THE MICHIGAN DAILY ILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN tion in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members University. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to sident until 3:30, excepting Sundays. 11:30 a. m. Saturday. XLI. TUESDAY, MAY 5, 1931 No. 152 Additional Notices on Page 3 NOTICES Lent and Mrs. Ruthven will not be at home to students on y, May 6. The regular student teas for the month of May Id May 13 and May 20 from 4 to 6 o'clock. rsity Lecture: Dr. RobertG. Aitken, director of the Lick Oberv- . Hamilton, Cal'ornia), will lecture on the subject "Our Chang- lverse" (illustrated), Thursday, May 7, at 8 p. m., in West cture room. The public is cordially invited. ty Colleges of Engneering and Architecture: There will be a if the faculty of these Colleges on Wednesday, May 6, at 4:15 oom 348, West Engineering building. The purpose of this meet- consideration of a case of discipline. Louis A. Hopkins, sec. ganensian Editoral: Meeting of men junior editors-elect on y afternoon at three. George A. Dusenbury. cations for new admissions 'into the University Elementary 11 be acted upon shortly. Parents are advised that it will be to fill out an application blank for each child to be considered. * this purpose may be secured from Miss Lawlor in room 2509 ementary building. present plan is to enroll children who will be not less than s of age on September 1, 1931, and who are not over 78 months of the same date. Applications, however, outside of these age be filed for future use. Willard C. Olson, director. 3ronson-Thomas Prize in German, value about $50, open to r students in German. Essays for this competition will be nder supervision on Tuesday, May 12, in room 201 University t 3 to 6 p. m. These essays will be written in German and will he following subject: er's "William Tell" as a work of dramatic art, with special to its genesis, historic background, plot, and delineation of s. ding candidates are requested to hand in their names to the Department, room 204 University hall. rsity Symphony Orchestra: No afternoon rehearsals this week. b rehearsals with the Festival Chorus are as follows: ay, May 5, 7 p. m. School of Music auditorium. esday, May 6, 7 p. m. Hill auditorium. 3y, May 10, 2:30 p. in. Hill auditorium. ay, May 11, 7 p. m. Hill auditorium., .ay, May 12, 7 p. m. Hill auditorium. inical Engineering Students: We are hoping to maintain a nen to assist in directing visitors and explaining M. E. exhibits thcomtng Engineering Open House. tudent interested in cooperating with the department in mak- , success is asked to get in touch with Robert Klise, Marshall Daniel Levine, or to present the name and address to Pro- dersons' Secretary. !'sity Women: All who care tq usher in the Dramatic Festival, May 25, please call Susan Manchester, 23454, this week. EVENTS TODAY tectural Building Lecture: Mr. D. R, Brewster, of the National Manufacturers' Association, will speak on "Wood: Its Uses as ral and Finishing Material," at 4:15 p. m., ground floor lecture he Architectural building. All interested are invited. Freshman Pageant Women: The Modernistic Group will meet at 4:15 in Barbour gym, the Athletes at 1, the Singing at 4:45 and the Ballet at 5 o'clock. New Course in Social Dancing will be started this evening at Women's Athletic building. Beginners' class at 7:30, advanced class at 8:30. Mimes: Meeting at 5:15 o'clock' this afternoon in room 306 of the Union. Election of officers for next year will take place. All members will please arrange to be present. Play Production Presents "The Good Hope": Invitations and Tick- ets to Play Production's offering of The Good Hope being given in the Lboratory Theatre on Tuesday, and Wednesday evenings, May 5, and 6, may be obtained at the thea- tre office by patrons desiring to at- tend any day between the hours, 3 to 6 p. in. V. B. Windt. Deutscher Zirkel: Regular meet- ing at 8 p. m., in the Michigan League. Dr. Francis Onderdonk will give an illustrated talk on Austria. Theta Sigma Phi: Installation of officers at 7:30 tonight in the Lea- gue building. tive Arts Club. Those interested are Department of Astronomy, will talk All University women or groups cordially invited to this recital. on "Physics of the Stars," Wednes- desiring to attend the Wyvern day evening, May 66, at 7:30, room Bridge Party in the League, Satur- Zoology 252-Insect Physiology to 1041 of the East Physics bldg. The day, May 9, from 2:30 to 5, should meet Wednesday, May 6, instead of talk will be illustrated by lantern call Agnes Graham. Tuesday, May 5. A. E. Woodward. slides. Members are asked to note'sn L ~the change of place and time. All I Phi Lambda Upsilon : Final busi- interested are cordially invited to ness meeting of the year will be Senior Engineers: There will be 'attend. held Wednesday, May 6, at 7:30 p. a very IMPORTANT class meeting, . iom_93Chmstybilig Wednesday, May 13, in room 348, Phi Sigma regular meeting at ., room 303 Chemistry building. West Engineering bldg. at 9 o'clock. PiSgarglrmeiga -_ ' a 7:30, Wednesday, in room 1139, Newcomers' Section of the Fac- Natural Science