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May 14, 1931 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1931-05-14

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No. 160











Republic Orders New Governors

~. t

Members for
ary Body



:utive Voices
al of Rules
'den, '32, was elect-
the Inter-fraternity
year 1931-1932 at
:il meeting of the
iight in the Union.
5 the presidency,
d approval of the
ules, and pledged
-operation with the
judiciary commit-

d to Council. {.
delegates to the V
chosen f r o m
s into which the _
divided, exclud-
n which Worden Paul Doumer,,
Kenneth Houck, Head of the French Senate, who
dy, '32; Melvin was elected president of France
an Van Gribbin, ( yesterday over senator Pierre Mar-
raud by a vote of 504 to 334 after
nber will be se- Aristide Briand had withdrawn
ative to the jud- when he ran behind on the first
ident Alexander hrale.,

from five men nominated by the
general council meeting. They are
Dr. Robert C. Angell, of the socio-I
logy department; Prof. H. H. Hig-
bie, of the Engineering school;
Dean Wilbur R. Humphreys, of the
literary college; Prof. Irving D.
Scott, of the geology department,
and Prof. John S. Worley, of the'
Engineering school.
Nominations of alumni delegates
to the Judiciary council, chosen
from fraternity graduates living in
Ann Arbor, are Alfred Connable,
Walter Drury, Charles Graham,'
Richard Gregory, and Robert Nor-
ris. Two of the five nominees will
be chosen by Dean Joseph Burs-
ley to serve as alumni representa-
Announce Hand Book Plans.
Plans of the new Inter-frater-
nity council handbook, to be dis-
tributed next f a 11 to incoming
freshmen, were announced by
James Ward, '31, retiring president.
He also declared that fraternity
dues to the council, raised from $5
to $7.50, must be paid to Howard
Gould, '32, secretary-treasurer, be-'
fore May 20. Payment of dues,
Gould said, is to insure the fra-
ternity's name in the book's roster
of Greek societies.
Rushing rules for next year will
include two weeks of fraternity
openuhouses for freshmen Ward
said, thesfourth and eighth weeks
of the first semester.
Fraternities will be divided into
three geographical sections, he
stated, so that freshman may visit
a number of houses withoout con-
flict in programs.
State Bulletins

Senate Head Elected President
When Statesman Withdraws
After First Ballot.:
VERSAILLES, May 13-(P)-Paul
Doumer, white-bearded president
of the Senate, tonight was elected
thirteenth president of France, de-
feating Aristide Briand, the pre-
election favorite.
He won on the second ballot with
504 votes against 334 for Senator
Pierre Marraud, a last minute can-
didate, but his victory was assured
when he polled 442 votes toBriand's
401 on the first ballot of the Sena-
tors and Deputies.

to Use Strict Measures ,
in Keeping Order.
Church Burning in Small Towns
Continues; Martial Law
for Nation Seen.
MADRID, May 13.-(P)-Follow-
ing upon further anti-clerical riots I
in Spain today, in spite of the
strict watch of soldiery, the gov-
ernment tonight decreed the con-
fiscation of the private property of
former King Alfonso, pending an
investigation. Provisional governors
were commanded to use the strict-
est measures to restore order.
Meanwhile, Cardinal Primate Se-
gura, Catholic, whose pastoral let-
ters created a stir over a week ago,
had crossed the Spanish border and
was on his way through France,
presumably on a journey to Rome,
Churches, Houses Sacked.
Several more churches and Cath-
I olic religious houses were burned
and sacked in provincial cities to-
day, in spite of the fact martial
law had been declared in most of
the larger centers.
After a five-hour session the cab-
inet decided to place the minister
of the interior, Maura, in full
charge of maintenance of public
order and empowered him to take
steps to meet. the.situation. Maura
announced that he was prepared to
declare martial law throughout
Spain if necessary.
The cabinet demanded the resig-
nation of the provincial governors
at Alicante, Cadiz, Cordova, and
Malaga for alleged laxity.
Maura informed proprietors of
Madrid newspapers the govern-
ment was considering the establish-
ment of censorship unless "injuri-
ous" stories were eliminated and
no photographs of the recent dis-
orders published.I
Farmers Heavily Armed.
At Seville the Captain general
was informed many farmers were
heavily armed, saying they had
heard of a "communist revolt" and
were prepared to fight.
A nation-wide check-up of police
forces, civil guards and provincial
governors was ordered by the cabi-
net at tonight's session.
The action resulted from the
government's belief that some of
these officials have not been stern
enough in dealing with the situa-
Twen~y-nine chiefsg of police or
their lieutenantslseveral officers of
the civil guards, and one secretary
of provincial government were dis-
charged for incompetency.
Authorities Uncover
Plot to Kill Calles
MEXICO CITY, May 13.-(P)-
Assassination of President Ortiz
Rubio and Gen. Plutarco Elias
Calles, police of the federal district
charged today, was planned by con-
spirators in a revolutionary plot
just exposed. The assassinations
were planned as a call to Mexicans
to arms to overthrow the present
Documents seized at. the plotters'
headquarters revealed that simul-
taneous armed uprisings were to
occur in various cities.

