THR MICHIGAN DAIL Y FRIDAY, MAY 1, 1931 __ .__.. 'uibii she'l every morning except Monday dur- the University year by the Board in Control Student Publications. lember of Western Conference Editorial Asso- ion. 'he Associated Press is exclusively entitled to use for republication of all news dispatches lited to it or not otherwise credited in this er and the local news published herein. Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor, Michi- , as second class matter. Special rate of ' ,ge granted by Third Assistant Postmaster neral. subscription by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50. )ffices: Ann Arbor Press Building, Maynard eet. Phones: Editorial, 4925; Business, 21214. EDITORIAL STAFF Telephone 492.5 MANAGING EDITOR Chairman Editorial Board HENRY MERRY FRANK E. COOPER, City Editor aVs Editor..............Gurney Williams itorial Director-........ .... ..Walter W. Wilds sistant City Editor.......Harold O. Warren ,orts Editor............Joseph A. Russell men's Editor............M.ary L. Behrnyer rsic, Drama, Books. ,........i. J. Gorman sistant News Editor.......Charles R. Sprowl legraph Editor............George A. Stauter py Editor...................Wm. E. Pyper NIGHT EDITORS- Beach Conger Charles R. Sprowli Ar S. Forsythe Richard L. Tobin vid M. Nichol Harold 0. Warren dn D. Reindel Sports Assistants eldon C. Fullertons A . Cullen Kennedy Charles A. Sanford REPORTERS Campus Opinion Contributors are asked to be brief, confining themselv es to less thait. 300 words if possible. Anonymous com- munications will be disregarded. The names of communicants will, however, be regarded as confidential, upon re- quest. Letters published should not be construed as expressing the editorial opinion of The Daily. I Music and Drama1 FRATERNITY JEWELRY PARTY FAVORS .4 tl I 1 it, THE DIRTY GARG- To the Editor: Although there has been no lack of material offensive to good taste in the Gargoyle, the latest issuet absolutely out-does itself. I refer, particularly, to the out and out rankness of the cartoon on page thirteen. And then, right above it, in amusing (or is one to actually credit the Gargoyle with irony), juxtaposition, appears this sent- ence: "Deciding on how to fill twenty pages effectively with short; jokes, articles, and drawings which will not offend the vigilant and camel-straining pulpit or the sensi- tive faculty element, but which at the same time will flatter the ordin- ary undergraduate into thinking he's sufficiently sophisticated to discover sexual innuendos in nur- sery rhymes, soon gets tiresome.". Of course, it may be that the Gargoyle can't live without its smut. Certainly, the present issue was so dull that it wouldn't have had a ghost of a chance of selling if it hadn't been for its off-color stuff. Suppose the Gargoyle adopt for its permanent slogan "Ours for bigger and better smut" and put it in a conspicuous place on the next month's cover. R. E., '32. >inas M. Cooley rton Frank nk B.4>ilbreth ul Friedberg and Goodmnan >rton Helper.'" van Jones ibur J. Meyers Icn Blunt' nette Demhitz ie Feldman ith Gallmeyer . ily G. Grimes n Levy rothy Magee san Manchester Robert L. Pierce Richard Racine Karl. Seiffert Jerry E. Rosenthal George A. Stauter John W. Thomas Johni S. Townsend Mary McCall Cuie Miller Margaret O'Blrien Eleanor Rairdon Anne Margaret Tobini arg arets hompson Olaire Trussell BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 21214 T. IOLLISTER MABLEY, Business Manager RASPER. II. HALVERSON, Assistant Manager Department Managers Advertising.................Charles T. Kline Advertising................Thomas M. Davis Advertising.............William W. Warboys Servie......... ....Norris J. JohnsonI Publication............ Robert W. Williamson Circulation.......... ..Marvin S. Kobacker Acounts ..................Thomas S. Muir usiness Secretary ...........Mary J. Kenan Harry R. Begley Vernon Bishop William Brown Robert Callahan W+illiam sW Davis. liles Hoisington Erie Kightlinger Ann W. Verner Marian Aran Helen Bailey loscphine Conviser Maxine Fishgrund Dorothy LeMire Dorothy Laylia Assistants Noel D. Turner ])on. W. Lyon William Morgan Richard Strateineier Keith Tyler Riard H. Hiller Byron C. Vedder Sylvia Miller Helen Olsen Mildred Postal Marjorie Rough Mary . Watts Johanna Wiese r.,,'......._ FRIDAY, MAY 1, 1931 Night Editor-CARL S. FORSYTHE IN MEMORIAM With the passing of Walter H. Sawyer, regent of the University' who died suddenly on Tuesday afternoon, the state