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May 10, 1931 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1931-05-10

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VOL. XLI., No. 157.




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!. 3


Officer of

Food Corporation, Talks
at Luncheon Here.
Says Institution Would Provide
Insurance Against War
on Present Order.
Formation of a foundation for
economic research to determine the
c a u s e s of business depressions
which, it' was proposed, would be
international in scope and non-
governmental in function, was
urged here yesterday by Ralph Starr
Butler, '04, vice president of Gen-1
eral Foods corporation.
Speaking at a lunclieon of alum-I
ni of the School of Business Ad-
ministration, the New York execu-
tive, declared the present depres-
sion chiefly the result of man-made
factors, which, if m a n - m ad e,
"should be capable of control and
correction by man."
He told the more than 100 alumni
who attended the conference in the
Union that the proposed founda-
tion, adequately supported to enlist
the co-operative thought of the best
brains in the world, is the most
practical step that can now be tak-
Funds Could Be Secured.
Such a foundation could, Butler
said, by scientific procedure, "elim-
inate the uncontrollable factors in.
the problem and direct its atten-
tion to those man-made factors
which, undoubtedly predominate."
If the needs of a study were suf-
ficiently recognized, funds to carryI
on thedinquiry could be found, he
auerted. h d,
The funds should be provided,j

Dr. Larry Gould,
Second in command of the Byrd
Antarctic expedition, who last night
vividly described his year and a
half residence in Little America1
where he and 41 companions lived
and worked in temperatures as low
as 74 below zero. The lecture was
given to a large crowd in Hill audi-
Wi Face Charges of Reckless
Driving and Drunkenness
in Court Monday.
Gordon Lamb, '32M, of Ann Ar-
bor, and Lyman A. Brewer III, '32M,
of Toledo, were released from the
county jail here yesterday after-
non and ordered to appear in court
at 9 o'clock, Monday morning, to.
answer charges made against them
folowing an automobile accident at
2:30 o'clock, Friday night, at Lima
Lamb is charged with driving.

Movies Aid Former Universityj
Geologist in His Vivid
Famed Byrd Expedition Pictured
in Personal Account at
Hill Auditorium.
Larry Gould came back to Ann
Arbor last night from the "roaring
40's, the howling 50's and the
shrieking 60's" of Little America,
base for the famous Byrd Antarc-
tic expedition, on which he was
second in command, with one of
the most thrilling descriptive trav-
elogues ever unfolded before an
audience in Hill auditorium.
Movies never before shown in
Ann Arbor, vividly augmenting Dr.
Gould's weird story of more than
a year of residence where the ther-
mometer sometimes reached 74 be-
low zero and the yearly average is
13 below, were used, as were slides,
to 1ivake the narrative of the ex-
pedition a life-like one.
Introduced by hobbs.
Dr. Gould, introduced by his for-
mer teacher and present colleague
and friend W. H. Hobbs, professor
of geology, began his lecture with
short explanations , of the differ-
ences between the Arctic and the
Antarctic regions. The texture of
the snow-ice, which hindered much
of the expedition's work, made work
difficult, Dr. Gould stated, especial-
ly, if a wind .werepresent.
Phenomena of the Antarctic con-
sumed a large part of the facts dis-
closed during the lecture, of ex-
treme interest among these being
movies of the bad cases of sunburn,
acquired at 50 below zero from the
glaring snow, the visit of whales.
within a few hundred feet of the
;axnppand concentated food in the
form of biscuits which had to be
broken with a geologist's hammer.
Describes Famous Trek.
Dr. Gould spoke in detail of his
famous trek inland in search of I
geological material, and movies of
the Byrd flight to the South Pole,
following the same route, disclosed
the tremendous importance of the
Michigan man's intensive study.
Moving whole mountain ranges on
the official geographical survey
maps was a day's work, Dr. Gould
Cambridge University Professor,
Instructor of P. M. Jack,
to Lecture Tuesday.

