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April 30, 1931 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1931-04-30

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.... ..A . _ .

Iublished every morning except Monday dur-
g the University year by the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
.Member of Western Conference Editorial Asso-
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to
the use for republication of all news dispatches
(cdited to it or not otherwise credited in this
piper and the local news published herein.
Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor, Michi-
gal:, as secondl class matter. Special rate of
2osi>ge granted by Third Assistant Postmaster
Subscription by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50.
Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, Maynard
Street. Phones: Editorial, 4925; Business, 21214.
Telephone 4925
Chairman Editorial Board
FRANK E. COOPER, City Editor
Newvs Editor...............Gurney Williams
Editorial Director'.............Walter W. Wilds
Assistant City Editor........ Harold 0. Warren
Sports Editor.............Joseph A. Russell
Women's Editor. ..............Mary L. Behmyer
Music, Drama, Books..........Win. J. Gorman
Assistant News Editor.......Charles R. Sprowl
Telegraph Editor............George A. Stauter
Copy Editor.................W.Wm. E. Pyper
S. Beach Conger Charles R. sprowi
Carl S. Forsythe Richard L. Tobin
David M. Nichol harold 0. Warren
John D. Reindei
Sports Assistants
Sheldon C. Fullerton J. Cullen Kennedy
Charles A. Sanford

would be subject to appeal or re-
view by that body.
The Senate committee revised
would be an ideal working unit. It
would possess sole and unlimited
authority over student concerns.
Faculty and students would be en-
abled to deal directly together, to
co-operate immediately and to ap-
preciate the values in divergent
views held by administration and
students. This should go far toward
removing many of the cankerous
spots which have done much to
estrange these interests in the past.
It should compel both to make ear-
nest and decided efforts to deal
together openly and without rancor.
This basis for an amicable. direct

TONIGHT: Miss Betty Suther-
land, student in the piano de-
partment of the School of Music
will appear in a recital in the
School of Music auditorium giv-
ing the following program:
Passacaglia ..... ..... oncalli-lespighi
sicilIiana......... ....gnoto-itespighi
Gagliarda .................... alilei-tespighi
Tainbourin ...............Rameau-Golowsky
Bourree ....................Bach-Saint-Sans
Busslied..................... Beethoven-Liszt
Sonata in F minor..................Brahms
Allegro maestoso

' D



And who cares? Every darn year
about this time Spring has to pop
up and - ruin all my studying and
all your studying and in fact pretty
near all of our studying and what's
more it makes it awfully hard to
study. Of course, Winter and Fall
are very much the same way, but'
one never feels he can do anything
about that. Spring is different.
Every year comes that feeling along
in January that Spring isn't com-
ing this year after all and you will
be able to get that thesis in on time.
Nothing daunted by your lack of
faith, however, it whizzes around
the corner just as you are filling


and harmonious relation of faculty'
to students in dealing with the lat-
ter's concerns would be enough rea-
son for installing the revised plan
of student government. But there
are other benefits. The end of the
Student council would mean an end
likewise to inconsistency, irrespons-
ibility and instability in studentj
government; it would mean an end
of the happy hunting ground for
campus politics and of the stagna-
tion of leadership which only fly-
brained and self-seeking politicians
can concoct.

Polonaise, C sharp minor, Op. 2(i, No. 1 .'. Chopin
Nocturne, F minor, Op. 15, No. 1
Prelude in 1) minor. Opus 28, No. 24
Etude in E major, Opus 10, No. 3
Ballade in A flat major, Opus 47
By Pre-view by R. E. M.