Scabbard and Blade
Elects New Captain
William C. Baird Named to ead
F Company Next Year.
William C. Baird, '32L, was chos-
en captain of F company, fourth
regiment, of Scabbard and Blade,
local chapter of the national mili-
tary honor society, in elections held
Other officers elected are O. T.
Perkinson, '32E, first lieutenant;
M. W. Schofield, '32Bus. Ad., second
lieutenant, and Joe B. Gardner, '33,
first sergeant. Kenneth K. Kauff-
man, '32E, was initiated.
A sabre was presented to First
Sergt. John C. Billingsby, '32 F.&C.,
by the society in recognizing him
as the most efficient advanced
course man in the R.O.T.C. unit.
Outgoing officers are Captain
Robert D. Gordon, '33L, First Lieut.
Dan Hickox, '31 F.&C., Second
Lieut. Clyde Johnson, '31, and First
Sergt. William G. Gordon, '32.
Takes Medal in Extemporaneous
Speaking Contest; Thomas,
BursleyGet Places. ,
E. Jerome Pettit, Spec., a member
of the editorial staff of The D.lly
and also of Adelphi, won the Ora-
torical association's 1931 extempor-
aneous speaking contest yesterday
afternoon, and was awarded the
gold medal that goes with first
Second and third places were giv-
en D. Robert Thomas, '32, and Gil-e
bert E. Eursley, '34. They were
awarded silver and bronze me'd'als,
respectively. Thomas is a member
of Alpha Nu, and Bursley of Adel-
Pettit in his prepared speech took
the stand that campus actiWtits
should not be subjected entirely, o
University control. He summarized
the qualities developed by actWi-
ties, including leadership, initiaive,
independence, and ability to ear
responsibility, and showed how
harmful he believed any extension
of University control would be.
Floyd K. Riley, of the speech de-
partment, who judged the conte'st,
awarded first place to Pettit b.&
cause of his general excellence Ih
the five qualities on which he based
his decision.
These were: the directness fith
which the question was answered,
the manner of delivery, cotact
with the audience, forcefulness of
address, and quality of subject
Green, Brucker Proposals Are
Incorporated in Act as
Sent to Senate.

Fall Classification in Li
College, Music, Educat
Schools Scheduled.


Students Who Intend to Return
Next Semester May Enroll,
Professor Rich Says.


Classification for the fall semes-
ter for students in the literary col-
lege, the education school, and the
music school will begin today in the
office of the Registrar in University
hall, it was announced yesterday by
Professor Daniel L. Rich, director
of classification. The office will be
open from 8 to 12 o'clock and from
1:30 to 5 o'clock.
Elections Need Approval.
Students who plan on returning
to the University for the next se-
mester will be permitted to classify
in all courses. Election cards willj
be held in the Registrar's office un-
til the payment of fees next fall,
when they will be turned over to
the various members of the faculty.
No fees are payable at this time,1
Professor Rich stated.
To classify, the student must first
go to room 4, University hall, and
obtain the proper cards. These
must be filled out with the stu-
dent's elections and approved by an
advisor from the faculty. A list of
advisors will be-posted in the Reg-
istrar's office. Students from the
educatie school and the music
school must have their choices ap-
proved by a membe of the faculty
of their respective schools.
Must Indicate Courses.
The literary swudent mustmindicate
the general course in which he is
enrolled and his elections must be
approved by an advisor selected
from that field.
Upon approval of the elections,
the student must file the cards in
the office of the Registrar, where1
they will be held until the fal.
Final Touches Put on Decorating
Scheme; Last Rehearsals
to Be PKeld Today. ;
Patrons for the Architects' ball
tomorrow night in Waterman gym-
nasium have been announced by
Percy Knudsen, '31A, general chair-
m an for the affair. i n A 1 -
They include President Alexan-
der G. Ruthven and Mrs. Ruthven,
Regent Webster H. Pearce and Mrs.
Pearce, Regent Junius E. Beal and
Mrs. Beal, Regent William L. Clem-
ents and Mrs. Clements, Leroy V.
Cram and Mrs. Cram, University
Regent, Regent Ralph Stone and
Mrs. Stone, Regent James O. Mur-
L. Hubbard and Mrs. Hubbard and
and Mrs. Murfin, Regent Lucius
Shilley W. Smith.
Dean Herbert C. Sadler and Mrs.
Sadler, Prof. Emil Lorch and Mrs.
Lorch, Dr. Clarence Yoakum and
Mrs. Yoakum, Prof. Ernest Wilby
and Mrs. Wilby, Prof. William C.
Titcomb and Mrs. Titcomb, Prof.
George M. McConkey and Mrs. Mc-
Conkey, Prof. Wells I. Bennett and
Mrs. Bennett, Prof. Jean Paul Slus-
ser, Prof. H. A. Fowler and Mrs.
Fowler and Mr. George G. Booth
and Mrs. Booth.
Finalsrehearsals for the pageant,
"The lpscent of the Martians,"
which will be held at midnight are
scheduled for today.
Special arrangements and new
music will feature Paul Specht's
orchestra. Knudsen also has an-
pounced that although prizes for
the most appropriate and original
costumes will be given, those at-
tending may also come in formal

