP)
-Violent disorders broke out dur-
ing a general strike Wednesday.
Two were killed and several injur-
The mob stormed the prefecture
and sub-prefecture of police, cap-
turing them and destroying the fur-
The strike was proclaimed by the
Workers' Federation, w h i c h was
aroused by charges that a work-
man, Mostajo, had been maltreated
in the local prison by Commander
Salazar, sub-prefect of police.
A mass meeting was called for 2
p. M. and Commander Beytia, pre-
fect of police, tried to stop it. Thou-
sands swarmed the streets, break-
ing the police cordons and fighting
the police.
The army intervened and restor-
ed order, after which the people ac-
claimed the military commander
Antonion Dianderas, and urged him
to take charge of the police depart-
ment. The central junta at Lima
was understood to have approved
such a step.
Thea troops were in control and
Dianderas began conferences with
the workmen's committees to end
the strike.
Costumes Will Be Futuristic or
Formal; Committee to
Award Prizes.
Featured by a pageant "The De-
scent of the Martians" which will
take place at midnight, the twenti-
eth annual Architect's ball will get
under way at 9 o'clock tonight in
Waterman gymnasium.
More than 300 couples are x-
pected to .dance to.-te emusic ci
Paul Specht and his New York or-
chestra who has arranged special
numbers for the affair.
The decorations which have been
worked oil by members of the arch-.
iteetural school for the last two
weeks were finished late last night
The gymnasium is done in a mod-
ernistic tone in keeping with the
idea of the pageant. A platform
and staircase down which the pag-
eant will take place are located at
the east end of the room while the
booths of the nine architectural so-
cieties are located along the sides
of the floor.
All those attending will be given
masks at the door and will be re-
quired to wear them until after the
pageant, when balloons, confetti
and streamers will be released from
the ceiling by a special device. The
dress worn by the dancers will pre-
sent a varied aspect with modern-
istic costumes, in keeping with the
idea of the pageant, and formal at-
tire mixed.
Prizes will be given for the best
decorated booth as well as for the
most appropriate and original cos-
Tickets for the affair may still be
obtained, John J. White, '31A,
chairman of the ticket committee,
has said. They are on sale at sev-
eral booths on the campus, as well
as in the Union, Slater's and
Following the dance, the Union
tap room and a number of the local
restaurants will serve special break-
Speech Contest Held
by Debating Society
Producer Passes After
Celebrated Career
of 50 Years.
Began Work With Play
of His Own at
NEW YORK, May 14.-(:)-
David Belasco died today, ripe
with the labors by which for more
than 50 years he helped to shape
the course of the American stage.
Two months short of his sev-
enty4eventh birthday, the little
grey dean of Broadway succumb-
ed to a heart attack in the hotel
suita which had been his solitary
home for many years. At his bed-
side were his only child, Mrs. Morris
Gest, and his two physicians.
Several months ago an attack
of pneumonia caused him to be
brought home, seriously ill, from
Atlantic City, where he was trying
but a new play. He missed the
Broadway opening of his play-the
first he had failed to attend-but
recovered, returned to his studio
and had been active again until
this morning. Even until a few
minutes before his death at 4:15
p. m., his chance of recovery seemed
good, and he kept within arms
reach the heap of plays from which
he hoped to select two or three for
production this fall.
Started Writing at 14.
The career he chose as a lad of
14, when he wrote and produced
"The Regulators Revenge," he pur-
sued withoutabatnigp to the last'
day o his life an t careerout-
lived its creator, for his 400-odd and
last production, "Tonight or Never,"
is a current Broadway hit.
Life-long application to the art
of stagecraft, an inherent love for
his work with infinite capacity for
painstaking in every detail, made
David Belasco one of the most suc
cessful men in the theatrical world.
Plays with which he was concerned
as author, collaborator, adapter, or
manager, are more than two hun-
dred in number, some two score of
them still fresh in the minds of
theatre-goers of either this or the
previous generation.
Successes Make Long List.
The successes which' Mr. Belasco
here began and continued as stage
manager for Daniel Frohman at the
Old Lyceum, and later altogether
on his own account, make a long
list. Among them was "May Blos-
som," which was one of his first
pronounced successes; hishco-au-
thorship with Henry C. De Mille in
"Lord Chumley," which started E.
H. Sothern on his prosperous ca-
reer; .The Heart of Maryland," in
which Mrs. Leslie Carter was made
a star; his version of "Zaza" in
which she continued her successes;
his collaboration with John Luther
Long in "Madame Butterfly" and
"The Darling of the Gods," in
which Blanche Bates became fam-
ous; "The Music Master," which
brought David Warfield into the
first rank of acting; collaboration
again in "Adrea," a classical tra-
gedy of the Byzantine period in
which Mrs. Carter appeared; "The
Girl of the Golden West" and "Rose
of the Rancho," which were other
vehicles-for Miss Bates; "The Grand
Army Man" and "The Return of
I Peter Grimm" in which Mr. War-
field increased his fame; and a
number of more recent productions.
DETROIT-An automobile driver
who drove away when customs of-
ficer attempted to inspect his car
at the Detroit end of the Detroit-
Windsor tunnel, will be charged
with theft of government property,
among other things, if he is caught.
He drove away with a flashlight
which an inspector threw through
the back window of the fleeing car.
PONTIAC-Officers investigating
an explosion and fire which wreck-
ed a theatre and two stores in sub-
urban Berkeley late last night, said
today the explosion was of incen-
diary origin. They found in the
ruins a shattered powder can and
a charred barrel which they said
had contained gasoline.
JIOLLAND-Carrying out an old
Dutch custom, prominent citizens
of Holland, both'men and women,
scrubbed the streets today in pre-
paration for the influx of visitors
to the annual tulip time festival
which will continue through May
Sigma Rho Tau, the engineering
debating society, held its annual
speech contests Wednesday night in
the West Engineering building.
The project speaking contest was
won by Frederick L. Johnson, '34E,
who spoke on "The Battleship Bub-
ble." Wallace F. Ardusi, Grad., who
gave as his subject "The Butane
Vapor Turbine for Arctic Power
Production," and Leo H. Brown,
'31E, who spoke on "The Electric
Brake for Automobiles," tied, for
The Hall of Fame contest was
won by Eric E. Sommer, '34E, who
nominated Carl Augustus Rudolph
Steinmetz. Second place was taken
Iby Ardussi.
N'atinalist Officials in Shanghai
Will Examine Messages.
SHANGHAI, May 14. - (/P) - The
Nationalist government ministry of
communications announced today
that all the international cable and
wireless facilities operating from
the Shanghai international settle-
ment would be subject to govern-
ment censorship within a few days.
The announcement said the cen-
sorship would be an emergency
measure "which the National gov-
ernme.nt.considers neessr.( "
ENS-Drain Commis-
Englebrecht resigned
immediately was ar-
a warrant charging
inty funds. He stood'
arrant was issued in
ith a one-man grand
f _ ._
Copies will be distributed only
to students holding coupons that
h vphpP speturpri at n mvi..im
today announced it had voted 8I to -"
38 in favor of discontinuing com- State Senate Passes
ni1rvoili mtarvtrainin.,.z--# .