THE MICHIGAN DAILY published every morning except Monday dur- the University year by the Board in Control Student Publications. emnber of Western Conference Editorial Asso. tion, Ihe Associated Press is exclusively entitled to suse for republication of all news dispatches ;dited to it or not otherwise credited in this er and the local news published herein. lntered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor, Miehi- i, as second class matter. Special rate of *tage granted by Third Assistant 1ostmaster neral. ,ubscription by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50. Offices, Ann Arbor Press Building, Maynard Wit. 'hon"es Editorial, 425; Business, 2121. EDITORIAL STAFF Telephone 4925 MANAGING EDITOR Chairman Editorial Board HENRY MERRY FRANK E. COOPER,. City Editor WA 'Editor.. ..............Gurney Williams tortal Director............Walter W. Wilds fstant City Edito... ....Harold . Warren art Editor....' ..Joseph A. Russell men Editor .........Mary L. Behyer sie, Drama; Books........Win. J. Grman 'ea Reflections.... ..Bertram J. Ask vith 4stant News Editor.......Charles R. Sprow egraph Editor.G...........eorge A. Stauter y Editor ..................Wa. E. Pyper NIGHT EDITORS 3each Conger Charles R. Sprowl s . Forsythe Richard L. Tobin 04~M Nichol Harold O. Warren Sports Assistants sldon C. Fullerton J. Cullen Kennedy Charles A. Sanford REPORTERS mas M. CooleyR Robert L. Pierce rton prank, Rihard Racine ink B Gil breth Karl Seitert l Friedberg Jerry . Roenthal and Goodman George A. Stauter rtpn Helper Jou W. Thomas Van Jons John S. Townsend bur J. Meyer en Blunt Mary McCall itte > inbit Ce Miller i Freldma Margaret O'Brien uh Olalmeyer liea nor Rairdon ily G. Grineg Ane Margaet Tobin n Levy Margaret Thompson -othy Magee Claire Trussell an Manchester BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 21214 SHoLLSTER MABLEY, Business Manager iSPER H. IALVERSON, Assistant Manager Department Managers ........ . hares T. ]Cline 'ertisng............loms M Davi ertising............William W. Warboys vic...............Norris J. Johnson lcation .... Robert W. Williamson aion .......... Marvin S. obacker .unts....... ......homas S. Muir iiness secretary.A.s......Mary J. Kenan Assistants ryX Begle* Noel 1. Turner non Bisop ]Do. X.Lyon 11amWTrown William Morgan hrt Oailahan RichardStrateneer Ham W. Davis Reth Tyler les loisington Richard ff. Hiller , Kig hinger . yron C.vedder n W. verner Sylvia Miller cian Atran Helen Olsen len Baley" Mildred Postal ephineonvisser Marjorie Rough tiney Fhgrund Mary E. Watts othy euire Joanna Wiese -othy Laylin, TUESDAY, MAY 12, 1931 ght Editor - HAROLD WARREN SWING-OUT OR PASS-OUT? T'he University has threatened ain this year as in the last two ors to discontinue swing out cer- onies if members of the senior iss do not conduct themselves cording to the conventional man- r. Several years ago the traditional arch was brought to the atten- n of the authorities when a mber of students made them- ves conspicuous due to the influ- ce of liquor. Since that time the iversity has annually declared at a re-ocurrence of such action uld result in abandonment of e tradition. Vichigan is losing its traditions ogether too fast for the mem- rs of the graduating class to ike an enibriated swing out to- y before entering the portals of .1 auditorium. The campus has countered many unfortunate ex- iences this year along this line, d for the year t terminate in h a manner would not only re- et on the University and the dent body, but would be unfair future Michigan graduating sses who will want to follow the toms which have been followedl Ann Arbor by their fathers and sir grandfathers before them. sterility. The occasion for this pro- test is the singularly inept review of the recital of Mr. Raymond Morin. I have been astounded before by the apparent sparsity of Mr. Gor- man's knowledge in the fields upon which he treats. In this instance he has outdone himself. There is no space here for ade- quate review of the individual num- bers, but aside from the decidedly shaky treatment of the Pathetique of Beethoven, Mr. Morin dealt with his well-balanced program in an able manner. Immaturity in a stu- dent recital is to be expected, but even this had little place: The greater part of the observations in Mr. Gorman's review, more in the nature of spleenful diatribe than intelilgent criticism, were entirely