i 14EMICHICAN D A I LY THE MICHGAN DAIL u"ll ES 9 Today's With Interest sComing 13.-(A')- with in- ng~ speech- m'Hoover :1inois, be- that coul it in a 1re- ,hwho believe heI ono ue cconditionsj answer to Adminis- What he has in naerally known, butI Lus night by ena-, as ,ors RoertlM.La ients; Daniel 0. vae,' for the Re- the Deorts- eco l A~ies. None !d p-r hibition. 'A; bsquarely! iu the depres- .t'nament reduc- t the renomina- Hiooyvr. He con~ or vic tory would s the~ economnic depressed or im"- Lhat Retpublicans t opponents to .for the business r sgget specific Precsentiijg original c h a sketches, Cornelia Otis daughter of the actor, Otis will be heard with Rudy Va his Coninecticut Yankees artis t con the program whic over station1s WWJ, WTP WGY tonighit at 7:08 o'clo, Skin-icr takesU all xoles Ti!,o Gp q, 1ag exic; and ,Lft4 ss, will1 G of S p i4ja serp' Otis cco by.ir1 - t.S)re 1d his of Seo Dia will sing for "Pasion Divina" and "Bol( these numbers he will act hiimsqlf on the guiar, wil( chestra -ill play thce ac Lit," will be featured by chests~. A medley from. the musi t nes as"B ittq.P UpToll tobe Bad," will be contril Gus Haenschen's orchestr a Parad~e over the Columbi tall ~gal from Dixie,' who is turq4 i iarcher in thi.s rev: pas before the mnicrophone occasions, once to sing "f and the second time to tel] St'hing." Tonight, Morton Dpwri high-note tenor, will both whistle "Whistling in the .I his 15-minute program over WBB~M, and WL$W at Q Radio ProgramMAALEUS- (Eastern Stanudard Time) Square ilae of C.ountry'S Land A WoiQ 1 Be Snipped 4way r a c toe r His other numbers will be "You're Under Project. Skinner, Not the samie," and "Un1 drneath MAS APONNY.Ma13 Skinner, Your Window,." MSEAPNN . a 3 allee and -W)P-The international boundary azs gutIC~t3-t5 -abahington jriwould be re-routed and a square 40G comes aherl erom oier t nm~~nf ilT1e of United States territory UM, andr 5:00--TITO CU!--A°~ with d;in,,nt Sorcy's or- snipped away, under New York's Ek. Miss chstra-W B L, W,^Bs.' (project to convert the agitated in he G~t',1Jm cht-V~1 5-Torn NceeW' Sax.uophonbq rar t-wJZ waters of the St. Lawrence ri.ver Roy 1"y!h s ru~tn r oyal orchestra- into ;electric energy. wtLBviw7ASC, WE9cIV The state now awaits only the ant 5 :35-Peer Van Steceden and his orochstra- su1cccss~ul termt11inatli1 of d li4Omaf- program 6:00--J, OTO OWy~: with N at Brusi. tic ari-ai nents betlween Alba~ny lPs ral,.aWA ,WBMa e (1a , charaetcrizeod the St. Law- tfrence project as "on e of the most interacting and imnpo .tant engineer- inmg projects in the world." BRIGHT SPOT 802 P'ACKARD ST. a TODAY, 11:30 to 1:30 PORK CHOQP WITH RICE POTATOES l APPLE AND CELERY SALAD COFFEE, MTLK 30c 5:30 to 7:30 B A4D ST''JFFFD HEART 1SIRLOIN~ STEAK A LA CREOLE } ~LAMB CFJOPS 1BAK(ED. H4M OR ROAST BEEF, HORSFlRADISI-I SAUCE MASHED OR O'BRIEN POTATOES F SLICED CUCUMBER i CARR~OTS AND PEAS 35c HINE jWhat's 'Going onj I THEfATRES- Michigan-.'Tdrma Shaearer and1 Rober't Mort-emery in "Strangers :c~t May Kiss."