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May 02, 1931 - Image 8

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The Michigan Daily, 1931-05-02

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Iii *1

What's Going on

3 i

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President and Mrs. Ruthven will be at home from 4 to 6 o'clock on'
the first two Sunday afternoons of each month to members of the
faculties, their friends, and other residents of Ann Arbor.
Sophomore, Junior and Senior Engineers: Mid-semester reports for
grades below C are now on file and open to inspection in the office of
the Assistant Dean, room 259 West Engineering building. Kindly see
Miss Earl for the reports. A. H. Lovell, assistant dean.


Exhibition of Monuments and Studies in Sculpture by Hermon A.
QacNeil, Sculptor., of New York City---South Gallery Alumni Memorial
tall. April 26 to May 2.
Extension of the Sculpture Exhibition of the Division of Fine Arts
for the remainder of the week, including Sunday. Rooms 401, 403, Uni-
versity hall, hours are from 1:30 to 6 and 7 to 9:30.
Architectural Building Exhibition: An exhibition of Foreign Adver-
tising Photographs representing the work of eight nations is being
shown in the third floor gallery daily from 9 to 5, until May 7. Visitors
are cordially invited.
History 12, tLecture Section I: Saturday sections will not be required
to meet at the time of the "spring games." Preston Slosson.
University Women: The Women's Athletic Association is sponsoring
a canoeing party this afternoon. The party will leave the Saunderst
Canoe Livery at 2:30 p: m. Reservations can be made by signing at
Barbour gymnasium or the Women's Athletic building.
Freshmen Girls' Glee Club: Meeting at 7:30 p. m., in the committee
rom of the League.

Yale President Awarded Degree ticularly in its college and univer- Michigan-"Don't Bet on Wo-
of DLa sity levels, a similar need for break- men," with Edmund Lowe and
Doctor o fLaws at ing through the walls which now Jeanette MacDonald.
Honors Convocation. separate departments from one an- Majestic -- "The Devil to Pay,"
other, in order to achieve a syn- with Ronald Colman and Loretta
(Continued from Page 1) thesis and coordination of knowl- Young.
technical skill through which more edge requisite for really sound edu- Wuerth-"Dracula."
satisfactorily to meet the needs of cation and indispensable for the
our generation." preparation of the on-coming gen- GENERAL l
Illustrating this necessity in med- eration to meet appreciatively the League - Kenyon's orchestra, 9
ical practices, Dr. Angell pointed problems of modern life," he stated. until 1 o'clock.
out that, while there is no question "Any careful scrutiny of the situ- Union-Military ball.
of the advantages of the skilful Iation leaves one with the over- - ________ _____
specialist for a critical surgical powering conviction that many of tion included honor students, win-
operation, specialization often goes our most pressing contemporary ners of fellowships and scholar-
to such extremes that the physician human problems, such as disease, ships, winners of special awards,
tends to overlook the demands of poverty, crime, unemployment, busi- and initiates in honorary societies.
the organism as a whole, and par- ness failure, and child welfare, are Recent initiates to Phi Beta Kap-
ticularly the necessity that the too complex to be solved completely pa, national honorary scholastic
mind shall be recognized and-dcfl- by the technical resources of any society, announced yesterday, are:
nitely dealt with. one science, or any one profession, seniors, literary college, Morris
A considerable part of the suc- and that a satisfactory solution, Alexander, Catherine M. Barton.
cess of the medical quack is due especially one which shall deal with Florence V. Brabb, J. C. Callaghan,
to the physician's failure to take the all-important preventive aspects Frank E. Cooper, Gladys E. Davis,
the patient's worry over domestic of the matter, must be approached Catperine Dzuirewicz, C. B. Ellis, R.
or economic conditions into ae- co-operatively by specialists in sev- K. Feustal, H. R. Gamrath, Thelma'
count, he said. eral related fields." M. Gleason, B. L. Gluckman, R. D.
"In the case of law, modern in- "Neither tomorrow, nor the next Gordon, William J. Gorman, Sam
dustrial and commercial life have day, shall we abolish poverty, or Gramick, Lawrence E. Hartwig, E.
created conditions so complex and crime, or disease, or the personal T. Heffer, Eva L. Hesling, George E.
so variable that, if law is to serve unhappiness which arises from mal- Rofimeister, J. A. Hosmer, Kathryn
its real purpose, it must be much adjustment to life," Dr. Angell said, M. Hughes, Helen F. Humphrey, M.
more plastic and must be applied in closing: "but these and all the J. Irland, M. M. Isberg, Agnes E.
with far greater exercise of inform- other fundamental ills of society Johnson, J. A. Land, Marie L. J.
ed intelligence than was requisite and the individual can be mitigated, I Michael, Evelyn E. Miller, Anne E.
in the more stable groups previously and many of them can be prevent- ]Nation, Isabelle M. Rayen, H. M.
characteristic of civilized life," he ed, by a more judicious use of our Read, LoUise E. Rorabacher, Cath-
said. existing knowledge and by a well- rne S. Rundell, Catherine W.
The superior intelligence in law ordered attack upon the frontiers Shannon, R. J. Stanger, Rose Var-
must be fully conversant with eco- of ignorance, where these now hold kle, Marcus Weiner, Elizabeth C.
nomic, industrial, and social trends, humanity back from entering the Whitman, and Dorothy E. Wilson.
as well as with legal tradition, he promised land." Education school seniors: Avalyn
pointed out. The criminal lawyer Following the address, Dr. Angell Allen, Marie K. Bachmann, Dorothy
should be informed on human psy- was presented by Prof. J. G. Winter, M. Boillotat, Elizabeth A. Ford, Jean
chology, especially as it applies to of the Latin department, for the A. Proctor, Francis P. Sexton, Mar-
motives and to testimony, he added. degree of doctor of laws. The degree garet J. Whiting. Business admin-
The minister also should have a was conferred by President Alex- istration* school, Mary Parnall.
clear notion of economic and social ander G. Ruthven, who presided at Juniors: Samuel H. Beer, Philip
forces, in addition to his acquaint- the convocation. In his presenta- Bernstein, Dorothy J. Birdzell, E. T.
ance with the Bible and his posses- tion, Professor Winter cited Dr. Calver, Ruth J. Emmick, Sylvia A.
sion of a workable theology, Dr. Angell's effective leadership in uni- Goldstein, Paul R. Irwin, W. W.
Angell said. The engineer, he re- versity government, his capacity to Knox, C. H. Schwartz, jr., Kathar-
marked, is often concerned with achieve enduring reforms, and his Ine F. Sitton, F. Y. Wiselogle.
economics, physiology, psychology, distinguished career as the head of Graduate students: 0. F. Bale, B.
and sociology, as well as with the Yale university. E. Boothe, R. W. Bradbury, C. D.
tools and products of his trade. University men and women who Campbell, Ben Dushnik, D. G. Ful-
"Education itself discloses, par- attended as guests of the convoca- ton, Albert Herschberger, Mary E.