lacking in significance. One rather suspects Mr. Gorman of having thumbed through the descriptive passages to be found in the pro- grams of symphony concerts, and of applying the phrases to be found there to his own efforts. In any case one wishes that he would seek to extricate himself from the mazes of his own vocabulary elsewhere than in the columns of the Daily. C. F. H., '33. Editorial Comment 1 CONNING THE CAMPUS (From The Michigan Alumnus) Inra recent address in Ann Arbor, President Ruthven, speaking to the broad subject of "The University Housing Problem," indicated the general principles on which the ad- ministration probably will proceed in handling this phase of student life at Ann Arbor. "I believe our plan is good for us at this time," constituted his sum- ming-up. It was an indication that the University has no intention of making any radical changes in the plans pronounced some years ago. This scheme, in its general out- line, calls for the housing of all first year men and as many women as possible in dormitories. The alumni already have bent them- selves to the task of providing such residences for these two classes of students. The University of Michi- gan Club of Detroit has selected as its project in th Ten-Year Pro- gram the erection of the necessary residence halls and already one of them, Mosher-Jordan Halls, is in operation. The campaign to make possible the dormitories for fresh- men will be staged by the Detroit alumni as soon as industrial condi- tions permit. T Further, the scheme provides for the housing of a large proportion of the students in the homes of Ann Arbor citizens. This practice has existed from the very inception of the University and was the logical outgrowth of the patterning of the University of Michigan upon the German universities which have stressed the independence of stu- dents. "Only reluctantly," stated Dr. Ruthven, "have University author- ities yielded to pressure by increas- ing rules and regulations, but the student body like other things is subject to change and with younger men and women coming to college the insistence of anxious parents that the students, particularly the women and freshmen, be housed in dormitories, is naturally increasing. Since, however, the University has continued to exist in a relatively small community free from material distractions of large modern cities, it has not yet become clear that a dormitory system should be install- ed for all students. While it is ap- parently necessary to house all the women and all freshmen in Univer- sity-owned buildings with the least possible delay, it would seem to be desirable for the University of Michigan to continue to give to older men, under general regula- tions, the freedom and experience of making their own way in the world." And finally, the present scheme scheme calls for making the fra- ternities, sororities and the house clubs an integral and accepted part of the housing scheme. They are the product of steady growth and have attained to a degree of importance in Michigan life. There is no in- clination on the part of the Uni- versity administration to do other than encourage their progress along sound lines and to fit them into the University plan. r ASWRLL SPRIN G IS HERE SPRING IS NOT HERE Rain Rain go away 3 I~~~~~h!ylyfmI,,h/IIIdfAl ,,IIJllANI1/M' 61 Come again some other day The B & G Boys want to play. Come in Summer when it's hot When we want you a whole lot Not in Spring when we do not Sing Hey nonny nonny, Hey nonny nonny! FUN AT THE HEALTH SERVICE The following was taken from a Health Service Bulletin....."Stu- dent Health for the month was generally good. Service was avail- able during the vacation period, and the Infirmary was well filled. Nothing is more pleasing to the eye t h a n a well-filed Health Service. REMEMBER THE COATLESS SHIRT, CAMPAIGN! * *; * A week has now passed and no news as to whohLittle Yvonne Fa- gan may be. This is not the right spirit at all. In fact, it is any kind of spirit. hardly And now we turn you over again to WILLIE for a few moments entertainment. Darling Dannikins: While I should be the last to say that the Daily was a big pansy, it does, at times, show horticultural tendencies. And why? No consistency. You and I, Dan, with our shouldrs to the grindstone, our feet on the ground, and our fingers in our mouths-we sweat, bleed and die for THE CAUSE. And what