Thomas M. Cooley
Morton Fratnk
Frank B. GiIreth
Saul Friedberg
Roland Goodman
Morton Helper
Bi'yen Jones
Wiir J. Meyers
Eileen Blunt
Nanette 1euihita
Elsie Feldman
Muth Gallneyer
Emily G. Grimes
Jean Levy
]orothy Magee
Susan Manchester

Robert L. Pierce
Richard Racine
Karl Seiffert
Jerry E. Rosenthal
George A. Stauter
John W. Thomas
John S. Townsend

Mary McCall
Cuie Miller
Margaret O'Brien
Eleanor Rairdon
Anne Margaret Tobin
M argaret Thompson
Claire Trussedi

Telephone 21214
11. IOLLIS'rER MABLEY, Business Manager
RASPER H. IALVERSON, Assistant Manager
Department Managers
Advertising.................Charles T. Kline
Advertising...............homas M. Davis
Advertising.............William W. Warboys
service ..................Norris J. Johnson
Publication............Robert W. Williamson
Circulation..............Marvin S. Kobacker
Accounts.r.................Thomas S. Muir
Business Secretary........... .Mar y JKenan

_arry R. Beglev
Vernon Bishop
Robert Calahan
William W. Davis
Miles Iloisington
Erlc Kightlinger
Antn W. Verner
Marian Atran
Helen Bailey
J1osephine sCovisser
Maxine Fishgrund
Dorothy LeMl ire
Dlorothy Lai Jin

Noel D. Turner
Dkon. W. Lyon
William Morgan
Richard Stratemeier
]Keith Tyler
Richard H. Hiller
Byron C. Vedder
Sylvia Miller
IHelen Olsen
Mildred Postal
Marjorie Rough
Mary n. Watts
Johianna Wiese

The successful installation of this
project before the end of the pres-
ent school year would mark the
start of an epoch augering tremen-
dous possibilities for a completely
high-powered student governing
agency. Today's ballot is an initial
step in such a movement. For the
first time in years, students at large
are showing an interest in the man-
agement of their affairs by satis-
factory, and estimable outfit. We
specifically urge that this interest
be manifested by a vote the nature
and size of which will compel at-
tention from the authorities who
must effect the changes cited above.
To the furtherance of this end,,the
students today have occasion for
demonstrating not only interest in,
but responsibility for the conduct
of their affairs.
Students playing on the new Uni-
versity golf course should cooperate
to the fullest extent with those in
charge in the. observance of the
course regulations.
Since the opening of the new
1 course many student-players have
not observed the rules, and have
taken the attitude that they are
playing on public links, and there-
fore need not go out of their way
to replace turf, walk around bunk-
ers and the like. The University
'does not ask more than any private
club would expect from its mem-
bers, and when students tee balls
off greens, pick up other players'
balls and lack common courtesy,
the University has a perfect right
to place rangers at every hole.
Michigan sdudents should take
enough pride in their course, one
of the best in the state, to do every-
thing in their power to keep it in
the finest condition, and to make
playing on it more enjoyable in
every way. Unless the action of
many of the players improves there
is little doubt but that steps will
have to be taken to patrol the
course thoroughly.

