'r, 1931 -, F THE, MICHIGAN DAILY' THF~ MTCHTCAN E~AtLV' u , _,- __ux , l CfUSADR S FAVOR DRY LAW REPEAL; OBJCTIVE CITE Young Men's Organization Seeks State Committees to Report on Liquor Legislation. CLAIMS VICTORY NEAR National Director Says Saloon Will Not Return; Urges Reform Action. f Te ew i# £ditor's Note: 'Ili\ _6v 1th ll t~,tl of lilyi liU'e * sLfid!Iy Jf in , ,Id ai . l~i of 1n(.I'l I (e u Ioege FOR the past two years, the Fac- V ity of the Co1leg of Litera- ture, Science and the Arts has sought a method whereby it might achieve certain of the good objec- tives aimed at in the University College projcet and at the same time achieve these ends without intro- ducing the objectionable features of that plan. The problem has been studied under the guidance of the Curriculum Committee, this com- mittee being later enlarged by then inclusion of other faculty members, so that the following persons have been directly connected with the formulation of the various reports and special orders presented to the Faculty: Professors Angell, Bige- tow, Bcr-k, Bradshaw, James, Mc- Laughlin, Meritt, Reeves, Rich, Sharfman, and Shepard. * * * i chigan Plan JSOVIET gree, b dividied into two parts. MBY The pd-st part, conistuing of ft least 60 hours credit, vith an average in all work of "C" grade or better, Government. must be completed before a student Present S is admitted to candidacy for a de- Cut to gree. This fitrt part, called various- ly a General Program, or an Intro- MOSCOW, M ductory Program, or an Underclass Soviet railroad Program, will be completed by the port systems a ordinary student in two years; some other students may take as ciency, the go much as two and one-half or even steps to corr three years to complete it; and accordance wit probably many of the poorer stu- In addition dents will never complete it. MH . AL H 0 i S Takes Steps to Aid Situation; Wage Be Penalty.. lay 6.-(AP)-With the J and marine trans- at a low ebb of effi- vernment has taken ect the situation in h capitalistic ideas. to increasing the NATIONAL OFFICE GOES TO BANKER Today's Radio Programs (Eastern Standard Time) WASHINGTON, May 6. - (A') - Outright appeal of the eighteenth amendment was announced Tues- day as the goal of the Crusaders, an anti-prohibition organization of young men. This objective was made known by Julian Codman, national com- mander of the Crusaders. He de- nied vigorously that repeal would result in return of the saloon. "In the days before the passage' of the eighteenth amendment," Codman said, "many more than 50 per cent of the licensed saloons, and especially those of the lower type, were either owned or con- trolled by the brewing interests and used as an outlet for their prod- ucts. a "In many cases, the brewers actually owned the premises, paid for the licenses and secured them- selves by a chattel mortgage on the furniture and fixtures. "This whole system has been done away with by 11 years of prohibi- tion. "The capital involved has either been lost or has been transferred to other gainful ends. To re-establish this system even under the most favorable conditions would take years and a great deal of capital." Codman added that the country's "drys" would be joined by "the official wet organizations" in -op- posing return of the saloon. In announcing their stand for repeal, the Crusaders declared their' belief that this would be achieved "within the next few years." The organization recommended that the governor of each state ask authority from his legislature to appoint a special commission to study liquor regulation systems and to report "as to what would be in their opinion the best form of regu- lation or prohibition to be estab- lished by each state," in event ofr repeal.