D I 1890 / 4w Ak AL 1101V ti x MEMBE ASSOCITl PRESS EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN VOL. XLI., No. 156. EIGHT PAGES ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATTJRDAY, MAY 9, 1931 PRICE FIVE PRICE FIVE C I FRESHMEN DISCRD CAPS DESPITE RI More Than 600 First Year Men Toss Pots' Into Hastily Constructed Blaze. FIRST BONFIRE BURNED Bell, Bighy, Taylor, Kuehn Talk at Traditional Function; Free Show Offered. Undaunted by a drizzling rain and the fact that their huge bon-; fire had been prematurely burned by students alleged to be members of the sophomore class, more thanl 600 freshmen threw their pots into a hastily constructed b1 a z e in Sleepy Hollow last night during the traditional Cap Night ceremonies. A crowd of about 7,000 University students and towns people witness- cd the event. Merton J. Bell, '31, president of the student council, a c t e d as spokesman, introducing the four speakers of the evening. First to address the Cap Night assembly was Paul S. Bigby, '31E, president of the senior engineering class, who spoke on Michigah's traditions and the responsibilities of the class of. 1934. He was followed by Laverne Taylor, '31Ed, president of the sen- ior education, class, who augment ed Bigby's address with further comments on Michigan's traditions and the importance of their con- tinuation. Edward Kuehn, '33M, then told of the Spring Homecom- ing program, which began yester- day, and recited the order and mer- its of the coming events. Yost Awards Letters, Following the student speeches, Fielding H. Yost, director of inter- collegiate athletics, made a short address and then presented "M" blankets to mem~bers of the senior class who have won at least two letters in one sport.. Those receiv-. ing the blankets were Perry Aus- tin, William Benz, William Comp-' ton, Francis C o r n w e 11, Tommy Couris, Joseph Downing, Leo Drav- eling' Thernn D~nh, h ~ ne4t SOPHOMORES OUTSMART FRESHMAN GUARD; BURN CAP NIGHT BONFIRE Large Pile of Wood Ignited Yesterday Afternoon During Rain. Sophomores at 3:45 o'clock yes- terday afternoon set fire to and burned the Cap Night bonfire on which t h e freshmen had been working since 9 o'clock in the morning. Despite this premature blaze, the freshmen commenced to rebuild the pyre in hopes to com- plete it for the evening's activities. According tothose who witnessed the blaze, only four freshmen were guarding the pile at the time. Har- vey Bauss, '33, captain of the sophomore class, approached them' from the direction of Mosher-Jor- dan dormitories. While the inter- est of the freshmen was centered on him, it is claimed, some oner crept up behind the pile of wood and ignited it. He was observed before he had a chance to escape unnoticed, and while -three of the yearlings were attempting t~o put the fire out, the fourth chased the unknown, but was unable to catch him. Efforts to obtain the assistance of the fire department on the part of the freshmen proved to be of no avail, and the 20-foot pile of wood and cardboard burned to the ground.' Before it was altogether in ashes, however, two truck loads of fresh material had arrived, and recon- struction was begun about 50 feet from the site of the first pyre un- der the direction of Richard Fur-t niss, '31E, councilman in charge of Cap Night activities. The first attempt to burn fresh- I man b o n f i r e s nrematureiy was made in 1929, when the class of '32, commenced their building on Thursday afternoon. At 2 o'clock Friday morning the few who were guarding the pile were overwhelm- ed by 30 or 40 sophomores who threw milk bottles full of gasoline on the wood and ignited the pile. The freshmen were able, however, to build a new bonfire in time for the evening's festivities. Last year, aagreement between the two un- dercelasses prevented any such oc- currence. Had the plan, which the sopho- mores successfully used, failed, it was understood that Bauss nad ar- ranged for the pile to be firec by means of burning tapes attached to arrows, which were to be shot from the road overlooking Sleepy Hollow. GUATEMALA PARTY REPORHTS_'PRIOGREHSS Professor Bartlett to L e a v e Main Group to Make Trip to Tikal. Prof. Harley H. Bartlett, head of the, research expedition now in Guatemhala, was still in Uaxactum, according to the last letters receiv- ed from him, dated April 9 and 20. C e ic 7 v t ' rrY 7. li a f VISITORS TO VIEW ENGINEERHIN FATS Iron Pouring, Casting, Concrete Experiments Will Feature Open House Today. Open House in the engineering college