Herman Heijerman is a genius your pen to begin the opus and
with character, and is reverenced there you are. Sometimes you never
in the gallery of Dutch masters. He even finish filling the pen.
has with his master hand blended * * *
his art with human life, and we feel Rolling stones make strange
in going out from his play the ser- bedfellows
iousness and truth of his work.
"The Good Hope" deals with the
abuses of the Dutch shipping laws I shall preface WILLIE'S latest
of 1900, but with more than that. special Rolls Feature by a little
Heijermans is more than a propa- verse I just dashed off in about
gandist who influenced social legis- three hours of continuous effort -
lation. His play is a work of art. to wit:-
Its tale of the sea is no fisherman's I like the MAY FESTIVAL
yarn, but brings out through every BY far the best of all
line of dialogue, and in every stroke Musical Fetes
of character, noble tragic emotion. All of which I hates.
The men and women are high-spir-
ited, brave, strong, and honestly And now I turn you over to
vulgar. They drink and jest, they WILLIE......
dream, they stare upon the uncer- *. *
tainty of their lives; sometimes Not hurt, Dan, just terribly, ter-
their talk is of animal humour, ribly angry. Are we mice or are
sometimes it has the tone of rude we men! No, don't tell me, let me
lyric, and at times it reaches the guess. 0 tempora, O mores! What
dignity of dramatic poetry in is this thing called love?
hatred and fear. "The Good Hope" Combine the Coatless Shirt Cam-
burns with the white flame of life. paign with that noblest of all hu-
Play Production's undertaking of man enterprises, Ignore The May
this play is significant, therefore: Festival movement, forsooth! Or, I
it has undertaken the staging of a might add, to make the meaning
masterpiece.-The literary critic will more clear, albeit. To remain away
maintain the play somewhat as I from the May Festival in one's shirt
have above, but practically there would be adequate, though unin-
remains a word of praise that such spired. But to go, even in lounging
an excellent play should find its pajamas.... (four dots, expressing
way to the work of amateurs. exasperation.) If we are to Ignore
"Character" acting is the most diffi- we must Ignore on a grand scale
cult kind (also the most interest To obtain the consensus of campus
ing) ; and is possible only by a opinion on the subject I have stop-
prodigious amount of training and ped five undergraduates on the di-
exercise. "The Good Hope" offers a agonal and asked them the follow-
test to the college group: the com- ing question: What do you think
passionate life that burns within of the May Festival? Tomorrow I
the pages of this script is far re- am going to vary the question thus-
moved from the ordinary range of ly: Say, mister, got a dime for a
its experience; the test is to create cuppa coffee? Anyway I have tabu-
by sympathy and understanding the lated the answers to date.
peculiarities that surround the hu- Sam Glimph (well, it sounded
man emotions presented here. The like that)-"It's a wunnaful idea
task is no mean one, but offers a oney they don't get the right uys
great and fascinating undertakingWoeyPtheedo'tgt th ige guys
for the amateur group. Heijermans Who's Paderewski? A pianner play.
fortheamaeurgrup.Heiermnser. What they need is Libby Hol-
is no common playwright. He is a
craftsman of commensurate skill man and Duke Ellington."
but his trade never shows through Didn't obtain this fellow's name
his art product. He is nearer the -"I don't want to buy a copy of
principles of Life, than the princi- nothing. I'm in a hurry. Out oJ
ples of Plays. Such devotion does my way."
not make an "actor-proof" play, but Sarah Hackenquack-"It's a beau-
"actor-proof" plays generally do not tiful old custom, but I don't see how
make for that splendid basis of the they keep the ribbons from getting
drama, character. all tangled up around the May

Too much emphasis upon the
practical advantages of the pro-
jected Student council-Senate com-
mittee on student affairs realign-
ment, upon which the campus is
today balloting, would be difficult
to place; in fact, the chief merit of
the proposal is fully evinced only
when it is regarded as a highly
practical working plan.
It is not too much to say of this
plan that if placed in operation, it
would eliminate, categorically, every
evil and defect of the present stu-
dent government agency; further,
it may not be too extravagant toI
say that it will inaugurate a newl
era in the management of student
affairs, in the improvement of fac-
ulty-student relations and sympha-
thies, and in the elimination of
baleful habits of campus politicians
when jugglipg for student council
The proposal, in brief, is to scrap
the present Student council as such
and to revise the Senate committee
on student affairs to make its mem-
bership consist of seven faculty
members as'. at present, five ex
officio student members as at pres-
ent, and two student members
elected by the campus at large from
nominees approved by the com-
mittee of the previous year. The
dean of students would remain
chairman of the committee. This
group would have full administra-
tive and legislative powers over stu-




