STABLISHED 1 890 4v a 4aitl MEMBER. ASSOCIATED. PRESS EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN VOL. XLI. No. 100 EIGHT PAGES ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 1931 PRICE FIVE CENTS HOUSE APPROVES PROBE Of LIOVOR SITUATION HERE FIT ZGIBBON, PROMINENT POLITICAL WRITER, DIES AFTER SHORTILLNESS Legislative Committee to Make Extensive ; Investigation. HULL HEADS BODY Harnly Withdraws His Objections; Darin Not Selected. (By Assciated Press) LANSING, Feb. 23.-The house of representatives will make an ex-~ tensive investigation into liquor conditions on the campus of the University of Michigan.1 A resolution providing for the University probe was adopted by the lower branch tonight by a vote of 47 to 31. Speaker Fred R. Ming named a committee of five mem- bers to make an investigation, headed by Representative Oscar C. Hull of Detroit. Other members of the committee are: James G. Frey, of Calhoun; Jesse G. Boyle, of Ber- rien; Dana H. Hinkley, of Emmet, and Robert H. Lane, of Bay county. Opposition Cast Aside. Major opposition to the resolu- tion was cast aside when Repre- sentative Andrew H. Harnly, Sagi- naw Baptist minister, told the House that he would withdraw his objections. Representative Harnly had previously challenged the at- tempt of the investigation. He said, he is now convinced of its most sincere purpose. The resolution is a substitute for one originally introduced by Repre- sentative Frank G. Darin, of River Rouge. The original measure called for an investigation by both houses; of the legislature while the adopted+ resolution limits membership on+ the committee to the House. Radicals Left Out. It is unique to note that none of the prominent wet and dry mem- bers of the legislature were includ- ed on the comittee selected to in- vestigate conditions existing at the University. This committee was appointed as the result of the raids on various campus fraternities at the Uni- versity of Michigan by the Ann Arbor police, based on a tip ob- tained from apprehended boot- leggers. Liquor was found in all of the houses which were investigated by the local police. _ SState Bulletins (By Associated Press) j February 22, 19311 HARTFORD-Mayor R. S. Brown, of Hartford, left here Sunday with three truckloads of foodstuffs for the drought-stricken sections of Arkansas. The 12-ton of food that left here yesterday brings the total amount of the necessities of life contributed by southwestern Mich- igan communities to 40 tons. The latest expedition was bound for Paragould, Ark. LANSING - Representative Otis Huff, of Marcellus, will introduce a bill in the house tonight providing for the appropriation of $60,000 for the purchase by the state for park purposes of part of the "Newton woods" in Cass county. ROCHESTER-The St. James ho- tel, old-time tavern and probably the oldest landmark in this village. was destroyed Sunday by fire with a loss of between $2,500 and $3,000. The hotel, which was formerly known as the Lambertson House, was built 80 years ago. IRON MOUNTAIN - Three more persons were suffering from tri- china poisoning tonight as a result of eating uncooked sausage at thc home of Alphone Celli five weeks ago. The latest victims are Mrs Parisso Faniani, Mrs. Minnie Och- etti, and Joseph Taglienti. A fourth Member of the party, John Cola- 'vecci, is under observation. Mrs. Celli diedand Celli and his daugh- ter were made seriously ill. Started as Protcge of Scripps; I Worked With Detroit News for Forty-nine Years. (1?,,A~'eu td Pess) DETROIT, Feb. 22.-John Fitz- gibbon, who had covered political rallies, state government a ff a i r s, wars, crimes and hanging for the Detroit News for 49 years, died in St. Mary's hospital today after a three-day illness from influenza. He was 71 years old. Mr. Fitzgibbon was recognized as the dean of M i c h i g a n political writers, having had personal con- tact with 12 Michigan governors as w e 11 as several presidents and presidential candidates. , He h a dI covered state and national political! conventions since the early '80's. Joining the staff of the Detroit News in 1882 as a protege of the late James E. Scripps, founder of the newspaper, Fitzgibbon was as- signed to local political affairs, po- lice headquarters and other "beats," finally starting his work as state political writer. During the Span- ish-American war and the Philip- pine insurrection Mr. Fitzgibbon was correspondent in the field for the News. He also covered the f a- m o u s Democry-* convention in POLLS TO[ND HOT CHCAOCAMPAIGN, Republican Primary 'Today Will Eliminate All But Two in Mayoralty Race. I (LIc Associated Press) CHICAGO, Feb. 23.