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May 05, 1931 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1931-05-05

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LI, No. 152




Second Issue of Magazine Will er re
Present Open Letter to "Ye
Board of Regents. Ayer
Dusenbury, Klein Are Co-Editors by Su
of Publication; Editorials, the C
Comments Included, wereE
Under the new co-editorship of
G~na icn tr i-n einr&i w!1


ueorge Dusenbury, managing edi- ;
tor of the Michiganensian, andl
'Lawrence R. Klein, former editor
of The Summer Daily, the secondj
issue of the Diagonal will make itsl
appearance on the campus today.
Heading the articles in the issue
is "An Open Letter to the Board
of Regents," by Dusenbury. There
is also "An Open Letter to Clar-
ence Ayres," president of the Union
league of Michigan, by Klein.
Wright Contributes.
"Michigan--A Belated Kindergar-
ten," by Orestes H. Wright, '98L, of
Freeport, Ind., gives his interpreta-
tion of the administration of Mich-

.} r
at the
of th
on Fr
Cap n

itzer Prize Winners Range
from War Novelist to Reporter
W YORK, May 4.-(P)-The the War, 1914" by Bernadotte E.
zer prizes in journalism and Schmitt; in biography, to "Charles
s were awarded today for W. Eliot," by Henry James; in
vements which range from a verse, to "Collected Poems of Rob-
of wartime America to the ert Frost." Mr. Frost had won a
on of a murder by a newspap- Pulitzer prize for his "New Hamp-
porter. shire" in' 1924.
ar of Grace," by Margaret Prizes of $1,003 accompany all
Barnes, was chosen as the awards in the group except for
published in 1930 which "best history, in which the award is $2,-
!nts the whole atmosphere of 000.
Ican life." The prize winning The A t 1 a n t a Constitution was
was "Alison's House," written chosen as the newspaper which
isan Glasbell and produced at rendered "the most disinterested
ivic repertory theatre. and meritrious public service" in
er prizes in the field of letters 1930. The award was based on the
awarded to the following: Constitution's successful exposure
history, to "The Coming of of municipal graft, with subse-
quent convictions.
A. B. MacDonald of the staff of
the Kansas City Star won the $1,-
000 prize for the best example of.
a reporter's work which accom-
plished "some public good com-
IIJIIUN IC manding public attention and re-*
MacDonald was sent to Amarillo,
Show Will be Offered at Tex., at the suggestion of Jeane
ichigan, Majestic for Howe, editor of the Amarillo News
ihin Gaand Globe, to investigate the mur -
Parents, Guests. der of Mrs. A. D. Payne, who was
killed by the explosion of dynamite
al plans for the Spring Home- hidden in her automobile. Police
g program, to be given .here had given up the case, but Mac-
8, 9, and 10, were announced Donald's work brought about the
Union yesterday by members confession, of her husband, who;
e committee in charge of the subsequently committed s u i c i d e
on. The activity will begin with explosives while awaiting trial.
iday night with the annual The remaining prizes in journal-
ight ceremony at Sleepy Hol- ism were awarded to H. R. Knick-
(Continued on Page 3)
ral additions have been made
program as announced orig-
and' the list of events is now l 16 Oft.Fia' ceue ln
ete. Friday's schedule, along I
raditional Cap night, includes
show at the Michigan and
ajestic theatres for all under-
ates and th ir nrvtr the


J. Smith, '29, former
rector of The Daily
i article, "Sour Gra
Cries Out." Lyle R. Ch
ibuted an. article ent
oots for the High Sch
lent Plays Discussed.
Zing Student Plays," i
f the article by Elisa
. Sneec.. who is know



Recommendation for
Treasurer Not


apes; Seve
hubb, 'to the
titled inally
ool." compl
with t
s the a free
%beth the M
n radun

'1 Vl gbldLLLC an rler ,paeCnus, Tle
gac- inspection trips throughout t h e
a "A University, and exhibitions in sev-
Stu- eral departments and at the In-
tramural building. Saturday will
min- .continue with the program of exhi-
tA .bitions with the Michian-Min-

Affair Will Conclude Series
Parties; to Be Open
to Men.


