iEDI '"V w1 tl 1 I MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS 1890 EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN J., No. 151 EIGHT PAGES ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, MAY 3, 1931 PRICE FIVE G lAKER, NOTED B TO CHARITY, CIER, PASSES New York Financier Succumbs at Home Dean of American Bankers Dies in New York Residence at Ninety-One. CALLED THIRD RICHEST Deceased Capitalist Held Stock in More Than Forty Corporations. NEW YORK, May 2-(/P)-George F. Baker, philanthropist and dean of American financiers, died of pneumonia at 8 o'clock tonight at his home on Madison avenue. He was 91 years old. Mr. Baker died eral son, ter, grans n unconscious for sev- t his bedside were his .Baker, jr., his daugh- >adby Loew and his\ The aged chairman of the board of the First National bank and di- rector of the United States Steel corporation was stricken Thursday after his usual active .day down- town. He complained of chills and yesterday morning his condition rapidly grew worse. Kept Interests Until End.t The man; who once admitted his financial strength was so great that no large enterprise could be carried through without first win- ning his confidence and that of J. P. Morgan, had kept his interests to the last in many of the 40 or more corporations in which his fortune had arisen. His wealth had been placed by acquaintances variously at from $200,000,000 to $500,000,000. He was rated by many to be the third rich- est man in the world, only Henry Ford and John D. Rockefeller being conceded more wealth. Few besides Rockefeller rivaled him in gifts to charity. Baker was born on March 27, 1840. He did "nothing unusual;" in his own words, when he began. Planned Way to Wall Street. "I was a very quiet worker," he said, 'and that served to distin- guish me. My first job that I chose to call a job was in a small bank in Albany. It was there that I made and invested my first thou- sand dollars. Then I simply plan- ned my way to Wall Street. It was with this money that- I bought the First National bank." The deceased has been lauded by J. P. Morgan for his service as a' stabilizing effect in the panic of 1907. After that he was accepted as a figure of the financial world. He was a great aid to the government in the war-time Liberty Bond sales a.nd in loans to the treasury. Baker's largesthdonation was $5,- 000,000 to Harvard university. He also made large gifts to the Metro- politan Museum of Art and to hos- pitals and general charities. I SateBulletins. (By Associated Press) Saturday, May 2, 1931. KALAMAZOO-Miss Louise Pfin- del and William Fischer met in their native France some years ago. They became sweethearts. Fischer came to the United States seven months ago, and today Miss Pfindel followed him and they were mar- ried here. George F. Baker, New York financier, reputed to be the third richest man in the United States, who died last night, after a short illness. Prominent on Wall street for half a century, Baker wasstill a director of many corporations and chairman of the board in the First National bank. He was 91 years old. NEW LAW LRARHY WILL OPEN SUNDAY Admission of Guests to Legal Research Building to Be Homecoming Feature. Formal opening next Friday of j the new Legal Research library, the gift of the late William W. Cook, will be one of the features of the spring homecoming weekend.. Like the rest of the quadrangle, the new building is English Gothic in style and is constructed of variegated stone with the addition of carved limestone. The great reading room of the library, more than 200 feet long, occupies the central portion of the building. The high arched ceiling, more than 50 feet above the floor is elaborately decorated with hand carved medallions. Nineteen high windows will light the room and, set in the expanse of stained glass, are seals of 172 educational institutions from all parts of the world. The lower por- tions of the walls are panelled with English pollard oak. The book stacks in six levels will accommodate more than 205,000 books while special libraries in the building will bring the total capa- city of the new unit to almost 275,- 000 volumes. The central room is surrounded by 21 carrels for special study. In the four corner towers of the building are special consultation rooms where groups of students may study together without dis- turbing the students in the main reading room. Space for legal re- search, a large duplicate library and two special libraries, is pro- vided in the upper floors and towers of the new structure. Golf Holds Perils, Alan Bovard Finds 1NED WITH TALKS BY MEN OFACULTI Last Program of Year Addressed to Next Year's Prospective Michigan Students. RUTHVEN MAKES SPEECH Registrar Smith Makes Appeal for Promising Students Without Funds. Bringing the University broad- casting programs to a close for the year, President Alexander G. Ruth- ven, Miss Alice Lloyd, dean of wo- men, Ira M. Smith, registrar, Prof. Arthur D. Moore, of the engineer- ing college, and Prof. Philip E. Bursley, director of "Orientation Period" addressed high s c h o o 1 graduates at 8 o'clock last night who plan to enter th University next fall. President