will be featured today with. the pouring of iron from a cupola' at 10 o'clock in room 4313, East En- gineering building. The process of remelting the iron and the pouring may be witnessed by visitors. Watch fob souvenirs will be given out in room 1304 East Engineering building. These will be made in the presence of visitors. At each hour of th'e morning, concrete beams will be tested and broken in room 102, West Engineering building. At the opening of the exhibit yesterday, approximately twice as many people attended as at the last Open House, held a few years ago. This exhibit was originated as a display to accompany May Festival week but was held earlier this year to accommodate visitors to the Spr'ng homecoming program. By Saturday noon, closing hour for the display, over 3,000 people, will have attended the exhibits, it is estimated by the interest being shown by students and visitors from all parts of the state. At 4:15 yesterday afternoon, an illustrated lecture on Camp Davis was held in connection with the Open House program. GOVERNOR B ROCKEHR VETOES MALT TAX DR. RICHARD SMITH NAEDB BRUCKE IR1 TO REGENT'S POST Grand Rapids Surgeon Chosen to Fill Vacancy Caused by Sawyer's Death. SERVED IN WORLD WAR Was in Charge of Largest Red Cross Hospital in Paris. LANSING, May 8.-(/P)--Dr. Rich- ard Smith of Grand Rapids today was appointed to the board of re- gents of University of Michigan by Gov. Wilber M. Brucker. He takes the place made vacant by the re- cent death of Regent Walter H. Sawyer of Hillsdale. 'Dr. Smith was graduated from the University in 1892. He is a member of the board of regents of the American College of Surgeons and is chief surgeon of Blodgett Memorial hospital at Grand Rapids. The governor issued the follow- ing statement: "The University of Michigan's activities are closely related with state health units, health pro- grams, hospital and public health generally. The state has no more important function than the safe- guarding of public health. I feel it is of the utmost importance to have some one on the board of re- gents professionally familiar with the problems of the University medical school, University hospital and others to take the place of Dr.' Sawyer who so ably served for 26 years. Stands high in Medical World. "Dr. Smith stands high in the medical profession of our state and is fully qualified by intimate knowl- edge and contact to help formulate a policy relating to this important' branch of government. He is one of the keenest and most br lliant minds in the medicalprofession to- day. He is a great student and of the highest ethical type. He is a member of the University Alumni association, the American Legion and the Veterans of Foreign Wars." Dr. Smith accompanied Dr.. Wil- liam Mayo on tours of South Amer- ica and Australia to demonstrate; American methods of surgery.Dur- ing the World war he was in charge of the largest American Red Cross hospital in Paris. He retired with the rank of colonel. Is Famous Surgeon.) . Grand Rapids, May 8.-(A)-Dr. Richard R. Smith, who was ap- pointed today by Gov. Wilber M. Brucker as a regent of Univ'ersity of Michigan, is one of Michigan's famous surgeons. He is one of the founders of the American College of Surgeons and is a regent of the organization. He also is a member of the American Medical association and its sub- ordinate societies, and is a former vice president of the American Gynecological society. I During the World war Dr. Smith served in France as head of unit Q of the American Red Cross, earning the rank of lieutenant col- onel. Dr. Smith was graduated from University of Michigan in1892. He is a native of Grand Rapids, born here 61 years ago, and has spent virtually all of his life here. R.O.T*C. PROGRAM TO HONOR PARKER Local Military Unit Schedules Drills for Major-General. The R. 0. T. C. will sponsor three programs next Thursday in honor of Major-General Frank Parker, commanding officer of the sixth corps area, who will be here on that date. A luncheon in his honor will be held at the Union at 12:15 o'clock. Pres. Alexander G. Ruth- ven and the deans of the various colleges that have students taking R. O. T. C. work will be guests. At 5:20 in the afternoon a grad-' uation parade will be held at south Ferry field, or in the field house in case of inclement weather. *General Parker will congratulate this year's graduates and present medals to Michigan's winning rifle team. The junior officers will as- sume command of the various R. O. T. C. units, and the seniors will