Upjohn Brings Motion to Refer Appropriatior
Cut Back to Finance Body; Floor Leader
for Administration Opposes Move.
LANSING, May 13.-()-In rapid succession today the Sena
discarded Governor Brucker's proposal to cut the Mill tax appr
priations for the University of Michigan and Michigan State colle
and voted to override his veto of the Malt tax,
The Callaghan bills proposing to cut the University mill tr
appropriation from $5,062,000 to $4,662,821 and the Michigan Sta
college appropriation from $1,689,000 to $1,554,273 were sent to
committee graveyard by a vote of 16 to 12. They were referred
the senate finance committee froi
which they emerged only a fe
Choral Union Books days ago. One of the membe
New Pro gram Series who voted to report the bills favo
ably was understood to have chan
ad his mind, so the measures pr
A partial List of concerts pro- sumably are killed. Without thei
posed for next year was made the normal mill tax will stand.
public by the University Choral Horton Opposes Motion.
Union last night. The motion of Senator James
The following artists and or- Upjohn of Kalamazoo to bury tl
ganizations were among those bills in committee was opposed 1
nBo ton Symphonyorchestra Senator Horton, the administratii
Serge Koussevitzky, conductor;, II d. He contended that
Yehudi Menuhin, violinist; Rosa a matter of fairness the Universi
Ponselle, 0 S sj p Gabrilowitsch, and Michigan State college shou
pianist; Detroit Symphony or-' Stand appropriation cuts the sar
piast; Dti Symony orais other institutions.
chestra; and the Don. Cossack Senator Albert Engel o a
Russian Male chorus, Serge Jar- of La
off, conductor. amity, favoring the motion, argu
'-hat the University must be allow
,o receive the full mill tax if ti
nstitution's standards are to
The defeat of the measure to r
:Luce the educational institutio:
xill add about $500,000 a year
Ihe expenses.
SThe vote in favor of giving t
nstitution the full mill tax w'a
Eleanor Reynolds, Jagel, Patton Senators Binning, Bonine, Conlo
Jage' atton owan, Engel, Foster, Howell, LaN
Also Will Appear in St. ;on, Richardson, Rushton, Skinn(
Francis of Assissi.' Smith, Turner, Upjohn, Van Een
iaam, and Woodruff. Those w.
"St. Francis of Assissi," by Pierne /oted in favor of limiting appr
will constitute the second prograrr )riations were: Senators Branso
of the May Festival concert series C a mp be 11, Davidson, Ganss
at 8:15 o'clock tonight, in Hill au- Rarding, Horton, Heidkamp, I
ditorium. Six solo artists and twc and, Orr, Sadowski, Stevens a
organizations will feature the pre- Wood.

Briand, repudiated by some on
whose support he had counted,
withdrew after the first ballot and
the Socialist support swung to Mar-
Premier Pierre Laval gave Dou-
mer official notice of his election,
and the 74-year-old president-elect
responded briefly with praise for
Briand's foreign policy and ex-
pressed hope they would be con-
It was noz so certain, however,
that Briand, eleven times premier
and for the past seven years for-
eign minister, would remain in the
Briand's defeat in the first ballot
had been unexpected. Political ex-
perts had predicted that the over-
whelming vote by which the Cham-
ber sustained his foreign policies
last week would be repeated in the
presidential election.
Tradition may have influenced
the result to some extent.

