THE MICHIGAN DAILY fing except Monday dur- by the Board in Control Conference Editorial Asso- s is exclusively entitled to in of all news dispatches therwise credited in this vs published herein. fice at Ann Arbor, Michi- matter. Special rate of hird Assistant Postmaster cription by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50. 'es: Ann Arbor Press Building, Maynard Phones: Editorial, 4925; Business, 21214. EDITORIAL STAFF Telephone 4925 MANAGING EDITOR Chairman Editorial Board HENRY MERRY FRANK E. COOPER, City Editor Editor............... Gurney Williams al irector....... .....Walter W. Wilds wt City Editor........Harold 0. Warren Editor.............Joseph A. Russell 's Editors...........Mary L. Behmyer Drama,Books........Win. J. Gorian iReflections ........Bertram .'.Askwith it News Editor ...... Charles R. Sprowl aph Editor ........... George A. Stauter Editor................Wm. E. Pyper NIGHT EDITORS ch Conger Charles R. Sprowl Forsythe Richard L. Tobin M. Nichol Harold 0. Warren . Reindel Sports Assistants )n C. Fullerton J. Cullen Kennedy Charles A. Sanford' REPORTERS hs M. Cooley Robert L. Pierce nFrank Richard Racine B. Gilbreth Earl Seifiert riedberg Jerry l. Rosenthal d Goodman Ceorge A. Stauter ni Helper John . rThomnas Jones John S. Townsend r J. Meyers Blunt Mary McCall te Dembitz Cile Miller Feldman Margaret O'Brien Gllmeyer Eleanor Rairdon G. Grimes Anne Margaret Tobin levy Margaret Thompson y Magee Claire Trussell iManchester BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 21214 [OLLISTER MABLEY, Business Manager PER H. HALVERSON, Assistant Manager Department Managers ising................ Charles T. Kline isin. ..............rhomnas M. Davis ising ............William W. Warboyu !e .............Norris.Johnsou ation..........Robert W. Williamnson lation ... ....Marvin S. Robacke of China situated northeast , or Peking on the China Sea, a short distance from Shan-hai-quan where the Great Wall begins. Anyone who could afford this trip, mostly weal- thy Chinese, would fly down for the weekend. The plane lay from Fri- day until Monday on a meadow just over the hill from our summer cottage. I do not know when the use of the airplane was first introduced1 into China, but I do know that 1920 was not the first year, for the peo- ple at the resort took it as a usual, not a new thing. China, like Chica- go, features in the newspapers usually only when there is some- thing such as a kidnapping or a bandit-killing. If you study China's] map, you will see that these banditsl work many days' journey inland1 from its great cities. In the cities, a robber's or bandit's head is off; inside of a day of his capture, and the capture is speedy. There is much less crime in the Chinese than in our American cities in spite of -all our boasted superior civilization. While I in was Chicago, I happened to mention the fact that I hoped soon to go back to China on a business trip and people said: "I don't see how you dare." I answered: "Chicago is noted for its bandits and murders, yet I have been here eleven days and am not dead yet." It is to be deplored that the pa- pers are not broader in their poli- cies towards all foreign countries. A broader, unbiased knowledge of the true state of affairs of all coun- tries would do much to bring about a lasting world peace than many armaments. Mrs. H. B. Merrick. L - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - a OUT QLL M SIC AND DRA // ~ __ DRMAI RAH FORA L TODAY: Last two performances this afternoon and evening in the mauxr a vanurrwiinrirs u I think that right here and now is the time for us to have a Union appreciation moment, Dan'l. You know, after all, in spite of the do- ings of the Gargoyle, we have been on pretty good terms with that gang, and I think we ought to help them alongdwith their home-com- ing weekend. Mendelssohn Theatre of Comedy Club's jolly production of "Pierre Pathelin." First of all, I want to thank you, Mr. Donahue, for your kind letters. Now I know that it isn't very often that the head of a big going con- cern has a chance to write a per- sonal letter to a common ordinary every-day student like me. But I sure was tickled to get your per- sonally-signed