- T HE primary objectives sought to be achieved by the delibera- tions of the faculty and of the Curriculum Committee dufing the past year, appear to be these: (1) to restrict students from pur- suing work of an advanced charac- ter unless and until they have shown adequate competence in their preliminary studies; (2) to provide for a reasonable degree of concen- tration in the work of the last two years; and (3) to ,establish an ad- visory system whereby students will be assisted, throughout the under- graduate course, in arranging their work on a coordinated and intelli- gent basis. In order to accomplish the first of these objectives, the Faculty on Monday, May 4, 1931, voted to recommend to the Board of Regents that the present four-year program, or the 120 hours required for a de- FEATUES PAN E U PON completion of this General Program, the student is auto- matically admitted to candidacy for a degree. He starts then, with a clean slate, on the second half of his college training. No student shall be granted a degree until he has received at least 30 hours credit after admission to candidacy, and unless the average of all his work after such admission to candidacy is of "C" grade or better. Since this second half, known variously as an Upperclass Program, or a Degree Program, is complete in itself, good work and an accumulation of ex- cess points in the freshman and sophomore years will not compen- sate for poor work in the junior and senior years - the last two years must also be of good work. There is no opportunity for a senior to let down on his work and be carried through to graduation sim- ply on the momentum developed earlier in his career. * * First of Will Traditional Activities Be Held in Union Friday Night. Special features for the informal senior dance to be held in the main ballroom of the Union Friday night, when the first of the series of tra- ditional senior activities will be r O -accomplish the second objec- Itive, each student, upon becom- ing a candidate for a degree, shall. be required to select a department, or a larger division, of concentra- tion, and to pursue at least a specified minimum amount of work in that field. If he selects a depart-i ment of concentration, he will have as an advisor an official represent- ative selected by that department, and his entire four-year program must include at least 30 hours of work in that department; if he selects one of the larger divisions as his field of concentration, he will have an advisory committee ap- pointed by the Dean, and his entire four-year program must include at least 60 hours credit in that divi-' sion. It is to be understood that the present group requirements for graduation remain unchanged. Parents Welcome Bay Hero Home to Ranch Towner, Colo., May 6.-U()-Bry- an Untiedt, the boy heroo who vis- ited the president, came back to his parents' 160-acre ranch near here Tuesday and got a rousing welcome from his home floks. CORNELL UNIVERSITY-George M. Sutton, painter of bird portraits and well-known explorer, was a re- cent lecturer here. "A Year in the Arctic with Camera and Brush," was the title of his lecture. He de- scribed with the aid of slides the bird, animal, and Eskimo life com- mon in the Arctic wastes. wages of railway workers, the gov- erment has inaugurated a new schedule which will put locomotive engineers o a piecework basis. In the future they are to be paid according to the miles they run and those who bring in their trains late will lose a certain portion of their wages. At the present time it is said there is hardly a train in Russia that reaches its destination on scheduled time. All trains are from 2 to 24 hours late and a recent trans-Siberian train arrived in Mos- cow 76 hours behind time. Under a new decree of the coun- cil of labor and defense, a drastic change is to be made in the marine transport. Heretofore, the captain of a ship was more or less restricted in his authority and a trades union committee on the ship decided how things were to be done. Under the new orders the trades union rule is abolished and the captain of a ship is to be in command without any restrictions. The council also has decreed that all former marine transport work- ers must quit their present jobs and return to the sea, and the penalty for non-compliance being the loss of such privileges as food cards. The government plans the con- struction this year of 44 new ships with a total tonnage of 170,000, in addition to numerous barges and minor craft. George V Celebrates Crowning Anniversary WINDSOR, England, May 6.