and institution which he served so well lost one of the most highly respected men in the history of Michigan. Epitaphs and comments following the an- nouncement of his death were filled with stirring accounts of his work and his personality. University offi- cials were joined by state legislators in their praise of his 40 years of public service. But Governor Wilber M. Brucker, himself a Michigan man and a per- sonal friend of Mr. Sawyer, has given the most remarkable tribute to the late Regent, and has picked the single quality which stood out above all the'-others in his charac- ter. The statement follows: "Dr. Sawyer has been active in public service for over 40 years and his sudden death comes as a regret- able termination of a life of out-, standing usefulness. He was a leader in his profession and at one 'time he served as president of the state medical"society, but he also had time for service as a member of the board of regents of the Uni- versity and such other activities as the state medical board and the Republican state central committee. "But more than that, Dr. Sawyer possessed a most generous and gen- ial personality which attracted a host of friends. He had an immense capacity for public work and his long experience is replete with ac- complishments that stamped him as a leader in state affairs." It is usual, at the death of a pro- minent man, to eulogize him, pro- cure statements from his colleagues, and print a statement of his funeral.I The process often becomes mechan- ical, and the statements and eulo- gies trite. But the words of praise about Regent Sawyer-as a doctor," as an official,"and as a man-have a true ring which is unmistakably" honest and sincere. To add to the usual sources of tribute, the gov- ernor of the state which Regent Sawyer served voluntarily issues a statement which calls him "a man of immense capacity for work .. . a generous and genial personality .. .a leader in state affairs." Few deaths in University circles have been more heartfelt than the passing of this great Michigan man. jEditorial Commentj The Ph. D. Degree. (The Daily Princetonian) A recent editorial in the New York Herald-Tribune adds its voice to the growing hue and cry against the Ph. D. degree. "The graduate student in an American univer- sity," the editorial states, "is like the apprentice in a printing shop serving a prescribed term before he will be allowed to earn the full union scale. He may know as much as a full-fledged Ph. D., he may be a better teacher, but until he gets his degree he cannot have his full title or salary." That a Ph.D degree may require merely knowl- edge of some minute particular which has virtually nothing to do with a man's teaching' ability is I fairly obvious. Yet college author- 'ities continue to favor those teach- 1ers who possess what Dr. (Ph.D.) Duggan calls "a professional trade- union label," many of them having a gradual scale of academic re- quirements for promotions. There are of course certain ad- vantages which attach to the Ph.D degree. The mental discipline gain ed in its acquirement, and the con- sequent satisfaction of having sift. ed some problem in scholarship are invaluable assets for future re- search. But in these very advan tages lies the principal drawbacks Three years spent in concentrate study of abstruse and technica matters tend to throw the empha- sis on the research side of an aca- demic career, to the possible detri- ment of the teaching side. The re sult is, in only too many cases, tha teaching comes to be considere as an avocation or, still worse, a a sort of necessary evil coming t interrupt the serious business o scholarship. At Princeton it is gratifying t R note that an effort is being mad to lessen the emphasis of the Ph.D degree which prevails in many in- stitutions. Neither the possessio of such a degree nor the publica tion of scholarly books and article is a guarantee of, or a requisite t Faculty appointment or promotion 'eaching capacity is still consid ered of paramount importance, bu even here academic degrees an distinctions are considered import ant criteria for judging that capa city. In spite of the difficulty o accurately determining actual abil ity at teaching, it is to be hope that here at Princeton increasin consideration will be given t teaching in itself and less to tha latest emblem of standardization the Ph.D. degree. Every once in a while when some- body talks of a third party, w think of dear old Catiline and th one he tried to form.