TUEFSDAY. FERUTARYV 24.1931 THE MICHIG~AN DlAILY r'AGT1 ar rnrrerwir w.:i . r" 0 ally dS ,NTHE Managing Editor,. Women's EF "? 3t AJIL , " w .x; . '' . ' 7a , kw- : V7 AL b:'a v xr,,_iior.roolvxvr ,LRY . ,U _ a: ~OK ppDERNlEQUPP'D OFd I Li111CE3 m EL i i DAILY EXPERIENCE IS VALUABLE Mabley of Points Out Advantage3s Work in Newspaper tor, Business Manager, Will Address Groups.d TRAINING FOLLOW S PLAN' Advancement Is on i ,er t WK Paid Positions Awa.ting {i Those Successful. n --- l David M. Nichol, '2.I Second semester freshmen will be n given their first opportunity to par-a ticipate in extra currieular activi- ties on the campus when tryouts (. for ediorial and business staffs of . The Daily meet for their initial in- structions tomorrow in the offices _ ._: of The Daily in the Press building. A view from the interior of the publicatios offces in the Press Men students for both the staffs will meet at 4 o'clock and women building on Maynard street showing a portion of The Daily editorial students trying out for both of the offices in the foreground. To the left is the business office of The Daily staffs will meet at 5 o'clock. and beyond is the business office of the Board in Control of Student At the meeting for the tryouts Publications. To the right behind The Daily offices can be seen the interested in editorial work, the in- business offices of the Gargoyle and of the Michiganensian. coming men will be addressed by -. --__-----_- Henry J. Merry, '31, managing edi- tor of The Daily, who will outline L Angell Shows Value in general the work for the student from freshmen to senior on the of Daily Experience staffs of tha various publications. fl.o Furth .r Meetings Planned. ruProf. Robert C. Angell, of the Tryouts for the women's editor- sociology department, chairman ial staff will meet with Mary of the Board of Control of Stu- Louise Behymer, '31, women's edi- Tells of Work Done by Various d e n t Publications, yesterdayd tor, at their first . . ofpointed out the many valuable C meeting toor- ses Writingof "rewards" which are returned c row. The busi- Athletic News. for work on The Daily and on ness staff meet- the other student publications. ings will be un- By Joe Russell, '31. "Freshmen who are planning ra der the direc- Work on the sports staff of The their college carers," he stated, c s ion of T. Holl- Michigan Daily is one of the most 'might well keep in mind the ster Mabley, '31, interesting activities open to fresh- opportunities offered by Ther kusiness m a n- men. It deals with probably the Daily. For those whose interests ager, K a s p e r most spectacular side of University lie in this direction, work on lalverson '31, life in the athletic system, and as The Daily may be an important C assistant b u s i-.I a student organ attempts to co- part of their educations. Valua- p; t r e s manager, oprate with the athletic authori- ble proessional experience, stim- i and MI a r y J' ties in their publicity. Mlating contacts with students, C Kenan, '31, bus-1 The reporter on the sports staff faculty members, and visitors toa Merr iness secretary. is brought into daily contact with the campus, and the sense of s Announcement of future meet- both coaches and players in his fellowship in worthy endeavor a ings for the various groups will be search for news, and gets to know are among the rewards to be made at tomorrow's gatherings. the athletic situation here as few had. Jreshnen who try out niow c There will be regular meetings at other students are able to know it. may have in adition the pleas- o 4 o'clock every Wednesday for try- The senior position entails the cov- ant anicpain of a new and i outs for the editorial staff. ering of all Varsity sports and al- beautiful pubications building r 01lows the editor to travel with the in the near future" m of the most important elements inteams nany of their out-of- the training of the reporter will town tris._ ---- be given by Frank E. Cooper, '31, No real experience in writing city editor. He will not only ex- sports is necessary to the tryout, s plain the technical qualities of a but a knowledge of sports in gen- i good news story but he will also eral is preferable since from the describe the work of finding news start the reporter will be givenn on the various beats which will be chances to cover practices and oth- FI assigned later in the year. er phases of the athletic system asMV Eligibility Required. practiced here. The work consistsa To be eligible for positions on the of two distinct sides, the editing of Tryouts Receive Activity Points; R various staffs, the freshmen must the pages, or planning the make- have one grade of A or B and no up, and the actual writing of the Women's Editor Shows grades below C. No special permis- stories which appear in print. The Opportunities. o sion must be ob- editing is done by the three sports-(-~ assistants, juniors, from among Women tryous for The Daily tained for the whom the senior member of the will meet at 5 o'clock tomorrow aft- work as lists of staff is picked each year.. ernoon with Mary Louise Behymer, the staff are As a freshman, the tryout will be , was an- checked by the given detail work to do. Stories of Sff c e of the a routine na e, i wr ting heads nounced yesteray. The meeting dean of students for the page under the direction of will be held in the front offices of for eligibility re- the assistant editors, but as his the Press building, Maynard street. quirements. proficiency increases, ho will be "Both