-(P) -The ringing of bells in the royal chapel and Windsor church re- minded the people that today was the twenty-first anniversary of the accession of George V to the throne of England. The king, recuperating from a recent attack of bronchitis, spent the day quietly within castle. With him was Queen Mary, who has b e e n his constant companion through an eventful reign which began with the death of Edward VII May 6, 1910. Silas H. Strawn of Chicago was elected president of the United States Chamber of Commerce at its Atlantic City, N. J., meeting. Revolution in Guinea Threatens Seaplane LISBON, May 6.-( P)-Victorious against recent revolts in Madeira and the Azores, the Portuguese gov- ernment moved today to put down a revolution in Baloma, Portuguese Guinea, now host to the German flying boat DO-X on its flight to South America. Escorted by the gunboat Zaire, the transport Carvalho Araujo is to sail with 600 men to quell an uprising. Lisbon representatives of the Dornier works, designers of the DO-X, fear that the insurgents may have confiscated the fuel of the giant, seaplane for use in combat- ting the expeditionary force. Machiavelli admirers and enemies will have the opportunty of hearing how he would sound as visualized by a great dramatist. Modern his- torians have been renovating the evil reputation that he bequeathed to the world, and in the program, as the guest of honor, he will be heard as he saw himself, an ardent patriot. In the Pryor Military band con- cc t, Arthur Pryor will play his own composition, "'Tddy After Africa," recalling the return of an ex-presi- dienlt from a widely publicized hunt- ing expedition. In the same pro- gram will be heard Grafulla's "Washington Grays," reminiscent of the Civil War, and "Laurentian," a famous Canadian march. - - Brad Browne and Al Llewelyn, noted radio comedians, will intro- duce for the first time on the air a new p medy song, not yet named. The song may be submitted to the listeners for a title if the versatile Al has not found one by the time the skit begins. Stanley Smith, leading man of stage and screen and Frances Shel- ley, musical comedy actress, will be the principals in the "Radio Round- up" to be broadcast over the WABC- Columbia network next Thursday. Accompanied by Freddie Rich's or- chestra, Smith will sing "You Said It," and "Learn to Croon." In Miss Shelley's first radio appearance since her debut she will sing Mor- ton Downey's "Now You're in My Arms." Keenan and Cotello, a piano duo, will also be heard on the pro- gram. 5:-00-TITO GUIZAR wtih Vincent Sorey's or. chestra-WABC, WBCM y Jack Whiting Interviewed by Jim Cor- bett, dance orchestra-WEAF, WGY Complete Line of Everything Musical Unexcelled Baldwin Pianos 7T Victor Micro-Synchronous Radio Victor and Brunswick Records. Music Teacher's Supplies Popular Music AIMAN&OFILETTER yet many a letter the college ma must write-business letter home letters,letters ofa distinct personal and private nature . Letters writtenonOld Hanpshi Stationery are sure of a hearini The paper is rich, crisp, substkr tial-it has both class and qualit Hampshire Paper Co., Fine Stationery Depar 4 South Hadley Falls, Mass. 5:15-Tom Neely's saxophone quartet-- Pter Van Steeden and his. orchest WREN Roy Welch's FultonARoyal orchest WXYZ; WBCM1, WABC. 5:45-Lbwell Thomnas-WJZ, WLW, KD4 6:00-MORTON DOWNEY with Nat B loff's orchestra-WABC, WBBM, \1 6:15-Tastyast Jesters, stories in Swe dialect-WLW. KOKA~, WJZ St. Moritz orchestra-WABC, WB( 6:30-"Courtship of Alexander HamiItu WEAF, WGY 6:45-Jack Barker, baritone-WJZ 7:00-RUDY VALLEE, Eddie Peabody-V WGY, WTAM 7:15-Barbara Maurel. contralto, with World Symp~hony-WABC, WBCM 7:30-Nat