Ruthven greeted the prospective Michigan students, and pointed out that the University faculties are not so much interest- ed in the immediate reasons, for the decision to enter college as they are that they should, now or short- ly after they enter, understand cer- tain university a n d educational ideals without which the next few years will bear little, or only dwarf, fruit. Smith Asks For Student Aid. Pointing out that many students are now in college who ought not be there, Ira M. Smith warned high school students against coming to' college merely because others are going. "I should estimate that ap- proximately 500 high school grad- uates of Michigan schools who are the most promising students in the state will be kept away from col- lege next fall becuse of iack of funds," he said. S-nith pointed out, that local communities would be. of great service to the state if they would cooperate in helping such{ students to enter college. Moore Praises Orientation Week.1 Professor Moore praised the Or- ientation Period as "a useful tool, fashioned for the freshman who' will take it in the right spirit and turn it to his rather great advant- age. "As a summary of comments made by engineering freshmen last. fall on their Orientation Period," said Professor Moore, "the total of favorable comments of different. kinds f r o m freshmen numbered 350, while the total of unfavorable. comments of all kinds numbered 39. / MAY91FILLREGENCY Newspaper Endorses Dr. Smith to Fill Vacancy; Brucker Gets Recommendation. Endorsement of Dr. Richard R. Smith, of Grand Rapids, as a mem- ber of the Board of Regents of the University to fill the vacancy caused by the death of Dr. Walter H. Saw- yer, Hillsdale, was made yesterday in an editorial in the Grand Rapids MICHIGAN NINE DOWNS INDIANA Coach Fisher's Varsity baseball team won its second Conference start of the season yesterday at Bloomingtonf by defeating the Hoosiers, 4-0. Compton went the whole way for Michigan, while Veller pitched for Indiana. Eddie Tolan showed that he can stil be counted upon to turn in some fast time this year by winning the 100-yard dash at the Ohio Relays in 9.6. Michigan also won the 440 and 880-yard relays. Ohio State's golf team proved no match for Michigan over the University links, and the Wolver- ines sent them back to Columbus smarting under a 13%/2-4%/2 de- feat. Other Big Ten baseball scores were: Northwestern 9-Ohio State 7 Wisconsin 8-Minnesota 4 Chicago 10-Iowa 7 Iowa defeated Chicago's track team, 106/2 to 28%/2. Complete Sport News on Pages 6 & 7 CANNON REQUESTED, TO QUIT BISHOPRIC Group of Methodist Laymen Ask Resignation Before Clergy Meeting. NASHVILLE, Tenn., May 2.-(P) -Resignation of James Cannon jr.,' from his bishopric in the Meth- odist Episcopal Church, South, is asked in a petition to the semi- annual meeting of the College of Bishops here. The petition, from a group of Methodist laymen, was made pub- lic in Richmond, Va., and Bishop John M. Moore, secretary of the college, said it was the same as others received by him along with various communications opposing Cannon's elevation to the presi- dency of the college under a rule of rotation. At the same , time, Bishop Moore said, letters also had been received supporting Cannon. In the petition, the Virginia pre- late,who was vindicated by the last quarterly conference of the church and later by a group of elders of charges based on stock market transactions and other allegations never made public, is "doing the church untold harm." "Reports that gravely reflect on the moral character of Bishop Cannon have been p u blish e d throughout the country," the peti- tion recited. "He has made no pub- lic statement that would vindicate himself or that would relieve the church of the embarrasment which she suffers by reason of the fact that he is one of her bishops." The petitioners asked that "ur bishop find some means to restore confidence in the moral integrity of the church," adding that "the least that could be asked of Bishop Cannon under these circumstances is that for the good and peace of the church he resign his office," Canton Students Call Strike Against HMeadsl Unitarian Minister Will Present Interpretation of Bach at Church Today. KLAER TO GIVE SERMON Fisher Will Discuss 'Adventure' in Talk; R. E. Sayles Plans Speech, Music and its relation to social change'and to various other factors in modern life will be discussed this morning by Rev. Harold P. Marley at the Unitarian church under the topic, "A Social Inter- pretation of Bach." "Is music more than deluxe sound waves and can the May festival be more than an emotional dissipa- tion? is one of the questions which Rev. Marley will bring out in his talk. He will also deal with music as a possible medium of ex- pression of great ideas and social change. Chapman to Address Students. "What is Normal in Religion?"; will be the topic which Rev. Alfred Lee Klaer, associate pastor of the First Presbyterian church, will dis- cuss in his sermon this morning. At the student's meeting in the evening, Dr. Howard R. Chapman, of the Baptist guild, will speak on 'A Patch of Blue Sky." At the First Congregational church this