does the Daily do? Every day that it appears, your column is next to an adver- tisement of the May Festival. I'm feeling so discouraged, Dan, that I have seriously considered letting everything slide to IGNORE THEJ UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. But ever since the NILLY family intermarried with us WILLIES, our fighting spirit has kept us going, wil-nilly- I suggest the following slogan: THE May festival. GATHERS NO WORMS. To display this promin- ently is the best we can do for the present. And so that you shall have more time to devote to the CAUSE, I take the liberty of writ- ing the verse of the day for you. Between the dark and the daylight When night is beginning to fall Some idiot in our boarding house blows the fuse... It's a great world after al. And this will make you free from the burden of versifying for next Tuesday. Twelve months there are in every year; May Festival may only fall In one of these-so let us cheer: It's a great world after a'l. Now that that is finished, I want you to say a little prayer every night before tucking yourself in your little bed-and I'll bet it's damn little if you live within the city limits-a little prayer for Our Boys Over There. They are fight- ing and perishing for us; while we, sitting here at home, are foist- ing the 18th amendment and the May Festival on them. Ah! the in- tolerable pity of it. Go the ant, thou sluggard, and take thy bed and walk. Thy strength is as the strength of ten, because thou ig- norest Ye May Pestilence. WILLIE, who speaks with the tongues of men and- of angels. Really; Wil'ie my good fellow, you must do better. Your ap- pointment as Assistant Editor has been put off another week because you could not even re- member that it is a FINE world after all. Aren't you ashamed? * * * Has anyone noticed the rain late- ly?....Well, it's good for the flow- ers, and that's all the comfort you're going to get out of me, and I don't care whether you like flow-_ ers or not. * * * CONTRIBUTION Dan Baxter Sir: Let's have a coatless Shirt Campaign for Professors as well as students. This will reduce the number of instructors before the Mill Tax Cut does. Piccoo Player SIC AND DRAMA 'TONIGHT: Prof. i. A. Richards of the University of Cambridge, England, and visiting professor at Harvard University, will lec- ture on "Modern Poetry" at 8 o'clock in room 1025 Angell Hall. The Tatterman Marionettes give "Stringing Broadway," a puppet Revue, in the Mendelssohn Thea- tre beginning at 8:15. The Cercle Francais will present two plays in the Laboratory Thea- tre at 8:15. THE TATTERMAN MARIONETTES The Tatterman Marionettes, pre- sented by William Duncan and Wil- liam Mabley, is by now a thorough- ly familiar organization to Ann Arbor theatre-goers, who have seen them annually now for almost five years. This group which is appear- ing in the Mendelssohn Theatre to- night under the auspices of the Theatre group of the Women's league probably ranks just below Tony Sarg in the American field and tours constantly. Duncan and Mabley have very wisely appropri- ated a field for their activity more or less unexploited bypother pup- peteers. This will appear in their program tonight which is being liven over entirely Lo a puppet re- vue entitled "Stringing Broadway," a series of sketches and divertisse- ments satirizing the New York Theatre. It is strictly an all-adult evening and its nature is charac- teristic of the advance in sophisti- cation which this time-honored art of fantasy is undergoing just at present. Among the sketches in the revue are "The Cloak and Suit Case," a mystery play; "The Penultimate Mrs. Whortlebury," an E n g 1 i s h drawing-room comedy;' 'The Green- wich Village Art Theatre;" Glorify- ing The American Girl;" "Way Down in East Lynne;" "Shreds of Passion," an articulate cinema; "Emancipation From Thought," the very latest from Leningrad; and "Dusky Rhythm." This satiric use of the puppet thoughout a whole evening is something of an inno- vation and should be quite inter- esting. In a special matinee the Tatter- man Marionettes will present, for children, "The Glowing Bird," a fantastic and colorful story of ad- venture in old Russia, by Edward Mabley. The play is derived from a unique body of folk literature by Edward Mabley. T h e afternoon performance will begin at 3:30. CERCLE FRANCAIS The Members of the Cercle Fran- cais who offer two