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February 22, 1931 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1931-02-22

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fJ ,f i. i I

SU'\TDjjy, 7E:Dp,-, TjjRy

IAI Y-_ --Y F.?TJAR 2, 9_

Chicago Election Promises One
of Hottest Contests in
City's History.
Judge Lyle, Young Alderman
Chief Contenders for
Mayoralty Chair.
(Bu Associated Press)
CHICAGO, Feb. 21.-A compara-
tive youngster with a reputation as
a fighter and a crusading jurist
who leaped into fame as a foe of,
gangland is challenging the reign
of Chicago's veteran mayor.
Arthur F. Albert, only 32 years
old but an alderman for 10 years,
is one of those trying to oust Mayor
William Hale Thompson in Tues-
day's Republican primary. He is
backed by the faction headed by
Senator Charles S. Deneen.
John H. Lyle, the municipal court
judge whose campaign against the
underworld won him the title "the
nemesis of gangland," is the other
major candidate.
In vastly different ways these two
canididates are saying much the
same thing: They are urging voters
to turn the present administration
out of the city hall, and have hurled
charges of "criminal-political alli-
ances" and of corruption. Each
claims to be the leading anti-
Thompson candidate and asserts
that a vote for the other means a
vote for Thompson.
Bolted Thompson's Group.
Both have been at one time af-
filiated with Thompson's organiza-
tion but both have been outspoken
opponents in recent years.
Although this similarity of argu-1
ment runs through their campaigns
the personalities of the two men
are greatly different and there is
much bitterness in the two camps
because the anti-administration
vote is being split.
Lyle is as spectacular a campaign-
er as he is a spectacular judge. His
stage properties are the deadly

Farm Board Member
Will Leave Past Soon
t Associated Press Photo I
Samuel R. McKelvie,
Wheat, expert, who is a member
of the farm board. He plans to
retire from his position on the fed-
eral body at the expiration of his
term, June 15.
Dean of Education School Tells
Pedagogues of Evil of
State Text-Books.



Files ol

f Early Local Journals
11 of Trends in Life
of City, School.

Aldermen Ask Group to Explain
Issue for Water Measure.
The citizens committee, organized
last spring when the $325,000 water
bond issue was up for considera-j
tion, has been recalled by alder-

at 601 Forest avenue, Feb. 5.
Those held in Detroit in connec-
tion with the robbery are Jack Ben-
son, 281 Winder street; Edward
Bellant, 1594 Fairview avenue; Jer-
ry Tulepano, Mitchell hotel; Eli
Fisher, 1594 Fairview avenue; and
William Lescoe, 3475 Hilger avenue.
Joseph Salvo, believed by police
to be the leader of the gang, has
denied that he was involved.

"Newspapers," says this week'sI
Alumnus, "those ordinary, common
t rinted sheets for which people
!have been spending their pennies
for years, reading them, and throw-
ing them away, may be among thej
most cherished possessions of a li-'
brary." Of course yesterday's paper
isn't worth much right now, but'
what about those printed in the
early 1700's and 1800's? The truth'
is that newspapers form a very val-
uable contemporary source of in-
formation which is worth thou-
sands and thousands of dollars to,
the historian.G
"The University has a goodly
store of old newspapers' the arti-!

TANT HISTORICAL With the proximity of the life of
the University to that of the city
E S TOR Y DISCLOSES itself, a complete record of the dual
happenings in the school and the
scholars. It is parucularly eager to town proper may be gleaned from
reinforce its stock of papers from just such records. Any papers pub-
Ann Arbor and vicinity. From Nov. lished in Washtenaw county during
18, 1929, to date there is a fairly these early days will be appreciated
complete file, not of one newspaper by the library where these files are
but of several considered together. kept expertly and with a maximum
But there are gaps which ought to of safety.
be filled." Newspapers printed on "rag pap-
er' -are much more durable than
"For instances," the articles con-
cludes, "there are only five scatter- those printed on pulp. Several met-
ropolitan issues are now made on
ed num bers of one newspaper bo h " a " a d p l a e, t e pul
printed in Ann Arbor which, be- both rag' and pulp paper, the pulp
twen 829an 185 orerie nme being used for street sales and the
tween 1829 and 1835 bore five names "rag," which is very expensive, be-
-western Emigrant; E-migrant; ing bought by such library collec-
Whe:, _ Michigan ig ad tions as the University's.
Wh.and Mcia hgand- ___
Wasitenaw Emigrant. There is on-
ly one number apiece of the follow-
ing: The Mill-Boy of the Slashes
(Oct. 21, 1844-perhaps the only is-
sue}; XVolvereen (October 24, 1836);
and ' r °:. Chronicle (March 14,1" oday Continuous

men for the purpose of explaining
the issue.
The bond issue is to come before
the voters March 2. Headed by
John N. Neelands, the committee
is expected to meet early this week.
Aldermen also pointed out thatI
softening of water, which has be-
come a majorissue, will not be
given consideration until after vo-

Daily Official Bulletin
(Continued from Page 8)
the finance committees Tuesday
evening at 7:30 in the Union. All
members are urged to be present


states '"constantly in use by1839)."