-A final burst of raucous campaigning tonight ended Chicago's most bizarre may- oralty primary contest with William Hale Thompson's political future as the issue. Mayor Thompson and his two principal rivals for the Repub- lican nomination, Alderman Arthur S. Albert and Judge John H. Lyle, carried their final pleas to the vot- ers up to the small hours of election- morning, while an army of 70,000 was mobilized to see that the en- thusiasm they aroused did not be- come violent at the polls tomorrow. The three-cornered Republican race has been one of the hottest in Chicago's history and the police and state's attorney feared that its bitterness might kindle a serious flame of disorder. American Legion members, po- licemen, state's attorney's officers, and volunteers from civic organiza- tions were banded as poliwatchers to be stationed in every precinct to guard against ballot stuffing, steal- ing, and violence. Judge Frank M. Padden ordered an intensive search for Al Capone, gang leader, who is reported to have returned from his Miami, Fla., home, to prevent any possible in- terference on the gangsters' part in the election.. Squads headed by Patrick Roche, chief investigator for the state's attorney, toured the county under orders to bring .Ca- pone in on a vagrancy warrant sworn out months ago by Judge l Lyle. Illinois Democratic Senator-elect, James Hamilton Lewis, arrived to- day to lend his oratorical powers to the cause of Anton J. Cermak, unopposed Democratic m a y o r a 1 candidate, LOCAL D TORE ROBBEDLAST NIGHT Gunmen Relieve All-Way Drug Company of $100; Second Hold-up Frustrated. All-Way Drug store, corner of F'ourth and Washington streets, was held up last night by a lone gun- man who took $100 from its till. The second hold-up registered in Ann Arbor police files last night was when two men approached John Miller of 502 N. State street but were frightened away by the screams of his wife. Miller was putting his car away yhen the two men approached him. His wife was standing inthe door- way of his home and as the men tried to strong-arm her husband, she yelled for help. The stick-up men turned on their heels and ran Tway :without further molesting Chicago where the late William Jennings Bryan made his "crows of gold" oration which won him the presidential nomination. Mr. Fitzgibbon was born in 1860 on Christmas Day at Star Landing, on Long Island Sound, the son of James and Mary Fitzgibbon. His family moved to Michigan in the early '70's and settled on a farm north of Flint. Mr. Fitzgibbonre- ceived his early education in nearby country schools and the Flint high school. His association with Mr. Scripps. started after he had come to De- troit to find work as a plumber but instead had b e c o m e publisher's coachmen. Mr. Fitzgibbon was the Dr. Harley A. Haynes Analyzes Specific Case of Indigent Women Patient Cited. PATIENT WAS REMOVED Particular Case Was Paralysis From Neck Down Resulting From Broken Back. HOSIT1 1HITUI OULD WITHHOLD HOSITA DIECTR HIM FROMT OFFICE '0 r {:';~~~r . . :a;ti.2'iS:>ii' ; .^,i3: 'f P i : :c; ;if :i; ss s; i t;ar ' E li," h 'CON6RESS SENDS SHOALS BILL TO WHITE HOUSE AUTHORIZING OPERATION OF NITRATE PLANT Congressional Action Completed After Senate Adoption; Provides for Manufacture of Hydro-electric Power. . (BYAssociated Press) WASHINGTON, Feb. 23.-For the second time during the long years of controversy Congress today sent to the White House a bill providing for operation of the government's $150,000,000 power and nitrate plants at Muscle Shoals. The conference report on the bill which would authorize gov- ernment manufacture and distribution of hydro-electric power was adopted by the Senate today after an hour's debate, 55 to 28, com- pleting Congressional action. The measure was approved by the House last week. The only other time Congress has passed a bill for operationx of the huge war-time plants on the Tennessee river, it was pocket vetoed by Former President Coolidge. Friends of the measure approved today said they feared it would meet a similar fate, though President Hoover has not