Weygandt Cites Companionship
Need at Annual Father;
Sons Banquet.
Says Habit Patterns of Men Are
Formed Before They
Leave School.
"Our statesmen are now over in
Europe solving the European prob-
lems for the Europeans, but they
should stay here and solve the
problems of our country. They are
making Europe safe for Europeans
and the world safe for democracy,
but we must make America safe
for Americans and American insti-
tutions," said A. G. Poorman, '03L,
in a talk at the Father and Son
banquet at the Union last night.
He stated that wherever one
goes, he finds Michigan men lead-
ing the world in their chosen fields.
If fathers will be the guiding light
and inspiration for their sons, they
will be able to accomplish anything
they attempt, he said. He believes
that America is now passing through
a great crisis, and great leaders are
needed to carry us safely through.
Judge Weygandt Speaks.
Judge C. B. Weygandt, of Cleve-
land, spoke on "The Rules of the
Game." He said, "There is no more
valuable training than to play
games under such leaders as Yost,
Stagg, and Rockne. Nothing finer
can be learned in classrooms than
the sportsmanship learned undr
these coaches." Weygandt declared
that habit patterns of men are
formed before they leave school,
and cheating or similar habits can
not easily be dropped later in ltfer
He also stated that fathers are in
vital need of the companionship of
their sons, and the sons of their
'fathers, and they should synmpa-
thize with each other.
r:u.aven Welcomes Guests.
President Alexander Grant Ruth-
yen, after welcoming the pareUts,
told of the difficulty of >compre-
hending the great modern uniyr-
sities, and mentioned that Mihi-
gan extended to all parts of the
world. There is much criticism of
the present universities and stu-
dents he said, but although there
are a feW' students who are not ;a
credit to the, school, the percentage
of undesirables is decreasing. Our
whole social fabric is being rer-
ganized, and "we are handling oer
a disorganized world, and studentsI
should be equipped for it. This can;
be accomplished only through our1
modern educational institutions.

Varsity Nine Loses;
Track Team Victor
Michigan von three and lost
one intercollegiate athletic con-
test yesterday. The Varsity base-
ball team :'ost to Chicago 4-0
when Henshaw held the Wolves
to seven widely scattered hits.
Coach Hoyt's track team easily
defeated Minnesota here 89 1-2
to 45 1-2. The golf and tennis
teams both defeated Northwest-
ern, the golfers winnings12 1-2
to 5 1-2, And the Tennis squad
letting the Purple down 7-2.
(Complete Sports on Pages 6&7)
Alpha Nu Chapter of Kappa Phi
Sigma Will Initiate 48
Students Tuesday.
President Alexander Grant Ruth-
vcn and Prof. Preston W. Slosson,
of the history department, will be
given honorary membership Tues-
day afternoon in Alpha Nu of Kap-
pa Phi Sigma, it was announced
At the same time, 18 students
will be initiated preceding a ban-
quet to be held at 6:15 o'clock
Tuesday night in room 222 in the
The program for the banquet, J.
C a1vin Callaghan, '31, president,
said, will consist largely of talks
by. past presidents of the organiza-
tion. Included among these are
Albert Donohue, '31; president last
year and now ,president of the Un-
ion; H. LeRoy Selmeier, '27, and
Lyle E. Eiserman, '28, national pres-
ident of Kappa Phi Sigma.
The address will be made by
Richard D. T. Hollister, '02, pres-
ident of the society in 1902.
Presentation of shingles and in-
signia to pledges by Byron C. Ved-
der, "33, vice-president, will be
made at the banquet, Callaghan
Sink Says That Music School
Office Has Single Concert
Tickets Left.