letter in 're the Home-coming week-end. And let me tell you right here and now, Al, that I'm staying in town this week- end especially for that. After that nice letter of yours, (and you know, it isn't very often that we students get letters during vacation when at home, unless our creditors get nasty and -look up the old home address in the Dean's office) I really can't help putting aside my own whims and really pitch in and stay right here to help you put the thing over. In fact, I really don't see why you got Larry Gould to come and do it. After that Tatter, I kinda thought-oh well, I guess it was just a mutual misunder- standing. 11 e' s n :r i _ -0 "The Maryland Democrats insist that there is nothing phoney or funny about their claim for the presidential nomination for Gov- ernor Ritchie."-Atlanta Constitu- tion. No, but maybe they are just eounts . ..... ...... Thomas S. Muir throwing out feelers, without de- usiness secretary.;......Mary J. Kenan veloping any real plan until they Assistants arry R. Beglev Noel D. Turner find out what the response may be. non Bishop Do. W. LyonDeriNws i'aim Brown Villiam Morgan -Detroit News. obert Callahan Richard Stratemeer /illiam w. Davis Keith Tyler_0 [les Hoisington Richard H. Hiller re Kightlinger ByronaC. vedder Editorial Comment nn W. Verne Sylvia Miler ftrian Atran Helen Olsen 00 Fen Bailey Mildred Postal osephine Convisser Marjorie Rough THE FOUR-YEAR INVESTMENT [axne Fishgrund Mary E. Watts (The Stanford Daily) uorothy LeMire Johanna Wiese uorothy Laylin Recent and frequent have been the surveys purporting to show the r _ _ _ _ _ money value of a college education.I Now comes the report of Walter J. SATURDAY, MAY 9, 1931 Greenleaf, "associate specialist in right Editor--BEACH CONGER, Jr. high education" of the Federal Office of Education. This report SPORTSMANSHIP shows that the questionnaires, sur- SPORSMANHIPveys, and estimates of the monetary valu aodeducation are atn betun- lFor the second time in the past reliable and misleading. hree years, the sophomore class In commenting on this report, the Las burned the Cap Night bonfire editor of The Daily Princetonian rematurely in what we suppose is observed: "It is becoming apparent; Lthing more than a petty effort that for an increasing number of o get even with the freshmen for undergraduates the four years of rinning the Spring games. This university life are chiefly a finan- ttitude on the part of the sopho- cial investment: the external ack aore class shows a surprising lack nowledgment, the diploma, in its f gfunction of 'social background' and good sportsmanship adsri e'vocational recommendation,' is so In th~e first place, the freshmen rapidly superseding the education re not only building the bonfire itself in point of importance .... r themselves-they work on it for "Simply because published salary- .ie benefit of all the classes, towns- surveys are an acknowledgment of eople and alumni who attend the the existence of this unfortunate nnual, traditional ceremony. If undergraduate attitude, they are att hose sophomores who kindled the the same time an encouragement laze yesterday afternoon, and the of it-a sort of tacit official ap- ne two years ago, had ever taken proval. We are tempted to suggestt art in the construction of a 30 or that the results of such investiga-1 arfot itheynstrutiondofapp30ciotions be confined to the ledgers of )-foot pyre, they would appreciate statisticians, and that, as a substi- ie efforts of the class of '34, espe- tute, the Federal Office of Educa- ially under uch dampening condi- tion make a yearly survey amongt ons as reigned yesterday, and college men to determine the an- low a better spirit than they have swer to the question: 'What per- idenced. centage of graduates find it neces- On the surface of the matter sary to get soused after businesst ose who kindled the fire yester-'hours in order to keep their minds1 off themselves until the next day's ay have shown a rather rowdy, money-grubbing begins?"' lean, ultra-collegiate attitude. And The fact that surveys and esti- ie outcropping of this attitude at mates of the value in American time when the University is en- dollars of an American collegiate