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May 07, 1931 - Image 7

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The Michigan Daily, 1931-05-07

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S -I
' Sophomore Favored
I to Win in Hurdles
ing Crowd Likely

Fifteen events f ,k up the card
WkWch will be presented to local
track enthusiasts next Saturday
afternoon when the Wolverine thin-
clads engage the Gopher squad in
the only outdoor meet to. be held
her&+ this season, Coach CIuck Hoyt
announced yesterday.
Nb relay events are scheduled in
Conference dual meets, he stated.
te, vets to becompeted olude:
1100'-y rd dash, 220, 440, 8W, mile,,
two-rile, 120 yrd high hurdles
20-yard low huildl ,s, shot put, dis-
cu0 po vault, high jump, broad
NUnp, hammer throw, a javelin.
Large G owd, Expe ted.
Th e meet i scheduedto htart
2:30 in te afterion at the Ferry
fIeld oval. Homecoming visitors are
expected to aid in the make up
one of the biggest crowds to ever
tWrn out at- a track aff Ir here, for
it will be the only athletic event
scheduled for the home lot that
Although no definite announce-
ment has been made concerning
the Michigan entries, Coach Hoyt
lhas said that the list will probably
give most of the outstanding thin-
'clads an opportunity to show their
stuff in competition. A list of en-
tries will probably be posted to-
night, Coach Hoyt said.
Haas Enters Century.
As far as the Minnesota boys are
concerned, their chief talent seems"
to be centered in four individual
events lead by CaptainHas in the .
century run who will give Tolan'
'and Campbei tlir o ly opposition
for first place. The Wolverine Negro
thaIh appears to have been aroused
to a litfe ation following his loss
to Glass out at Drake and it would
not be surprising if he should equal7
his :9.6 time of last Saturday if the'
track is in good shape.
Clarence Mupn who took the shot
honors at the enn relays will tke
over one of the two first places that
are conceded to the Gophers for
he can outdo anything that -Gold-
smith can offer here. The other1
probable first place will come in
the high jump which Cam Hackle
has promised to take over for the
Northmen from the west.
Cox Looks Good.
One of the, numerous sophomoreY
stars who are being. developed un-
dr Coach Hoyt's tutelage is Rod
CQx who is rounding into some real
firm in the hammer in which he
specializes. Last Saturday at Co-s
lumbus he twirled the weight out
for better than a 142-foot throw
which netted him a third place
among the best in the ranks. At"
Drake he also took a third with a1
toss of 138 fet. He has passed the
150-foot mark in practice, but as
Coach Bill Ketz says, "It's fairly
easy until you get up to 160 feet,
but after that it's darned awful
hard. Ketz himself starred for the
Wolves a couple of years back in
this event and used to consistently
toss the weight over that mark.
'Hawley Egleston, another of
Coach Hoyt's fledgling thinclads is
also developing some real form In
his specialty, the high hurdles, and
along with Haefele, and possibly
DeBaker, he should have things
mostly his own way against Chuck
Schiefely, the Minnesotanranking
hurdler in the 120-yard high tim-
ber-topping event.
M G Wild
Custom Tailoring

of FO
umbia u
the first
the plan
posed by
ray Butl
A con
trol of
that it i
sis now
from fog
come fro
given to

nt Buter Proposes End
)otball Over-Emphasis;
te Receipts Ignored.
YORK, May 6.-(N)- Col-
niversity already has taken
steps toward carrying out
Sfor endowed athleticsM ro-
y President Nicholas Mur-
er in his annual report last3
.plete shakeup in the con-
athletics, bringing inter-
*e sport under the direct
of the university, was an-
today with the added news
s hoped to end the empha-
placed upon gate receipts
otball and that the cost of
work "may be met by in-
om permanent endowments
' the university for that

I men-is here to interview appli-
INTRAMURAL C L AS S I F 1Ecants for 'umme traveling poi-
NEWS ~ADVER ISIH . lons in inter stn ; p bineit y work.
W VETISiNG8 we EWary, r_
_________-- t:tion. and bu. Michigan Un-
NOTICE ion S-5, Room 308. 23
SIGMA DELTA PSI --_TYPx -Theses a specialty.air
Five o raternities have qualipir REMODELING of the new Raggedy rates. 'M. V. Hartsuff. Dial 9087
for continuance of spring Sigm Ann Shop has delayed the open- c
Delta Psi activities. They are: A~ ing. We hope ot be open May 11, ,
pha Kappa, Lambda, Phi K ppa _
, Sigma Chi Theta Chiand T however, and during that week TYPEWRITING AND M I M E 0 -
angle. The house accumulating as an opening special we offer G r a p h I n g. Moderate > t;:,
the most points will be given a tro- a free shampoo or a manicure Prompt Service. 0. D. ,MorrilL-
phy cup, the present holder being with every wave. We also offer 314 S. State St.
Alpha Kappa Lambda, with Theta a 20% discount on permanents all - - -
Chi runnerup last year. One point of this month. 3 TYPEWRITERS--All mker sold,
is given on the successful comple- RACQUETS-Restrung and Repair-
tion of one event. ed. Expert Work. Cut Rate Prices. D. Morrill, 31 S. State St. Phone
There are only three more weeks 24-Hour Service. Armours and 6615.
of completion, on Mondays, Tues- Johnson's Gut. Call Don at 3843.
days, and Thursday at 3 to 5:30. 612 Church Street. CALLING CARDS-100 with en-
Individuals entering this competi- __ __------ . - - graved . copper plate $2.50 up
tion should try out for 'these events INSURED STORAGE 100 printed from old plate $1.75.
immediately in order to avoid the Now, before it is too late! Best quality workmanship. O. D.
last minute rush. Fraternities that Let us store your Furs. Our ex-1 Morrill, 314 S. State St.
are not in the regular Sigma Delta pert Furriers will add Seasons of
Psi' competition may send "men.
down to compete individualiy at enjoyable wear to your Furs. FOR SALE
the times givenabove. Dial 8507, Zwerdling's Fur Shop,
NOTICE 26 years of unexcelled values and
Whe nclemen weat sem service. ing porch, large lot, garage,
to make the play in an Intramural ________________
sport indefinite on any day, the SUMMER EMPLOYMENT - A na- choice S. E. location. Only $5,500.
cmanggers of the various tea s tional organizer of a big N. Y. Call owner 6700. 3456
ponementg f the athletic engage- corporation-a pioneer in the sue- = -
ments usually takes place at the cessful employment of college
field of play. Attention to this fact
may prevent embarrasing situa- TYPEWRITER I
tion fortheerdedpartment haud tthee REPAIRINGI
teams concerned when the latter All mnakes of mrachinres.
do not bother to check up in such k
case and merely stay away from Our equipment and per.
the field, co n r e I are considered
among the best in the State. The result
ST. LOUIS ---Bill Kiliefer,man"-of twenty years' careful building.
ST.7 LrOUIf'h-aBillrKileer ,,_ man-7%141V