ex, i I 1 author of a survey of the liquor Details of a case in which Repre- traffic in Michigan from the earli- sentative Holbeck, of the state legis- est settlement until the passage of lature, said the rates charged by the state act in 1928. the University hospital were "ex- ' -_____- __tcessive," were made public yester- P day by Dr. Harley A. Haynes, direc- yy[p=~jy pq~y t or of the hospital. C U Il[lT Therepresentative, who stated! I last Friday in the legislature that ,he was prepared to introduce a resolution to prohibit excessive, rates being charged indigent pa- tients, cited in his statement sev- Comedy Club to Give Play Next eral cases which he "uncovered."' Thursday, Friday, Feb. 26-27 ( One of these, in which an Iosco in Ldia ~le~delsol~. ;patient had been charged $720 for in Lydia Mendelssohn. 44 -days treatment, served as the " basis for Dr. Haynes' statement. "In'The Strait-Jacket' I have at- Treatment "Too Expensive." tempted a study of thwarted supe- It was contended by Holbeck rior personality," explained Prof. that the patient was withdrawn John L. Brumm, of the journalism because the treatment was "too ex- department, whose play will be pre- pensive," and that day and night sented Thursday, Friday, and Sat- nursing was provided. urday at the Lydia Mendelssohn In his statement, Dr. Haynes de- theatre by Comedy Club. "Charac- clared that the patient suffered a ter studies on the stage are all too broken- back, resulting in complete likely to be oversimplified. In 'The paralysis from the neck down. This Strait-Jacket' I have tried to show type of paralysis, the director ex- that character is not so easily plained, needed special treatment, simplified - that it is complex, in' and a course was given in physio- constant conflict, changing - and therapy. The patient also was that the greatest suffering arises placed on a Bradford frame .The from the struggle between the un- condition of the patient was such tamed or unsocialized impulses and that special attention was neces- the impulses disciplined to orderly sary, thus requiring special nurs- responses." ing. "The Strait-Jacket" was written Dr. Haynes said that from thet for the National "D ama league time a complete diagnosis had been playwriting contest. It won in the made, physicians held little hope state and interstate contest and that a return of function would placed second among the first 10 result frohn any special kind of submitted for final judging by a treatment. Excellent bed care was committee of three persons. One therefore im'portant and necessary, of the judges gave it first award, he said. and the other two gave it second. Entered August 25. Professional production was condi- The patient was admitted to the tioned on a change of the tragic hospital Aug. 25, 1930. Forty-four denouement, a change which the days after admittance, Dr. Haynes author refused to sanction, on the stated, the judge of probate court ground that he did not write the of Iosco county advised that theI play to satisfy a sentimental taste. patient might be treated elsewhere. Comedy Club will present the play Considerable correspondence fol- in its original form. { lowed, and the patient was not re- Associated Press Phote Eugene B. Williams, Postmaster of Hurley, Wis., had the confirmation of his office in doubt as the result of an attack by Rep. H. H. Peavey of Wis., who objected to the appointment due to Williams' political activities in the last campaign. LEWIS STARmTS HISI PRES4IDENTIAL 0BID i i SPORTS SUMMARY Michigan lost to Purdue in basketball last night by a 30 to 21 count. Other Big Ten scores were; Illinois 39, Indiana 25; Wisconsin 28, Ohio 24; and Northwestern 45, Minnesota 23. Northwestern's win over Min- nesota virtually clinches the Big Ten title for the Wildcats. See page six for a complete account of all athletic events. Chicago Democrats Start E Drive Ban a WARNSDECAT I- Advises Party to Shun Selfish Interests Seeking Control With Hirelings. (By Associated Press) TOPEKA, Kans., Feb. 23.