Shilkret, Yacob, Zadye -- WJZ, WGAR 8:00-PRANK CRUMT and JULIA SAND SOY---WJZ, KDKA, WHAMd MACHIAVELLI. re.ncarnated gues honrr--WWvV,, WTAM, WEAF Freddie Rich's orchestra, Brad Bro Al Lewelyn-WXYZ, WABC Quaker Melody Men-WJR 8:30-Melody 'Mom'ents with Vivian I Oliver Smith, Vernon Jacobson-' WTAM, WGY Don Voorhees and orchestra --\ KYW, WREN 9:00-B. A. ROLFE and hisFdance orch --WWJ: WTAM, WEAF 10:00-Jack Denny and his orchestra Montreal-WXYZ, WABC 10:15-Cab Calloway and his orchest WEAF, WGY Pryor's military band-WXYZ, W i10:34-"Gay Vienna" with Charlotte Sir ... sopranoand James Haupt, tenor-A WGAR, WJZ- 10:45-The Bon ons, orchestra - W WBCM, WABIC 11:00-OZZIE NELSON and his Pelham H orchestra-.-WXYZ, WBCM, WVABC. Jack Albin and hisWorhestra-W WRC Del Lampe's orchestra -WJZ, WG WREN Everglade's orchestra-WWJ 11:30-HalZ Kemp's orchestra -WJR, Wi WJZ Clyde McCoy's orchestra-WEAF, Eastwood orechestra-WWJ 12:00-Ernie lolts and his orchetra-WJ 12:30--Dance orchestra from the Gray: ballroom Y A roit may not be, Sheld, have been planned according Psychology Laboratory to EarTId O. Warren, '31, who is in charge of arrangements. Work to Be Continued According to tentative plans, two seniors prominent on publications, Laboratory work in Psychology will act as masters of ceremonies. 31, an experiment of the last year, Don Loomis and his orchestra will has proved successful and will be play a number of Michigan songs. continued during the next year, ac- Monty Shick, '31, Varsity cheer- cording to Prof. W. B. Pillsbury, leader, will lead yells. of that department. The plan has Tickets for the dance may be ob- worked better during the second tained from presidents of each of semester than it did during the the senior classes, members of the first. Honor Guard in the literary col- lege, and at the main desk in the WISCONSIN-Women *must pay Union. the penalty for masculinity is a H. Bruce Palmer, '31, president statement made recently by Wash- of the senior literary class, yester- ington college investigators. The re- day pointed out that the informal port asserts that college yells and dance to be held Friday should not cigarette-smoking a r e definitely be confused with the Senior ball, lowering women's voices. scheduled for Friday, May 29. UNIVERSITY MUSIC HOUSE William Wade Hinshaw Devoted to Music I 601 East William Phone 7515 ,. Y ,_.._ .. .d, .. ----- "TM Grads. of '31 Itl U May Festival ORDER YOUR ,COMMENCEMENT "The Most Interesting Lecture On Any Polar Expedition I Have Every Heard." -Prof. Win. H. Hobbs Material Never Before f Presented / , ., J. in '1 j ANNOUNCEMENTS NOW It wont be long now! Our printing department is equipped to handle your requirements quickly and efficiently. Let us have your orders just as soon as possible so that we can make delivery when you expect it. Hill Auditorium, May 13, 14, 15, 16. Tickets (6 concerts) $6.00, $7.00, $8.00. FIRST CONCERT, Lily Pons, So- prano; Chicago Symphony Or- chestra, Frederick Stock, Conduc- tor, Wednesday Evening. Ann Arbor The MAYER-SCHAIRER Co. 112 South Main Phone 4515 4 QUALITY. SECOND CONCERT, "St. Francis of Assissi" by Pierne. Hilda Burke, Soprano;Eleanor Reynolds, Contral- to; Frederick Jagel, Tenor; Nel- son Eddy, Baritone; Fred Patton, Bass; The Chicago Symphony Or- chestra; The University Choral Union, Earl V. Moore, Conductor, Thursday Evening. THIRD CONCERT, "Old Johnny Appleseed" by Gaul. Hilda Burke, Soprano; Eleanor Reynolds, Con- tralto; Palmer Christian, Organ- ist, Orchestral accompaniment; Children's Festival Chorus; Eric Delamarter and Juva Higbee, Conductors, Friday afternoon. L ARjKy - 000%L ULD (SECOND IN COMMAND ON THE BYRD EXPEDITION) FOURTH CONCERT, Ignace Jan Paderewski, Pianist; Chicago Symphony Orchestra, Frederick Stock, Conductor, Friday Evening. FIFTH CONCERT, Ruth Breton; Violinist; Chicago Symphony Or- chestra, Frederick Stock, Conduc- With Byr heott of The World Illustrated with Motion Pictures and Stereopticon Slides May 9- ill A uditorium- 8:30 P.M.