)DAY ]not initiated last week please come E. in the chapter room, East Engi- Students: On Friday, May 8, a din- ANNUAL ELECTIONS will be held,I House. i for initiation today. neering building at 7:30 p. in. on~ ner will be given, at the Michiganl and plans for the SPRING BAN- TR-AFMciaSoilsClh:D.FB.Thursday, May 7. Union, at 5:30 p.im, in honor of QUET discussed. All Members will Mir. Holmes Bloomer, of Mande- estra-WE ihgnSNils b D.F . ve & Kin Co., Seedsnen, will bel lZ,_____F the frtydvaisngsunts from please attend, at the Michigan Union, room 304 a, Wow, Kula Fisher, pastor of the First Metho- Ana rnhPa:Toply h rn aisJnor College. with NATBRI.ds-prsnebyMm Grn aisJnoColgst- AlUiestwoeorgoponTudyMy7btwnth AcWBCM "Ana rnhPa:To ly c TBU~itChurch, wilspeak on the sub- will be peetdthis year b e-GadRpd uirCleesu l nvriyieano ruso hrdy a ,btente6lCR~2T vwaMwt F ect "Is Socialism Consistent with bers of the Cercle Francais in the dents now enrolled in the Univer- desiring to attend the Wyvern hours of 10 in the morning and 5 1NOPRT afts- WEAF Christianity," Natural Science aud., ct are cordially invited to attend Big Party in the Lea gue, Satur- in the afternoon, to interview any 16 f m as- WLaboratory Theatre, Tuesday, May cluyBridg rhestra, Hallelujah at 8 o'clock. The public is invited to 12.t81.Afe eMse:"lti inrpoie hyntf day, May 9, from 2:30 to 5, should students who are interested in sum- )WMtoanhi attend. fat qu'une prte sot ouverte oul this office by noon, May 7, 1931. call Agnes Graham mer work Th is not a selling job ePalmer - WWJ, U. of M. Radio Club: Regular fermee" Denis Amiel et Andre Headquarters for these visiting Npayoia rtraSectioaofatheandcexp es1 on lesur hur eeingwil b hld t :30p.inObey: "La Souriante M adame Beu- studtents will be at the Michigan N i room 201 of the Engineering A- det." The public is cordially invited: V~nfon.( Dinner $1). Phone, Univerut oe' lb za eua sewe b Gr l n ex at .A owl ilb h tickets on sale Monday and Tues- s3ity 754. H. C. Sadler, dean,etn ilb hl hrdy a r, WENR e.Cpt .A oel ilb h day, atryWahr'sabook store for 75 C. E. Wilson (In charge). 7, at 3 o'clock at the Palmer Field' evtdBe dt VJ ERspeaker. -9----- ___ l--a---- ReordBrekin I 11 I I 4 DAYt OT H E R 5 E. ' III 14! it 111, III i i, III Iy Y r 11