ments complete the current issue' Ieatured by speakers well known
of the magazine. . nationally, as well as locally. Fol-
lowing the banquet, the Laurence
Gould lecture oneByrd's Antarctic
expedition is scheduled at Hill au-
ditorium at which time movies will
be shown which havme mnves bee
screened here before. A mother and
Bdaughter tea at the League in the
afternoon will feature the day for
women guests.
Noted Banker, Philanthropist, Sunday's p r o g r a m consists of
Will Be Buried Beside several special events and a general
observance of Mothers' day and
Grave of Wife. SenioraCane day. A musical pro-
gram will be given to guests of the
NEW YORK, May 4.--(A)- The University at Hill a u d i to r i u m
simplicity of the life of George ewhich will include the Varsity
Fisher Baker, banker and philan- band, the mens' and the womens'
thropist, who died Saturday night,t glee clubs, and other features
will mark his funeral Tuesday Tickets for the three-day series
Services will be from the Baker are being sold at both the Union
home in Tuxedo Park, N. Y., at and the League at $2.25 for all
noon, with Dr. Minot Simons, rec- events..
tor of All Souls' Unitarian church,
officiating. Mr. Baker will be buried Reed to Talk Before
beside his wife in Kensico semetery.R
Thor'sands of messages of condo- Speech Group Tonight
lencr nave come. Among the send-
ers are President Hoover, Calvin Prof. Thomas H. Reed of the
Coolidge, leaders of finance, indus- Political Science department will
try and business. . address the Adelphi House of Rep-
By Mr. Baker's wishes, there will resentatives tonight; at their week-
be no honorary pallbearers, there ly open meeting. The subject of
will be no ostentatious obsequies, Professor Reed's talk has not been
and First National bank of New announced; though it is expected
York, which he guided will remain he will discuss some phase of pres-
open. The Union League club will ent-day politics. The meeting will
'send a delegation headed by Elihu begin promptly at 7:15 o'clock in
Root. the Adeiphi, room, fourth floor, An-
gell hall.
(By Ass0Fr~ntpd PrOPENING MEE TI
Monday, May 4, 1931t
Had Its Origin in Those Held by
IONIA-Fifty first-term prison- President Burton During
ers transferred from the Marquette His Presidency.

Del Delbridge and his orchestra,
who have completed a. season in,
the bl-ue-roon of the-Book Ca dillac
hotel in Detroit, will play for a
dance to be given by the Women's
League from 4 to 6 o'clock Satur-
day, May 16, in the ballroom of the
League, according to an announce-
ment made, by Jeannie Roberts, '32,
social chairman.
The dance will be the first affair
of its nature this year which will
be open to men, as it concludes a'
series of parties which have been
sponsored by the League, under the
direction of various houses on cam-
pus. Tlhe social committee is in
charge of arrangements, being as-
sisted by Miss Ethel McCormick,
social director.
Proceeds will go to the Under-
graduate Campaign fund,.accord-
ing to Miss Roberts. Tickets are
now on sale at Slater's book store
and at the main desk in the lobby
of the League building.
Seven Sophomores Get
'Ensian Appointments
Seven sophomores were yesterday
named by the upper staff of the
Michiganensian to junior editor-
ships for the coming year.
Claude Pitts will be staff photo-
grapher for the coming year while
Con Vardon will head the ath-
letics department. Edward Bowen
was named as organizations editor
and kenneth Yourd as features
William Harris will be admin-
istration editor, Charles Worst, fra-
ternity editor, and Benjamin Mc-
Fate, class editor.

Three Petitions for Continuance
of Employment Bureau
Rejecting only one of Mayor H.
Wirt Newkirk's recommendations
for appointive city officers, that of
Herbert M. Slawson for city treas-
urer, the Common council accepted
11 of the 12 officers recommended
in a meeting last night. Those ac-
cepted are:
William M. Laird, city attorney;.
George Lever, police commissioner;
Philip Schumacher, fire commis-
sioner; George E. Lewis, park com-
missioner; John E. Wessinger,
member of the board of health;
William L. Henderson, member of
the board of public works; William
Maulbetsch, electrical inspector;
Claude Kittridge, electrician; Flor-
ence Pollock and Mrs. Martha Huss,
member of the market committee;
and Norman Miller, gardener.
Slawson Defeated.
Slawson's recommendation for
appointment over Ernst M. Wurst-
er, who is now in office, was de-
feated in the council by a vote of
six to eight. No appointment for'
the treasurer's office was made'
pending a supplementary recom-
Concurring in the recommenda-
tion of Alderman E. Edward Lucas'
of the finance committee, the coun-
cil rejected two bids to finance the
proposed $325,000 water works im-
provement project, one submitted
by the First Detroit company and
the other by Stranahan, Harris, and
company, of TQledo. ~
petitions ,r e.eted
Three petitiois ot the continu-
ance under the Ne*klrk adminis-
tration of the employment bureau
established by former Mayor Ed-
ward W. 'Staebler were presented1
for the consideration of the coun-
cil, one bearing 44 signatures, an-
other 25, and a third 30. The last
two were signed by business men
who stressed the importance of the
bureau in improving business con-
ditions in Ann Arbor, while the
first was signed by laborers who
pleaded for the bureau as a hu-
manitarian measure.
Upon the recommendation of1
President Albert L. McDonald con-1
sideration of the measure was re-I
ferred to the poor committee. ]
Lengthy discussion in which Mrs.
Flora Osborne, volunteer head of
the bureau, and Thomas C nnors,
representative. of the city's unem-
ployed,'took part, ended in a reso-
lution to decide whether or not the
bureau should be taken over as a
regular city department in a meet-+
ing of the council as a committee
of the whole next Thursday night.
McKenzie Announces 6 Research
Fellowships and 20
Six research fellowships and 20
scholarships in sociology were an-'
nounced yesterday by Prof. R. D.
McKenzie, head of the department.
The awards have been provided
by H. B. Earhart of Ann Arbor, for'
the purpose of providing means for;
s t u d e n t s of sociology, naturally
hindered' in carrying out real re-
search work in such a moderately
sized community as Ann Arbor, to
study conditions in large outside
The research fellowships, each
carrying a stipend of $500 with tui-
tion exemption, are offered to qual-

