_:_HE MICHIGAN. .AI..Y_ __Th. . r. WEE ERRORS BRINGILLIKWIMlItrarnra Players Protest Decisions of ALL CAMPUS GOLF FA( UM;Aires it Rough and The All campus golf tournament, Play i Tumble Contest. which will get under way next next we Monday afternoon, is to be played far shov (0ontinued from Page 6) on the new University course, ac- enthusia down to second, and Chervinko cording to officials in the Intram- tennis, g tried to. throw him out, but failed, ural department. trants i Hudson scoring on the play. Contestants wiil pray a qualify- ulty spo Compton Hit Hard. ing round of thirty-six holes, and tries to Kracht, however, popped out to in a field of forty or more entrants, ALL the second baseman ending the the sixteen lowest scores will qual- The a inning with Eastman on second. ify. In the event that there should ment wi Illinois was hitting Compton hard be less than forty contestants, only day at 4 yesterday, making 13 hits, three of ten will qualify, of comp them triples and one a double, The qualifiers will be placed in ican Roi whichgombined with the five Wol- a bracket elimination tournament, sists of verine misplays were more than competition in which will consist yards, w enough to win the game. The in- of medal play for each match. The It is pro vaders showed a more polishedfinal match will be thirty-six holes. will be v team here yesterday than did Mich- Jolly, Crosby and Dayton were 350, this igan, making only one error during the respective winners in the last Charle the nine innings, and showing that three tournaments. The entry list, year, an they could make hits when hits which is expected to run well over year. Dr meant runs. the fifty mark, wiH be closed after of the to Could Not Hit Mills. I Saturday of this week. taken u Michigan hit Hazzard, Illinois' A RT starting hurler, but as soon as NET Mills was shifted from first to the 1- Alp box in the first inning the Varsity l'WILL MEET PURPLE ball tear found difficulty in keeping the balltchampio out of the fielders' hands. Thirteen champio Michigan men were put out 'in a (Continued from Page 6) c ha nce roW from the third to the seventh With several days to brush. up on champsi inning. the defects uncovered in their ini- the pres Compton, Michigan ace pitcher, tial Conference match, the Michi- point le Worked well on the mound, but five gan squad, under the tutelage of nearest errors on the part of his team- Coach John Johnstone, will be in Theta mates, and adverse decisions at the best of condition to score a games, a crucial moments i the game count- victory over the Wildcats Saturday ates then ed heavily against him, and he was and regain the prestige lost lastwa ah relieved in the eighth by McKay, season w.4en the Purple nosed out horsesho who was relieved in favor of Mc- the Wolves in the first match of has prog Neal in the ninth. Compton struck the season. The result of this event ---- out six men in his seven and one- was in doubt until the final ball third innings, but allowed 12 hits was smashed across the net to give and six runs. Northwestern a 5-4 win. t News _ipr L A S S IF I E WADVERTISNG TO MEET COPHER SNOTICE __,... CULTY COMPETITION n the three individual fac- orts is scheduled to begin ek, with the entry list thus wing a considerable lack of asm in the three sports- golf, and rifle shooting. En- n any of these three fac- rts kindly phone their en- 22101. 3 5 fl ,I Saturday's Track Meet Will Be Only Home Encounter for Michigan Team. (Continued From Page 6) ous meets and appears to be in top shape for this meet. The Minnesota first place will come in the high I f I' CAMPUS ARCHERY ll-campus archery tourna- 11 be held a week from to- :30 on Ferry field. The type etition known as the Amer- und will be used. This con- 30 shots at 40, 50, and 60 ith a possible score of 810. bable that the tournament won with a score of 325 to year. s Dee won the event last d will defend his title this . Lynam will have charge lurnament. Entries will be ntil the day of the meet -YEAR, FRATERNITY COMPETITION :ia : appa Lambda's base- ,m can win their league nship, they stand a good' e of becoming all-year in the fraternity race. At ent time, they hold a 76 ad over Theta Chi, their competitors. Chi has lost two baseball nd this practically elimin- m in that sport. This house o eliminated from the tournament, while A.K.L. ressed to the third round. ° R 7 2 1 jump where Cam Hackle can outdo anything the Wolves have to offer and in the shot which Clarence Munn has all his own way when Behr of Wisconsin.isn't around in the Big Ten affairs. Michigan will take the meet handily, however, for Coach Hoyt can muster one of the best balanced , RACQUETS-Restrung and Repair- ed. Expert Work. Cut Rate Prices. 24-Hour Service. Armours and Johnson's Gut. Call Don at 3843. 612 Church. Street. INSURED STORAGE_ Now, before it is too late! Let us store your Furs. Our ex- pert Furriers will add Seasons of enjoyable wear to your Furs. Dial 8507, Zwerdling's Fur Shop, 26 years of unexcelled values and service. SUMMER EMPLOYMENT -A na- tional organizer of a big N. Y. corporation-a pioneer in the suc- cessful employment of college men-is here to interview apph- cants for summer traveling posi- tions in interesting publicity work. $18-$24 weekly salary, transpor- tation, and bonus. Michigan Un- ion 3-5:30. Room 304. 