morning, Rev. Allison Ray Heaps will preach on "Sources of Strength." Prof. Ray K. Immel will discuss "The Making of Moving Pictures," at the student's meetgin in the evening.I "Adventure" is Fisher's Topic. Dr. Fredericik B. Fisher, pastor of the First Methodist E p i s co p a l church, will speak on "Adventure," at the service this morning "Hunger for Completion," will be the topic for the sermon by Rev. R. Edward Sayles this morning at the First Baptist church. The stu- dent group will meet with the Pres- byterian group in the evening. At St. Ancirew's Episcopal church, Rev. Henry Lewis will speak on' "Certainty in Religion." The sacra- ment of Communion will be adrin- istered at this time. EDUCAu TOR TO IV IMPERILISMAK MgH~llTO- aEDDY GWRTO DISCUSS KABLE CREED ON SCA E OF' MOER "MSICI CROWDS PRE FREHMEN TUl TABLES, WIN 7 IN SPRING 6AMI Break Tie to Give 1. Class First Los in Two Years. Sherwood Eddy,r Student of world religions and1 prominent lecturer, who will talkI tomorrow at Dill auditorium on "A. Workable Religion for Modern Col-t lege Students." The lecturer wasy secured by the Student Christian association.. EDDY, TO LECTURE Oe CAMPUS CREED Workable Religion for. Modern College Students' Will Be His Subject. Sherwood Eddy will discuss "AF Workable Religion for Modern Col- lege Students," at a lecture at 8' o'clock tonight, in Hill auditorium under the auspices of the Student Christian association. A student of world religions, and a teacher of India and the Far East, Eddy is known throughout the world as a leader of youth. He has been termed by President a Compton of the Massachusetts I- stitute of Technology as "one of the most stimulating and constructive men of this generation." He has recently returned from his third trip to Russia, where he continued studies of the Soviet re- public, which have made him an authority on Russia and socialism. Previous to h is contemporary lecture tour, he did research among the students df India, held a post as Eastern secretary for the Young Men's Christian association, and wrote several books and pamphlets on Russia, religion, and sociologi- cal subjects. The Michigan Officers' Training confereruce for student officials of college Student Christian associa- tions throughout the state, heard Eddy this morning, at Patterson lake, where he, addressed the con- cluding session of their three-oay meeting. Fordham University eports arthquake NEW YORK, May 2.- (A:)-The seismograph at Fordham university today recorded an earthquake of mild intensity about 2,300 miles' from New York. There were two distinct tremors; the first at 5:43 p. m. (Eastern Standard time) Fri- day, and the second five minutes later. British Envoy Scores . Deceit in Diplomacy Victors Take Spr Hog-Tieing, to Gain Title. Suffering its first defeat i derclass competition, the s more class lost the tradit spring games to the freshme a score of 7 to 6 at south I field yesterday morning. By ning 5 of the 9 points for events yesterday, after the deadlock on Friday, the fres revenged their defeat at the h of the class of 1933 in the g last fall. While not as large as in ,fo years, afair sized crowd assen at the field to witness the batt] underclass supremacy. The le skies, however, failed' to dau. the ardor of the participants i games. The outcome of the str was in doubt until the hog-t contests, the final event on the gram. Freshmen Take Cane Spre The first year men were the to arrive at the scene of co Shortly after them came rivals, marching behind their Picked teama represented the ( es in the first three events ou -program, while the entire ci joined in the hog-teing melet By a margin of one bout freshmen wer, awarded the points going with victory ii cane sprees. Tle ,esults of' matches follow: Wiindsor, '33, White, '34; Weiss, '34, beat l '33; Conover, '34, beat Herring Bradley, '34, beat Schmeller, Wilkowski, '33, beat Fraunbi '34; Madigan, '33, beat Dobsoi In the pillow fights, the s mores likewise won by one Although seven contests were s uled, four of them ended in so that the final score was 2 Two points were also awarde this event. The summaries 'fr Gleason, '33, beat McMullen Hasting, '33, beat Graf, '34; Waldron, '34, beat Rauff, '33. Sophomores Win Obstacle R Victory in the obstscle rac two points went to the sopho when they nosed ut their by a 3-2 count. Brizdle, '33, Shick, '34; McM,}pus, '34, Fensle, '33; Van Akren, '33, Harris, '34; Alex, '34, beat Se ler '33; and Kronfield '33, Syracusa, '34. The superior n ~bers oul freshmen aided tnm in wi the final and deciding even hog-tieing contests. All me were used by both sides in an to pen as many of the opp( as possible. At themend of the ted time, 56 sophomores had penned as against 24 freshme DANE WLL RBE SENIOR ACTIIl WarnApit1omte Dr. Preston W. Slosson to SpeakI on Empire Problems at Campus Forum. Dr. Preston W. Slosson, of the history department, will discuss "Problems of Imperialism," in an International forum, at 3:30 o'clock today in Lane hall. He will talk of imperialism from practical experi-1 ence, and study. He began his active career in in- ternational affairs by serving in the United States department of state in 