(B~y Associated Press)
Wednesday, May 13, 1931


HOLLAND-The picturesque dress
and wooden shoes that are worn in
Holland will be in evidence here
starting tomorrow as the annual
tulip festival opens, to continue
through May 23. Two million flow-
ering bulbs will greet visitors.
GRAND RAPIDS -Disabled war
veterans of Michigan will assemble
here tomorrow for their annual
four-day convention.
LUDINGTON-The body of John
C. Rhora, well-known Ludington
hin,, s nman and snortsman. was


LANSING, May 13.-(P)-Em-
bodying a principle recommended
by Gov. Wilber M. Brucker and his
predecessor, Former Governor Fred
W. Green, the Haight old age pen-
sion bill was passed by the house
today and sent to the senate, where
its prospects are regarded as poor.;
The narrow margin of approval'
was 53 to 42.
The bill provides maximum pen-a
-sions of $30 a month for the needy
of 70 years of age or older. It would;
be financed through a $1 head tax
imposed on every person 21 years
of age or over.'
Political persuasion, pleas to the,
sympathies of the members, and
discussions of finance made their
way into the prolonged debate that
accompanied passage of the meas-
Del Delbrildge to Play
for Dance at Leaguel
Del Delbridge and his orchestra,1
who have just completed a season'sE
r ,n +h T iB nom of the Book.

Hilda Burke, leading soprano ofj
the Chicago Civic Opera associa-
tion, will make her Ann Arbor de-
but at this time, as will Eleanoi
Reynolds, contralto, of the samt
organization. Miss Reynolds haw
recently spent several seasons with
the Staatsopern of both Berlin anco
Frederick Jagel, who will sing the
tenor role, has come from the Met-
ropolitan Opera house to make his
Ann Arbor debut. Nelson Eddy,
baritone, and Fred Patton, bass,
complete the list of vocalists foi
the program. Both are making
their first appearances in Ann Ar-
bor. Palmer Christian, professor of
organ in the School of Music, will
assist at the organ in the auditor-
Aiding the soloists will be the
two organizations, the Chicago
Symphony orchestra and the Uni-
versity Choral Union, with Prof.
Earl V. Moore as conductor. The
orchestra has been an annual visi-
tor at the Ann Arbor festival since
Two concerts are scheduled for
tomorrow, one in the afternoon and
a second in the evening. Hilda
Burke, Eleanor Reynolds, Palmer
Christian, and the Children's Fes-
tival chorus will present a varied
program, while Ignace Jan Pad-
erewski, noted Polish pianist, and
the Chicago Symphony orchestra,
will offer the night program.
Reduction in Detroit
Teachers' Pay Ordered

No Action Will Be Taken Un
Proposed Reorganization
Is Considered.
Postponement of any elections
nominations to the Student counc
until the new, proposed plan h
been considered by the receni
approved Senate council was d
cided at a meeting of the Stude
council last night.
Other elections on the all-camps
ticket, including student membe
of the Board in Control of Stude
Publication, the Board in Contr
of Athletics, the Oratorical associ
tion, and the vice-presidents of t
Union, will be held next Tuesd
as formerly announced.
The Senate Council was recent
approved at a meeting of the Un
versity Senate but must still
passed upon by the Board of F
gents at their meeting on May

Adds $500,000 to Expenses.
The passage of the malt levy ove
4he executive's veto, if concurred i:
)y the house, will add an estimates
X2,500,000 a year to state revenues.
The motion to override the mal
veto was made by Senator Arthu
i. Wood, of Detroit, sponsor of th
ill, and chairman of the Senat
inance committee. Proponents c
,he levy, including Speaker Ming c
uhe house, had labored diligentl
rounding up votes.


Planes Assemble From All Partst
of Country at Dayton, 0.;
654 Represented.
DAYTON, O., May 13-(AP)-Uncle
Sam's aerial army was zooming to-
ward Dayton from all sections ofa
the country today for a defense ofJ
mniddl-weern and eastern indus-I

the maneuvers, and members of the
tactical school at Langley Field,
Va., arrived Tuesday.
More than 100 ships from the
west coast resumed their flights to-
day from overnight stopping places.
Twenty-eight planes of the Seventh
Bombardment Group were at Dal-
las, having left one behind at East-
land, Tex., after a forced landing1

DETROIT, May 13.-(P)-A three
per cent reduction in the salaries of
all school teachers in Detroit was

Navy Outfitting Boat

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