stand in formation with Major- General Parker. At 6:15 o'clock the Ann Arborl HELPS TO LOCATE' MISSING SCIENTIST A ssoc ate 4'ress Photo , Maj. Sidney Cotton, English aviator who assisted in a search for Augustine Courtaid, who Iwas lost this last winter in the wastes of Greenland conducting scientific observations. AL[UMNI TO DISC'bUSS5 BUSINE[SS TA1CTICS Business Administration School Graduate Conference Will Take Place Today. Business methods and the pres- ent economic condition will be the theme of the third annual alumnit conference of the School of Bus-f iness Administration, which will open at 9:30 o'clock this morning in the Union. More than 75 alumni are expect- ed to be in attendance, membersf of the general committee, which' is composed of D. M. Phelps, '26; T. K., Haven, '29, and R. T. Beall,t '30,, said yesterday. Presiding at the general session which will.open the conference willI be Raymond T. Perring, M.B.A., '27,? of the Detroit Savings bank. Dr. Clarence- S. Yoakum, vice-president3 of the University, will make the ad- dress of welcome, and Milton J. Drake, M.B.A., '30, will give the re- sponse.; Group discussions in banking and investments, marketing and salesI management, and accounting, willj close the morning session. At the noon luncheon, Robert Starr But-s ler, a graduate of the business ad- ministration school .and vice-pres- ident in charge of advertising of' the General Foods corporation, will be the principal speaker. Costumes Need Not be Costly,, Nor Especially Designed, Knudson States. 'FAT HS AND SONS BANQUET,' GOULD LECTURE TO FEATURE[ HOMECOMINGPROGRAM TOO Judge Weygandt, Poorman, Will Talk at Din in Union Tonight; Geologist Will Discuss Byrd Expedition. Final preparations for the Fathers and Sons banquet in Union at 6 o'clock tonight and the Laurence Gould lecture in auditorium at 8 o'clock were made yesterday by the Spring H coming committee, in charge of the three-day program of e which began yesterday. Tickets for both the banquet and the le< will remain on sale at the Union, the League, and among me of the committee until late this afternoon. More than 400 guests are expected to attend the banque night which will be featured by addresses from A., G. Poorman of Chicago, and Judge Carl B. Weygandt, of Cleveland. Se other short speeches will fil' I' program. Following the ban Michigan Nine Beats interest in the HomnetomIn Wisconsin, 10 to 6 gram will turn to the Gould consinture at Hill auditorium where motion pictures and slides wil The Michigan baseball team company the famous explo yesterday clouted out a 10-6 vic- address. tory over the Wisconsin nine at Gould Given Special Privileg Madison in a slugfest marked by "Larry Gould," second in i thrue home runs. mand on the recent Byrd anta Diffley, Wolverine catcher, ac- expedition, has the unique dis counted for one round trip, while tion of beng one of the few Braendle, Michigan fielder, and ever to be granted the privilej Smilgoff, Badger outfielder con- lecturing upon such an enters tributed the other two. This privilege is usually reserve Compton and MacNeal were the commander, but was give the Michigan pitchers, while the Michigan man by Comma Sommerfield hurled for the Wis- Richard Byrd as a wedding pri consin team. The Wolverines last year. Mrs. Gould was for collected 12 hits for 22 bases, Miss Margaret Rice, an Ann I Iwhile. the Badgers hit 11 times girl. for 17 bases. In a statement from Prof. V '_Hobbs, himself an explorer of the Gould address was termed best lecture on polar expedi mat Ihave o w.s " The n"h PLANSfFOReALUMNI~ly enhances the value of the lec critics state. MEET FORM LATE cr1 WHi Fete Mothers. Other events scheduled toda jthe Mother and.Daughter lunc "ClubsViLlHokThid :and the Wyvern tea, for 'W chigan C Wr guests at the League. The Michi Triennial May22 and 23, Minnesota track. meet, the Announces. home performance of the squac Tapping 1931 and the last appearanc such stars as Eddie Tolan, w IF inal plans were announced yes- record holder in the 100-yard< terday for the third Triennial of Perry Austin, two-mile Big I the University of Michigan clubs champion, and Cabtain John P which will be held May 22 star pole-vaulter, will be hel wi Cl be dheMamn2and 23, 2:30 p. in., at Ferry Field. A ch in Cleveland when alumni and has been made from the orii alumnae from all parts of the coun- program concerning the swim try will take part in the inter- exhibitionawhich will be dispi national celebration, by the finals of the Y. W. C. A. at 7:30 o'clock