1917, and soon after was named as Assistant librarian for the American Commission to nego- tiate peace, during 1918 and 1919. He has also been literary editor of the New York Independent, and is the author of many books and 0 JACKSON-Science is to take aa hand in crime detection here. David Foy, 26, was shot in Michigan Cen- ter last Thursday night by a man who had forced Foy to drive him out of Jackson after a robbery. A grease-stained cap was found on the running board of Foy's car.. On the theory the cap was worn by the slayer, county chemist Peter Keyzer has undertaken to determine from the stain on the cap. the probable occupation of the slayer. DETROIT-Harry Hayes alias J. W. Murphy was sentenced to three years in Leavenworth prison and fined $100 today upon conviction of masquerading as t federal officer and obtaining $1,500 from Professor Harold C. Binkley >f the English Department of the J. of M. BENTON HARBOR-Blossom week starts Monday in the twin cities, and the trees will be ready for the Golf has developed new haz- ards for Alan J. Bovard, '30, the former center on the Wolverine football team. Bovard yesterday was playing the recently opened University golf course. At the fourteenth hole, he was struck in the eye by a hard driven golf ball and was unconscious for some minutes after the accident. Today he is nursing a badly bruised face and a dark-colored eye. No permanent injury was inflicted. Bryn Mawr College Honors Jane Addams BRYN MAWR, Pa., May 2.-(PI)- Jane Addams, internationally known social worker, was hailed at Bryn Mawr college today as "a citizen of the greater world community," by Prof. John Dewey, of Columbia University. Press. Dr. Smith is proposed, the edi- torial says, because of the import- ance of the medical profession in' the work of the University. "So important is the medical branch of the University's work and so necessary the presence of an informed physician on the Board of Regents, that it becomes a first essential to replace Dr. Saw- yer by a man who meets this need," the editorial says in part. Confirmation of a report that communications had been sent to Gov. Wilbur M. Brucker requesting him to appoint Dr. Smith as Re- gent was made in Grand Rapids by James D. Bruce, a director of the University Health Service and Benjamin S. Hanchett, former Re- gent. Regent Junius E. Beal, of Ann Arbor, when asked to comment on the possibility of Dr. Smith's ap- pointment, said: "Dr. Smith is personally quali- fied, and, in addition, I think it de- sirable to have a physician suc- CANTON, N. Y., May 2.-('P)- Students of St. Lawrence Univer- sity, claiming to represent 90 per cent of the student body, today called a strike to affect all extra- curricular activities as a result of the refusal of university officers to rescind rulings the students called objectionable. PORTLIGESE JUNTANTrgl'l pamphlet articles on history and diplomacy, including "Twentieth Century Europe," and "The Decline of the Chartist Movement." After serving as an assistant in history at Columbia, he came to the University in 1921. He was made an associate professor in 1927. General Dias Surrenders to Commander of Attacking Rebel Forces. Copyright, 1931, By the Associated Press. LISBON, May 2.--(AP)-Harassed on all sides by Portuguese military and naval forces, and deserted by the comrades on whose support they had counted, the rebels who set up a junta government at Fun- chal, Madeira, just one month ago, capitulated today. General Souza Dias surrendered unconditionally to the minister of marine who commanded the at- OTTAWA, May 2.-(/P)-Deceit is not the method of successful diplo- macy, Sir Ronald Lindsay, gritish ambassador to the United States, told the Canadian -Club today. Tak- ing as the subject "The Machinery of Diplomacy" the diplomat denied what he termed an ancient libel on his profession. Diplomatic negotia- I tions, he stated, are not greatly Party Starts Across I Canada in Bi Truck HALIFAX, N. -,, May 2,-( different from ordinary business? This was moving day for E, When- transactions and the best results' ton Shaw, of Hamilton, Ont., who are obtained by intelligence, candor hopes to make the first motor cross- and tact, ing of Canada by an all-Canadian route. He "christened" his heavy Haydon Will Give Talk truck in the waters of the North- west Arm, and then set out on its journey to Vancouvr. Shaw is ac- [companied by his daughter Phyllis Dyr. Eustace Haydon, professor of and Mechanic Harold Puxon. comparative religions at the Uni- rrTpr +kiai i a, +rnitor forI IVrsity of Chicago will discuss "A Warren Appoints Committee to Assist in Planning Party at Union. Seniors in all schools of the versity will begin their class a( ties with an informal dance 9 until 1 o'clock next Friday : in the Union ballroom. Music for the dancing willbe vided by Don Loomis and hi chestra. The party will be the of a series of similar social : tions to mark the end of the iors' careerĀ§ at the University Harold . Warren, '31, chai of the committee in the lit college arranging for the d last night appointed Joseph A. sell, '31, Noah W. Bryant, '31 William E. Pond, '31, to assist Presidents of senior classes it