Third Measurement <
Rays Finished
Last Week.
PASADENA, Cal., May 10
(A') - Dr. Albert A. Michelso
who determined the speed of hg
died here today. He was 78 yea
Two years ago Dr. Michels
suffered a paralytic stroke. Thr
months ago the little profess
was forced to take to bed in L
Buffalo home near here. Tv
days ago the great mind snapp
with a cerebral hemorrhage. Mic
elson went into a 'coma Thursd

Noted Physicist Pass
After Illness of
Two Years

Dr. Albert A. Michelson, '
Discoverer of the velocity of light
and professor at the University of
Chicago, who died last night after
an illness that has extended over
more than two years. Dr. Michel-
son had just completed further ex-
periments on the speed of light in
his laboratory in Pasadena, Cal.

night; a sleep that ended quie
death shortly before 1 p. m.,t
GANGSTERS OAIGHT Dr. Michelson, who for
Iyears was head of the physic
partmnent at.Chicago Unive
seemed resigned to death, knc
that he had staved it off unti
last great experiment was
Six Kidnappers, Bank Robbers pleted. This was his third and
precise measurement of the spi
Captured in Latest Raids; light. For two years his will ]
Loot Totals Millions. was credited with holding bac
1progress of creeping paralysis
CHICAGO, May 9._(A1)- -The au- which he was stricken in Ch
thorities have struck at gangland Called Associate.
again-this time to capture, they Too feeble to move, his
claimed, a gang of six kidnapers limbs completely paralyzed,
and bank robbers whose loot and, Michelson this week called
ransom money ran into the- mil-1Francis G. Pease, of the Can
lions, including $200,000 taken in institution of Washington, t
the Denver mint holdup of 1922. bedside. Pease had been can
Their proceeds were estimated by , on the final work of the last 1
their accusers at $6,000,000, of ! elson 'experiment 'with .theI
which $1,000,000 was fixed as ran- long vacuum tubes at Santa P
som money in kidnapings. He had come to tell the great s
The six were caught in a spec-I Iist that his experimenital wor'
tacular raid on what officers des- 'completed, and all that rem
cribed as a " gangster fiat" in down1 was the recheck of instrumentl
East St. Louis, Ill., late Friday, a" measurements to derive the
the result of the combined efforts figures of the speed of light.
to federal, state, and local author- In a soft voice, barely audil
ities. An hour later they were the quiet bedroom, Michelson
started, under heavy guard, in nine ed dictating. Page after pa
automobiles, toward Chicago. They lucid, scientific analysis was'
paused over-night at Springfield, down by Pease. Thus was w:
Said by police to be remnants the introduction to Michel
of the Cuskoo and Shelton gangs formal report, the last word
of southern Illinois and to ghave the world of science from the
also been affiliated with the "mob" who had been in the vanguai
of Fred Burke. notorious' irilir.th more than 30 years.

es d


4 >U4someu, i UeUI~eu, er is charged with viola
some insurance against the risk of prohibition law and resistir
political or military action to over- Following the crash, a
turn the present industrial order." ment arose between the
Convincea that on the part of an the driver of the true
business men and economists there was involved in the acciden
is too general an acceptance of the ty Sheriff John Osborn,
inevitability or recurring periods of boxer, was summoned ai
great prosperity and intense de- finding whisky in the stud
pression, Butler said: - was suddenly attacked b
Scores Defeatists.' and knocked unconscious.
"While business leaders have a William Dailey, another
growing appreciation of the men- sheriff, who appeared shor
ace of such conditions as those was also attacked by La
through which we are now passing, was' checked when the offi
there is a defeatist' attitude toward duced a pistol and a black,
any suggestion of effective action The police are holding th
that will remove the causes of re- tes, of whisky as evidenc(
tarded business activity. they say was found in the,
"There seems to be throughout students said they borro'
the world today an acceptance of car from a friend, and werE
the inevitability of even the most back to Ann Arbor from
extreme manifestations of the bus- Osborn is suffering from a
iness cycle comparable to the ac- ed nose and a black eye, bu
ceptance of the inevitability of wise was uninjured.
plagues, famines, and floods before
mankind courageously set out to
conquer the adverse forces of na--
tural causes,
Complete Stabilization Impossible
It is imperative that he (man)
abandon his complacent acceptance
ued recurrence of this man-made
evil, depression, and that he adopt High Freight Rates, Di
toward it the same courageous at- Markets Cited as Ca
titude that his ancestors adopted of Harlan Strife.
toward disasters attendant upon ..__
natural causes." ~~H~AN,~y., May ~~~ -
In asserting the need of an inter- nation's business adversi
national foundation, Butler said blamed by mine workers i
he did not expebt that all the ers as the underlying factc
minor dips and rises in the busi- Harlan coal field strike t
ness curve would be straightened Hostafcvelied k
out, and that complete stabilization
would ensue.A depressed coal marl
(Continued of Page 2) high freight rates from the
fields were given as princi