educational value a n d The recent a- : given more and more difficult as- . si;nments, until after a few months practical exe ie'rc may be gained r racs for Mch- o the staff he is rea.y to take by wo king ;cz The Daily," Miss n igan's new $180,- his place covering intoollegiate Bebymer aid. "The opportunity p 000 press build- events nd intervewing various fofmeding nationally and inter-t ing assures that coachesfostories. nationaly known men and women started on the structure in the est in the work become members omakes the wok interesting and middle of June. It is expected that of the lower staff at the beginnig constantly varied. anyonemterest- t the building will be completed and of the sophomore year. cl in becoming a journalist will r ready for occupation by the fall of Advancement Outlined. find such experience valuable after i 1932. This will mean that the suc- During the second year on the graduation. cessful members of this year's try- staff, the reporters have definite fTwo activity points are recorded out class will be the first night edi- beats among the various depart- for each ryout" liss Behymer te tors in the new building. ments of the University and to- continued, ear regib fwity must be No Experience Required. ward the end of the second semes- checked beore reporting for work." No previous experience in news- ter begin the work of tryout night . Organization of tryout meetingst No pp t will be carried out in almost the] paper work is required to tryout editors. As before the promotion to ilsame manner as last year. Each for either the editorial or business night editor is entirely on a basis rtEas staffs although such experience is of merit and six or seven men are sryout will have an upperclassst i advantageous. The work also pro- chosen by the newly appointed1cpynd.tuertinstas oli sg vides valuable opportunities for managing editor to take up the lowed will b given by these spon- practical experience in journalistic duties of this position at the be- s fields and will prove worthwhile to ginning of their junior year. Def-_ the student who plans to enter this in i t e remuneration accompanies type of work after his college I the selection to the post of night course. Ieditor. Advancement in the editorial dAtrthe end of the junior year, R eside1ce staff is entirely on a merit basis. the managing editor for the com- After the preliminary t r a i n i ' g ing year is named from the group Most modern home, new, in Southea course which the tryouts will re- of night editors by the Board in . complete in every detail and fills the ceive during the next few weeks, Control of Student Publications. they will be given the chance to do The managing editor then appoints soins. Close to good schools. actual reporting and will be assign- the members of the upper staff, A few of the modern features follow: ed to definite beats. Those who are who are the city editor, uhe news capable and have shown an inter- editor, and the editorial director Narrow oaL fooring. Hand rulbbed b St- - ----tion. Weather stripped windows and Management. "BEdes serving a need for a daily nespaper published on the anmpus, The Daily also offers an opportunity for men, whom may be interested in any division of newspaper management, to gain practical experience," T. Hollister Yabey. '31, business manager of The Daily said yesterday in issuing . call for tryouts for the staff. 'Experience g a in e d through newspapermanagement may be apo.ie inalmost any field of bus- ess,.' he said, "and therefore work )f this type is of particular value as an extra-curricular activity to ccompany any academic training. "The many different phases of work presented on the business de- partment of a newspaper pro- v i d e opportun- ities for work in s a 1 e s manship, creative adver- tising, account- ing, circulation n a n a g ement, a n d newspaper make-up," Mab- ley pointed out. The entire business organ- ization is divid- Mabley ed into seven lepartments: accounts, circulation, ontracts, foreign advertising, lo- :al adverising, publications, and ervice. In charge of these depart- nents are members of the junior lass who are under the supervi- ion and guidance of the business manager and the assistant busi- ness manager. Advertising is handled by four lepartments. The contracts de- artment is in charge of the sell- ng of local advertising, thereby fiering valuable experience to nyone interested in the fields of elling, sales promotion, contracts, nd specialty selling work. The service department affords ne the opportunity of expressing iriginality in advertisement writ- ng and the use of cuts and mat- 'ixes for the layout of advrtise- nents. The local advertising depart- nent collects the advertising copy rom merchants and other sources, ubmits it, if necessary, to the serv- ce department for writing. The foreign advertising depart- ment, in cooperation with several advertising agencies, solicits ad- rertising from national advertisers and conducts research campaigns or them. The circulation department has ntire management of distribution f The Daily, both locally and out f town. EXHIBIT TO SHOW WORK OF STAFFS Examples of Editorial, Business Processes to be Displayed. Exhibits of the work done by the nembers of the editorial and busi- ess steiffs of The Daily have been repared and will be on display oday in the windows of the State treet branch of Slaters' Book eY. The display include examples of 'e story as it is written up by the eporter, of the corrected