ified graduate students seeking ad-
vanced degrees in sociology. The
appointee must agree to devote a
minimum of 15 hours per week
throughout the school year to field
research conducted under the di-
rection of a member of the depart-
ment. The results of the research
may be used by the student in his

Minister Denies That His Attack
Was Directed Against
, University.
Quotation From Chimes Cited
as Illustration of
Scoring the newspapers for dis-
honesty and sensationalism in the
reporting of an addresstwhich he
made Sunday night at the Fort St.
Presbyterian church in Detroit,
Rev. Merle H. Anderson, of the
First Presbyterian church here,
said last night that the story print-
ed throughout the state in which
he attacked students for their re-
ligious attitude "was just another
case of dishonest reporting to find
the sensational."
"The University of Michigan," the'
story read, "is failing in its duty to
its students by allowing their cyni-
cal and indifferent attitude to-.
wards sacred things to go unrebuk-
Illustrated Cynicism.
This statement, Rev. Anderson
said, was a misquotation and stat-
ed that his attack was not against
the University but -against the
-church for its failure to provide
proper religious equipment .in a
community w h e r e learning, the
arts, and athletics were so much
Theastudent publication quota-
tion to which he referred in his
sermon from the pulpit of the Fort
street Presbyterian church, Detroit,
Sunday, was from "Chimes," a
monthly publication which w a s
discontinued six years ago. The+
reference was used only as an Illus-
tration of the "atmosphere of cyni-
cism and indifference to sacred
things which in a university comr-
muxilty weht naturally unrebuked."
"Students," he said in his .ser-1
mon, "have an uncanny instinct to
spot a sham. There is no other
group so impatient with timid pus-
sy-footing and diplomatic dogging.
"State Institution Inhibited."
"The c h u r c h," he continued,
"must present a gospel which is+
soundly intellectual and must pre-
sent its claims in a direct and prac-
tical manner." Believe what you
say and be what you believe, is the
code of the student.
"Our university fails (to supply
this teaching) because of the inhi-
bition laid on a state institution
with regard to the teaching of re-
ligion. The very character of the
institution prevents the positive
(Continued on Page 3)


Aristide Briand,
French foreign minister and out-
standing possibility for election to
the presidency this month,. who
will face a new political offensive
when the parliament reassembles,
today with the French Nationalists
determined to remove him from
. ..
Battleship Sent From Funchal,
Madeira to Settle Recent
Uprising by Rebels.
LISBON, May 4.--(P)--The 56-1
year-old Portuguese battleship Vas-
co da Gama was expected to sail
from Funchal, Madeira, tonight, tc
put down another revolt, this tine
at .Bolama in Portuguese Guinea
on the western shore of Africa.
It appears the rett actually has
been going on for two weeks, un-'
known to the rest of the world.
The first news of it was brought
to Lisbon today by Col. Leite Mag-
alhaes, governor of the colony whe
with his colleague in the adminis-
tration of Portuguese Guinea land-
ed from the cargo boat Maria1
Amelia. Col. Magalhaes said Bola-
ma now was in the hands of one
Jose Soares. Col. Magalhaes said'
he and his companions were seized
in the middle of the night of Apriy
17 and hustled aboard the ship.
Preferential Ticket Sale. Will'


Briand Faces New
Political Offensive



Corrupt Practice I
Sent to Senate
Professor Would Ma
Political Work
-Limitation of expenditures
congressional candidates to :
cents a voter was advocated tc
before the Senate campaign ft
investigating committee by
University professors of polit
Professor James K. P'ollock
the University of Michigan
mitted an entire corrupt pract
act including this provision
limitation of campaign funds. I
Earl R. Sikes, of Dartmouth coll
endorsed the four-cent limitati
Pollock suggested a maxim
amount of $5,000 for the candida
but Sikes would put no maxim
on the four-cent provision wt
would allow a senatorial candit
of New York an expenditure
Proposes Commission.
The witnesses believed that C
gress has authority to regulate
primary elections and they
favorably on the proposal of S
ator Cutting, Republican, of
Mexico, for the establishment o
elections commission.
Professor Pollck decrihe