________ Majestic-Alexander Gray, Louise Fazenda, And Bert Roach in "Vien- nese Nights." Werth-George O'Brien in "Fair a Warning." ; . Hill Auitorium-Burke. Reyn- olds, Jagel, Hamilton, Eddy, and I Patton in "St.. Francis." Ban Run GravelIR $51.00 per cubic yard IKILLINS GRAVEL'HA COMPANY Stai te t Telephon~e' 12 7 ects' " J - PE kT C kjRIN0 .LER'S reet jewelers QUAL IY.' l 6 e Q I I"J Side QfAlarm ClocIs Hossana" 1the au-j 'andsine .iey, the sing and Dark" on r WABC, o'clock. jCom piete Line of Everything Muii I Reg-. Spe-, ular cial Bi r Little Ben, alutniinus face.$.0 42 Bi, rLittle Bien, plain ae .,,37 $3.19 Westcleck, America .... $1.50,$1.28 Westclock, Sleepineter ,. .. .... .$3.00 $2.55 Waterbury, Thrift. ......$1.00 .$5 Westinghouxse Electric Alarm Clock... $7.95 Waterbuarg Electric Alarm Clock... .$12.50 Electric Desk Clock .. ...... ..... .. .5 Electric Kitchen Clock ...,... .$5.00 Westinghoutse K~itchen Electric .... . $9.95 Westinghouse Manzitle Electric Clock.. . $15.00 New Hlaven Mantle Electric Clock.. . $15.00. SPECIAL GOLF SETS 4 Irons, Ctiromne Plate, 'M'ood and Bqg7. .$6 7S Unexcelled Baldwin Pianos Victor Micro-Synchronous Radio Victor and Brunswick. Records Music Teacher's Supplies Popular Music 1: LAVAU- YOURSELVES Off UNIVERSIT UI OSE William Wade HinshawI Devoted to Music Main near~ Washington-Waishington near Main TH-E FACILJTIES 601 East William Phone 7.15 I OF P. I aqw"m Leue Seniorsr-_ TH RITS STILL TO THAVE CLASS AND CALLING SUFFICIENT TIME ANNOUNCEMENTS CARDS PRINTED DTI DlURING h~e' Max festival You can have aniy class and type of work that your taste desires. Our prinztiang depart- ment is completely equipped to handle your requireirnents, and each craftsman is person- ally interested in executing every, job right. it ck Fr The Mayer-Schairer STATIONERS, PRINTERS, BINDERS OFFICE OUTFITTERS 122 S9JUTI-J MAIN STREE'T Co. Sinle Concertsi PHONE 4515 DOUB4LE FE.4T!UJE PROQGRAM E QUIL 1. 1:30-3:00 7:00-8:45 i With a song in his heart.. NOWON SA.,R $1 .OO-$1 .5O-$2.OO-$Z. @ AT SCHOOL OF MUSIC N1T 3 ' OZ> III '.4- GEORGE MARI.QN : i A1 '[~ IIl "MAN TOMTN" BURK.,--EVNOD5,JAjElL I AMILTO --EDDY--PATTQN IN "ST. FRANCIS"-ThI-uRSDAy NIGH-T, MAY 15 7O99kO NOW PLAYING 9 "OL JOgNNY APP ESEEJI'' SBUCIST4 FRI. P. M MAY 14 p YOUNGINNE RS's H7e wais a carefree, sing- inig adventurer - but he 'ne hxs strangest ro- nuance when he, left the open road to ret ur n A chuckle-full, thrill-full, thr ab-fell talkie, Tibbett's finest. w'hAD-EREWSKI ARTIST NIGHT FRIDAY, MAY 15 .. '3 hu.. .. w . Peppiest Picture Ever Made flTu~ RUTH BR E ON VIOLINIST SAT. P. M* THIOMAS MEIGHAN DOROTHY ,Q8.AN HARDIEALLBRIGHT CLIFF EDWARDS BORIS IN ENGISH~ SATURDAY EVE.' SOLOISTS -VANGORDONf-WIDDOP --HAMILTON- EDDY -- PA TTON --- BAROMEO. F.