rtaining many visitors during its education are generally inaccurate omecoming weekend, is especially and unreliable will not change the plorable. It may be considered attitude of undergraduate college sart to kidnap the respective cap- students. They know the economic ins before the games, or paint value of the college experience, d and green numerals on their whether they are able to assay itu >ponents. But Cap Night is a tra- exactly at $1.33 increment in annual income foi every day of tion, which not only is enjoyed by college work or not. le freshmen, but by sophomores, But in the current and popular niors, and seniors as well. We may appreciation of the value of the ily hope that by next year the college years, strictly formal edu-R 'esent freshmen will have devel- cation is not the only factor. Ands ed a saner class spirit, and will this is quite proper; it should notC tye cooperated with the class of be the sole factor. Other types ofe i in their effort to make their experience can and should contri-1 tp Night a real event. bute to the value of college educa- - ,tion. Most of them can be summedc up in the experience of four years'o association with charming and in-o Campus Opinion telligent people, students and in- structors. But these other types arep Contributors are asedto be brief not ,oddly enough, the ones most confining themseles to lssi tha,.S300 words if possible. Aonymous corn emphasized by those who see ina mricatins will be disregarded. The college education value apart from names of communicants will, however, t he regarded as confidential, upon re. its formal and academic aspects. quest. Letters published should not be The surest value of the four-year0 ennstrued as expressing the editorial nhy opinion of The Daily. investment, to those who critically analyze it, with the mental attitude c of investors, lies in three things:n the Editor: the prestige of having a college g : was interested in reading in degree, especially from an institu-1 ednesday's Daily that "China's tion of renown; the acquaintance ofw sh towards modernism is taking fellow - students whose "connec- the air these days." tions" will be of value in after- 01 * * * And another thing about which you've been very nice to me, Al. It ain't often that a mere Rolls col- umn executive gets a free ticket to the big Union dance held in honor of THE MICHIGAN DAILY. And I sure was tickled to get mine, even if it did come on Saturday morn- ing after the dance, because qt, showed that you appreciated my position on the campus, and you had good intentions, anyway. I understand that you've had the best year in the history of The Union, Al.,Well, now, I think that's mighty nice. I heard Kennie Shafer say it before you, and Wee Willie Nissen say it before him, but I know that you mean it. Now it's quite a thing for a big business concern like yours, like I said before, to have a biggest ever year, especially in these here years of depression, and so, Al, that is why I thought we ought to do a little appreciating,; even though Lark didn't think the showers weren't being run right, and even though you do let women down in the taproom at times, and even though I don't think the sta- tionary you have this year is as nice as that you had last year. At any rate, you've kept the co-eds out the front door, and we're all for you, Al. P. S. How about a comp for your *senior brawl??? It was only last night. We heard a very nice story the other day in our anti-co-ed-cam- paign-j ustification-campaign. It seems that a professor, upon enter- ing the class, just sat tight to see what the various individuals would do. All remained silent. Finally be said to one of the co-eds: "You have done the only distinctive thing since I entered this room." Rather surprised, and abashed, of course, she queried "What?" "You yawned," stated the prof. . * But she came right back at him, just as Emily Bates did to Waldo Abbott. "Why not?" she said. * * * A very kind contributor has sent us a little clipping on why Gilbert K. Chesterton likes America, with probable reference to our fair city. It reads as follows: ...It occurred in a country town where there is a college or univer- sity in which I