-Free Press. The Case For The American Dancer AN ARTICLE BY MARTHA GRAHAM EI)ITo iS NoTE: Miss Graham, formerly preiiire daseuse with Ruth St. Mis land Ted Shawn, is now the featured star of the new Dane lepertor Theatre in New York and proal y th e formost womau d a nler si A in r. fi is to appealr inlte for - coning dramatic Festival as Leader of t he (Ahorus ii te pouti~i~ olof sopioloelc' "Electra" and will also give a matinee solo recital. Interest in the dance as an art and from America, is new-even to dancers themselves, fettered as they have been, together with the general public, to things European. Recognition of the place the dance is destined to hold in the future of the people has been slow in coming --but to a few of the initiate and the lay, it is already a peculiarly great force, an exciting and glorious vitality, that is gradually assuming a form. Although she may not yet know it, America is cradling an art that is destined to be a ruler, in that its urge is masculine and creative rather than imitative. Strangely enough the America that produced Isadora Duncan, the greatest individual stimulus to the dance of modern times, has been blinded for so long by the shining glory of an old culture. There crossed this country in majesty and splendor such great dancers and dance forms as were produced by the Russian ballet, justly arousing a great wave of enthusiasm but leaving in its wake an impression imitative of a culture foreign to us rather than an expression creatively from us. Subject as we are to immigration physically, and sympathetic to_ it as we are spiritually, these waves of influence almost engulfed us. With what result to the art of the dance? That as an integral art form it did not exist and that the foreign forms were reduced to deca- dence in this country by the transplanting. This is true of the Russian dance, born in integrity, of fierce climatic and social conditions, impos- sible to duplicate-the Spanish dance, which in its tradition, its beauty, its cruelty, its pride, its essential nationalism, is impossible to imitate- the Oriental dance, least comprehensible of all, with its hieratic sym- bolic gesture, impossible of assimilation because of its involved philo- sophy-and last the German dance, nearest to us of all, dangerously near, the voice of a determined, tired, but forever mentally undefeated people. Fatuous in our adulation of all things European, we gazed long- ingly at the fruits of a tired culture, while Europe smiled and reached past us to help itself to the wine of our land; its monstrous vital rhythms, crude, glowing colors, dynamic economy of gesture, and that divine awkwardness which is ever a part of what is vital, fresh and masculine in the arts. We are still blind. Our dance performances had become in their misuse of borrowed forms and culturesnot unlike a Roman holiday, equally obscene in their lack of artistic integrity. Granted that rhythm be the sum total of one's experience, then the dance form of America will of necessity differ greatly from that of any other. country. So far the dance derived or transplanted has retarded our creative growth, in spite of the fact that there are thousands of ardent dance pupils in this country. We must first determine what is for us the Primitive-that expression of its psyche only possible to a supremely cultured and integrated people. In America the revolt of a few visionaries from European dance culture has not been animated by a spirit of nationalism. It is not to establish something American that we are striving, but to create a I form and expression that will have for us integrity and creative force. So far we have some six individuals distinctly American in type. There has come about the establishment of the Dance Repertory theatre in New York; which has stung a public into protest and curiosity-a few artists, musicians and painters, it has intoxicated by its daring and honesty and its potentialities; there has been created the need for dance critics on all the leading New York newspapers; musical organizations have been fired-the Philadelphia Orchestra, the League of Composers, the Cleveland Symphony, to collaborate in a production for stage and orchestra. This spring I am personally to have the opportunity of working definitely in the theatric production of the "Electra" with Miss Blanche Yurka. It is an opportunity that I regard as exciting and fraught with possibilities. As to form, which -is the