proof as t comes from the linotype ma- hines after it has been set up, f the proof of the headlines, of the page proof, taken after the stories have been fitted into the page and he page locked up, and finally of he completed paper as it comes from the press. On the business display are ex- amples showing the way in which the advertisements are written and set up by the nrinters and of the various kinds of work that are done I IN PRESNT A TE editori department o The Daily is the mest vital student Iorganization ina the life of ths Uint- versity and the expe::ie'2 which it offers, an opportunity now open to freshmen, is ce of the mnesa valh- able assets a te ent eon gem while atteudini the Uniersity. It is an experience f tte'l not alone for prospective new par men but useful as a preparati:n for a large number of professions and busi- nesses. There is afforded, of course, the' practical training in journalism, in assuming responsibility, and the thrill of mixing in campus activi- ties. More than this, however, a' reporter on The Daily acquires an invaluable insight into the opera- tion of newspapers, upon which the world relies for its information, an acquaintance with the func- tioning of the University which a student can in no other way obtain, and a knowledge of the methods of appealing to the public, which is basic in many professions-pub- licity, salesmanship, advertising, contact work, and the like. Responsibilities Large. Work on The Daily, when coupled with the academic training in the classiotjn, gives the well-rounded combination of the theoretical and, the practical that is widely held a's l the best preparation for most bus-* inesses and for life in general. Responsibilities on the editorial department of The Daily are largera and of more vital concern to the University community than on an other organization. The Daily stancs between the various campus organ- izations and the students. It is the means whereby these groups com- municate with the students and the success of the functions of these societies depends largely upon The Daily. A similar position is occupied by The Daily in the relations of the University administration and the student body. It brings to the student the policies of the Uni- versity and reflects student opinion in an endeavor to solve the Uni- versity problems dealing with stu- de ts. The Daily, thus, is all im- per Lant in the operation of the University, and its workers are con- seantly in contace with campus leaders, University officials and pro- lessora, in a more 0or less business- like relationship. These contacts vLciluo1n epe)eceuna:.tt.aiable-by, the average : rent, a gives the Enen cn The Daily a deflnite re- isensi ility in the proper function- ag of the University. ivbore Than Colfvge Paper. But The Daily is more than a c iiege paper. It deals not only with matters concerning the cam- pus and the University, but it also serves its readers in bringing to them news of Ann Arbor, the state, ND FUTURE the rnation cud the world. It does this in a inauee especially adapt- ed to the interests of the students. Through arrangements wit the Associated Press and by special di;Ci Thr D. i "i h1 Gurney Wiliams, News Editor, Outlines New Method for Freshmen. cce n i. ai v puuv s nsap penigs ithei hcu- Plans for handling 100 or more try in a ::n c that. is bost suited editorial tryouts have been com- to the needs and desires of it; read- pleted by Gurney Williams, '31, er., In Lhe corram "t3 ate Bulletins" News Editor of The Daily, who is are published the events in the hometowns of Michigan students. in chargeco this work.Aschedule Special attention is given likewise of activiies has been outlined in to the news from cities and states which each tryout will experience fom which a large number of stu- a 10-day training period covering dent; come to attend the Univer- vr hs fDil dtra ol shyr~. Chicago, Tol-do, Cleveland,evrphsofDiydtralwr 'i ty Chr , B Tffalo, andthe sur-d'including proof reading, news writ- Pi t;>burgh, Buffalo, and the sur- roundng territory are included in :ng, and general editorial procedure. this group. Consequently The Daily "Getting out The Daily involves affords experience in dealing with a multitude of essential details the events of the world. The writ- that every man must know as soon ing of special interviews with pro- fessors interpreting i m p o r t a n t as possible," said Williams yester- events, offers unusual contact with day. "Prior to this year, no definite leading faculty men, and also gives plan has been followed, and each a unique insight into the back- tryout picked up his information ground of world events. by degrees - a slow and rather dis- Interprets PaliMindl couraging process. This year, how- Work on The Daily editorial staff ever, we shall divide the tryouts in- is largely a matter of communicat- to several groups for specialized ing to its readers the events of the training and endeavor in this way day. Consequently, the reporters not only to shorten the preliminary learn to interpret the public mind, period but make it easier and more ,and to write in a manner that will interesting for the future editors bring to the readers' minds the ex- of The Daily." act situation as it exists. This train- At the general meeting to be held ing in writing is valuable in many tomorrow afternoon, Williams ex- professions, and the knowledge of plained, e a c h the practical psychology and of the -lman will fill out interpretation of the public's inter- a