Buenaventura Jimenez, M.D.

Up to a short time ago, eczema,
hay fever, and asthma were con-
sidered to be different diseases1
with distinct causes, but now we1
think they are aspects of the same
human hypersensitiveness.
In fact, we know that there is
a sequence of events, which can
be expressed as follows: eczema
in infancy; gastro-intestinal dis-
turbances in childhood; hay fever
in adolescence; asthma in the vir-
ile age; bronchitis later on in life;
and heart disease in old age. These
cycles can be shortened or length-
ened, for example, one may see a
small child suffering with asthma
or a case of hay fever appearing
after 25 years of age, the symp-
toms of each cycle varying from a
very mild attack to a severe one.
We claim that this phenomenon
of sensitization is progressive,
growing worse and worse; conse-
quently it is of great importance
that these cases should be treated
early in life because up through
asthma, we can cure the patient, if
we are fortunate enough to find
the offending agent or agents. Af-
ter the stage of asthma pathologi-
cal conditions have developed and
the sick person is not in condi-
tion to be completely cured.
There are a number of other
symptoms which are to some de-
gree related to this group. We do
not claim that the physician can
cure all of them, but we do certain-
ly know that a great number of
them can be benefited. Besides
eczema, hay fever, and asthma
which can be cured, one is able to
improve many cases of urticaria
(hives); hyperasthetic rhinitis with
its sneezing and nasal discharge;
prevent the recurrence of nasal
polyps; frequent colds (90 per cent
are not colds but symptoms of sen-
sitization), gastro-intestinal upsets
which may range from a slight dis-
comfort, gas formation, colic or
cramps, to attacks of acute indis-
gestion with loose movements of
the bowels; gastric ulcers and gall
bladder disturbances; attacks sim-
ulating appendicitis; bed-wetting;
irritation or any mucous mem-
brane of the body with its corre-
sponding inflammation and dis-
charge; sinus trouble; insomnia;
headaches; migraine;certain cases
of epilepsy; underweight; differ-
ent forms of pain; some .skin dis-

George La Rue, Director, Expects
Increase Over Previous
Years' Enrollment.
The University biological station,
termed the largest inland camp of
its kind hi the world and main-
tained for the study of the natural
sciences, will open its twenty-third
consecutive annual season on Jun
29, according to Prof. George R.
LaRue, director.
Last year the camp drew students
from 21 states. The enrollment has
grown from 13 in 1909 to 97 in 1930,
and during the next few years Pro-
fessor LaRue expects a greater in-
crease than formerly.
Work of definite economic value
is accomplished at the camp where
research work concerning the para-
sites of fishes, tame and wild ducks
are conducted. Since the inception
of the camp in 1909, 246 research
papers have been issued on various
biological subjects.
Students who have had element-
ary college work in biology, may
attend the station, although the
majority of those attending are
graduates. Eight courses in botany
and seven in zoology are offered for
undergraduates, in addition to di-
rected research work for advanced
students, all giving University credit.
The regular work at the camp
will begin June 27 with registration
June 27. Several parties and ex-
cursions during the term.
orders; and other conditions.
We thing that this phenomen-
on of sensitization is of a heredi-
tary nature. It follows the law of
Mendel. One who belongs to the
group of hypersensitiveness must
have some one in his family suffer-
ing with some of the above symp-
toms. We know that only 15 to 25
per cent of humanity is affected.
There are certainly 75' per cent of
human beings who do not belong
to the group of sensitization. One
does not inherit the specific dis-
ease; it is only the tendency that
is inherited. It affects both sexes
and has no special preference for
any type of person or race, and it
may occur at any age. Tests for
the condition are made at the
Health Service.