ting the
ng arrest.
in argu-
.k which
nt. Depu-
a former
ad after
ents' car
by, Lamb
r deputy
tly after,
mb, but
icer pro-
hree bot-
;, which
car. The
wed the
,e driving
ut other-



ties are
nd own-
or in the
hat has
ket and
e Harlan
pal rea-

Prof, I. A. Richards, of the Uni-
versity of Cambridge, England, and
visiting professor at Harvard uni-
versity, will lecture at eight o'clock
Tuesday night in room 1025 Angell
hall, on "Modern Poetry."
SProfessor Richards is the most
1 distinguished critic, of modern lit-
erature, .and has developed a new
scientific kind of literary criticism,
based on the latest knowledge of
human psychology, according to
Prof. 0. J. Campbell of the English
Professor Richards will speak on
the works of T. S. Eliot, Gerard
Manley Hopkins, W. B. Yeals, Wal-
ter de La Mare, and other modern
Jack, recently a member of the
rhetoric department here, was one
of Professor Richards' pupils, and
exemplified his critical methods,
Professor Campbell said.

International Busincess Congress
Keeps Report Secret.
WASHINGTON, M a y 9.-(/F) -
T h e International 'Chamber of
Commerce approached the end of
its sixth biennial congress today in
an atmosphere of .speculation ove:j
a closely-guarded resolution em-
bacing its recommendations for
bettering world' economic condi-
Leaders had indicated the pro-
posal would mention most, if not
all, of the controversal subjects onj
the agenda, including war debts.
the Tariff, and commercial policies,
but they advised not to expect any-
thing "sensational."
The resolutions committee was
called to meet before the final plen-!
ary session to complete the final
draft. Its probable contents were]
held in strictest secrecy over-night,

Tickets for single concerts for
the May Festival are still on sale
at the offices of the School of
Music, it was announced yesterday
by Dr. Charles Sink, president of
the school. The concerts will com-
mence next Wednesday and last
through Saturday.
The artists who will feature
this series are Lily Pons, Ignace
Paderewski, Nelson Eddy, Walter
Widdop, Cyrena van Gordon, Ruth
Brton, and many others.
Dr. Sink yesterday also received'
a letter from William Wade Hin-
shaw, former star with the Metro-
politan Opera company, who wrote,
in part: /'
: "I have just received you! an-
nouncement of this year's May Fes-
tival, and I want to congratulate
you again, as I do every year, on
the wonderful program you are to

six were accused of participation
in more than 60 bank robberies in
Illinois, Iowa; Wisconsin and Ne-
braska, including the theft of $1,-
000,000 from Lincoln, Neb., Nation-
al bank Sept. 17, 1930.
The accusations against the six,
whose names were given as Tom-
my Hayes, Thomas O'Connor, Jack
Britt, Howard Lee, E. Hawks and
William McQuillan, were made by
McWhorter, a n d Patrick Roche,
chief investigator for the state.
/cro Club of Stockholm Honors
Ftder of Courtauld.

Won Nobel Prize.
Dr. Michelson was born Decemi
19, 1852. He first became interest
in his life work as a physics instrt
'tor at the Naval academy, where
made great, advances in metho
used in measuring the speed
He was the first American scie
tist to win the Nobel prize f
physics, which was given him
the completion of experiments
which the exact speed of light w
first measured. Herdeveloped ma
other methods for. fine measu
ments and delicate processes.