tonight, in the Ii More than 300 delegates from the mural gym. various alumni organizations are Sunday's program includes expected to attend, T. Hawley Tap- Mothers' Day musical concer ping, general secretary of the alum- Hill auditorium at 4 o'clock ins ni association, said yesterday fol- of 3 as announced' yesterday which time the Varsity glee lowing a conference with Clyde W. and the band will entertain Colby; '11E, Cleveland, general versity guests. Senior Cane Da3 chairman. also feature the Sunday progra Business sessions will be held all Exhibitions, reunions, special day Friday, followed by a banquet tertainments' at fraternity in the evening in honor of Presi- sorority houses and the Unive activity in every school and cc dent Alexander G. Ruthven. The will complete the remainder b: business sessions will be continued Homecoming program. i Saturday morning 'and will close at Open House displays in the I noon. neering college will be open t The general theme of the meet- public Saturday morning. Dr ings will be an attempt to evaluate inclement weather a route has college training at the University devised whereby visitors ma based on the experience of individ- most of the exhibits without I ual alumni who have finished a ing the main building. complete course. The speakers will Those visiting the engine be men who graduated from the I building are asked to sign the r University ten and twenty years ter located in'the lobby. ago. They are: Charles E. Blanchard, Columbus; Auto Parts in ExhI James K. Watkins, Detroit; Harvey, ;; { ', M : { 1 L1,Lunue, Leonard Many of the members of the ex- Friedman, Robert Gordon, Edwin pin, ording to the exs Hammer, Richard Livingston, John pedition, according to the letters R. Noyes, John Pottle, Joseph Roy- have had a slight touch of the fev- ston, James H. Simrall, Arthur er and have been pestered by the S c h la n d e r e r, Alfred Steinke, Bot fly larvae. This fly lays its Charles Smith, Kenneth Stolpman, eggs on the skin and when the Eddie Tolan, Irving Valentine, and young hatch they borrough farther Joe Woodard. The awards were fol- in. Although very irritating, the lowed by a short speech from fly causes no particular harm, the Coach Harry Kipke. letter said. Michigan Theatre Damaged. So far, the trip has been quite Following the Cap Night cere- a ,success, Professor Bartlett writes. monies at Sleepy Hollowi students They have gathered a considerable flocked to the Michigan and Ma- collection of birds, plants and ani- jestic theatres for the traditional mals. Discoveries of many types free show. In the rush at the Mich- of bats, found in the forests and igan theatre, two plate glass win- among old ruins, have astonished dows were smashed and a main members of the expedition. front door carried away at the Professor Bartlett will separate hinges. No damage was done at from the main group of the'party the Majestic. in order to make a short trip to Freshmen committeemen worked Tikal which is in the Savannah throughout the day to build one of country. Dr. Josselyn Van Tyne, the largest bonfire piles in the his- assistant curator of birds in the tory of Cap Night, only to have University Museum of Zoology, and several students raid Sleepy Hollow Dr. Adolph Murie, assistant curator at 3:45 yesterday afternoon and of animals, will remain with the set fire to the imposing array of camp at Uaxactum until Professor empty boxes, sticks, and miscellan- Bartlett's return. They will con- cous kindling. An emergency call tinue with their branch of the ex- was issued to houses throughout pedition. the campus and the freshmen Because of the tardiness of the worked up until the time of the mail, it is impossible to ascertain opening ceremonies in erecting a exactly where Professor Bartlett is new pile nearly as large as the pre- now. According to Dr. Frederick vious one. The bonfire was lit at M. Gaige, director of the Univer- 8:40 and the discarding of pots sity museum of Zoology, Professor, commenced almost immediately. Bartlett is now probably in El Cayo, where he intends to make collec- tions along the river and then head ~ .for the pine ridge. He has signi- fled his intentions of being home State.UBulletins aotM 4 about May 24, but his arrival may (BY Assnriatpd P,) be delayed until some time in June. Friday, May 8, 1931 The camp at Uaxactum has for its ;pets a jaguar and a peccary, the letter stated. M U S K t G ON--Prof. Joseph E _____r______d. Maddy, of University of Michigan,. will be the guest conductor when }** e Scores the first annuai west shoremusic Noble Prize Authors festival is held here May 13, 14 and 15. One thousand singers, from SYRACUSE N. Y., May 8.