-Warn- ing the Democratic party to shun1 "selfish interests" seeking to con-. trol it "with their money and hire- lings," Governor W. H. (Alfalfa Bill) Murray of Oklahoma, tonight advanced a party platform to "re- store the little man and give him renewed hope in the struggle of life." The Oklahoma executive told Kansas Democrats it was the duty, of their party to "point the way that will reinstate the farmer, gov- ernment trade to the business world and give back to the mouths of labor the bread it earns." He predicted a Democratic victory in the next presidential election provided the party convinced the people it was sincerely behind a constructive policy opposed to "mergers and monopolies" and did not yield to "the cry of representa- tives of combined wealth and capi- tal and the intrigues of corrupt1 politicians." Governor Murray addressed the annual meeting of the Washington Day Dinner club in the Kansas capitol after making a visit to Em-' poria, Kan., earlier in the day, where he was introduced to a civic gathering by William Allen White, author and editor, as a man "in the shadow of the White House." Annual Physics Party to be Given at League I Tpmhp a +fth n}-hvirC 'annrt_- moved until Jan. 25. He was taken to his home in Iosco county. Dr. Haynes added that the aver- age cost per patient day in Uni- versity hospital can be favorably compared with any hospital giving a comparable service. DAILY TRYOUTS All freshmen and sophomores wishing to try out for either the editorial or business staff of The Daily should report at the Press building tomorrow afternoon at four o'clock. For detailed and definite information concerning Daily work see page three of this issue. SUPERVIS'mORS HEAR RHEPORT ON RAUD Towards Presidency for j Favorite Son. (By Associated Press) CHICAGO, Feb. 23. - Chicago democracy started a boom for James Hamilton Lewis for Presi-P Ident today when the Illinois sena- trecteundfomavain tor-elect returned from a vacation Ply ceue in Arizona. Shakespearean Plays Scheduled The former senator was met at' irA Lydia Mendelssohn for the station by a large delegation March 6 and 7. and taken on a parade through downtown streets. Dozens of auto- Si Phil B Grt d the mobiles carryig banners, "LewiBen Greet players, will present for President," were flanked by three Shakespearean plays March motorcycle policemen who k e p t 6 and 7 in the Lydia Mendelssohn their sirens wide open.. theatre under the auspices of Play Col. Lewis, who has just recover- Production, it was announced yes- ed from a throat ailment, was bun- terday by Valentine B. Windt, di- dled up in a huge fur coat as he rector of Play Production. sat in the back of an open auto-r "As You Like It" will be give mobile. He acknowledged from the "A You Lk "Twilftb iver" sidewalks by touching the brim of Friday, March 6; "Twelfth Night his felt hat as he rode swiftly will be presentedt as a Saturday through the streets. matinee, and "Macbeth" will be Anton J. Cermak, president of the the evening performance, Saturday, Cook County Board and Democratic March 7. candidate for mayor, led the dem- The Ben Greet Players visited onstration. Ann Arbor on their transcontinent- al tour last year. They have also given performances at Columbia. Illinois, Wisconsin, Missouri a n d Brown. They are now on their re- turn tour. Sir Philip has been on the stage for 50 years, and is said to have taught more actors than any other living man. In recognition of a life President to Ascertain Degree devoted to the cause of drama in education, he was knighted by and Number of Veterans I King George in June, 1929. in Distress. "Sir Philip Ben Greet," stated Windt, "creates an essential at- (By Associated Press) mosphere of medieval reverence WASHINGTON, Feb. 23.-Presi-. Nothing detracts from the play'E dent Hoover, preparatory to vetoing significance. His only modifications the veterans loan bill, is having an of the true Elizabethan manner iE inquiry made throughout the coun- in the use of richer and more elab- try to ascertain the degree and orate hangings than were employed number of veterans in distress. in the Elizabeth days. The simpli- At the White House today, it was city of his productions is based on said various Federal agencies are the theory that the stage should making queries to ascertain also stimulate and inspire rather than how effective the legislation would ,relieve the imagination." pressed himself on it. Compromise of Former Bill. The bill is similar in its provi-. sions to the one which President Coolidge refused to sign. It is a compromise measure based upon the same bill that was presented to the former president. Under the compromise provision, the nitrate plants would be leased to private