23 TYPING-Theses a specialty. Fair H. W. CLARK LADIES' SHOE SPECIALIST :...t LADIES' HALF SOLES......60c MEN'S HALF SOLES.......75c 1113 So. University Ave. rates. M. V. Hartsuff. Dial 9087. C TYPEWRITING AND M I M E 0 - G r a p h i n g. Moderate Rates. Prompt Service. 0. D. Morrill. 314 S. State St. TYPEWRITERS-All makes sold, rented, exchanged, repaired. 0. D. Morrill, 314 S. State St. Phone 6615. CALLING CARDS--100 with en- graved . copper plate $2.50 up 100 printed from old plate $1.75. Best quality workmanship. O. D. Morrill, 314 S. State St. affiliation with an eastern inst tution. Agency will continue u uer Mr. Mack's personal dire tion until June 20th. Apply A ONCE regarding sale, to TOl\ MIE MACK, 310 South State S Phone 7927. Hours: 9-11:30, 1- 1 FOR SALE-Pontiac coupe, 192 14,000 miles. Motor reconditione three brand new tires. $200.0 Call 23236. WANTED AT ONCE -Student with clothii store experience. Straight salar Apply Brummfields, 308 Sout State St. EXPERIENCED SHOE SALESMA -Ladies Shoes--Jacobson's. FOR RENT FURNISHED HOUSE - Rent fr forcare of elderly lady. Adul only. Phone 5655. 724 No. Mal FOR SALE FOR SALE-The MACK TUTOR- ING AGENCY for reasonable price. Fine for instructor or stu- dent. Occupancy at end of pres- ent semester. This offer made possible by Mr. Mack's future teams in the Conference while the best that the Gophers can offer is a few widely scattered individual event stars. Chaffee Named Hockey Manager for Next Year Herb Unsworth, retiring hockey manager, announced the new man- a g e r i a 1 appointments yesterday. Donald M. Chaffee, '32E, is ap- pointed the 1931-32 Hockey Man- ager. His assistants will be Alistair W. Mitchell, '33E, Arthur K. Robin- son, '33E, Donald O. Cummings, '33, and Ernest E. Freeman, Jr., '33. The alternate assistant will be Daniel D.; Dayton, '33. STOP IN AT BURR PATTERSON'S LOST F SPRING , ; Jewelry Sale BAR PIN-Topaz center. Frido morning. Reward. Call Bate 5694. LOST-Rider's master pen on c near campus last week. Find please dial 3276. Reward. Huge Savings On Fine Fraternity Jwelry. 603 Church Street LOST--Theta Xi fraternity Finder please return to K. He Dial 2-1517. LOST - Yardly triple compac League building Monday n Reward. Phone 9617. , Real Tender Steaks and Chops at the J.inflQfl A Real Treat WHY NOT EAT HERE TONIGHT? WE WILL BE GLAD TO SEE YOU ANYTIME Meal Tickets: $6.00 for $5.00-cash Thrifty Folks Will Buy at this /Event THE LINCOLN RESTAURANTS - Our Anniversary Sale Starting Today 233 South State Street 633 Packard Street "THE PLACE FOR GOOD EATS" q SALE Suits ENTIRE STOCK $3975 e29 VALUES TO $50.00. All new spring fabrics fas- hioned ..in the newest of model. Unrestricted choice of our stock. Shop where you may, you cannot equal these . values. Alterations Free! Perfect Fit! Topcoats 'THIS WEEK $ J975 VALUES TO $35.00 213 EAST LIBERTY Down on the Stanfard Farm pipe smokers agree with. Men's Suits of Men's and Boys' Clothing $2250 $2950 $3350 SUITS SUITS SUITS $1775 $2655 $42"950 $4 750 $5000 SUITS SUITS SUITS $3375 $3775 $3975 /''o A40 t/ Jun ON THE ROLLJCKING WAY fa EUROPE NAVY * HARVARD WASHINGTON COLGATE eROM the foothills tothe bay,, 1hecurling tendrils of smoke from pipes loaded with Edgeworth rise to meet the sunset fire. In the Stadium before the big games... watching spring football practice.. . in the great hall of Encia .. over on the Row and up on the Hill ... men of Stan- ford give Edgeworth the preference over all other tobacco brands. College men everywhere are turn- ingto Edgeworth! In 42 out of 5 of the leading colleges' and univer- sities Edgeworth is the favorite pipe tobacco. To win the vote of so many college men a tobacco must be good. If you've never tried Edgeworth, begin today! The pocket tin is only 15. Or, for generous free sample, write to Larus & Bro. Co., to5 S. tad Street, Richmond, Va. SMOKING TOBACCO $2000 $2500 $2750 COATS COATS COATS $1000 $1375' $3 000 COATS $4000 COATS $4500 COA T S Men s Topcoats (Extra Special Reduction) Boys' Two-Pant Suits $1500 $2000 $2250 .1 1000 $1250 $1500 SUITS SUITS SUITS $795 $1195 $1800 $2000 $2250 SUITS SUITS SUITS ,-- lgn s $159s X1795 9 d~34 .4+ J- - r ( 7 Furnishings Cut to the Bottom Admission to this orchestra- $105 (up). And it's worth it! Then you really get your passagc, meals and accommodations free! Your ticket in the rollicking, frolicking Tourist third cabin on 1MIM liners also en- titles you to one even barrel of fun,..,daily! No wonder the record number of 60.522 passenges traveled -R1MM Tourist'; during 1930' $705 UP S ' Delightful Tourist third cabin accommo- dations on such famous liners as Majestic, world's largest ship, Oympic, Homeric, Belgen/and and many others. Several sail- ings each week to the principal ports of Lurope and the British Isles. A.TC\iTAS QTTC.T rIONVK the~. $5.00 SWEATERS $3.99 $1.00 $2.00 GOLF HOSE $1,59I $2.00 $1.95 SHIRT $1.76 $2.50 SHORTS PAJAMAS SHIRTS .$9 $5.00 HATS $399 $1.79 $6.00 TROUSERS $4.79 $2.24 $6.00 SHOES $4.79 Edgeworth is a Rlend of fine old burleys, with its natural savor enhanced by Edge- worth's distinctive fD.I I