ING AGENCY for reasonable
price. Fine for instructor or stu-
dent. Occupancy at end of pres-
ent semester. This offer made
possible by Mr. Mack's future
affi.iation wi'- an eastern insti-
tution. Agency will continue un-
unr Mr. Mack's personal direc-
tionunt il june 20th. Apply AT
ONCE regarding sale, to TOM-
MIE MACK, 310 South State St.
Phone 7927. Hours: 9-11:30, 1-4.


for care of elderly lady. Adults
only. Phone 5655. 724 No. Main.
LOST: Tan fox fur neck piece April
23 or 24, near end of Geddes Road
or near 600 block Monroe. Re-
ward. Please phone Foster, 6723.
LOST-New pair brown Abbot golf
moccasins last Saturday evening,
Please phone Ebbers, 6723.

Michigan Sophomore hurdle star,
who is. favored to carry off the
honors in the hurdle events when
the W'olverine tracksters entertain
the Minnesota track squad here on
1 Saturday.
Wolves Strive to Remedy Most
Glaring Defects Shown
in Buckeye Matches.
Not entirely satisfied with the
showing made by his charges in
their decisive win over Ohio State,
Coach Thomas Trueblood has or-
dered work and plenty of ithfor his
niblic wielders in preparation for
the crucial meet here Saturday
with Northwestern..
In the' meet lastSaturday, most
of the. men exhibited a remarkable
lack of control on and around the
putting surfaces, and the workouts
this week aim to eliminate this
shortcoming. Howard and Lenfes-
ty were especially weak on their
putting, while some of thenothers
had difficulty in running their
short chips and pitcher within one-
putt distance of the hole.
The squad which Coach Len
Kranz is bringing to Ann Arbor to
do battle with the Wolverines will
contain two veterans from last
year in the persons of Captain 01-
lie Rogers and Fred' Damaske.
George Fredericks, former captain
at Crane Tech, and Charles Wilson
will complete the quartet.
In early season matches the Wild-
cats have served sufficient notice
that they are not to be trifled with.
Purdue fell before the onslaught of
the Northwestern sharpshooters to
the tune7 of 10-8, but the Evanston
boys found the experience and con-
sistency of the Illini were just a
little bit too much for them to
handle when they fell 14-4. How-
ever, the fact that they were beat-
en by Illinois means very little, in-
asmuch as the quartet from Cham-
paign are capable of taking most
any team that comes along.
7075, 7112 OR 21014

The announcement followed a re-
port, published by the Columbia
Spectator, the undergraduate daily,
that the office of athletics had been
established to bring about more
intimate connections between the
athletic association and the direct-
ors of the university.
Singles Matches Being Played
to Determine Champion.

ater or the orwns, is no ionger
Cntinu) Wearing No. 13 on his uniform. Duer.MORRILL
first ouinued from Page6)le to a disastrous road trip he has 4 South State St. Phone 66I5
''changed his number to 33.
Hirshman, and Bob Muzzy, all of -
whom have won two matches to -
date; and Caddy Swanson, whose
single victory keeps him in th Our Weekly Financial S p n
running. Of this group Kenneth Letter Contains S [ I I
Cole is a past All-Campus singlesA y
champion and teamed up with. Analysis of
Phelps last year to snag the All-
campus doubles award in the Drug InC.
spring. He isathe outstanding fa- U
vorite in the race this year and willU io Pa fcf
probably be on top at the finish to
cop the honors and trophy. Copy on request
Several other favorites stand out WATLING
in the ranks of the remainingWA IN
players, including J. Land, who has LERCHEN & Come in before Satur-
won one match by default; J .Led- HAYES day night and leave
erle, winner of two' matches and H Ydy nigtan leave
All-frosh doubles star of last year. Daily Market Letterour name. Nothin
J. Renihan, also ahead by two wins; Members to buy ... no red tape.
H. Durand, the boy who upset New York Stock Exchange Will you be the luck
Podlewski for his second win; and New York Curb Exchange
G. Root, who dished out bad luck (Associate) one?
to S. Williams and went on to his Detroit Stock Exchange
second match for another victoryz F
to his credit. This field of favorites Mezzanine Floor
is going to make the quarter-final /1I J OT S
matches humwhen they begin to( FIRST NATIONAL BANKM I TN
clash among themselves and the P BLDG.
favorite of the field may i dhi Phones: 23221-23222 119 SOUTH MAIN STREET
self eliminated before the end - - -- -
comes. -1
The ContinuingOu Spin
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Custom Made Suits
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