ESTABLISHED 1890 fC EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN MEMBER, ASSOCIATED PRESS I r nw Y VOL. XLI., No. 150 EIGHT PAGES ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, MAY 2, 1931 PRICE FIVE CENTS SPECIA SNEEDS SAYS OF lIZAg 10 N BALANCE, .1 ANGELL Lack of Coordination Among Schools Is Result. AWARDED DEGREE Elections to Phi Beta Kappa Announced; Officers Named. By Denton Kunze Synthesis and correlation of knowledge to balance the extreme specialization of the present era were advocated by Dr. James R. Angell, '90, president of Yale uni- versity, in his official address be- fore the eighth annual Honors Convocation yesterday at Hill auditorium. Following the address, Dr. An- gell was awarded an honorary degree of doctor of laws. Though the new tendency is to break down the walls between dif- ferent branches of knowledge, Dr. Angell said, over-specialization in the fields of higher -education is often responsible for the chauvin- istic attitude of exclusiveness which rises in various department of a university. A large part of faculty politics, he pointed out, is concern- ed with the playing off of one de- partment group against the other. Cites Examples. Similarly, he said, law, medicine, the ministry, and other professions suffer because of the lck kof co- ordination of knowledge in the spe-1 cialist's education. . . "Scientists tell us that intrinsic human intelligence has probably made no advance. since Adam and Eve set dups-housekeeping in the, Garden of Eden, and that there is little or no reason to believe that Sfurther development of any conse- quence can be looked for in the human brain, and therefore in the quality of the thinking which em- anates from it," Dr. Angell said. "Whatever truth there may be in these depressing judgments, there can be no question that humanity has managed, by capitalizing its achievements in one generation, to start off the next one on a slightly higher level, until the extraordin- ary thing that we call civilization has come to pass. Specialist Important Figure. "The period in which we are liv- ing has witnessed such a pushing1 forward of the frontiers of scientific knowledge and such a revolution in the mastery of nature as no pre- vious epoch has remotely ap- proached. This result has largely been achieved by discoveries follow- ing on a process of intensive spe- cialization, which has made the specialist himself the commanding figure in our scientific and intel-; lectual world..- "Now while there are abundant indications that specialization must, and should, go steadily forward, there is a crying need for a fresh synthesis of knowledge and a co- ordination of the professional and (Continued on Page 8) State Bulletins .(By Associated Frets)31 Friday, May 1, 1931 OWOSSO-Kenneth Welch, 17,' knocked at the door of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Welch here this morning and informed Mrs. Welch he was her son, missing for 15 years. He had been left with a neighbor family in Goshen, Ind., in 1916, while Mrs. Welch underwent an operation and the family mov- ed away without reclaiming him. 5000 VISIT CAMPUS FOR CONVENTIONS Visitors Throng Campus Walks and Inspect Buildings. Ribbons and badges of many colors and sizes outshone "M's" and class numerals yesterday as thou- sands of visitors thronged the cam- p4i sidewalks for the meetings of two conventions and two high school organizations. Over 4,000 high school students arrived in the course of the day to attend the final debate of the Michigan High School Debating League, which was held last night in Hill auditorium, as well as a meeting for tryouts for the All- State orchestra. Many school teach- ers from throughout the state ar- rived for the first day's session of the annual Michigan Schoolmast-1 ers' Club convention, just as the Retail Grocers' and Meat Dealers' Association of Michigan was clos- ing its meeting. The many visitors were enter-; tained in various ways by the Uni- versity, many of them going on tours of the campus grounds andi buildings under the guidance of students. Others witnessed the de-c feat of the Colgate nine at the hands of the Varsity baseball team, attended the Honors Convocation, or saw the annual struggle betweent the underclassmen on the Huron. SENTOR IN STATEE LEISATURE FIGNH Escanaba Man Angers Colleague;1 Face Slapped in Debate 1 Over Amendments. x LANSING, May 1.