_ .. _.___ ... ___ _ _ _ _ ._._ _ _ .. - r


ters have acted on the water meas- on time and to turn in the class
ure. Construction of a reservoir dues that have been collected. Be
and new mains, the aldermen said, sure to have receipt books.
was more important at the present
time than the question of softening' Mechamal Engmieermig Seniors:
water. M . R. L. -ipley and Mr. W.aE.c
___________East of the 1<uller TLehigh and
Police Prove Suspect Babcock & Wilcox Companies, will
be in room 221 Wcst Engineering
Shot Grocery Dealer building on Wednesday, February
25, for the purpose of interviewing
Held by police since Thursday any men interested in employment
morning for investigation, Edward with this company.



Meyers, of Linwood, Michigan, was
identified yesterday as one of the
two bandits who held up and shot
Alphonse Lemble in his grocery
store at 530 S. Forest avenue on
Nov. 3.

Meyers, who is 22 years old, was
Denouncing the state publication identified by Lemble and Sam
of textbooks as unwise, unethical, Zebbs, 916 Greene street, a Negro
and unsound, Dean james B. Ed- who was in the store at the time
monson, of the School of Educa- of the robbery.
tion, told the National Society for Meyers was discovered by police
tioneg TdhersoNuation cito through information that weapons
College Teachers of Education, at were concealed in a hotel on Ann
their meeting last night in the street. Investigation led to the dis-
Masone temple in Detroit, that he coveryof an automatic pistol and
questioned the wisdom of legisla- several knives and the arrest of
tion providing for state uniformity Meyers. Police first connected him
in such matters. with the Lemble shooting through
The group is a sub-organization a description of the bandits which
of the National Education associa- Lemble gave at the time.
tion, which is holding its annual
convention in Detroit from Feb. 21 Detroit Police Hold
to 28.
"The textbook," stated Dean Ed- Six in Robbery Case
monson, "determines very largely --
what is taught to our pupils. The Arrested in Detroit early yester-
,,a _.4-;,,,-i 4- v .r .a .. _1- An iY tv lhc O a h in h lrlf l

Mechanical Engineering Seniors:
Mr. J. H. Burgess of Proctor &
Gamble Company of Ivorydale.
Ohio, will be in the Chemical Engi-
neering Seminar room on Wednes-
day, February 25, for the purpose
of interviewing any men itnerested
in employment with this company.
Please make appointments prior to
that time in the office of A. 11.

j 1



State Street Jewelers


educational interests of pupils,
therefore, must at all times, be the
primary consideration in apprais-

day, six yout s are being heda foi-
lowing a confession in which they
admitted committing more than 50

weapons of the gangster and as he ing pians fr the making and se-
talks he holds up a machine gun: lecting of these. Selfish interests
and demonstrates how it is put to- 'must not be allowed to deprive
gether. He tells what gangsters pupils of the best available instruc-
use that type of weapon, how many tional materials. In the 'selection
shots it fires and how accurate is of textbooks care must be taken
its aim. The audience shudders. to insure that books are selected on
Runs Quiet Campaign. the basis of merit. Free textbooks
Albert conducts his campaign in should be provided in all public
a quieter manner. He hasdeveloped schools in the interest of betterj
an extensive women's organization educational opportunitics for the
and has surounded himself at his children."
principal meetings with well-known Dean Edmonson announccd that
politicians and educators. Three the yearbook entitled, "The Text-
former candidates who failed to book in American Education," had
beat Thompson are among his been prepared by a committee (!
backers. which he was chairman. The book'
The young alderman is short, reports that the standards of prac-
heavy-set, and has a beaming ruddy tice in the textbook business are
complexion. He speaks rapidly tell- higher that formerly and that the
ing of the reforms he thinks neces- standards are higher that those
sary to give the city a good govern- that prevail in other businesses.
Although he has the solid sup- TYPEWRITER
port of the Democratic organiza- REPAIRING
tion, Anton J. Cermak has made a All makes of machines.
fairly extensive campaign and has Our equipment and per-
urged his workers to get out at s o n n e I are considered
least 250,000 votes. There are more among the best in the State. The result
than 1,000,000 registered voters in of twenty years' careful building.
Clicago, but not more than halfI
of them ordinarily ballot in a pri- 0. D.MORRILL
mary election. 314 South State St. Phone 6615

hold-ups, among which was the
robbery of the Witham drug store

1' a

Modern styles call
for new methods
and prompt serv-
ice. We furnish

A button is such a little insigni-
ficant thing . . . yet a missing but-
ton is about the biggest obstacle to
dressing or to holding one's temper
when you're in a hurry.
That's a service our careful workers
always try to render for you! At-
taching buttons, making slight re-
pairs at no extra charge and really
watching the little details in our
Dry Cleaning.
PHONE 4191


nirmtable! Irresistible!
outshines the brilliance of "Sally" in
An unb1isznva Iide with a husband too many and sweethearts too few.
0. P. HEGGIE--Inez Courtney




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March 16 to 21



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