heart, there is begininng to be manifest an economy of gesture in the American dance, an intensity and integrity of mood, a simplified external means, and above all a concentration on "the Stuff" of the dance, which is-movement divinely significant. We are an essentially dramatic country. We build in mass and are built in mass, spiritually and physically. We have two primitive sources, . dangerous and hard to handle in the arts, but of intense psychic signi- ficance-the Indian and the negro. That these influence us is certain- - the negro with his rhythms of disintegration, the Indian by his intense integration, his sense of ritualistic tribal drama. Our greatest dance e form will eventually be an orchestration of various physical rhythms and - spiritual melodies in mass movement. It is life as seen through our - eyes and manifested in our art that is essential and of value to the future of the dance. So the answer to the problem of the American d dance and the American dancer on the part of the individual artists l who point the way is "Know the Land." Know its exciting strange con- - trasts of bareness and fertility--its great sweep of distances-its mon- strous architecture-and the divine machinery of its invention. From these will come the great mass drama that is the American - dance. And the American dance will come through its American dancers, so brilliantly springing to life and talent throughout the country. d s Japanese Print Exhibition ) 'f Since the time when Whistler first sang the praises of the Japanese Prints of the Ukiyo-e movement there has been, particularly in America, o something of a cult devoted to their collection and appreciation. The e danger has probably always been that the Japanese Print would become a fad with no particular discrimination shown in selection: a danger - heightened by the fact that this movement-a "vulgar" middle-class n movement whose prominence in Western salons is deplored by the - Japanese aristocracy-yielded many more garish and meaningless prints s than it did excellent ones. o It is a tribute, then, to the taste of the Ann Arbor Art Association- , whose members have lent their privately owned prints to make up this - exhibition which is open from April 26 to May 10 in the West gallery a of Alumnae Memorial Hall-that the collection is so uniformly good. d The exhibition is also a fortunate one in that it contains example of - the movement from the so-called "Primitives" through Harunobu, who instituted the practice of using all colors, to Utamaro who was its climax in the eighteenth century, and finally to the better-known work of the - "landscape renaissance" by Hokusai and Hiroshige. In quality and inclusiveness the present exhibition is excellent and something of a triumph for the local association and local owners. g The most immediately attractive prints in the collection are, of o course, Hokusai's absolutely faultless landscapes. Considering the rigid- t ity of the method-the limitations imposed by absence of shadows and , the difficulties of grading color-the effects achieved are remarkable. The' designs, too, have charm. But better than that (for the charm may be merely the picturesque novelty of detail), the designs have - strength; they satisfy one's search for a merely linear harmony. Their e predominant mood of soft repose is very refreshing. Similar things are e true of the landscapes of Hiroshige who is represented by about twenty prints. He is less economical and less subtle than Hokusai, his effort to render light and atmosphere carrying him into an elaboration of detail e that sometimes gets out of hand, the decoration occasionally stifling y rather than expressing the lyric mood. But most of his scenes are d lovely, probably being best described as "melodic." - But even of more interest than these, I think, are some of the k eighteenth century figure-prints: particularly the several of Shunsho and the one by Shunyei, the subjects of which are contemporary actors. e~~~l- .(+_I1 n __nnlnr nlmm a m . . + i"a +ko n| =t= ~9IConcerts ARCADE JEWELRY SHOP CARL F. BAY JEWEL)R AND OPTOMETRIST Nickels Arcade I F I 1111 111 Iiil I School of Music si J, a. c- is e,' r.. at ye 0e, tg. Iii IA I. Speaking. of rationalization, w heard of a student the other day who came right out and out anc admitted that he cheated on ex- aminations. I always take my book to class, he said, so that later in lift T rill nrofit h thee vnerienee 11 ma ts'eA T ~T 1 T F --' La% - rw 111111