had just lectured. One of the professors was kind enough to say that he liked my line of argument and that it had contained one point that had not occurred to him before. A minute or two later, as I was standing waiting outside the hall, the same professor's chauffeur came up to me in exactly the same manner and said almost exactly the same thing. He said that he agreed up- on that particular point, but was doubtful about some other point of controversy. There was absolutely no difference between the tone and gesture and bodily carriage of the rofessor and his servant. Neither was aggressive; neither was apol- ngetic; neither thought it anything This amazing farce of the de- ceived deceiver is rich with the un- thinking vitality of the French medieval street. One enjoys sav- ouring the process which produced this play-the peculiarity of a pop- ulace which can spontaneously con- trive a narrative full of its own wretched deceitfulness for its own hilarious pleasure. (The process which, peculiarly enough, depress- ed Sainte-Beuve when he thought about it). Taken simply in the reading "Pathelin" is simple, robust, trival. In the theatre, it proves rich, even subtle. Comedy Club's production is sufficiently vigorous, sufficiently aboundant in joy to forcibly estab- lish the piece's perennial theatric vitality. The evening was alive and extremely worthwhile. The principal triumph of the production is perhaps Frank Har- rison's double set. The rollicking spirit of the play was very neatly translated into a picture that was very jovial to look at in itself. And in addition, the two sets housed the action with a maximum of effici- ency. Consider, for example, the scene where Master Pathelin's wife stands at the top of steps shouting vituperation at the simple, befud- dled mind below, while Pathelin glorious in deceit rollicks in bed. Mr. Harrison's set gave that scene its full pictorial value. The most striking performance was given by Franklin Comins who rendered the unhappy merchant with fine wit in his voice and body. Richard Humphreys labored Pathe- lin somewhat. He seemed to be constantly trying for a stage man- ner appropriate to the part and the effort showed through rather too much (particularly in his rath- er annoying virtuosity in regard to voice pitches). More natural- ness, more abandon might better have suited the part. Miss Stesel was good and loud as Guillemette; Palmer Bollinger very precise and effective with his Baas. W. J. G. ANTON BRUCKNER AT THE MAY FESTIVAL The playing of Anton Bruckner's Ninth Symphony at the May Festi- val will be an event of some musi- cal importance. The attitude of the niusic world to this late nineteenth century composer has been peculiar. In Germany and Austria he is held i4 the highest esteem. He has been varously called thererthe greatest writer of fugues since Bach, the fourth great "B" in the Bach- Beethoven-Brahms tradition, and by Richard Wagner the one man having the stature of Beethoven. Outside of Germany and Austria, and especially. in this country he has suffered an almost complete neglect. His popularity in Germany may be.', easily understood. Besides the fact that he worked in the great German gendres, church music and the absolute symphonic form, his expressions are German in temper- ament and intelligence. His music is replete with religious concepts of high order. They are in a state of disorder in the music it is true, presented in a rhapsodic manner and not fused into a complete co- herence. Romantic religious feel- ings are apt to be disorderly, their self-sufficiency in the mind of the artist preventing him from disci- plining their expression. Bruckner's expressions do however represent a very passionate reaction against the essential flavor of his age. Statements concerning his position in the major symphonic tradition are true in so far as they recognize this fact: that Bruckner was the representative of classic ideas and passions in a romantic era. Brahms represented the tradition in full virility. In Bruckner there was a slightly decadent and consequently slightly morbid survival. Interest in Bruckner was awak- ened here recently by Toscanini's playing the Seventh Symphony. It