-(P)-The leg-t islature ended the fourth month of its deliberations today with ten- r sion at high pitch and leaders struggling to clear the way for ad- t journment ' In the senate Friday morning1 harsh words were exchanged and a member was slapped. Senator Herbert J. Rushton, of Escanaba, angered by a remark made by Sen-1 ator William F. Turner, of Morley, slapped the latter on the face with his open hand. Turner had goner to Rushton's desk to discuss pro-r posed amendments to the act ex- ttending stat e aid to the poorj school districts. The senators sat* side by side, talking in low tones, when suddenly Rushton turned on1 Turner. The latter made no move to retaliate. Later when Turner had returned to his own seat,e Rushton went there and they shook hands.t Senator Artthur E. Wood, of De-I troit, and Senator Ernest S. Con-t lon, of Grand Rapids, staged a ver- bal claimed Wood had agreed toI attack amendment to the mn a 1 t tax bill which would reduce the fee for retail places handling malt products and for automobiles used to transport malt. The Grand Ra- pids member demanded that the progress of tle malt measure be halted and that it be tabled until amendments were attached. "It's a question of veracity," Sen- ator Wood retorted. "I told Sena- tor Conlon I would try and get amendments on the bill, but I promised nothing. The house re- fused to amend the bill. Racke- teers have been lobbying against this measure, which willgtake $2,- 000,000 a year off the property tax, and it was decided it was better to pass it unchanged." Conlon offered a motion to table the bill, charging a promise had been made but had not been car- ried out. The senate rejected the motion by an overwhelming votei and the malt bill, which Governor Brucker has described as "wrong in principle," was ordered sent to the executive for approval or veto. The governor said he is not ready to declare what he will do with the measure. ROBBINS EXPLAINS DETROIT DEBATING UNIVERSITY STAND TEAM WI NS TITLE Assistant to President States St. Anthony Squad Beats Union Present Publication Plans of Grand Rapids in Finals; Will be Unchanged. Effinger Presides. WILL BE HEADQUARTERS TOPIC IS CHAIN STORES Student Publications Are Not 4,000 Hear Contests; FinalistsI to be Confused With New Awarded Gold Watches; Cups Project, He Says. Given to Both Schools. No change in the University's Two boys and a girl from Detroit policy in connection with printing St. Anthony high school are the and publishing is contemplated debating champions of the Michi-1 gan High School Debating league with the occupatons oftd nfor 1931. They won their title last University publications building,i night from the Grand Rapids Dr. Frank E. Robbins, assistant to 'Union debate team in Hill audi- President Alexander G, Ruthven torium before an audience of 4,000. I The vote of the judges was two to pointed out yesterday. one. "The new building," Dr. Robbins Winners Uphold Negative. said, "will be a publications office The winners, upholding the neg- rather than a printing office. Only ative of the question, "Resolved: the University's own printing and that national chain stores operat- the printing of very closely allied ing in the state of Michigan are organizations wilt be handled." detrimental to the people of the state," were Milton Elert, Edwin Machinery to be Moved. Avery, and Evelyn Barth. The 'new project, he said, is not Richard Braun, Robert Lindberg, to be confused with the new build- and Jack Livingston debated for ing to be erected to house the of- Grand Rapids Union. All six of the, fices of the principal student pub- participants in the finals were giv- - _.en gold watches andP ach team ACTS AS LEADER OF NEW REPUBLIC Baseball and Tennis Teams Win Contests Two Michigan teams scored victories yesterday afternoon on Ferry Field, when the Varsity baseball team defeated Colgate for the second time, this game by the score of 4-1. At the same time the tennis squad trimmed the Michigan State net team, 12-0, in their first match of the season. GusKeigler, who pitched for the Wolverines, allowed only four hits, while his teammates got to Davis for eight. Both walked two men each. The tennis team swept to an easy victory over the State ag- gregation, winning all nine of the matches, the Spartans fail- ing to win a single set. Captain Brace was kept out of the singles by a sore foot, but, paired with Colby Ryan in the doubles, de- feated Pinneo and Gee, 6-4, 6-1. For complete sports stories, see page 6 and 7. FIRST DAY OF SPRING GAMES ENDS IN -TIE BETWEEN LOWER _CLASSES;_HOLD