interests for quantity production of fertilizer if a lessee could be found within one year from the date of enactment. If no one would lease the nitrate plants under the terms of the bill, the government would operate theni for experimental production of fertilizer. Provides for Dam. The bill also provides for con- struction of the Cove Creek dam on the Clinch river in Tennessee at an estimated cost of $35,000,000 and completion of the steam power plants at Muscle Shoals. The Clinch river project, pro- ponents of the bill said, will bring the primary power capacity at Muscle Shoals to between 400,00o and 500,000 horse power. In addition, the Cove Creek dam is designed to make the Tennessee river navigable and aid in controll- ing flood waters that go into the Mississippi. Opponents of the bill levelled their fire at its provision for con- struction by the government of transmission lines to distribute sur- plus power from Wilson dam at Muscle Shoals. They contended this would bring the government directly into the business of manufacturing and distributing power.. DEMOCRATIC DRYS A CIINPARTY Faction Prepared to Balk Raskob If He Leans Toward Wet Side of Prohibition Fence. (By As sociaed Press) WASHINGTON, Feb. 23.-What- ever intentions Chairman John J. Raskob may or may not have in regard to lining up the Democratic National Committee on the wet side of the prohibition fence, dry mem- bers of the group are set for an aggressive try at squelching any Such plan. The committee will meet here March 5, at the chairman's call. Future policies, he announced, will form a topic for discussion. Rumors have been current a resolution is being framed to push this steering group of the party off the prohibi- tion fence. The rumors have not been denied. Some of the dry Democrats on Capitol Hill have been roused toa fever heat of activity. Senator Cameron Morrison, of North Caro- lina, baby member of the Senate but no newcomer to national poli- tics, asserted Sunday that his group had sufficient votes to defeat any; wet resolution. Uniorn Tryouts to Meet Thursday at 4 o'Clock Tryouts for the Union will as- semble at 4 o'clock Thursday after- noon in the student offices on the main floor. Alhrt F Dnnahue Investigation of County Commission's Alleged regularities Aired. Road Ir- Controversy in the investigation of alleged irregularities of t h e county road commission may burst forth with new vigor today when. the board of supervisors convenes' in the County building to hear the report of the investigating commit- tee. The committee, composed of five supervisors, was appointed Jan. 26 to study activities of the commis- sion. A report will be submitted this morning, but its contents have been kept secret. It is not known whether charges will be laid against the commission. The report will be based on the records of the commission which has been checked by accountants. The records cover a two-year per- (brio be as a relief measure. Under the bill, the veteran wouldF be able to borrow up to 50 per cent of the face value of his adjusted compensation certificate. The measure is to be vetoed be- tween now and Thursday. Efforts are to be made in Congress to override the veto at once. Taking $1,000 as the average value ofathe certificates, the Presi- dent was said already to have ascertained there are 210,000 veter- ans who would be able to borrow $16,000,000, or $80 apiece, if they had received no advance already on their certificates. In the group having certificates ranging from $250 to $1,000, there are 500,000 veterans who-if they had not previously borrowed- would be able to get $77,500,000 or $137 each. With preparation of the veto measure going ahead, an indication was given of what direction it would take. One of his consultants said the President has received reports1 RED ANNIVERSARY Plea for Peace Sounded by War1 Commissioner Volfrochilov in Order of the Day., (By Associated Press) MOSCOW, Feb. 23. - The Red army today celebrated its thir- teenth anniversary with parades, speeches and other enthusiastic evidences that it was ready to de- fend Russian against any invasion. The commisar of war, Vofrochi- lov, issued an order of the day bid- ding the army be on its mettle be- cause, he said, the country was being continually threatened by "capitalistic war." Russia stands for peace, he said, but this did not mean that thei