bldg. ulty Women's Club: Final regular A. S. C. E.: Dinner meeting and Mr. George Plagens of the Zoo- meeting will be held Thursday, May election of officers to be held Wed- logy Dept., will talk on, "The Em- 7, at 3 o'clock at the Palmer Field nesday, May 6, at 6:15, Michigan bryonic History of a Special Strain House. Union. All members are expected to of Club-footed Mice with Special be present. Reference to the Causeand Devel- U. of M. Radio Club: Regular opment of the Deformity and It's meeting will be held Wednesday, UxMergraduate Physics Club Lee- Correlation with the Malady as it May 6, at 7:30 p. m., in room 201 of ture: Mr. Robert M. Petrie, of the appears in Man." (Continued on Page 3) Presents Comedy Club li W.G Iv We invite your inspection of our complete line of A WEDDING INVITATIONS, ANNOUNCEMENTS, VISITING CARDS AND SOCIAL STATIONERY r The superior quality and the reasonable prices will please you- Zeta Phi Eta regular meeting at 7:30. Pledges also meet at 7:30. Phi Epsilon Kappa meets in room 308, Union at 7:30. Dr. Geo. A. May will speak. Christian Science Organization meets at 8 p. m., in the chapel of the Michigan League building. Michigan Dames regular meeting at 8 o'clock at the Michigan League building. All members are requested to be present as this is election of officers. University Bureau of Appoint- ments: W. D. Byrum, of the Central Life Insurance company of Illinois, will be in the office today for inter- views. Students interested call Uni- versity extension 371 for appoint- ments. Freshman Cap Night Committee: Important meeting at 5 o'clock, in room 308, Union. Everyone please be present. COMING EVENTS University Lecture: Dr. J. Fren- kel, Professor of Theoretical Physics at the Polytechnical Institute, Len- ingrad, Russia, will talk on "Abuses of Analogies in Physics. (Light and Matter)," at 4:15, Wedneday, May 6, in- room 1041, East Physics bldg. All interested4are cordially invited to attend. Recital of Poetry: A recital of re- cent and older poetry will be given in room 302 Mason hall, Wednesday evening, May 6, at 7:30 sharp, by members of the Michigan Interpre- 'S Vrdlversi~ty Bookstore MAIN STREET Il STATE STREET III V 'II I finger operated restaurants -suggesting you try one o the fingerle operated restaurants for dinner toite. . -yu'llaenoy theexcellent food courteously served amidst' pleasing surroundings.. the hut the tavern the den A V r Oki I partment: The ordinary monthly meeting will take place room 201 University hall. I M. E. 20: There will class at 10 o'clock. Students taking trip 1 meet at 1 o'clock sharp at the Engineering Archway. R. S. Hawley. English 182 and English 22--Professor Gingerich: The classes in ese courses will not meet on Tuesday. University Bureau of Appointments: A representative from Mandel os. department store of Chicago will be in the office today, for inter- ws. Students interested who have not made appointments should 1 the Bureau, Extension 371, before 9 a. in. Senior Literary Honor Group will meet at 7:30 p. m., in room 316 the Michigan Union. Attendance will be checked for it is important at all men be at this meeting. Mr. Clarence Elliott, noted English plant hunter and specialist in Aines, will deliver an illustrated lecture on "Plant Hunting in English ttage Gardens, the Alps, and the Andes," at 4:15 p. m., Natural ence auditorium. 'The public is cordially welcome. Chemical Engineering Seminar: Mr. George E. Holbrook will be the Baker at the Seminar today at 4 o'clock in' room 3201 E. Engineering lg., on the subject, "Metal Polishing with Flexible Polishing Wheels." VAL m jr, '-Jv,*e 1 I I Ir 11 Transportation Club: 7:15 p. M., in Natural Science aud. ure "Railroading in Persia." Open meeting. Junior Reseirch Club: 7:30 p.-m., room 1121,,N. S. 1. Dr. W. C. Rufus: "Difficulties in the Cepheid problem." 2 Annual election *of officers. Moving Alpha Nu of Kappa Phi Sigma meets tonight at 7:30 in the Alpha Nu room, on the fourth floor of Angell hall. The program is to be given by the pledges, in accordance with our semi-annual custom. The regular business meeting will follow. -This program is not an open meeting. Adelphi House of Representatives will meet at 7:30 tonight in the Adelphi room on the fourth floor of Angell hall. All who are interested are cordially invited to attend the open session. At the business meeting, the annual Adelphi honor award will be voted upon. All members are requested to be present. Athena: Important meeting at 7:30 p. m. Plans for initiation will be discussed. The pledges have charge of the program and each one has arranged to give 'something very interesting. Architects Ball" M4AY 15th "LAXIy OULD (SECOND IN COMMAND ON THE BYRD EXPEDITION) May8m9 MATINEE: Saturday, May 9th BOX OFFICE NOW OPEN. This rollicking farce retains all au- thentic details of plays in the 15th century; yet it is re- freshingly different and amazingly funny. May 9-Hill Auditorium-8:30 P.M. With Byrd t Bottomof The World Illustrated with Motion Pictures and Stereopticon Slides "The best lecture on any Polar expedition I have ever heard"-Wm. H. Hobbs Prices: featuring Evenixn a iL i ;)C:.: 'I