Campus Opinion
Contributors are asked to be brief,
confining theinsekes to less mtfa. Sou
words if possible. An nymous co-
muncations will be disregarded. The
names of communicants will, however,
be regarded -as confidential, upon re-
quest. Letters published should not be
construed as expressing the editorial
opinion of The Daily.
To the Editor:
The Daily's report of Professor
Gidel's lecture on "Peace Agencies
Since 1919," accurate as far as it
went, seemed to give a wrong em-
phasis and draw a pessimistic con-
clusion. While Professor Gidel stat-
ed that the many interpretations of
the Briand-Kellogg pact are juris-
dicially valid, that they constitute
the most definite sanctions of war
ever gathered, and are a retrogres-
sion from Articles X and XVI of the
covenant of the League of Nations
and from the unaccepted Geneva
protocol, he said this from a strict-
ly legal " point of view-as an au-
thority on International Law. His
principal conclusion, however, which

The School of Music Trio, consist-
ing of Messrs. Wassily Besekersky,
violin, Hanns Pick, violoncello, and
Joseph Brinkman, piano, will pre-
sent their third program of the year
Sunday afternoon at 4:15 o'clock in
the Mendelssohn Theatre. The or-
ganization of this trio for the pur-
poses of introducing the fine liter-
ature for this chamber combination
to Ann Arbor patrons in the Facul-
ty series has proved one of the hap-
piest moves the local School of
Music has made in some time. Re-
ceptign of its first two programs
has been cdrdial testimony that
the idea is widely appreciated. The
program to be given Sunday in-
cludes the following three trios:
Trio in EMajor, Op. 1 5, No. .. W. A. oz art
Trio 01). 34 ..... ..... .'clwrepmine
Trio in ) Minor, Op. o . ......IH. Schumann
The second annual exhibition of
sculpture of the division of Fine
Arts which opened Sunday and
Monday has been extended, because
of the unprecedented enthusiasm
with which it was received, all week
and will be open to the public in
rooms 401 and 403 of University
Sculpture in one of the more re-
cent outlets locally for amateur
students and its growth, both from
the point of view of students work-
ing and people interested in their
work, has been very rapid. Lorado
Taft was so impressed by the first
exhibit last year that he made spe-
cial mention of it at the American
Federation of Arts convention at
The present exhibit includes three
works by Hermann A. MacNeill,
noted American sculntor who was

John Smith-"No speaka English."
(I stuffed his body in one of the In-
tramural lockers, along with Sar-
Mo n tm o r enc nMontmorency-
"Perfectly charming, but futile at-
tempt to install some culture into
these callow chaps around here.
But then, what can you expect
from a State U. ?"
I left good ol' Monty-as he beg-
ged me to call him-at the Health
Service, for my early exertions had
rather fatigued me. So now you
see where we stand. Well, perhaps
not entirely, but that'll give you a
rough idea. Put on your coat, and
go around muttering, glaring at
people, and utterly Ignoring The
May Festival.
Thanks for the use of the hall.
Well, I must say, Willie, I ex-
pected a lot better of you than
that, and I didn't get it either.
The very idea of a mere tryout
for Rolls having the audacity
(faculty of hearing) to say that
one of my campaigns was what-
ever you said it was just now...
I seem to have forgotten. That's
gratitude for you. That's LIFE.
That's the way of a man with
a maid, and in conclusion,
that's a very very nasty way to
Dan Baxter.
LIVES of great men all remind us,
As on the campus walks we stroll,
That they all got kicked out of col-
lege too
It's a fine world after all.



dent affairs, 'combining those now' your report overlooks, was that "in-
vested in the Student council and' ternational relations today rest only
on moral grounds." These, and not
Senate committee on student affairs. the legal grounds, are significant.
To handle routine and solely ad- Who would say that the Briand-
ministrative matters, a student ad- Kellogg Pact was a moral retro-
ministrative council would be set gression from the earlier pacts?
up; this is to operate on the merit "Interdependence of peoples," said
Professor Gidel, "really exists as a
system, possesing somewhat the simple material fact-but solidarity
same relationship to the Senate is a moral object. Moral relations
committee revised as the .upper between individuals are recognized,
staffs of publications bear to their but nations have not found out that
board in control. Further, the pres- the injustice of one is the danger
*--,,4- " eo "r P eonnmic or m il

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