FlINALS TODAY Freshmen Win in Final Tug-of-War Fight at River. POINT SCORE 2-2 Associa ted Pkress Phtor".1 lications, The Daily, the Michigan- ensian, and the Gargoyle, which will entirely distinct and under the direction of the Board in Control of Student Publications. The University Press quarters, made possible by the gift of Dexter M. Ferris, jr., Detroit alumnus, will be in the building north of the building on Maynard street now occupied by the student publica- tions. It is expected that the offices and equipment of the Alumni press, now housed in the Economics build- ing, will be moved to the new loca- tion, and there is also the possibil- ity that the University's presses, now located in'the basemeint of the library, will be moved to the May- nard street location. The principal need for such a building. Dr. Robbins said, is not as a printing office but as a head- I quarters for the storage and dis- tribution ofrUniversity publications.. They are now stored in the library and in various other places about the campus in a very unsatisfactory manner, he added. More than $75,- 000 worth of books are now located in the storage rooms of the library. Plant Non-Competitive. The new unit will also aim, he explained, at the development of an artistic and distinctive style for the printing which it will handle. No attempt will be made, however, to compete with outside printing ' firms or to extend the size of the plant past the needs of the Uni- versity itself. The type of publications which the new unit will handle will in- clude, in addition to the Alumnus, weekly publication of the Alumni association, the Miscellaneous and1 Occasional papers from the Uni- versity museums, the bulletins from the department of engineering re- search, and work similar to some that has been issued in the past such as "A History of the Chemical Laboratory," and a booklet on "Michigan Trees," which has al-I ready gone through nine editions. JOHNSON ACCEPTS MADISON POSITION To Study for Doctor's Degree While Assisting Hough. Ralph R. Johnson, since 1925 an instructor in English in the Colleges: of Engineering and Architecture, has accepted a call to Drew univer- sity, Madison, N. J., where he will continue his study for a doctor's degree and will assist Dr. Lynn Harold Hough, head of the division of homiletics. Johnson graduated from the Uni- versity in 1923 and during the next two years taught at Highland Park High school and Junior college. During the last four years he has sity and has been giving lectures been actively connected with the Ex- tension division of the Univer- throughout the state on "Hamlet" and the "Servant in the House." During his stay in Ann Arbor, he has been actively associated with the Wesleyan guild and was chair- was awardedrat cup, the former Alcala Zamora, from the Detroit Free Press, and Provisional president of the new, the latter from the University ex- Spanish republic, who was called' tension division. Both sponsor the upon to assume the leadership of league. the government upon the abdica- The affirmative team built its ar- tion of King Alfonso and his poli- .1 gument about the proposition that tical associates. Zamora was in ._ the centralized control system is prison for political reasons when Funds for Maintenance of Full necessary tothe chain store, and the government was overthrown. thtsc vl swage-cutting, Time Hospital Teacher short weight, price-cutting through 'USought by Club. the use of private brands, and zon- -iii M ing (lowering prices to meet com-CTpeabs A tag day drive to support a full- petition), are inevitable outcomes f[time teacher at the University hos- of this system. 0 L Nital will be conducted by the These pointsA were met by the0nKing's Daughter's from 9 until 5 negative by attempting tot show 1'loktodaytruhu the city. that the evilspointed out by their The drive is held each year to opponents either did not exist or i Tells Schoolmasters Meeting The d s heleacyrar to were not in reality detrimentl. They High Schools Offer More ing out the work at the hosital. argued that the savings to con- Variety in Courses. From the proceeds, a part-time sumers in prices outweigh any dis- _Iteacher is maintained at the hospi- adiantages that may be listed. In 'The immense increase in variety tal who provides instruction for addition, they said, chains buy subjects offered in high schools the children of school age. the state, and have many stock- d The school wasfoundedby the holders in