State B i
I ~ (By 4Asrrnte
Saturday. Ma
gasoline stove, follov
barbershop here ca
three men and for a
ed destruction of ti
trict of this village
guished after the 1
an adjoining barbe:
rains today forced
menf. of thea annu

sons for wage readjustments and
irregularity of work, An attempt
fli Ills to unionize the field was made, and
definite breach between opera-
d Press) tors and workers followed.
y 9; 1931 The position of the operators was
outlined by George Ward, acting
Explosion 'of a secretary of the Harlan Coal Oper-
wed byfirein a ators' association; B. W. Whitfield,
ued bnry fe of the Harlan collieries, and Mrs.
time threateno S. E. Bennett, of the Bonita mines,
he business dis- only woman operator in the field.
but was extin- W. M. Hightower, president of
barbershop and the local union of the United Mino
rshop had been Workers of America at Evarts,
storm center of the disorders, and
the union secretary, W. B. Jones,
OR - Continued explained the workers' viewpoint.
i the postpone- Harlan never has been a regular-
1 honm n - ly unionized field. The mines.


Exploding Still Starts
Detroit Conflagration
DETROIT, May 9--(/P)-Explosion
of a still Friday night wrecked the
otherwise vacant house in which
it was located, set fire to three
nearby buildings and sent a small
river of flaming alcohol into the
Hidden in the attic of the house,
the still broke through to the base -
ment when it exploded. The 200-
pound cover was blown through the
1 roof, to light on and ignite an ad-
joining house.
Homecoming Program
Will Conclude Today
Final event,, in the Spring
Homecoming program are sched-
iled for today, with Senior Cane
Day and Mothers' Day featuring
thelis;. As ec,,;n ,n ,,nert, ,th

STOCKHOLM, Sweden, May 9.-- HU
awarded Capt. Albin AhrenbergA
Swedish civilian pilot, its gold
medal in recognition of his flight Theatre Guild Character Actc
to Greenland to attempt rescue of Is Secured to Appear in
Augustine Courtauld, British scien- Two Productions.
tist who spent the winter on thed.
.Greenland ice cap. F'ne St Cossart, character act
Capt. Ahrenberg landed at Court-o theNe or Thare i,
auld's camp a few hours after he of the New York Theatre guild, h
had been rescued by H. G. Watkins, frt ear's Ay Rber drn
head of the British Arctic air routeor this years Ann Arbor dramat
expedition., scason, it was carned today fro
' New York City. Mr. Cossart h
NDON, L May 9.- (P) Friends of ju t lo ed as the lead in Berna:
Augustine Courtauld, young Britishjihaw's "Gcting Married" at ti
scientist who is proceeding to safety Gould theatre, in New York. An
after a winter spent on the Green-m Arbor audiences wilt remember hi
land ice cap, do not expect to see as the labor minister in Shaw
him in England until September. "The Apple Cart," which played
It is believed that another week Detroit this fall with Tom Powe
will be occupied in traveling by dog as the star.
sledge with H. G. Watkins, head of Cossart will appear In two pr
the British Arctic air route expedi- ductions of the dramatic seaso
tion, from his winter igloo to the He will play the role of the fath
expedition base near Augmagsalik. in Shaw's "Arm and The Mar
which he created in the Theat
Sp ecial Diagonal Iiguild performance in New Yox
.jnIssue "Mr. Powers has been eager to S

Says Railroads Would Make Bus
Companies Operate on
Need of federal regulation; for
the bus and truce service through-
out the country was stressed by
Prof. Walter C. Sadler, of the engi--
neering college, in an interview
concerning the recent developments

inate small companies from com-
ing in and taking the cream of the
business during a period of pros-
perity. It would also result in bet-
ter service for the public, he said.
The private ownership of auto-
mobiles was cited by Professor Sad-
ler as the greatest factor in the de-
crease of the number of passengers
using the trains. The truck has
taken some of the freight business

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