was very long and despite - the1 sonorous Wagnerian orchestration, very difficult to listen to. Its dis- orderliness of idea was accompan- ied by a consequent flatness. Mendel' summed up the technical objections to the score at the time of the Tos- canini reading rather neatly. "It is contrast chiefly that is lacking contrast of one voice with another, contrast of harmonic and orches- tral coloring. Bruckner seems to 4 '4 4 I Orders executed on a lex- changes. Accounts carried en sonservtive omargin. Telephone 23271 ANN ARBOR TRUST BLDG. lot FOOR Sunday Dinner 75c ONLY ONE BLOCK NORTH FROM HILL AUDITORIUM f I,, - _ ;, " ,,,,,_ ..b,.. P 1. ~1 DINING ROOM Lunches 40c, Dinners 60c FIRST METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH Cor. S. State and E. Washington Sts. Dr. Frederick B. Fisher, Minister 10:30 A. M.-Morning Worship. "MOTHER" Dr. Fisher 7:30 P. M.-Evening Worship. DR. PAUL W. HARRISON Of Arabia METHODIST STUDENTS CENTER WESLEYAN GUILD Cor. State and East Huron 12:00 Noon-Mrs. Fi her's class will meet at Wesley Hall. 6:00 P .M.-Dr. Frederick B. Fisher hill speak on "Mother." 7:00 P. M.-Social Hour. THE FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH E. Huron, below State R. Edward Sayles, Minister Howard R. Chapman, Minister of Students. 9:30 A. M.-The Church School. Mr. Wallace Watt, superintendent. 10:45 A. M.-Morning Worship. "Mother's of Men." Mr. Sayles. 5:30 P. M.-Friendship Hour. 6:30 P. M.-Devotional Hour. N.B.-Annual Student Banquet at the Church, Tuesday, May 12, 6:00 P. M. Rev. Theodore Adams of Toledo will speak. h , FIRST CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH Allison Ray Heaps, Minister ST. ANDREW'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH Il Division and Catherine Streets Reverend Henry Lewis, Rector Reverend Duncan E. Mann, Assistant HILLEL FOUNDATION 615 East University Rabbi Bernard Heller 11:15 A. M.-Rabbi Heller will speak on "Judaism and Mysticism." 7:30 P. M.-Open Forum Debate. Sunday, May 10, 1931 10:41 A. M.-Morning Worship. Sermon topic: "The Investment of Influence." 5:30 P. M.-Student Fellowship social half hour. 6:00 P. M.-Fellowship Supper. 6:30 P. M.-J. L. Brumm, Profes- sor of Journalism, will speak on "Self-Expression." I 8:00 A. M.-Holy Communion. 9:30 A. M.-Church School (Kin. dcrgarten at 11 o'clock). 11:00 A. M.-Morning Prayer. Ser- mon by the&Reverend Henry Lewis. 6:00 P. M.-Student Supper at Harris Hall. Speaker Dr. Cyrus C. Sturgis. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Huron and Division Sts. Merle H. Anderson. Minister Alfred Lee Klaer, Associate Pastor. Mrs. Nellie B. Cadwell, Counsellor of Women. 10:45 A. M.-Morning Worship- Mother's Day Service. Address by Paul Harrison, M.D. of Arabia. 12:00 Noon-Student Classes. 5:30 P. M.-Social Hour for Young People. 6:30 P. M.-Young People's Mcct- ing. Speaker: Dr. Paul Harrison. FIRST CHURCH CHRIST, SCIENTIST 409 S. Division St. 10:30 A. M.-Regular Morning Serv ice. Sermon topic: "Adam and Fallen Man." 11:45 A. M.-Sunday School follow- ing the morning service. 7:30 P. M.-Wednesday Evening testimonial meeting. The Reading Room, 10 and 11 State Savings Bank Building, is open daily from 12 to 5 o'clock, except Sundays and legal holidays. BETHLEHEM EVANGELICAL CHURCH (Evangelical Synod of N. A.) Fourth Ave. between Packard and Williams Rev. Theodore R. Schmale 9:00 A. M.-Bible School. 10:00 A. M.-Morning Worship. Sermon topic: "The Faith of Mothers." 11:00 A. M.---German Service. 7:30 P. M. 7:00 P. M.-Young People's League. 11 ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH Washington St. at Fifth Ave. E. C. Stellhorn, Pastor 9:00 A. M.-Sunday School. 10:00 A. M.-Pastor's address on "The White Carnation." 10:30 A. M.'Service with sermon on "Making Mothers' Day Mean 11 "1 ST. PAUL'S LUTHERAN CHURCH Third and West Liberty Sts. C. A. Brauer, Pastor Sunday, May 10, 1931 9:00 A.-M.-German. 10:00 A. M.-Bible School. 11:00 A. M.-English. 11 LIBERAL STUDENT'S UNION 7:30 P. M. Dr. Raymond Hoekstra of 'the Department of Philosophy will criti- cally discuss the views of "Bill" Simp. son the individualist and Sherwood lddy the socialist. I 10:45 A. M. ii Harold P. Marlev will deliver a I i 1 1