Michigan. is caused by the growing number! King's Daughters in 1922. At that O'Neil One of Judges. of students who attend them as time the daily enrollment was only Dean John R. Effinger, of the lit- f 'finishing schools'," stated Dr. Leo- im 10 to 15 students. At the pre- erary college, presided. He was nard Koos, of the University of sent time, the daily enrollment ex- presented by Prof. Gail E. Dens- Chicago, at the annual meeting of ceeds 150 and the annual number more, of the speech department, the Michigan Schoolmasters' asso- more than 2,000 retiring manager of the league, ; ciation yesterday afternoon. isrmothng2,000. who also introduced James H. Mc "For this reason," he continued, was taken over by the Michigan Burney, of the speech department, "enrollment in such college, pre- Crippled Children's commission in his successor. paratory courses as history, the 1927. TheKiwanis club of Ann Ar- The judges were Dr. Edward C. sciences, and mathematics has not bor and the Earhart fund both aid Mabie, head of the University of ! shown the average gain."i support of the teacher. Iowa department of speech; Prof. The keynote problem of the con- Through the school, children who Ray K. Imnmel, dean of the college vention has been the high school are forced to remain in the hospi- of speech of the University of Cal- curriculum, and in meeting it, Dr. tal for some time are given private' ifornia, and Prof. James M. O'Neill, Koos declared that "variability in instruction in the subjects which head of the Michigan speech de- programshand guidance must go they would be taking in school. A partment.. hand in hand." single teacher has usually about 20 Yesterday evening the annual students to see each day. By this dinner of the club members was plan, children are able to continue Cheld at the League building. Music in school with their classmates was supplied by the Midnight Sons!when they have recovered. quartet and Margot Sanger, of To- ( In addition to academic instrue- ledo. At 7:45 the delegates attend- .tion, the school provides recrea- Iv HU LAD__0 R C E R led the Michigan championship tional and vocational facilities for high school debate in Hill audi- a large number of children. torium., Tags will be sold on the princi- Delegates Name Schultz State The classical conference will pal street corners throughout the President; Battle Creek meet at 9 o'clock today in room city today. -,7--... r..l2003 Anp ll hall- and the Loe yranhv Second-Year Men Seek Perfect Record for Year. Mustering their full strength at the Union and Waterman gym- nasium, freshmen and sophomores will proceed to south Ferry field at 10 o'clock this morning for the second series of events of the annual spring games. The two classes were deadlocked at two points each after the conclusion of the first day's activities in the battle for underclass supremacy at the Huron river yesterday. Dispute Decision. After winning the two selected 50-men team tug of wars by close margins from their rivals, the sophomores were dragged through the Huron in the main event. The superior numbers of the freshmen proved a decisive factor in winning 'he class tug for the first year men. although the latter disputed the lecision, which awarded the points or the team tugs to the sopho- nores, the officials ruled that the ,lass of 1933 had pulled the rope the required distance for victory in 3ach case. The events scheduled for this norning are the cane sprees, the billow fights, the obstacle race, and ;he hog - tieing contests. Picked nembers of both classes will par- icipate in the firs t three events vhile the entire group will take cart in the hog-tieing contest. To she class wining the majority of he eleven cane sprees will go two points. Likewise two points will be awarded for the team securing the best of the five bouts in the pillow fight. The obstacle race and the nog-tieing will count two and three aoints respectively. - Chance for Clean Record. Several hundred spectators wit- aessed the attempt of the sopho- nores to pile up a lead and main- ain its perfect record in underclass :ompetition. The sophomores will aave better than an even chance of winning a majority of the points ;his morning, inasmuch as they will nly be out-numbered in the final event. Members of both classes are ask- ed to be at their respective meeting places by 9:30 so that the games on Ferry field may begin on scheduled time. As yesterday, members of the Student council and "M" men will assist in