-(IP)- schools of Grand Haven, -Luding- S. S. Van Dine, in private life Wil- ton, Whitehall, Muskegon Heights bur Huntington Wright, in a mes- and Muskegon will participate, sage of greetings appearing today D EC T R 0 T-Because 'she could in the literary magazine of Syra- spell "picayune" and 14 other con- cuse University, poked fun at this t e s t a n t s couldn't, 13-year-old superficial age" and at the writ- Blanche Krell, an eighth grade pu- The article appeared on the same pil, will represent Detroit in the page with gee rom in cair national spelling bee at Washing- Lewis. This was purely by accident. Leaders in Legislature Revise Budget; Property Levy to Produce Funds. LANSING, May 8-(P)-Governor Brucker today vetoed the malt tax bill and simultaneously legislative leaders abandoned all forms of special revenue. They set to work at once dismantling appropriations based on new levys and rearranged them so the property tax will pro- duce the funds. Their efforts shot what had been an economy tax budget of $26,500,000 up to a pros- pective levy of $30,500,000. The pres- ent state tax is $29,500,000. Shortly after the executive dis- approved the malt levy the house of representatives, with only one dissenting vote, passed a revised budget to which $1,217,633 of prop- erty tax appropriations annually had been added. The senate finance committee recalled the administra- tion deficiency bill which had been slashed in anticipation of' revenues from the tax on malt and wort, with the announced intention of increasing the amount more than $1,000,000. In the new budget University of Michigan and Michigan State col- lege mill tax appropriations were revised to conform with the Calla- ghan bills previously passed by the house and now in the senate. The figures were reduced from $4,662,- 821 to $4,500,000 for the University and from $1,554,273 to $1,500,000 a year for Michigan State. Unless the senate passes the Callaghan bills, however, members of the fi- nance committee pointed out, the two institutions will be entitled to the full amount of their mill tax appropriations.' Augustine Courtauld Will Return to Base "Costumes for the Architects' Ball, May 15, need not be expensive nor especially designed for the oc- casion," stated Percy Knudsen, 31A, general chairman for this year's affair. Dancers may wear costumes of their own choosing which may include smocks or for- mal attire. Prizes for costumes will be awarded, however, on a basis of originality and appropriateness to the modern decorative scheme used. Several Chicago firms have agreed to furnish designs and cos- tumes for the affair at a very re- duced rate to students, but only a few days now remain to order such costumes. Designs for the dress of specialty dancers who will take part i ithe pageant "Descent of the Martians" at the ball are now on display in the windows of a State street store. They were designed by Mrs. R. T. SBittinger. a1 } ' l r rk F. Ake, Canton; John R. Watkins of Detroit; Roscoe Bonistel, Ann Arbor; I. R. Crandall, New York City; Alexander Trout, Detroit; Philip 'Kniskern, New York City; Paul Kellar, Buffalo, and Robert S. Pear, Schnectady. Part of the Automotive Lal tory exhibit will be housed in R. 0. T. C. drill. hall during ht coming. Several cut-away aut bile chasis, two aero enginE Cadillac V-16 motor, and a wheeling transmission are on play. Besides the automotive bit, the military department 1 New Hospital 'Addition Brothers Denied New I Trial in Lingle Case CHICAGO, May 8.-(P)-Leo V. Brothers was denied a new trial for the slaying of Alfred J. Lingle,' Tribune reporter, and was formally sentenced by Judge Joseph Sabath today to 14 years in prison. BrothT no meberof s eam pienec Comedy Club Wil C The new addition to the Uiniver- Medieval French Fa sity hospital will be structurally completed June 1, and will be ready Two. performances bf "P ie for occupancy, entirely furnished Patelin," medieval farce, wi by July 1, it was announced yester- presented by the members ofC edy club at 2:30 o'clock and at day. .o'clock today in the Lydia Me The construction has moved along ssohn theatre. evenly and according to schedule Costumes and sets for the with none of the usual delays caused duction are in period and the by unfavorable weather or delay in ers act as did the fifteenth-ce receiving materials equipment. actors when the play was f