Be Held for Class
eCooley Cane' to Be Presented This Week.
to Senior Member.
Tal Henry and his North Caro-
Sigma Rho Tau, t h e Stump linians, Victor recording orchestra,
Speakers' society of the engineer- have been booked for the annual
ing college, will give its annual Senior Ball to be held May 29 in
Tung Oil banquet on May 27, at the the ballroom of the Union, it was
Union, it was announced yesterday. announced yesterday by Vinal O.
Prof. A. D. Moore, of the college, Taylor, '31, general chairman of
has been selected to act as toast- the event.
master and a nationally known en'- Henry and his band have just
gineer, whose name has not as yet finished engagements at the Uni-
been announced, has been obtained versity of Pennsylvania, Cornell
as a speaker through the co-oper- university, and - the University. of
ation of the Associated Technical North Carolina where they have
Societies of Detroit. been.playing at the leading events
The "Cooley Cane," made from of, the year. They have appeared
one of the cedar posts of the old! in two feature pictures. The music.
campus fence will be presented at has been arranged by P a 1 m e r.
this time to the outstanding sen- Crawford, '31.
ior member of Sigma Rho Tau. The Preferential ticket sale for sen-
cane is to be presented each year iors in the various schools and col-
at the banquet and to be carried leges of the University will also be-
for .the ensuing year. gin today in the lobby of Angell
Mortimer E. Cooley, former dean hall. Tickets will be sold from 3 to
of the engineering college, will pre- 5 o'clock this afternoon and may
sent the cane. be obtained from class officers.

Democrat, of Washington, who was
questioning him, remarked tha
this was "theoretical."
Ask Federal Pamphlets.
The witnesses looked dubiously
on suggestions that the governmen
finance political campaigns, bu
suggested that the governmen
issue pamphlets during a campaign
with space provided for each side
As a means of enforcement fo
the campaign funds provision, Pro
fessor Pollock would have the can-
didate with the second highes
number of votes declared the win
ner in an election in which tl
winner might be disqualified. Sike
disagreed, saying he would have
such an election declared void.
Tickets to Go on Sale
for Comedy Club Play
General ticket sale for "Pierr
Patejin," Comedy club presentation
which will be given Friday and Sat
urday nights in the Lydia Mendel
ssohn theatre, will begin today a
the box office in the League build
Tells International. Chamber o
Commerce War Inheritance
dauses Instability.
President Hoover today told th
representatives of business fror
more than two score nations tha
futher limitation and reduction o
armament must be accomplishei
if the world is to recuperate econ
omically and banish fears that con
tribute to general instability.
Welcoming the 1,000 delegates t
the sixth biennial congress of th
Tv!-tv~ insl /'+-mnoofOnm

branch prison to relieve cnge
there entered the state reforma-'
tory here today.,
VICKBURG--The Farmers Statel
Bank, comprising the First State
bank and the old Farmers Bank,
both of Vickburg, will open for
business here Tuesday. The two
banks merged yesterday at a meet-
ing of stockholders last Saturday.
DETROIT-Members of the Mich-
igan branch of the Women's or-
ainy'i nfr natinaln 1rohibition

A new medium of contact be-
tween the alumni of the University
and the administration, the Alumni
Advisory council, will hold its first
meeting here on Friday, June 19,
according to an announcement
made recently by Wilfred B. Shaw,
director of alumni relations.
The council had its inception in
the meetings of prominent alumni
which President Marion L. Burton
inaugurated during his period of
presidency. These meetings were
continuepd and led to the project of

for each 200 members over a mem-
bership of 100. This also applies to
the groups of alumnae. All of the
former directors of the Alumni
association of the University are
automatically members of the Ad-
visory council. In adition to these
regularly constituted members, a
few alumni were to be asked by the
President to serve as members-at-
lai ;e and represent those alumni
wh a would not come in under any
of ;he other classifications.
Since that primary meeting the
nominations for members has been
received from the alumni clubs and
the nominees have been sent invi-
tations to attend the first meeting

Internatlionad ih.a
o R f merce, Mr. Hoovers
Says Man Turns to Relgion for gion as one that would inludelof the responsibilit
Integration, Unification "basic economic justice," "Racial wide depression mu
of Powers Within. brotherhood," "clean politics," "in- the "malign inher
ternational cooperation for the world war. Armame
A college student can find a work- maintenance of peace," and "scien- added, "is in the ult
able religion, declared Sherwood tific sex education." portance transcen
Eddy, well-known lecturer, before a "We have lost a great many of other forms" of intf
large audience, Sunday night, in our youth," declared the religious omic co-operation.

moer of C o m
said a large par
y for the world
ast be placed o:
itances" of th
ent reduction, h
timate of an im
dent o v e r a:
ernational econ

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