the handling of the games. SEAPLANE REACHES RBIOgEOOHRO 1932 Site. Battle Creekwas chosen yester-' day as the site for the 1932 conven- tion of the Michigan Retail Groc- ers and Meat Dealers association at the final meeting of the annual three-day session held in the Union. At the same t i m e, William Schultz, of Ann Arbor, was elected president of the state association, succeeding Garret Vander Hooning, of Holland. Schultz was vice-presi- dent of the organization last year, and at the present time holds the same office in the local association. Other officers were also elected, including directors. They were Paul Schmidt, Lansing, first vice-presi- dent; Mr. Beatke, Traverse City, second. vice-president; Orie Bailey, re-elected treasurer, and Ole Peter- son, Muskegon, J. Lurie, Detroit, Warden Newman, Pontiac, Mr. Spaulding, Battle Creek, and Walter Loefler, Saginaw, directors. Yesterday's program, aside from election of officers and naming of a convention site, included an ad- dress in the morning by Charles H. Janssen, secretary of the national organization. His subject dealt with gut Zi l ll, gluUi 81;g p Vy conference will be held in room 6, Angell hall. The junior high con- feience will also meet at 9 o'clock. At 1:30 o'clock the annual business meeting will be held in room D of the Law building. Communist's May Day Peaceful in Country (By Assoc atLed Press) America passed a quiet May Day, and the rest of the world-save in Cuba, Spain and Germany, where police were forced to use their weapons to subdue its over- zealous agitators-was quiet, too. From one to three persons were reported killed a n d a number wounded in a series of demonstra- tions in Havana. Two persons were killed and sev- eral civilians as well as police of- ficers were wounded when May Day agitators came to grips with police in Spain. A working man and a communist alderman were wounded severely by a gunfire at Methmann, in the Ruhr district of Germany Tn Rr BAILEY APPOINTEDy TO COUNTY BOARD Name Former Engineer-Manager to Road Commission Again. Reappointment of A. R. Bailey who, Jan. 9, was dismissed as engi- Zeer-manager of the Washtenaw county road commission, was made yesterday by the commissioners. 3ailey was reappointed, the board >f commissioners said, because he aad an "implied" contract. He re- oorted yesterday, and will serve the remainder of the year. Bailey, who had served 10 years is engineer-manager of the board. :eturned at a salary of $4,000 a year nor the remainder of the term. Following Bailey's dismissal by 'he board in January, charges of Irregularity were hurled at the Board of commissioners.. An inves- ;igation followed, the boards of Supervisors voting confidence in the commission. hbwiryI kt i fo# In L#Anr DO-X on Way to South America Meets With Many Mishaps, Causing Delays. CANARY ISLANDS, May L--(IP) -Germany's -biggest seaplane, the Dornier DO-X, was safely anchored in the harbor of Rio de Oro on the west coast of Africa tonight, one stage closer to South America on a trans-Atlantic flight which she begun last winter. She tuned up her motors in Gan- do Bay this morning, skidded across the water and took the air, heading south. She had been here ior three months following a series of mis- haps which necessitated repairs. Yesterday she made the first trial flight since heavy seas did her some damage last February. Before he left, Commander Fried- rich Christiansen said he hoped to go from Rio de Oro down to Bol- ama in Portuguese West Africa and take off from there for South Amer- ica. Italo Balbo, leader of the recent Italian flight to Brazil, started for Bolama across the Atlantic. One American was aboard for to- day's flight. He was Harvey Brew- ton, representative of the American firm which built the big plane's motors. DETROIT--The Rev. R. N. Hol-Large Crowd Attends saple made the headlines again to- day. The M i c h i g a n Anti-Saloon Annual Military Ball League superintendent was watch- ing a demonstration of Commun- Dancing to the strains of Slatz ists when a woman communist at- ancing Botstrin o tempted forcibly to remove his hat Randall's Brunswick, recording or- whlempadsreremplaying the "In- chestra, more than 300 couples at- while bands were itherIn- tended the thirteenth annual Mili- ternationale." He resisted her ef- tary Ball in the Union last night. forts successfully. A special exhibition by a picked sabre team immediately preceeding DETROIT-T h e Bo ok-Cadillac the Grand March was one of the I