Freshman Pageant Women: The Primitive group will meet at Bar-
bour gymnasium at 4:15, the Impressionistic at 4:45, and the Priestess
at 5:15. In the Big gymnasium, the Waltz group will meet at 4:15 and
the Gavotte at 4:45.
Beta Kappa Rho will have a Hard Times Party in the Cave of the
Michigan League, at 8:30 p. in. Everyone is urged to come.
Theatre Group: There will be a meeting of the Theatre group of the
League in the theatre office at 11 a. m. It is important that all members
be present. Amy Loomis.
Cosmopolitan Club: Annual' Election of officers will be held at 8
p. m., in Lane hall. Regular social meeting will follow. A highly inter-
esting, and an unusual program has been prepared.
Comedy Club: Extras in Pierre Patelin must be at rehearsal at 1
o'clock at the Lydia Mendelssohn theatre.
Zoology I, Quiz Sections 6 and 7: The assignment for Monday, May
4, is Chapter 12, to page 226, and problems 2-15, inclusive.
A. E. Woodward.
Engineering Mechanics: Professor M. M. Frocht of Carnegie Insti-
tute of Technology wil discuss "Stress-Strain Analysis of Engineering
Structures by means of Polarized Light," in the class of E. M. 9, on
Monday, Wednesday and Friday, May 4, 6 and 8, at 8 a. m. The first
meeting will be in room 443, West Engineering building. Subsequent
meetings will be in the laboratory. Anyone interested in the subject
is welcome.
Chemistry 6: Second hour examination, Monday, May 4, at 11 a. m.
Those who have odd numbered lecture seats will keep these seats for
this examination. Those who have even numbered seats: 2 to 100 will
gb to room 2023 Angell hall; 102 to 230 will go to room 2054 Natural
Science; all others will take seats in the rear of the Chemistry lecture
room. P. F. Weatherill.
Astronomy-Philosophy: Professor -Heber D. Curtis, Director of the
Observatory will lecture on "The.Scientist's Right to Religious Specula-
tion" with astronomical slides Monday, May 4, at 4:15, in Natural Science
auditorium. The Tolstoy League invites the public..

Michigan Dames will hold their regular meeting
May 5, at 8 o'clock at the Michigan League building.
requested to be present as this is election of officers.

Tuesday evening,
All members are


John Khalaf (L'33), of Arabia will speak on "Churches of the Near I
East," at the meeting of the Student Volunteer Group in Harris hall at
9 a. m., Sunday.f
Wesleyan Guild: Mrs. Fisher's Bible class will meet in Wesley hall,
at 12 o'clock, Sunday. At 6 o'clock there will be installation of officers
for 1931-1932. Dr. John E. Martin, District Superin.tendent, will be the{
speaker. Social hour will follow at 7 o'clock.
Lutheran Students: Enjoy the wonderful spring weather at the Stu-
dent Club picnic Sunday afternoon. Meet at the St. Paul's Lutheran
Church, at 2:30 p. in.
Harris Hall: There will be no 9:30 a. in., Communion Service or
breakfast this Sunday at Harris Hall.
There will be a picnic and outdoor service Sunday evening. The
group will leave Harris hall at 6 o'clock, returning for Sherwood Eddy,
8 p. in., at Hill auditorium.
Senior Engineers: There will be a meeting of the class officers and
members of the social and class day committees, i room 302 of the
Union, Sunday morning at 9 o'clock.
~ ~__ _ _ --

Mixer, Carroll V. Newsom, A. L.
O'Toole, 0. W. Qualley, J. K. Gwynn
Silvey, Mrs. Angelyn H. Steven~s, E.
HT. Wagner. Faculty members, Helen
R. Sternberger. Alumni, Clara J.
Allison, '02, F. S. Bell, '79, W. D.
Herrick, '98, Charlotte Leavitt, '99.
New officers of the society, elect-
ed April 6, were announced yester-
day. They are: president, Prof. De-
Witt H. Parker, of the philosophy
department; secretary - treasurer,
Prof. mn;a F. Butler, of the Latin
department;; member of the execu-
tive board, Prof. T. H. Hildebrandt,
of the mathematics department.

a -


i os
Tel 2-2312 615 13. Williams

Comedy Club's
Last and Funniest Show of the Year
Tickets: Evenings 50c and 75c
Matinee 50c


PERSHING-My Experiences in the World War-2 vols... ... $10.00
CRAVEN-Men of Art .................................. 3.75
DREISER-Dawn ........................................ 5.00

BRIFFAULT-The Mothers ....................... .
STRECKER AND APPEL-Discovering Ourselves ...... .
PARKER-Human Values .......................... .
SELDES-Can These Things Be......................

,It: A"




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