special c a r d ests is basic in still more businesses. and will be as- Newspaper experience teaches one signed to one of i ow the public, as a mass, thinks. the three sec- 'khere is likewise the need for an- tions in each of Jyzing situations, both for deter- the two major amination of editorial policy, and for groups. The ma- the iim a tial publishing of news. jor groups will This tendsi o develop one's ability meet at The Q meeting problems. Daily offices on All in all, The Daily affords an alternate d a y s Cxpe-riene unexceled in its practi- during the next eait y and in the potentiit:cs of -two weeks but a broad and deep exoperience with the three sec- probcsis of the campus, the Uni- Williams tions in e a c h versity and the world at large. group will follow the same general There is I ardly a profession in line of instruction covering news which it is rot of value. writing, proof reading, and ex- -- --changes. This latter section will r ewrite news from other colleges, to - - i b e u s ed in a sp ecial d ep a rtm en t d ai y st r ng th s w e , n d il a iiy starting this week, and will 'give every tout an opportunity to contribute in' aediately to the news 'This system of rotation will give ---- evey man the equivalent of indi- Specia l3usness Training Series vidual instruction," Williams said, Will Cover even /eek "and materially lessen the 'lost' .fee~ingthat many unexperienced Tryout Period- mon hae v:cn they step suddenly .~~ inst wvi' s as to be a chaos of Tryouts for the business staff of clickin typcwrters, clanging tele- The Daily will be gven a seven- phones and apparently unorganized week training course designed to rush. 'Th new man will soon learn familiarize them wth all phases of that ptting the paper together is the work of that de:citment, ac- governed by a very definite system cording topla p= . i:mlated by in which each man plays an impor- fasper i H-T sn, '31, assistant I tant part. The present system has busness mans ( o:. I with every angle of the work so Seven snecial toics tiovering the been devised to acquaint every man general aspeoss of the functions of that he may fit into any job when the business ste xT have been select- the time comes." ed for careful stcldy in order that. AC the end of the second week, I he tryout may obtain a cross sec- men interested in writing sports or tion view of the routine of the de- critical reviews will be given an op- partmient's wol, Halverson said. portunity to take up this work; the An instruction rest of the group will be assigned period o f o n e reporters' berths. hour and a half 7 will be gien a {. ing to the tryout a knowledge which o'clock e ach shall be vital to him in making Vednesday afrt contacts with our clientele in the ernoon for seven " uue eks, a specia"A complete understanding of topi b g cour accounting andrbookkeeping s i d e r e d each 5;.: - systems shall be stressed in. view S.ek. At the end of the fact that this department of the training handles the revenue and expendi- period, an ex- ture sheets of this publication," he amination cov- continued oring the course "In the study of copy writing, the 1 will be g i v e n, tryout will gain a thorough knowl- Ealverson said. Halverson edge of advertising analysis, includ- .ryouts will then be assigned to ing the handling of display adver- the department for which they are tising and the use of types in ad- ost suited. vertisement set-up," Halverson said. .The course is to consist of ad- "This course is to be given in or- vertising training, both in c o p y der that the managerial staff may writi and prrsonal contact with determine the potentialities of each T verso explain- tryout in the various fields of work la. The":[ii ,fints of advertising of the business department," he sa 1t ne 'ship sabl le stressed, giv- said. r- Positions Open to 25 Frs.men, Sophomores; Stenographic Ability Will be Help. A call was issued yesterday for at least 25 freshmen and sopho- more women tryouts for the busi- ness staff of The Daily by Mary J. Kenan, '31, business secretary. Women tryouts for the staff wili report at the offices in the Press building at 5 o'clock tomorrow af- ternoon, she said. Although the work for women on the staff is less specialized than that for the men, the special seven-week training course for tryouts will be open toI women as well as men.- Women may work in the accounts department, the circulation depart- ment, and a few positions are now open in the advertising depart- ment. Although facility at typing is advantageous, little of the work equires stenographic ability, Miss by the business staffs of The Daily. ( Kenan said. __________________________________I- ______ For Sale st residential district. This home is desires of the most fastidious per- irch woodwork. Balsam wool insula- doors. Large Indiana Limestone and A 1 ? usA ., .-lL 'Y. - r .r 's Y , t yj{ A tl L ::. JAI 'J ! 'F . F 1 4 vl 1 F 3, Y ' . , ' { , ,®. rl 'I'{ A Real Buttered Toasted Sandwiches Try our brick fireplace. Silentaire heat blower. Minneapolis thermostatic control. Gas water heater. Large capacity wate: softener. Complete laundry room. Fruit storage room. Steel casement windows with copper built-in screens. Living room, extra large 26x16 feet. Built-in arched book shelves. Dining room, armple wall space. 16x15 feet. Most modern kitchen. Full sized tile sink. Breafrast n vsntilat zfan .Built-inI ncinerator.Bu;lt-in OUR GR EA EST SALE OF p4 III III I . I IF ND~q qAT 990,( iP 7 71 7, l-rdzirV 1Yvni Ir %,