evenings of French drama a year will this eve- ning offer in the Laboratory Thea- tre at 8:15 two plays. "Il faut qu'- une porte soit ouvaerte ou fermee" by Alfred de Musset and "La Souri- ante Madame Beudet" by Denys Amiel and Andre Obey. Alfred de Musset's delicate comedy is one of the major nineteenth century dra- mas and its production by the Cer- cle Francais is pleasantly ambi- tious. The evening is not restrcited to members but is open to the pub- lie. FIRST FESTIVAL PROGRAM The thirty-eight annual M a y Festival will open tomorrow eve- ning Frederick Stock and the Chi- cago Symphony orchestra and Lily Pons, Soprano offering the follow- ing program Overture, "lsitzka............Dvorak Ar1a lionr "Tie Magic liote".....Mozart S'%nlo ny g in B Hat l ayo-.....o.n... Aria, "Caro Nomne" from nigoletto" Verdi I'A sketch of the Steppes of Central Asia" ...Borodin Aria "Bll Song" from "Lakie".. lelibes Mme. Pons has been the cynosure of eyes and ears at the Metropolitan Opera House this season since her brilliant debut in "Lucia di Lam- mermoor." Since then she has ap- peared in three other roles, as Gilda in "Rigoletto," as Rosina in "The Barber of Seville" and as Philine in "Mignon." Mme. Pons already has a lively body of admirers, not only in New York but throughout the country by means of her radio and recording appearances. Lawrence Gilman, something of a veteran, has been consistently assuring the readers of the Herald-Tribune that Mme. Pons is the best thing that has happened to the Metropolitan in a long time, that she is the long- awaited and much needed fresh and bold coloratura. So that her her appearance here tomorrow eve- ning is something of a "scoop" for the May Festival. We have an op- portunity to hear in her first sea- son an artist who is to all appear- ances destined to be one of the You insure yourself against fire, burglary, collision and what not .. . but how about your clothes? If a small premium of two dollars can insure you against unbecoming eyesores for many months to come, can you af- ford to pass it up? Most of us need a guide through the mazes of fashion's complicated highways. Particularly these lays, when individuality is the keynote of the mode. For individuality spells suc- cess to the smart and disaster to the dowdy. Success can be assured and- dowdiness defeated, if you choose all your clothes by the sensible, ever. smart standards of Vogue. . W Dont just glance through Vogue . . read it carefully, use it to the limit of its helpfulness. See how many ideas it gives you for planning and picking your clothes. Vogue, of course, is essentially a fashion magazine. But it is so much rnore than that. It is a shield against the costly blunders we all stumble in- to. Use the coupon, why don't you? The two dollars you send with it will bring you a great deal more than 10 issues of Vogue. A 10-ISSUE PREMIUM 4,, NEED COST YOU ONLY $2 ,TAKE OUT EYESORE INSURANCE A. 10 ISSUES OF VOGUE FOR $2 SPECIAL OFFER OPEN TO NEW SUBSCRIBERS ONLY THE COND NAST PUBLICATIONS, INC., Graybar Bldg., New York *. ( LI Enclosed find $2.00 for TEN ISSUES of Vogue L] Enclosed find $6.00 for ONE YEAR (24 issues) of Vogue ADDRESS AND MAIL THE COUPON NOWI NAME STREET CITY SATE C.P. 2 Campus Opinion Contributors 'are asked to be brief, confining themselves to less tha 300 words if possible. Ar':mymous Comen. nunications will hie disreiarded. The namens of communicants Wihl, however, be regarded as mnfidrntial, upon re- quest. Letters published should not be construed a expressing the editorial opinion of The Daily. the Editor: [ wish it to he understood that e burning of the bonfire material ed by the freshman class for Cap ;ht was done in a spirit of main- ning what was supposedly a tra- ion of the campus, and not as umed-in a spirit of revenge. f this is not a former practice, I was lead to believe by past cx- riencc, I offer my apology and C apology of the sophomore class. Sportsmanly yours, HARVEY C. BAUSS Captain of Sophomores. the Editor: have had occasion to resent the If we see one more joke, ever, about Ty Cobb "stealing home" in this divorce matter, we shall prob- ably scream.-Detroit News. Isn't it bad enough just being Monday without picking up a Bos- ton paper and reading of a "rare opportunity" to buy eight splendid lots in the nicest part of Mt. Au- Dear Piccy: It might interest you to know thamtthe (Thntlecc,.shirt Cuam.